amazonka-personalize-events-2.0: Amazon Personalize Events SDK.
Copyright(c) 2013-2023 Brendan Hay
LicenseMozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
MaintainerBrendan Hay
Portabilitynon-portable (GHC extensions)
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred





data Event Source #

Represents user interaction event information sent using the PutEvents API.

See: newEvent smart constructor.




  • eventId :: Maybe Text

    An ID associated with the event. If an event ID is not provided, Amazon Personalize generates a unique ID for the event. An event ID is not used as an input to the model. Amazon Personalize uses the event ID to distinquish unique events. Any subsequent events after the first with the same event ID are not used in model training.

  • eventValue :: Maybe Double

    The event value that corresponds to the EVENT_VALUE field of the Interactions schema.

  • impression :: Maybe (NonEmpty (Sensitive Text))

    A list of item IDs that represents the sequence of items you have shown the user. For example, ["itemId1", "itemId2", "itemId3"]. Provide a list of items to manually record impressions data for an event. For more information on recording impressions data, see Recording impressions data.

  • itemId :: Maybe (Sensitive Text)

    The item ID key that corresponds to the ITEM_ID field of the Interactions schema.

  • metricAttribution :: Maybe MetricAttribution

    Contains information about the metric attribution associated with an event. For more information about metric attributions, see Measuring impact of recommendations.

  • properties :: Maybe (Sensitive Text)

    A string map of event-specific data that you might choose to record. For example, if a user rates a movie on your site, other than movie ID (itemId) and rating (eventValue) , you might also send the number of movie ratings made by the user.

    Each item in the map consists of a key-value pair. For example,

    {"numberOfRatings": "12"}

    The keys use camel case names that match the fields in the Interactions schema. In the above example, the numberOfRatings would match the 'NUMBER_OF_RATINGS' field defined in the Interactions schema.

  • recommendationId :: Maybe Text

    The ID of the list of recommendations that contains the item the user interacted with. Provide a recommendationId to have Amazon Personalize implicitly record the recommendations you show your user as impressions data. Or provide a recommendationId if you use a metric attribution to measure the impact of recommendations.

    For more information on recording impressions data, see Recording impressions data. For more information on creating a metric attribution see Measuring impact of recommendations.

  • eventType :: Text

    The type of event, such as click or download. This property corresponds to the EVENT_TYPE field of your Interactions schema and depends on the types of events you are tracking.

  • sentAt :: POSIX

    The timestamp (in Unix time) on the client side when the event occurred.


Instances details
ToJSON Event Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Amazonka.PersonalizeEvents.Types.Event

Generic Event Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Amazonka.PersonalizeEvents.Types.Event

Associated Types

type Rep Event :: Type -> Type #


from :: Event -> Rep Event x #

to :: Rep Event x -> Event #

Show Event Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Amazonka.PersonalizeEvents.Types.Event


showsPrec :: Int -> Event -> ShowS #

show :: Event -> String #

showList :: [Event] -> ShowS #

NFData Event Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Amazonka.PersonalizeEvents.Types.Event


rnf :: Event -> () #

Eq Event Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Amazonka.PersonalizeEvents.Types.Event


(==) :: Event -> Event -> Bool #

(/=) :: Event -> Event -> Bool #

Hashable Event Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Amazonka.PersonalizeEvents.Types.Event


hashWithSalt :: Int -> Event -> Int #

hash :: Event -> Int #

type Rep Event Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Amazonka.PersonalizeEvents.Types.Event

newEvent Source #

Create a value of Event with all optional fields omitted.

Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.

The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:

$sel:eventId:Event', event_eventId - An ID associated with the event. If an event ID is not provided, Amazon Personalize generates a unique ID for the event. An event ID is not used as an input to the model. Amazon Personalize uses the event ID to distinquish unique events. Any subsequent events after the first with the same event ID are not used in model training.

$sel:eventValue:Event', event_eventValue - The event value that corresponds to the EVENT_VALUE field of the Interactions schema.

$sel:impression:Event', event_impression - A list of item IDs that represents the sequence of items you have shown the user. For example, ["itemId1", "itemId2", "itemId3"]. Provide a list of items to manually record impressions data for an event. For more information on recording impressions data, see Recording impressions data.

$sel:itemId:Event', event_itemId - The item ID key that corresponds to the ITEM_ID field of the Interactions schema.

$sel:metricAttribution:Event', event_metricAttribution - Contains information about the metric attribution associated with an event. For more information about metric attributions, see Measuring impact of recommendations.

$sel:properties:Event', event_properties - A string map of event-specific data that you might choose to record. For example, if a user rates a movie on your site, other than movie ID (itemId) and rating (eventValue) , you might also send the number of movie ratings made by the user.

Each item in the map consists of a key-value pair. For example,

{"numberOfRatings": "12"}

The keys use camel case names that match the fields in the Interactions schema. In the above example, the numberOfRatings would match the 'NUMBER_OF_RATINGS' field defined in the Interactions schema.

$sel:recommendationId:Event', event_recommendationId - The ID of the list of recommendations that contains the item the user interacted with. Provide a recommendationId to have Amazon Personalize implicitly record the recommendations you show your user as impressions data. Or provide a recommendationId if you use a metric attribution to measure the impact of recommendations.

For more information on recording impressions data, see Recording impressions data. For more information on creating a metric attribution see Measuring impact of recommendations.

$sel:eventType:Event', event_eventType - The type of event, such as click or download. This property corresponds to the EVENT_TYPE field of your Interactions schema and depends on the types of events you are tracking.

$sel:sentAt:Event', event_sentAt - The timestamp (in Unix time) on the client side when the event occurred.

event_eventId :: Lens' Event (Maybe Text) Source #

An ID associated with the event. If an event ID is not provided, Amazon Personalize generates a unique ID for the event. An event ID is not used as an input to the model. Amazon Personalize uses the event ID to distinquish unique events. Any subsequent events after the first with the same event ID are not used in model training.

event_eventValue :: Lens' Event (Maybe Double) Source #

The event value that corresponds to the EVENT_VALUE field of the Interactions schema.

event_impression :: Lens' Event (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #

A list of item IDs that represents the sequence of items you have shown the user. For example, ["itemId1", "itemId2", "itemId3"]. Provide a list of items to manually record impressions data for an event. For more information on recording impressions data, see Recording impressions data.

event_itemId :: Lens' Event (Maybe Text) Source #

The item ID key that corresponds to the ITEM_ID field of the Interactions schema.

event_metricAttribution :: Lens' Event (Maybe MetricAttribution) Source #

Contains information about the metric attribution associated with an event. For more information about metric attributions, see Measuring impact of recommendations.

event_properties :: Lens' Event (Maybe Text) Source #

A string map of event-specific data that you might choose to record. For example, if a user rates a movie on your site, other than movie ID (itemId) and rating (eventValue) , you might also send the number of movie ratings made by the user.

Each item in the map consists of a key-value pair. For example,

{"numberOfRatings": "12"}

The keys use camel case names that match the fields in the Interactions schema. In the above example, the numberOfRatings would match the 'NUMBER_OF_RATINGS' field defined in the Interactions schema.

event_recommendationId :: Lens' Event (Maybe Text) Source #

The ID of the list of recommendations that contains the item the user interacted with. Provide a recommendationId to have Amazon Personalize implicitly record the recommendations you show your user as impressions data. Or provide a recommendationId if you use a metric attribution to measure the impact of recommendations.

For more information on recording impressions data, see Recording impressions data. For more information on creating a metric attribution see Measuring impact of recommendations.

event_eventType :: Lens' Event Text Source #

The type of event, such as click or download. This property corresponds to the EVENT_TYPE field of your Interactions schema and depends on the types of events you are tracking.

event_sentAt :: Lens' Event UTCTime Source #

The timestamp (in Unix time) on the client side when the event occurred.