-- |
-- Module     : Simulation.Aivika.Parameter.Random
-- Copyright  : Copyright (c) 2009-2017, David Sorokin <david.sorokin@gmail.com>
-- License    : BSD3
-- Maintainer : David Sorokin <david.sorokin@gmail.com>
-- Stability  : experimental
-- Tested with: GHC 8.0.1
-- This module defines the random parameters of simulation experiments.
-- To create a parameter that would return the same value within the simulation run,
-- you should memoize the computation with help of 'memoParameter', which is important
-- for the Monte-Carlo simulation.
-- To create a random function that would return the same values in the integration
-- time points within the simulation run, you should either lift the computation to
-- the 'Dynamics' computation and then memoize it too but using the 'memo0Dynamics'
-- function for that computation, or just take the predefined function that does
-- namely this.

module Simulation.Aivika.Parameter.Random
        randomFalse) where

import Control.Monad.Trans

import Simulation.Aivika.Generator
import Simulation.Aivika.Internal.Specs
import Simulation.Aivika.Internal.Parameter
import Simulation.Aivika.Dynamics
import Simulation.Aivika.Dynamics.Memo.Unboxed

-- | Computation that generates a new random number distributed uniformly.
randomUniform :: Double     -- ^ minimum
                 -> Double  -- ^ maximum
                 -> Parameter Double
randomUniform :: Double -> Double -> Parameter Double
randomUniform Double
min Double
max =
  (Run -> IO Double) -> Parameter Double
forall a. (Run -> IO a) -> Parameter a
Parameter ((Run -> IO Double) -> Parameter Double)
-> (Run -> IO Double) -> Parameter Double
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Run
r ->
  let g :: Generator
g = Run -> Generator
runGenerator Run
  in Generator -> Double -> Double -> IO Double
generateUniform Generator
g Double
min Double

-- | Computation that generates a new random integer number distributed uniformly.
randomUniformInt :: Int     -- ^ minimum
                    -> Int  -- ^ maximum
                    -> Parameter Int
randomUniformInt :: Int -> Int -> Parameter Int
randomUniformInt Int
min Int
max =
  (Run -> IO Int) -> Parameter Int
forall a. (Run -> IO a) -> Parameter a
Parameter ((Run -> IO Int) -> Parameter Int)
-> (Run -> IO Int) -> Parameter Int
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Run
r ->
  let g :: Generator
g = Run -> Generator
runGenerator Run
  in Generator -> Int -> Int -> IO Int
generateUniformInt Generator
g Int
min Int

-- | Computation that generates a new random number from the triangular distribution.
randomTriangular :: Double     -- ^ minimum
                    -> Double  -- ^ median
                    -> Double  -- ^ maximum
                    -> Parameter Double
randomTriangular :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Parameter Double
randomTriangular Double
min Double
median Double
max =
  (Run -> IO Double) -> Parameter Double
forall a. (Run -> IO a) -> Parameter a
Parameter ((Run -> IO Double) -> Parameter Double)
-> (Run -> IO Double) -> Parameter Double
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Run
r ->
  let g :: Generator
g = Run -> Generator
runGenerator Run
  in Generator -> Double -> Double -> Double -> IO Double
generateTriangular Generator
g Double
min Double
median Double

-- | Computation that generates a new random number distributed normally.
randomNormal :: Double     -- ^ mean
                -> Double  -- ^ deviation
                -> Parameter Double
randomNormal :: Double -> Double -> Parameter Double
randomNormal Double
mu Double
nu =
  (Run -> IO Double) -> Parameter Double
forall a. (Run -> IO a) -> Parameter a
Parameter ((Run -> IO Double) -> Parameter Double)
-> (Run -> IO Double) -> Parameter Double
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Run
r ->
  let g :: Generator
g = Run -> Generator
runGenerator Run
  in Generator -> Double -> Double -> IO Double
generateNormal Generator
g Double
mu Double

-- | Computation that generates a new random number from the lognormal distribution.
randomLogNormal :: Double
                   -- ^ the mean of a normal distribution
                   -- which this distribution is derived from
                   -> Double
                   -- ^ the deviation of a normal distribution
                   -- which this distribution is derived from
                   -> Parameter Double
randomLogNormal :: Double -> Double -> Parameter Double
randomLogNormal Double
mu Double
nu =
  (Run -> IO Double) -> Parameter Double
forall a. (Run -> IO a) -> Parameter a
Parameter ((Run -> IO Double) -> Parameter Double)
-> (Run -> IO Double) -> Parameter Double
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Run
r ->
  let g :: Generator
g = Run -> Generator
runGenerator Run
  in Generator -> Double -> Double -> IO Double
generateLogNormal Generator
g Double
mu Double

-- | Computation that returns a new exponential random number with the specified mean
-- (the reciprocal of the rate).
randomExponential :: Double
                     -- ^ the mean (the reciprocal of the rate)
                     -> Parameter Double
randomExponential :: Double -> Parameter Double
randomExponential Double
mu =
  (Run -> IO Double) -> Parameter Double
forall a. (Run -> IO a) -> Parameter a
Parameter ((Run -> IO Double) -> Parameter Double)
-> (Run -> IO Double) -> Parameter Double
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Run
r ->
  let g :: Generator
g = Run -> Generator
runGenerator Run
  in Generator -> Double -> IO Double
generateExponential Generator
g Double

-- | Computation that returns a new Erlang random number with the specified scale
-- (the reciprocal of the rate) and integer shape.
randomErlang :: Double
                -- ^ the scale (the reciprocal of the rate)
                -> Int
                -- ^ the shape
                -> Parameter Double
randomErlang :: Double -> Int -> Parameter Double
randomErlang Double
beta Int
m =
  (Run -> IO Double) -> Parameter Double
forall a. (Run -> IO a) -> Parameter a
Parameter ((Run -> IO Double) -> Parameter Double)
-> (Run -> IO Double) -> Parameter Double
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Run
r ->
  let g :: Generator
g = Run -> Generator
runGenerator Run
  in Generator -> Double -> Int -> IO Double
generateErlang Generator
g Double
beta Int

-- | Computation that returns a new Poisson random number with the specified mean.
randomPoisson :: Double
                 -- ^ the mean
                 -> Parameter Int
randomPoisson :: Double -> Parameter Int
randomPoisson Double
mu =
  (Run -> IO Int) -> Parameter Int
forall a. (Run -> IO a) -> Parameter a
Parameter ((Run -> IO Int) -> Parameter Int)
-> (Run -> IO Int) -> Parameter Int
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Run
r ->
  let g :: Generator
g = Run -> Generator
runGenerator Run
  in Generator -> Double -> IO Int
generatePoisson Generator
g Double

-- | Computation that returns a new binomial random number with the specified
-- probability and trials.
randomBinomial :: Double  -- ^ the probability
                  -> Int  -- ^ the number of trials
                  -> Parameter Int
randomBinomial :: Double -> Int -> Parameter Int
randomBinomial Double
prob Int
trials =
  (Run -> IO Int) -> Parameter Int
forall a. (Run -> IO a) -> Parameter a
Parameter ((Run -> IO Int) -> Parameter Int)
-> (Run -> IO Int) -> Parameter Int
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Run
r ->
  let g :: Generator
g = Run -> Generator
runGenerator Run
  in Generator -> Double -> Int -> IO Int
generateBinomial Generator
g Double
prob Int

-- | Computation that returns 'True' in case of success.
randomTrue :: Double      -- ^ the probability of the success
              -> Parameter Bool
randomTrue :: Double -> Parameter Bool
randomTrue Double
p =
  do Double
x <- Double -> Double -> Parameter Double
randomUniform Double
0 Double
     Bool -> Parameter Bool
forall a. a -> Parameter a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Double
x Double -> Double -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
<= Double

-- | Computation that returns 'False' in case of success.
randomFalse :: Double      -- ^ the probability of the success
              -> Parameter Bool
randomFalse :: Double -> Parameter Bool
randomFalse Double
p =
  do Double
x <- Double -> Double -> Parameter Double
randomUniform Double
0 Double
     Bool -> Parameter Bool
forall a. a -> Parameter a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Double
x Double -> Double -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> Double

-- | Computation that returns a new random number from the Gamma distribution.
randomGamma :: Double     -- ^ the shape
               -> Double  -- ^ the scale (a reciprocal of the rate)
               -> Parameter Double
randomGamma :: Double -> Double -> Parameter Double
randomGamma Double
kappa Double
theta =
  (Run -> IO Double) -> Parameter Double
forall a. (Run -> IO a) -> Parameter a
Parameter ((Run -> IO Double) -> Parameter Double)
-> (Run -> IO Double) -> Parameter Double
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Run
r ->
  let g :: Generator
g = Run -> Generator
runGenerator Run
  in Generator -> Double -> Double -> IO Double
generateGamma Generator
g Double
kappa Double

-- | Computation that returns a new random number from the Beta distribution.
randomBeta :: Double     -- ^ the shape (alpha)
              -> Double  -- ^ the shape (beta)
              -> Parameter Double
randomBeta :: Double -> Double -> Parameter Double
randomBeta Double
alpha Double
beta =
  (Run -> IO Double) -> Parameter Double
forall a. (Run -> IO a) -> Parameter a
Parameter ((Run -> IO Double) -> Parameter Double)
-> (Run -> IO Double) -> Parameter Double
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Run
r ->
  let g :: Generator
g = Run -> Generator
runGenerator Run
  in Generator -> Double -> Double -> IO Double
generateBeta Generator
g Double
alpha Double

-- | Computation that returns a new random number from the Weibull distribution.
randomWeibull :: Double     -- ^ shape
                 -> Double  -- ^ scale
                 -> Parameter Double
randomWeibull :: Double -> Double -> Parameter Double
randomWeibull Double
alpha Double
beta =
  (Run -> IO Double) -> Parameter Double
forall a. (Run -> IO a) -> Parameter a
Parameter ((Run -> IO Double) -> Parameter Double)
-> (Run -> IO Double) -> Parameter Double
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Run
r ->
  let g :: Generator
g = Run -> Generator
runGenerator Run
  in Generator -> Double -> Double -> IO Double
generateWeibull Generator
g Double
alpha Double

-- | Computation that returns a new random value from the specified discrete distribution.
randomDiscrete :: DiscretePDF a -> Parameter a
randomDiscrete :: forall a. DiscretePDF a -> Parameter a
randomDiscrete DiscretePDF a
dpdf =
  (Run -> IO a) -> Parameter a
forall a. (Run -> IO a) -> Parameter a
Parameter ((Run -> IO a) -> Parameter a) -> (Run -> IO a) -> Parameter a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Run
r ->
  let g :: Generator
g = Run -> Generator
runGenerator Run
  in Generator -> forall a. DiscretePDF a -> IO a
generateDiscrete Generator
g DiscretePDF a