module Sound.ALSA.PCM.Core.Convert where
import qualified Foreign.Marshal.Utils as U
import qualified Foreign.Storable as St
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, )
import qualified Prelude as P
import Prelude hiding (id, )
data T h c =
Cons {fromHaskell :: h -> c, toHaskell :: c -> h}
with ::
(St.Storable c) =>
T h c -> h -> (Ptr c -> IO a) -> IO a
with conv a = U.with (fromHaskell conv a)
peek ::
(St.Storable a) =>
T h a -> Ptr a -> IO h
peek conv aptr = fmap (toHaskell conv) $ St.peek aptr
id :: T a a
id = Cons
int :: (Integral a, Integral b) => T a b
int = Cons fromIntegral fromIntegral