{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}

-- |
-- Module     : Simulation.Aivika.Transform
-- Copyright  : Copyright (c) 2009-2017, David Sorokin <david.sorokin@gmail.com>
-- License    : BSD3
-- Maintainer : David Sorokin <david.sorokin@gmail.com>
-- Stability  : experimental
-- Tested with: GHC 8.0.1
-- The module defines something which is most close to the notion of
-- analogous circuit as an opposite to the digital one.
module Simulation.Aivika.Transform
       (-- * The Transform Arrow
        -- * Delaying the Transform
        -- * The Time Transform
        -- * Differential and Difference Equations
        sumTransformEither) where

import qualified Control.Category as C
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad

import Simulation.Aivika.Simulation
import Simulation.Aivika.Dynamics
import Simulation.Aivika.Dynamics.Memo
import Simulation.Aivika.Unboxed
import Simulation.Aivika.SystemDynamics

-- | It allows representing an analogous circuit as an opposite to
-- the digital one.
-- This is a transform of one time varying function to another usually
-- specified in the integration time points and then interpolated in
-- other time points with help of one of the memoization functions
-- like 'memo0Dynamics'.
newtype Transform a b =
  Transform { runTransform :: Dynamics a -> Simulation (Dynamics b)
              -- ^ Run the transform.

instance C.Category Transform where

  id = Transform return

  (Transform g) . (Transform f) =
    Transform $ \a -> f a >>= g

instance Arrow Transform where

  arr f = Transform $ return . fmap f

  first (Transform f) =
    Transform $ \bd ->
    do (b, d) <- unzip0Dynamics bd
       c <- f b
       return $ liftM2 (,) c d

  second (Transform f) =
    Transform $ \db ->
    do (d, b) <- unzip0Dynamics db
       c <- f b
       return $ liftM2 (,) d c

  (Transform f) *** (Transform g) =
    Transform $ \bb' ->
    do (b, b') <- unzip0Dynamics bb'
       c  <- f b
       c' <- g b'
       return $ liftM2 (,) c c'

  (Transform f) &&& (Transform g) =
    Transform $ \b ->
    do c  <- f b
       c' <- g b
       return $ liftM2 (,) c c'

-- instance ArrowLoop Transform where
--   loop (Transform f) =
--     Transform $ \b ->
--     mdo let bd = liftM2 (,) b d
--         cd <- f bd
--         (c, d) <- unzip0Dynamics cd
--         return c

-- | A transform that returns the current modeling time.
timeTransform :: Transform a Double
timeTransform = Transform $ const $ return time

-- | Return a delayed transform by the specified lag time and initial value.
-- This is actually the 'delayI' function wrapped in the 'Transform' type. 
delayTransform :: Dynamics Double     -- ^ the lag time
                  -> Dynamics a       -- ^ the initial value
                  -> Transform a a    -- ^ the delayed transform
delayTransform lagTime init =
  Transform $ \a -> delayI a lagTime init

-- | Return a transform that maps the derivative to an integral
-- by the specified initial value.
-- This is actually the 'integ' function wrapped in the 'Transform' type. 
integTransform :: Dynamics Double
                  -- ^ the initial value
                  -> Transform Double Double
                  -- ^ map the derivative to an integral
integTransform init = Transform $ \diff -> integ diff init

-- | Like 'integTransform' but allows either setting a new 'Left' value of the integral,
-- or updating it by the specified 'Right' derivative.
integTransformEither :: Dynamics Double
                        -- ^ the initial value
                        -> Transform (Either Double Double) Double
                        -- ^ map either a new 'Left' value or the 'Right' derivative to an integral
integTransformEither init = Transform $ \diff -> integEither diff init

-- | Return a transform that maps the difference to a sum
-- by the specified initial value.
-- This is actually the 'diffsum' function wrapped in the 'Transform' type. 
sumTransform :: (Num a, Unboxed a)
                => Dynamics a
                -- ^ the initial value
                -> Transform a a
                -- ^ map the difference to a sum
sumTransform init = Transform $ \diff -> diffsum diff init

-- | Like 'sumTransform' but allows either setting a new 'Left' value of the sum,
-- or updating it by the specified 'Right' difference.
sumTransformEither :: (Num a, Unboxed a)
                      => Dynamics a
                      -- ^ the initial value
                      -> Transform (Either a a) a
                      -- ^ map either a new 'Left' value or the 'Right' difference to a sum
sumTransformEither init = Transform $ \diff -> diffsumEither diff init