Module      :  Data.Aeson.Schema.TH.Unwrap
Maintainer  :  Brandon Chinn <brandon@leapyear.io>
Stability   :  experimental
Portability :  portable

The 'unwrap' quasiquoter.
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Data.Aeson.Schema.TH.Unwrap where

import Control.Monad ((>=>))
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote (QuasiQuoter(..))

import Data.Aeson.Schema.Internal (Object, SchemaResult)
import Data.Aeson.Schema.Key (fromSchemaKeyV)
import Data.Aeson.Schema.TH.Parse
    (GetterOperation(..), GetterOps, UnwrapSchema(..), parseUnwrapSchema)
import Data.Aeson.Schema.TH.Utils
    (reifySchema, schemaTypeVToTypeQ, schemaVToTypeQ)
import Data.Aeson.Schema.Type
    ( Schema'(..)
    , SchemaType'(..)
    , SchemaTypeV
    , SchemaV
    , showSchemaTypeV
    , toSchemaObjectV

-- | Defines a QuasiQuoter to extract a schema within the given schema.
-- The base schema needs to be defined in a separate module.
-- For example:
-- > -- | MyFoo ~ Object [schema| { b: Maybe Bool } |]
-- > type MyFoo = [unwrap| MySchema.foo.nodes[] |]
-- If the schema is imported qualified, you can use parentheses to distinguish it from the
-- expression:
-- > type MyFoo = [unwrap| (MyModule.Schema).foo.nodes[] |]
-- You can then use the type alias as usual:
-- > parseBar :: MyFoo -> String
-- > parseBar = maybe "null" show . [get| .b |]
-- >
-- > foo = map parseBar [get| result.foo.nodes[] |]
-- The syntax is mostly the same as 'Data.Aeson.Schema.TH.get', except the operations run on the
-- type itself, instead of the values. Differences from 'Data.Aeson.Schema.TH.get':
-- * @x!@ is only valid if @x@ is a @Maybe a@ type. Returns @a@, the type wrapped in the 'Maybe'.
-- * @x?@ is the same as @x!@.
-- * @x[]@ is only valid if @x@ is a @[a]@ type. Returns @a@, the type contained in the list.
-- * @x\@#@ is only valid if @x@ is a @SumType@. Returns the type at that branch in the sum type.
unwrap :: QuasiQuoter
unwrap = QuasiQuoter
  { quoteExp = error "Cannot use `unwrap` for Exp"
  , quoteDec = error "Cannot use `unwrap` for Dec"
  , quoteType = parseUnwrapSchema >=> generateUnwrapSchema
  , quotePat = error "Cannot use `unwrap` for Pat"

generateUnwrapSchema :: UnwrapSchema -> TypeQ
generateUnwrapSchema UnwrapSchema{..} = reifySchema startSchema >>= unwrapSchema getterOps

-- | Unwrap the given schema by applying the given operations, stripping out functors.
unwrapSchema :: GetterOps -> SchemaV -> TypeQ
unwrapSchema = unwrapSchemaUsing StripFunctors

-- | Unwrap the given schema by applying the given operations, using the given 'FunctorHandler'.
unwrapSchemaUsing :: FunctorHandler -> GetterOps -> SchemaV -> TypeQ
unwrapSchemaUsing functorHandler getterOps = either fail toResultTypeQ . flip go (NonEmpty.toList getterOps) . toSchemaObjectV
    toResultTypeQ :: UnwrapSchemaResult -> TypeQ
    toResultTypeQ = \case
      -- special case SchemaObject to make it further inspectable
      SchemaResult (SchemaObject pairs) -> [t| Object $(schemaVToTypeQ (Schema pairs)) |]
      SchemaResult schemaType -> [t| SchemaResult $(schemaTypeVToTypeQ schemaType) |]
      SchemaResultList schemaResult -> appT listT (toResultTypeQ schemaResult)
      SchemaResultTuple schemaResults -> foldl appT (tupleT $ length schemaResults) $ map toResultTypeQ schemaResults
      SchemaResultWrapped functorTy schemaResult ->
        let handleFunctor ty =
              case functorHandler of
                ApplyFunctors -> AppT functorTy ty
                StripFunctors -> ty
        in handleFunctor <$> toResultTypeQ schemaResult

    go :: SchemaTypeV -> [GetterOperation] -> Either String UnwrapSchemaResult
    go schemaType [] = pure $ SchemaResult schemaType
    go schemaType (op:ops) =
      let invalid message = Left $ message ++ ": " ++ showSchemaTypeV schemaType
          wrapMaybe = SchemaResultWrapped (ConT ''Maybe)
          wrapList = SchemaResultWrapped ListT
      in case op of
        GetterKey key ->
          case schemaType of
            SchemaObject pairs ->
              case lookup key $ map (first fromSchemaKeyV) pairs of
                Just inner -> go inner ops
                Nothing -> invalid $ "Key '" ++ key ++ "' does not exist in schema"
            _ -> invalid $ "Cannot get key '" ++ key ++ "' in schema"

        GetterBang ->
          case schemaType of
            SchemaMaybe inner -> go inner ops
            SchemaTry inner -> go inner ops
            _ -> invalid "Cannot use `!` operator on schema"

        GetterMapMaybe ->
          case schemaType of
            SchemaMaybe inner -> wrapMaybe <$> go inner ops
            SchemaTry inner -> wrapMaybe <$> go inner ops
            _ -> invalid "Cannot use `?` operator on schema"

        GetterMapList ->
          case schemaType of
            SchemaList inner -> wrapList <$> go inner ops
            _ -> invalid "Cannot use `[]` operator on schema"

        GetterBranch branch ->
          case schemaType of
            SchemaUnion schemas ->
              if branch < length schemas
                then go (schemas !! branch) ops
                else invalid "Branch out of bounds for schema"
            _ -> invalid "Cannot use `@` operator on schema"

        -- suffixes; ops should be empty

        GetterList elemOps ->
          case schemaType of
            SchemaObject _ -> do
              elemSchemas <- traverse (go schemaType . NonEmpty.toList) elemOps
              let elemSchema = NonEmpty.head elemSchemas
              if all (== elemSchema) elemSchemas
                then pure $ SchemaResultList elemSchema
                else invalid "List contains different types in schema"
            _ -> invalid "Cannot get keys in schema"

        GetterTuple elemOps ->
          case schemaType of
            SchemaObject _ -> SchemaResultTuple <$> mapM (go schemaType . NonEmpty.toList) (NonEmpty.toList elemOps)
            _ -> invalid "Cannot get keys in schema"

data UnwrapSchemaResult
  = SchemaResult SchemaTypeV
  | SchemaResultList UnwrapSchemaResult
  | SchemaResultTuple [UnwrapSchemaResult]
  | SchemaResultWrapped Type UnwrapSchemaResult -- ^ Type should be of kind `* -> *`
  deriving (Eq)

-- | A data type that indicates how to handle functors when unwrapping a schema.
data FunctorHandler
  = ApplyFunctors -- ^ handleFunctor Maybe Int ==> Maybe Int
  | StripFunctors -- ^ handleFunctor Maybe Int ==> Int