{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, MonadComprehensions, DeriveAnyClass,
DeriveGeneric #-}
module Text.ANTLR.Lex.NFA where
import Text.ANTLR.Lex.Automata
import Text.ANTLR.Lex.DFA (DFA(..))
import qualified Text.ANTLR.Lex.DFA as DFA
import Text.ANTLR.Set (singleton, notMember, union, Set(..), member, Hashable)
import qualified Text.ANTLR.Set as Set
import Text.ANTLR.Set (fromList, toList)
import Data.List (maximumBy)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
data Edge s = Edge s | NFAEpsilon
deriving (Ord, Eq, Hashable, Generic)
instance (Show s) => Show (Edge s) where
show NFAEpsilon = "ϵ"
show (Edge s) = "E(" ++ show s ++ ")"
isEdge :: Edge s -> Bool
isEdge (Edge _) = True
isEdge _ = False
type NFA s i = Automata (Edge s) s i
type State i = i
type DFAState i = Config (State i)
epsClosure ::
(Ord i, Hashable i, Hashable s, Eq s)
=> Automata (Edge s) s i -> Config i -> Config i
epsClosure = closureWith (NFAEpsilon ==)
nfa2dfa_slow :: forall s i. (Hashable s, Eq s, Hashable i, Eq i, Ord i)
=> NFA s i -> DFA s (Set (State i))
nfa2dfa_slow nfa@Automata{s0 = s0, _Σ = _Σ, _F = _F0} = let
epsCl = epsClosure nfa
mv = move nfa
dS :: Config (DFAState i) -> Config (DFAState i) -> Set (Transition (DFA.Edge s) (DFAState i))
dS marked ts
| Set.null ts = Set.empty
| otherwise = let
_Δ = fromList
[ (_T, (False, singleton a), epsCl (mv _T (Edge a)))
| _T <- toList ts
, _T `notMember` marked
, a <- toList _Σ
_Us = Set.map (\(a,b,c) -> c) _Δ
fromStates = Set.map (\(a,b,c) -> a) _Δ
in _Δ `union` dS (fromStates `union` marked) _Us
_Δ' :: Set (Transition (DFA.Edge s) (DFAState i))
_Δ' = dS Set.empty (singleton s0')
s0' = epsCl $ singleton s0
in Automata
{ _S = fromList [ tFrom x | x <- toList _Δ' ] `union` fromList [ tTo x | x <- toList _Δ' ]
, _Σ = _Σ
, _Δ = _Δ'
, s0 = s0'
, _F = fromList [nfaState | (_,_,nfaState) <- toList _Δ', c <- toList nfaState, c `member` _F0]
nfa2dfa :: forall s i. (Hashable s, Eq s, Hashable i, Eq i, Ord i)
=> NFA s i -> DFA s (Set (State i))
nfa2dfa nfa@Automata{s0 = s0, _Σ = _Σ, _S = _S, _F = _F0} = let
epsCl = epsClosure nfa
mv = move nfa
dS :: Config (DFAState i) -> Config (DFAState i) -> Set (Transition (DFA.Edge s) (DFAState i))
dS marked ts
| Set.null ts = Set.empty
| otherwise = let
_Δ =
[ (_T, (False, singleton a), epsCl (mv _T (Edge a)))
| _T <- Set.toList ts
, _T `notMember` marked
, a <- Set.toList _Σ
[ (_T, (True, _Σ), epsCl $ moveComplement nfa _T)
| _T <- Set.toList ts
, _T `notMember` marked
_Us = fromList [ c | (a,b,c) <- toList _Δ ]
fromStates = fromList [ a | (a,b,c) <- toList _Δ ]
in _Δ `union` dS (fromStates `union` marked) _Us
_Δ' :: Set (Transition (DFA.Edge s) (DFAState i))
_Δ' = let run_dS = dS Set.empty (singleton s0')
in Set.filter (\(_, _, b) -> not $ Set.null b) $ compress run_dS
s0' = epsCl $ singleton s0
in Automata
{ _S = fromList [ tFrom x | x <- toList _Δ' ] `union` fromList [ tTo x | x <- toList _Δ' ]
, _Σ = _Σ
, _Δ = _Δ'
, s0 = s0'
, _F = fromList [nfaState | (_,_,nfaState) <- toList _Δ', c <- toList nfaState, c `member` _F0]
allStates :: forall s i. (Hashable i, Eq i) => Set (Transition (Edge s) i) -> Set (State i)
allStates ts = fromList [ n | (n, _, _) <- toList ts ] `union` fromList [ n | (_, _, n) <- toList ts ]
list2nfa :: forall s i. (Hashable i, Eq i, Hashable s, Eq s) => [Transition (Edge s) i] -> NFA s i
list2nfa [] = undefined
list2nfa ((t@(n1,_,_)):ts) = Automata
{ _S = allStates $ Set.fromList (t:ts)
, _Σ = Set.fromList [ e
| (_, es, _) <- t:ts
, Edge e <- filter isEdge (Set.toList $ snd es)
, s0 = n1
, _F = Set.fromList [ (\(_,_,c) -> c) $ last (t:ts) ]
, _Δ = Set.fromList $ t:ts
shiftAllStates ::
forall s i. (Hashable i, Eq i, Ord i, Hashable s, Eq s)
=> (i -> Int) -> (Int -> i) -> NFA s i -> NFA s i -> NFA s i
shiftAllStates from to
n1 (n2@Automata{_Δ = _Δ2, _S = _S2, _F = _F2, s0 = s2_0})
= n2 { _Δ = fromList [ (to $ from i0 + shift, e, to $ from i1 + shift) | (i0, e, i1) <- toList _Δ2 ]
, _S = fromList [ to $ from i + shift | i <- toList _S2 ]
, _F = fromList [ to $ from i + shift | i <- toList _F2 ]
, s0 = to $ from s2_0 + shift
shift = 1 + foldr (\(i0, _, i1) i -> from $ maximum [to i, i0, i1]) 0 (_Δ n1)
nfaUnion ::
forall s i. (Ord i, Hashable i, Eq i, Hashable s, Eq s)
=> (i -> Int) -> (Int -> i) -> NFA s i -> NFA s i -> NFA s i
nfaUnion from to
(n1@Automata{_Δ = _Δ1, _S = _S1, _F = _F1, s0 = s1_0}) n2
= let
Automata{_Δ = _Δ2, _S = _S2, _F = _F2, s0 = s2_0} = shiftAllStates from to n1 n2
mx2 = 1 + foldr (\(i0, _, i1) i -> from $ maximum [to i, i0, i1]) 0 _Δ2
_Δ' = _Δ1
`union` _Δ2
`union` Set.singleton (s0', (False, singleton NFAEpsilon), s1_0)
`union` Set.singleton (s0', (False, singleton NFAEpsilon), s2_0)
`union` fromList [ (f1_0, (False, singleton NFAEpsilon), f0') | f1_0 <- toList _F1 ]
`union` fromList [ (f2_0, (False, singleton NFAEpsilon), f0') | f2_0 <- toList _F2 ]
s0' = to mx2
f0' = to $ mx2 + 1
in Automata
{ _S = allStates _Δ'
, _Σ = fromList [ e
| (_, es, _) <- toList _Δ'
, Edge e <- toList $ Set.filter isEdge $ snd es
, s0 = s0'
, _F = Set.fromList [f0']
, _Δ = _Δ'
nfaConcat ::
forall s i. (Hashable i, Eq i, Ord i, Hashable s, Eq s) => (i -> Int) -> (Int -> i) -> NFA s i -> NFA s i -> NFA s i
nfaConcat from to
(n1@Automata{_Δ = _Δ1, _S = _S1, _F = _F1, s0 = s1_0}) n2
= let
Automata{_Δ = _Δ2, _S = _S2, _F = _F2, s0 = s2_0} = shiftAllStates from to n1 n2
_Δ' = _Δ1
`union` _Δ2
`union` fromList [ (f1_0, (False, singleton NFAEpsilon), s2_0) | f1_0 <- toList _F1 ]
in Automata
{ _S = allStates _Δ'
, _Σ = fromList [ e
| (_, es, _) <- toList _Δ'
, Edge e <- toList $ Set.filter isEdge $ snd es
, s0 = s1_0
, _F = _F2
, _Δ = _Δ'
nfaKleene :: forall s i. (Ord i, Hashable i, Eq i, Hashable s, Eq s) => (i -> Int) -> (Int -> i) -> NFA s i -> NFA s i
nfaKleene from to
(n1@Automata{_Δ = _Δ1, _S = _S1, _F = _F1, s0 = s1_0})
= let
mx1 = 1 + foldr (\(i0, _, i1) i -> from $ maximum [to i, i0, i1]) 0 _Δ1
s0' = to mx1
f0' = to $ mx1 + 1
_Δ' = _Δ1
`union` Set.singleton (s0', (False, singleton NFAEpsilon), s1_0)
`union` Set.singleton (s0', (False, singleton NFAEpsilon), f0')
`union` fromList [ (f1_0, (False, singleton NFAEpsilon), s1_0) | f1_0 <- toList _F1 ]
`union` fromList [ (f1_0, (False, singleton NFAEpsilon), f0') | f1_0 <- toList _F1 ]
in Automata
{ _S = allStates _Δ'
, _Σ = fromList [ e
| (_, es, _) <- toList _Δ'
, Edge e <- toList $ Set.filter isEdge $ snd es
, s0 = s0'
, _F = Set.fromList [f0']
, _Δ = _Δ'