{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies       #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds   #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches #-}

-- Derived from AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0.

-- |
-- Module      : Network.AWS.IoT.RegisterCACertificate
-- Copyright   : (c) 2013-2016 Brendan Hay
-- License     : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
-- Maintainer  : Brendan Hay <brendan.g.hay@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : auto-generated
-- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions)
-- Registers a CA certificate with AWS IoT. This CA certificate can then be used to sign device certificates, which can be then registered with AWS IoT. You can register up to 10 CA certificates per AWS account that have the same subject field and public key. This enables you to have up to 10 certificate authorities sign your device certificates. If you have more than one CA certificate registered, make sure you pass the CA certificate when you register your device certificates with the RegisterCertificate API.
module Network.AWS.IoT.RegisterCACertificate
    -- * Creating a Request
    , RegisterCACertificate
    -- * Request Lenses
    , rcacSetAsActive
    , rcacAllowAutoRegistration
    , rcacCaCertificate
    , rcacVerificationCertificate

    -- * Destructuring the Response
    , registerCACertificateResponse
    , RegisterCACertificateResponse
    -- * Response Lenses
    , rcacrsCertificateARN
    , rcacrsCertificateId
    , rcacrsResponseStatus
    ) where

import           Network.AWS.IoT.Types
import           Network.AWS.IoT.Types.Product
import           Network.AWS.Lens
import           Network.AWS.Prelude
import           Network.AWS.Request
import           Network.AWS.Response

-- | The input to the RegisterCACertificate operation.
-- /See:/ 'registerCACertificate' smart constructor.
data RegisterCACertificate = RegisterCACertificate'
    { _rcacSetAsActive             :: !(Maybe Bool)
    , _rcacAllowAutoRegistration   :: !(Maybe Bool)
    , _rcacCaCertificate           :: !Text
    , _rcacVerificationCertificate :: !Text
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'RegisterCACertificate' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'rcacSetAsActive'
-- * 'rcacAllowAutoRegistration'
-- * 'rcacCaCertificate'
-- * 'rcacVerificationCertificate'
    :: Text -- ^ 'rcacCaCertificate'
    -> Text -- ^ 'rcacVerificationCertificate'
    -> RegisterCACertificate
registerCACertificate pCaCertificate_ pVerificationCertificate_ =
    { _rcacSetAsActive = Nothing
    , _rcacAllowAutoRegistration = Nothing
    , _rcacCaCertificate = pCaCertificate_
    , _rcacVerificationCertificate = pVerificationCertificate_

-- | A boolean value that specifies if the CA certificate is set to active.
rcacSetAsActive :: Lens' RegisterCACertificate (Maybe Bool)
rcacSetAsActive = lens _rcacSetAsActive (\ s a -> s{_rcacSetAsActive = a});

-- | Allows this CA certificate to be used for auto registration of device certificates.
rcacAllowAutoRegistration :: Lens' RegisterCACertificate (Maybe Bool)
rcacAllowAutoRegistration = lens _rcacAllowAutoRegistration (\ s a -> s{_rcacAllowAutoRegistration = a});

-- | The CA certificate.
rcacCaCertificate :: Lens' RegisterCACertificate Text
rcacCaCertificate = lens _rcacCaCertificate (\ s a -> s{_rcacCaCertificate = a});

-- | The private key verification certificate.
rcacVerificationCertificate :: Lens' RegisterCACertificate Text
rcacVerificationCertificate = lens _rcacVerificationCertificate (\ s a -> s{_rcacVerificationCertificate = a});

instance AWSRequest RegisterCACertificate where
        type Rs RegisterCACertificate =
        request = postJSON ioT
          = receiveJSON
              (\ s h x ->
                 RegisterCACertificateResponse' <$>
                   (x .?> "certificateArn") <*> (x .?> "certificateId")
                     <*> (pure (fromEnum s)))

instance Hashable RegisterCACertificate

instance NFData RegisterCACertificate

instance ToHeaders RegisterCACertificate where
        toHeaders = const mempty

instance ToJSON RegisterCACertificate where
        toJSON RegisterCACertificate'{..}
          = object
                 [Just ("caCertificate" .= _rcacCaCertificate),
                    ("verificationCertificate" .=

instance ToPath RegisterCACertificate where
        toPath = const "/cacertificate"

instance ToQuery RegisterCACertificate where
        toQuery RegisterCACertificate'{..}
          = mconcat
              ["setAsActive" =: _rcacSetAsActive,
               "allowAutoRegistration" =:

-- | The output from the RegisterCACertificateResponse operation.
-- /See:/ 'registerCACertificateResponse' smart constructor.
data RegisterCACertificateResponse = RegisterCACertificateResponse'
    { _rcacrsCertificateARN :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _rcacrsCertificateId  :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _rcacrsResponseStatus :: !Int
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'RegisterCACertificateResponse' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'rcacrsCertificateARN'
-- * 'rcacrsCertificateId'
-- * 'rcacrsResponseStatus'
    :: Int -- ^ 'rcacrsResponseStatus'
    -> RegisterCACertificateResponse
registerCACertificateResponse pResponseStatus_ =
    { _rcacrsCertificateARN = Nothing
    , _rcacrsCertificateId = Nothing
    , _rcacrsResponseStatus = pResponseStatus_

-- | The CA certificate ARN.
rcacrsCertificateARN :: Lens' RegisterCACertificateResponse (Maybe Text)
rcacrsCertificateARN = lens _rcacrsCertificateARN (\ s a -> s{_rcacrsCertificateARN = a});

-- | The CA certificate identifier.
rcacrsCertificateId :: Lens' RegisterCACertificateResponse (Maybe Text)
rcacrsCertificateId = lens _rcacrsCertificateId (\ s a -> s{_rcacrsCertificateId = a});

-- | The response status code.
rcacrsResponseStatus :: Lens' RegisterCACertificateResponse Int
rcacrsResponseStatus = lens _rcacrsResponseStatus (\ s a -> s{_rcacrsResponseStatus = a});

instance NFData RegisterCACertificateResponse