aivika-experiment-chart-4.0.3: Simulation experiments with charting for the Aivika library

CopyrightCopyright (c) 2012-2015, David Sorokin <>
MaintainerDavid Sorokin <>
Safe HaskellNone



Tested with: GHC 7.10.1

The module defines FinalXYChartView that plots a single XY chart in final time points for different simulation runs sequentially by the run index.



data FinalXYChartView Source

Defines the View that plots the XY chart in final time points for different simulation runs sequentially by the run index.




finalXYChartTitle :: String

This is a title used HTML.

finalXYChartDescription :: String

This is a description used in HTML.

finalXYChartWidth :: Int

The width of the chart.

finalXYChartHeight :: Int

The height of the chart.

finalXYChartFileName :: ExperimentFilePath

It defines the file name with optional extension for each image to be saved. It may include special variable $TITLE.

An example is

  finalXYChartFileName = UniqueFilePath "$TITLE"
finalXYChartPredicate :: Event Bool

It specifies the predicate that defines when we count data when plotting the chart.

finalXYChartTransform :: ResultTransform

The transform applied to the results before receiving series.

finalXYChartXSeries :: ResultTransform

This is the X series.

You must define it, because it is mempty by default. Also it must return exactly one ResultExtract item when calling function extractDoubleResults by the specified result set.

finalXYChartLeftYSeries :: ResultTransform

It defines the series to be plotted basing on the left Y axis.

finalXYChartRightYSeries :: ResultTransform

It defines the series to be plotted basing on the right Y axis.

finalXYChartPlotTitle :: String

This is a title used in the chart. It may include special variable $TITLE.

An example is

  finalXYChartPlotTitle = "$TITLE"
finalXYChartPlotLines :: [PlotLines Double Double -> PlotLines Double Double]

Probably, an infinite sequence of plot transformations based on which the plot is constructed for each series. Generally, it may not coincide with a sequence of labels as one label may denote a whole list or an array of data providers.

Here you can define a colour or style of the plot lines.

finalXYChartBottomAxis :: LayoutAxis Double -> LayoutAxis Double

A transformation of the bottom axis, after the X title is added.

finalXYChartLayout :: LayoutLR Double Double Double -> LayoutLR Double Double Double

A transformation of the plot layout, where you can redefine the axes, for example.

defaultFinalXYChartView :: FinalXYChartView Source

The default XY chart view.