Module      :  Data.Aeson.Schema.TH.Parse
Maintainer  :  Brandon Chinn <brandon@leapyear.io>
Stability   :  experimental
Portability :  portable

Definitions for parsing input text in QuasiQuoters.
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

module Data.Aeson.Schema.TH.Parse where

import Control.Monad (MonadPlus, void)
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0)
import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail)
import Data.Functor (($>))
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.Void (Void)
import Text.Megaparsec hiding (sepBy1, sepEndBy1, some)
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as L

type Parser = Parsec Void String

#if !MIN_VERSION_megaparsec(7,0,0)
errorBundlePretty :: (Ord t, ShowToken t, ShowErrorComponent e) => ParseError t e -> String
errorBundlePretty = parseErrorPretty

runParserFail :: MonadFail m => Parser a -> String -> m a
runParserFail parser s = either (fail . errorBundlePretty) return $ runParser parser s s

{- SchemaDef -}

data SchemaDef
  = SchemaDefType String
  | SchemaDefMaybe SchemaDef
  | SchemaDefTry SchemaDef
  | SchemaDefList SchemaDef
  | SchemaDefInclude String
  | SchemaDefObj (NonEmpty SchemaDefObjItem)
  | SchemaDefUnion (NonEmpty SchemaDef)
  deriving (Show)

data SchemaDefObjItem
  = SchemaDefObjPair (SchemaDefObjKey, SchemaDef)
  | SchemaDefObjExtend String
  deriving (Show)

data SchemaDefObjKey
  = SchemaDefObjKeyNormal String
  | SchemaDefObjKeyPhantom String
  deriving (Show)

parseSchemaDef :: MonadFail m => String -> m SchemaDef
parseSchemaDef = runParserFail $ do
  def <- parseSchemaDefWithUnions
  void eof
  return def
    parseSchemaDefWithUnions =
      let parseSchemaUnion schemaDefs
            | length schemaDefs == 1 = NonEmpty.head schemaDefs
            | otherwise = SchemaDefUnion schemaDefs
      in fmap parseSchemaUnion $ parseSchemaDefWithoutUnions `sepBy1` lexeme "|"

    parseSchemaDefWithoutUnions = choice
      [ between (lexeme "{") (lexeme "}") $ SchemaDefObj <$> parseSchemaDefObjItems
      , between (lexeme "(") (lexeme ")") parseSchemaDefWithUnions
      , lexeme "Maybe" *> (SchemaDefMaybe <$> parseSchemaDefWithoutUnions)
      , lexeme "Try" *> (SchemaDefTry <$> parseSchemaDefWithoutUnions)
      , lexeme "List" *> (SchemaDefList <$> parseSchemaDefWithoutUnions)
      , SchemaDefType <$> identifier upperChar
      , SchemaDefInclude <$> parseSchemaReference
      ] <* space -- allow any trailing spaces

    parseSchemaDefObjItems = parseSchemaDefObjItem `sepEndBy1` lexeme ","
    parseSchemaDefObjItem = choice
      [ SchemaDefObjPair <$> parseSchemaDefPair
      , SchemaDefObjExtend <$> parseSchemaReference
      ] <* space -- allow any trailing spaces
    parseSchemaDefPair = do
      key <- choice
        [ SchemaDefObjKeyNormal <$> jsonKey
        , SchemaDefObjKeyPhantom <$> between (lexeme' "[") (lexeme' "]") jsonKey'
      lexeme ":"
      value <- parseSchemaDefWithUnions
      return (key, value)
    parseSchemaReference = char '#' *> namespacedIdentifier upperChar

{- GetterExp -}

data GetterExp = GetterExp
  { start     :: Maybe String
  , getterOps :: GetterOps
  } deriving (Show)

parseGetterExp :: MonadFail m => String -> m GetterExp
parseGetterExp = runParserFail $ do
  start <- optional $ namespacedIdentifier lowerChar
  getterOps <- parseGetterOps
  void eof
  return GetterExp{..}

{- UnwrapSchema -}

data UnwrapSchema = UnwrapSchema
  { startSchema :: String
  , getterOps   :: GetterOps
  } deriving (Show)

parseUnwrapSchema :: MonadFail m => String -> m UnwrapSchema
parseUnwrapSchema = runParserFail $ do
  startSchema <- namespacedIdentifier upperChar
  getterOps <- parseGetterOps
  void eof
  return UnwrapSchema{..}

{- GetterOps -}

-- | A non-empty list of GetterOperations.
-- Invariant: Any GetterList/GetterTuple operations MUST be last.
type GetterOps = NonEmpty GetterOperation

parseGetterOps :: Parser GetterOps
parseGetterOps = someWith [parseGetterOp, parseGetterOpSuffix]

data GetterOperation
  = GetterKey String
  | GetterBang
  | GetterMapList
  | GetterMapMaybe
  | GetterBranch Int
  -- suffixes
  | GetterList (NonEmpty GetterOps)
  | GetterTuple (NonEmpty GetterOps)
  deriving (Show)

parseGetterOp :: Parser GetterOperation
parseGetterOp = choice
  [ lexeme "!" $> GetterBang
  , lexeme "[]" $> GetterMapList
  , lexeme "?" $> GetterMapMaybe
  , lexeme "@" *> (GetterBranch . read . NonEmpty.toList <$> some digitChar)
  , optional (lexeme ".") *> (GetterKey <$> jsonKey)

parseGetterOpSuffix :: Parser GetterOperation
parseGetterOpSuffix = optional (lexeme ".") *> choice
  [ fmap GetterList $ between (lexeme "[") (lexeme "]") $ parseGetterOps `sepBy1` lexeme ","
  , fmap GetterTuple $ between (lexeme "(") (lexeme ")") $ parseGetterOps `sepBy1` lexeme ","

{- Parser primitives -}

-- | A Haskell identifier, with the given first character.
identifier :: Parser Char -> Parser String
identifier start = (:) <$> start <*> many (alphaNumChar <|> char '\'')

lexeme :: String -> Parser ()
lexeme = lexemeUsingLineComment $ L.skipLineComment "//"

-- | Same as 'lexeme', but without parsing comments.
lexeme' :: String -> Parser ()
lexeme' = lexemeUsingLineComment empty

lexemeUsingLineComment :: Parser () -> String -> Parser ()
lexemeUsingLineComment lineComment = void . L.lexeme (L.space space1 lineComment empty) . string

-- | Parses `identifier`, but if parentheses are provided, parses a namespaced identifier.
namespacedIdentifier :: Parser Char -> Parser String
namespacedIdentifier start = choice [lexeme "(" *> namespaced <* lexeme ")", ident]
    ident = identifier start
    namespaced = intercalate "." <$> manyAndEnd (identifier upperChar <* lexeme ".") ident
    manyAndEnd p end = choice
      [ try $ p >>= \x -> (x:) <$> manyAndEnd p end
      , (:[]) <$> end

-- | An optionally quoted JSON key.
jsonKey :: Parser String
jsonKey = choice [char '"' *> jsonKey' <* char '"', jsonKey']

-- | A string that can be used as a JSON key.
jsonKey' :: Parser String
jsonKey' = fmap NonEmpty.toList $ some $ choice
  [ try $ char '\\' *> anySingle'
  , noneOf $ [' ', '\\', '"'] ++ schemaChars ++ getChars
#if MIN_VERSION_megaparsec(7,0,0)
    anySingle' = anySingle
    anySingle' = anyChar

    -- characters that cause ambiguity when parsing 'get' expressions
    getChars = "!?[](),.@"
    -- characters that should not indicate the start of a key when parsing 'schema' definitions
    schemaChars = ":{}#"

{- Parsing utilities -}

-- | Same as 'Megaparsec.some', except returns a 'NonEmpty'
some :: MonadPlus f => f a -> f (NonEmpty a)
some p = NonEmpty.fromList <$> Megaparsec.some p

-- | Same as 'Megaparsec.sepBy1', except returns a 'NonEmpty'
sepBy1 :: MonadPlus f => f a -> f sep -> f (NonEmpty a)
sepBy1 p sep = NonEmpty.fromList <$> Megaparsec.sepBy1 p sep

-- | Same as 'Megaparsec.sepEndBy1', except returns a 'NonEmpty'
sepEndBy1 :: MonadPlus f => f a -> f sep -> f (NonEmpty a)
sepEndBy1 p sep = NonEmpty.fromList <$> Megaparsec.sepEndBy1 p sep

-- | Return a non-empty list containing elements from the given parsers in order.
-- i.e. for `someWith [p1, p2, p3]`, elements parsed with `p1` will come before
-- elements parsed with `p2` and `p3`, etc.
-- An individual parser in the list may not parse anything, but at least one parser must return
-- something.
someWith :: MonadParsec e s m => [m a] -> m (NonEmpty a)
someWith ps = do
  as <- concatMapM (many . try) ps
  maybe empty return $ NonEmpty.nonEmpty as
    concatMapM f = fmap concat . mapM f