{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, CPP #-}
module AlexTools
initialInput, Input(..)
, Lexeme(..)
, SourcePos(..), startPos, beforeStartPos
, SourceRange(..)
, prettySourcePos, prettySourceRange
, HasRange(..)
, (<->)
, moveSourcePos
, Action
, lexeme
, matchLength
, matchRange
, matchText
, getLexerState
, setLexerState
, startInput
, endInput
, AlexInput
, alexInputPrevChar
, makeAlexGetByte
, makeLexer
, LexerConfig(..)
, simpleLexer
, Word8
) where
import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.Word(Word8)
import Data.Text(Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Control.Monad(liftM,ap,replicateM)
import Language.Haskell.TH
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative
data Lexeme t = Lexeme
{ lexemeText :: !Text
, lexemeToken :: !t
, lexemeRange :: !SourceRange
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance NFData t => NFData (Lexeme t) where
rnf (Lexeme x y z) = rnf (x,y,z)
data SourcePos = SourcePos
{ sourceIndex :: !Int
, sourceLine :: !Int
, sourceColumn :: !Int
} deriving (Show, Eq)
prettySourcePos :: SourcePos -> String
prettySourcePos x = show (sourceLine x) ++ ":" ++ show (sourceColumn x)
instance NFData SourcePos where
rnf (SourcePos x y z) = rnf (x,y,z)
moveSourcePos :: Char -> SourcePos -> SourcePos
moveSourcePos c p = SourcePos { sourceIndex = sourceIndex p + 1
, sourceLine = newLine
, sourceColumn = newColumn
line = sourceLine p
column = sourceColumn p
(newLine,newColumn) = case c of
'\t' -> (line, ((column + 7) `div` 8) * 8 + 1)
'\n' -> (line + 1, 1)
_ -> (line, column + 1)
data SourceRange = SourceRange
{ sourceFrom :: !SourcePos
, sourceTo :: !SourcePos
} deriving (Show, Eq)
prettySourceRange :: SourceRange -> String
prettySourceRange x = prettySourcePos (sourceFrom x) ++ "--" ++
prettySourcePos (sourceTo x)
instance NFData SourceRange where
rnf (SourceRange x y) = rnf (x,y)
class HasRange t where
range :: t -> SourceRange
instance HasRange SourcePos where
range p = SourceRange { sourceFrom = p, sourceTo = p }
instance HasRange SourceRange where
range = id
instance HasRange (Lexeme t) where
range = lexemeRange
instance (HasRange a, HasRange b) => HasRange (Either a b) where
range (Left x) = range x
range (Right x) = range x
(<->) :: (HasRange a, HasRange b) => a -> b -> SourceRange
x <-> y = SourceRange { sourceFrom = sourceFrom (range x)
, sourceTo = sourceTo (range y)
newtype Action s a = A { runA :: Input -> Input -> Int -> s -> (s, a) }
instance Functor (Action s) where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative (Action s) where
pure a = A (\_ _ _ s -> (s,a))
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad (Action s) where
return = pure
A m >>= f = A (\i1 i2 l s -> let (s1,a) = m i1 i2 l s
A m1 = f a
in m1 i1 i2 l s1)
startInput :: Action s Input
startInput = A (\i1 _ _ s -> (s,i1))
endInput :: Action s Input
endInput = A (\_ i2 _ s -> (s,i2))
matchLength :: Action s Int
matchLength = A (\_ _ l s -> (s,l))
getLexerState :: Action s s
getLexerState = A (\_ _ _ s -> (s,s))
setLexerState :: s -> Action s ()
setLexerState s = A (\_ _ _ _ -> (s,()))
matchRange :: Action s SourceRange
matchRange =
do i1 <- startInput
i2 <- endInput
return (inputPos i1 <-> inputPrev i2)
matchText :: Action s Text
matchText =
do i1 <- startInput
n <- matchLength
return (Text.take n (inputText i1))
lexeme :: t -> Action s [Lexeme t]
lexeme tok =
do r <- matchRange
txt <- matchText
return [ Lexeme { lexemeRange = r
, lexemeToken = tok
, lexemeText = txt
} ]
data Input = Input
{ inputPos :: {-# UNPACK #-} !SourcePos
, inputText :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Text
, inputPrev :: {-# UNPACK #-} !SourcePos
, inputPrevChar :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Char
initialInput :: Text -> Input
initialInput str = Input
{ inputPos = startPos
, inputPrev = beforeStartPos
, inputPrevChar = '\n'
, inputText = str
startPos :: SourcePos
startPos = SourcePos { sourceIndex = 0
, sourceLine = 1
, sourceColumn = 1
beforeStartPos :: SourcePos
beforeStartPos = SourcePos { sourceIndex = -1
, sourceLine = 0
, sourceColumn = 0
data LexerConfig s t = LexerConfig
{ lexerInitialState :: s
, lexerStateMode :: s -> Int
, lexerEOF :: s -> [Lexeme t]
simpleLexer :: LexerConfig () t
simpleLexer = LexerConfig
{ lexerInitialState = ()
, lexerStateMode = \_ -> 0
, lexerEOF = \_ -> []
makeLexer :: ExpQ
makeLexer =
do let local = do n <- newName "x"
return (varP n, varE n)
([xP,yP,zP], [xE,yE,zE]) <- unzip <$> replicateM 3 local
alexEOF = conP (mkName "AlexEOF") [ ]
alexError = conP (mkName "AlexError") [ wildP ]
alexSkip = conP (mkName "AlexSkip") [ xP, wildP ]
alexToken = conP (mkName "AlexToken") [ xP, yP, zP ]
alexScanUser = varE (mkName "alexScanUser")
let p ~> e = match p (normalB e) []
body go mode inp cfg =
caseE [| $alexScanUser $mode $inp (lexerStateMode $cfg $mode) |]
[ alexEOF ~> [| lexerEOF $cfg $mode |]
, alexError ~> [| error "language-lua lexer internal error" |]
, alexSkip ~> [| $go $mode $xE |]
, alexToken ~> [| case runA $zE $inp $xE $yE $mode of
(mode', ts) -> ts ++ $go mode' $xE |]
[e| \cfg -> let go mode inp = $(body [|go|] [|mode|] [|inp|] [|cfg|])
in go (lexerInitialState cfg) |]
type AlexInput = Input
alexInputPrevChar :: AlexInput -> Char
alexInputPrevChar = inputPrevChar
{-# INLINE makeAlexGetByte #-}
makeAlexGetByte :: (Char -> Word8) -> AlexInput -> Maybe (Word8,AlexInput)
makeAlexGetByte charToByte Input { inputPos = p, inputText = text } =
do (c,text') <- Text.uncons text
let p' = moveSourcePos c p
x = charToByte c
inp = Input { inputPrev = p
, inputPrevChar = c
, inputPos = p'
, inputText = text'
x `seq` inp `seq` return (x, inp)