{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

module Data.Aeson.Deriving.Known where

import           Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import           Data.Kind           (Type)
import           Data.Proxy
import           Data.Text           (pack)
import           GHC.TypeLits        (KnownSymbol, Symbol, symbolVal)

infix 3 :=
infix 6 ==>

-- | Represents the null JSON 'Value'.
data Null

-- | Phantom data type to make explicit which fields we pass for Aeson options. Polykinded
--   in the second argument so it can take i.e. Booleans or Symbols where needed.
--   Also used for specifying constant values added to, or required from, an encoding.
--   See "Data.Aeson.Deriving.WithConstantFields".
data field := (value :: k)

-- | Represents a function that maps the first value to the second,
--   and otherwise does nothing but return the input.
data a ==> b

-- | Represents the function that turns nulls into the given default value.
data WithDefault (val :: k)

-- | Constant JSON values
class KnownJSON (a :: k) where jsonVal :: Proxy a -> Value

instance KnownSymbol str => KnownJSON (str :: Symbol) where jsonVal = String . pack . symbolVal
instance KnownBool b => KnownJSON (b :: Bool) where jsonVal = Bool . boolVal
instance KnownJSON Null where jsonVal Proxy = Null
instance KnownJSONList (xs :: [k]) => KnownJSON xs where jsonVal Proxy = toJSON $ listVal (Proxy @xs)

-- | Constant boolean values
class KnownBool (b :: Bool) where boolVal :: Proxy b -> Bool

instance KnownBool 'True  where boolVal Proxy = True
instance KnownBool 'False where boolVal Proxy = False

-- | Constant JSON lists
class KnownJSONList (xs :: [k]) where listVal :: Proxy xs -> [Value]

instance KnownJSONList '[] where listVal Proxy = []
instance (KnownJSON x, KnownJSONList xs) => KnownJSONList (x ': xs) where
  listVal Proxy = jsonVal (Proxy @x) : listVal (Proxy @xs)

-- | Constant JSON objects
class KnownJSONObject (a :: k) where objectVal :: Proxy a -> Object

instance KnownJSONObject '[] where objectVal Proxy = mempty
instance (KnownJSONObject fields, KnownSymbol key, KnownJSON val)
  => KnownJSONObject ((key := val) ': fields) where
    objectVal Proxy =
        (pack . symbolVal $ Proxy @key)
        (jsonVal $ Proxy @val)
        (objectVal $ Proxy @fields)

-- | JSON ('Value') functions
class KnownJSONFunction (a :: Type) where functionVal :: Proxy a -> Value -> Value

-- instance All KnownJSON [a, b] => KnownJSONFunction (a ==> b) where
instance (KnownJSON a, KnownJSON b) => KnownJSONFunction (a ==> b) where
  functionVal Proxy x
    | x == jsonVal (Proxy @a) = jsonVal (Proxy @b)
    | otherwise = x

instance KnownJSON a => KnownJSONFunction (WithDefault a) where
  functionVal Proxy = \case
    Null -> jsonVal $ Proxy @a
    x    -> x