Copyright | This file is part of the package addy. It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at: No part of this package including this file may be copied modified propagated or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file. |
License | BSD-2-Clause |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Email addressed are complicated, really complicated. This library supports all standardized forms of email addresses, including those with UTF-8 encoded Unicode characters. The standards used by this library include:
- RFC 1123: Requirements for Internet Hosts -- Application and Support
- RFC 2181: Clarifications to the DNS Specification
- RFC 3696: Application Techniques for Checking and Transformation of Names
- RFC 5321: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
- RFC 5322: Internet Message Format
- RFC 6531: SMTP Extension for Internationalized Email
- RFC 6532: Internationalized Email Headers
- decode :: Text -> Either (NonEmpty Error) EmailAddr
- decodeLenient :: Text -> Either (NonEmpty Error) EmailAddr
- encode :: EmailAddr -> Text
- encodeFull :: EmailAddr -> Text
- data EmailAddr
- emailAddr :: LocalPart -> DomainName -> EmailAddr
- emailAddrLit :: LocalPart -> AddressLiteral -> EmailAddr
- displayName :: Lens' EmailAddr (Maybe DisplayName)
- localPart :: Lens' EmailAddr LocalPart
- domain :: Lens' EmailAddr Domain
- comments :: Lens' EmailAddr [Comment]
- data DisplayName
- _DisplayName :: Prism' Text DisplayName
- validateDisplayName :: Text -> Validation (NonEmpty Error) DisplayName
- data LocalPart
- _LocalPart :: Prism' Text LocalPart
- validateLocalPart :: Text -> Validation (NonEmpty Error) LocalPart
- data Domain
- _Domain :: Prism' Domain DomainName
- _DomainLiteral :: Prism' Domain AddressLiteral
- data DomainName
- _DomainName :: Prism' Text DomainName
- validateDomainName :: Text -> Validation (NonEmpty Error) DomainName
- data HostName
- _HostNames :: Iso' DomainName [HostName]
- _HostName :: Prism' Text HostName
- validateHostName :: Text -> Validation (NonEmpty Error) HostName
- data AddressLiteral
- _IpAddressLiteral :: Prism' AddressLiteral IP
- _TaggedAddressLiteral :: Prism' AddressLiteral (AddressTag, Literal)
- _AddressLiteral :: Prism' AddressLiteral Literal
- data AddressTag
- _AddressTag :: Prism' Text AddressTag
- validateAddressTag :: Text -> Validation (NonEmpty Error) AddressTag
- data Literal
- _Literal :: Prism' Text Literal
- validateLiteral :: Text -> Validation (NonEmpty Error) Literal
- data Comment = Comment CommentLoc CommentContent
- _Comment :: Prism' Comment (CommentLoc, CommentContent)
- commentLoc :: Lens' Comment CommentLoc
- commentContent :: Lens' Comment CommentContent
- data CommentLoc
- data CommentContent
- _CommentContent :: Prism' Text CommentContent
- validateCommentContent :: Text -> Validation (NonEmpty Error) CommentContent
How to use this library
This library is designed to be imported qualified:
import qualified Addy
Decoding addresses
To decode (parse) an email address from text:
Addy.decode ""
Right (EmailAddr "")
Addy.decode "我買@屋企.香港"
Right (EmailAddr "\25105\36023@\23627\20225.\39321\28207")
Addy.decode "Mary Smith <> (hi there!)"
Right (EmailAddr "Mary Smith <> (hi there!)")
Addy.decode "example@[]"
Right (EmailAddr "example@[]")
After decoding, an address is automatically normalized by performing NFC normalization and down-casing the domain name:
Addy.decode "My.Email.Addy@ExAmPlE.COM"
Right (EmailAddr "")
Encoding addresses
Turning an email address back to text is just as easy:
Addy.encode address
If an address has an optional display name or comments you can
render those with the encodeFull
Addy.decode "Mary Smith <> (hi there!)" & second Addy.encodeFull :} Right "Mary Smith <> (hi there!)"
Creating addresses
In order to prevent invalid email addresses from being created this
library uses newtype
wrappers and does not export the data
constructors. Therefore you'll need to use the smart constructor
approach using the emailAddr
If you want to work with the validation functions directly we
recommend Applicative
Addy.emailAddr <$> Addy.validateLocalPart "pjones" <*> Addy.validateDomainName "" :} Success (EmailAddr "")
Prisms for the newtype
wrappers are provided if you want to use optics:
Addy.emailAddr <$> "pjones" ^? Addy._LocalPart <*> "" ^? Addy._DomainName :} Just (EmailAddr "")
Lens and prisms are provided to make working with email addresses easier:
import qualified Addy import Control.Lens
Addy.decode "" ^? _Right . Addy.domain
Just (Domain (DomainName ""))
Addy.decode ""
^? _Right . Addy.domain . Addy._Domain . Addy._HostNames Just [HostName "example",HostName "com"]
Addy.decode ""
^.. _Right . Addy.domain . Addy._Domain . Addy._HostNames . traversed . re _HostName ["example","com"]
A word about address literals
Believe it or not, this is a completely valid email address:
Addy.decode "example@[what's my domain name?]"
^? _Right . Addy.domain Just (DomainLiteral (AddressLiteral (Literal "what's my domain name?")))
If you're working with email messages it might be useful to capture these address literals, especially if you know how to interpret them. However, if you're validating user input you probably don't want to allow these.
Addy.decode "e@[]" ^? _Right
>>= failover (Addy.domain . Addy._Domain) id Nothing
Addy.decode "" ^? _Right
>>= failover (Addy.domain . Addy._Domain) id Just (EmailAddr "")
Decoding and encoding
decodeLenient :: Text -> Either (NonEmpty Error) EmailAddr Source #
Decode an email address, allowing obsolete characters. The obsolete characters are parsed but not included in the output.
This is useful for exacting email addresses from mail messages but should not be used to validate user input.
Addy.decode "my . email . addy@(WTF)"
Left (ParserFailedError "local part > quoted content > '\"': Failed reading: satisfy" :| [])
Addy.decodeLenient "my . email . addy@(WTF)"
Right (EmailAddr " (WTF)")
encodeFull :: EmailAddr -> Text Source #
Encode a complete email address to text, including the optional display name and any comments.
Email addresses
The representation of a complete email address.
The parser preserves optional components such as the display name
and comments. The rendering code can optionally include these
optional elements when turning the address back into Text
emailAddr :: LocalPart -> DomainName -> EmailAddr Source #
Build an EmailAddr
from a LocalPart
and DomainName
emailAddrLit :: LocalPart -> AddressLiteral -> EmailAddr Source #
Build an EmailAddr
from a LocalPart
and an AddressLiteral
displayName :: Lens' EmailAddr (Maybe DisplayName) Source #
Optional display name. Addresses in the name-addr
from RFC 5322 allow descriptive text to precede the address.
This is commonly used in email messages to list the name of the
address' owner.
comments :: Lens' EmailAddr [Comment] Source #
Addresses in both the name-addr
and addr-spec
support comments.
Display name
data DisplayName Source #
Optional display name. Usually this is the name of the person who receives email at the associated address.
Display Name <>
Eq DisplayName Source # | |
Defined in Addy.Internal.Types | |
Show DisplayName Source # | |
Defined in Addy.Internal.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> DisplayName -> ShowS # show :: DisplayName -> String # showList :: [DisplayName] -> ShowS # | |
Semigroup DisplayName Source # | |
Defined in Addy.Internal.Types Methods (<>) :: DisplayName -> DisplayName -> DisplayName # sconcat :: NonEmpty DisplayName -> DisplayName # stimes :: Integral b => b -> DisplayName -> DisplayName # |
_DisplayName :: Prism' Text DisplayName Source #
Prism for working with display names.
import Control.Lens ((^?), review)
To convert text into a DisplayName
with content validation:
"Some Text" ^? _DisplayName
Just (DisplayName "Some Text")>>>
"Some\nText" ^? _DisplayName
Nothing -- Validation failed.
To access the text content of a DisplayName
review _DisplayName someDisplayName
"Some Text"
Uses validateDisplayName
to perform validation.
validateDisplayName :: Text -> Validation (NonEmpty Error) DisplayName Source #
Validate the content of a DisplayName
There does not appear to be a limit on the length of the display name. For consistency and efficiency we limit it to 64 bytes, the same as the local part.
Local part
The name of the mailbox on the associated Domain
_LocalPart :: Prism' Text LocalPart Source #
Prism for working with the local part of an email address.
import Control.Lens ((^?), review)
To convert text to a LocalPart
with content validation:
"cockroach+mouse" ^? _LocalPart
Just (LocalPart "cockroach+mouse")>>>
"cockroach\nmouse" ^? _LocalPart
Nothing -- Validation failed.
To access the text content of a LocalPart
review _LocalPart someLocalPart
Uses validateLocalPart
to perform validation.
validateLocalPart :: Text -> Validation (NonEmpty Error) LocalPart Source #
Validate and normalize the text content of the LocalPart
of an
email address.
RFC 3696 §3 restricts the length of the local part to a maximum of 64 bytes. RFC 6532 extends the character set to include Unicode characters but maintains the length measurement as bytes and not characters.
Domain part
A fully-qualified domain name or an address literal.
Most email addresses use a domain name. However, it's perfectly
legal to use an AddressLiteral
Domain DomainName | |
DomainLiteral AddressLiteral |
_DomainLiteral :: Prism' Domain AddressLiteral Source #
Prism for working with domain literals.
data DomainName Source #
A fully-qualified domain name which is made up of a list of host names (labels) separated by dots.
Eq DomainName Source # | |
Defined in Addy.Internal.Types | |
Show DomainName Source # | |
Defined in Addy.Internal.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> DomainName -> ShowS # show :: DomainName -> String # showList :: [DomainName] -> ShowS # | |
Semigroup DomainName Source # | |
Defined in Addy.Internal.Types Methods (<>) :: DomainName -> DomainName -> DomainName # sconcat :: NonEmpty DomainName -> DomainName # stimes :: Integral b => b -> DomainName -> DomainName # |
_DomainName :: Prism' Text DomainName Source #
Prism for working with domain names.
import Control.Lens ((^?), review)
To convert text to a DomainName
with validation:
"" ^? _DomainName
Just (DomainName "")>>>
"too.many.dots." ^? _DomainName
To access the text content of a DomainName
review _DomainName someDomainName
Uses validateDomainName
to perform validation.
validateDomainName :: Text -> Validation (NonEmpty Error) DomainName Source #
Validate a domain name.
The domain name is split into host names (labels) and each label is
validated with validateHostName
Host names
The name of one host component of a domain name.
_HostNames :: Iso' DomainName [HostName] Source #
Iso for converting between domain names and a list of host names.
"" ^. _DomainName._HostNames & map (review _HostName)
_HostName :: Prism' Text HostName Source #
Prism for working with host names (DNS labels).
import Control.Lens ((^?), review)
To convert text to a host name with validation:
"com" ^? _HostName
Just (HostName "com")>>>
"com." ^? _HostName
Nothing -- Validation failed.
To access the text content of a HostName
review _HostName someHostName
Uses validateHostName
to perform validation.
validateHostName :: Text -> Validation (NonEmpty Error) HostName Source #
Validate a single host name. Each host name in a domain name (referred to as a label) must validate with this function.
RFC 2181 §11 clearly states that there are no restrictions placed on which characters may appear in a label. However, due to legacy issues we enforce the rule from RFC 952 §1 that disallows hyphens as the first or last character of a label.
RFC 5322 §3.4.1 restricts the characters that may appear in the
domain component of an email address. Even though a DNS label
does not impose such restrictions, in order to be a valid email
address the label must only be composed of so-called atext
characters or UTF8-non-ascii
Finally, RFC 2181 §11 restricts the length of a label to 63 bytes and the fully-qualified domain name to 255 bytes. RFC 6532 which extends the email syntax to allow UTF-8 encoded Unicode characters briefly states in §3.4 to continue using bytes, and not characters. It also states that Unicode text should be normalized (which we do).
Address literals
data AddressLiteral Source #
Address literals can be used instead of a domain name to direct mail to a specific IP address or other tagged address type.
Example email addresses with address literals:
example@[] example@[IPv6:1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777] example@[Just-some-text]
IpAddressLiteral IP | A literal IP address as defined in RFC 5321 §4.1.3. The address can be in many formats so it is presented here in its parsed form. |
TaggedAddressLiteral AddressTag Literal | RFC 5321 also defines a general address literal where a standardized tag precedes the address itself. The only information provided about the standardized tag is: Standardized-tag MUST be specified in a Standards-Track RFC and registered with IANA |
AddressLiteral Literal | RFC 5322 defines a If an address literal cannot be parsed in one of the proceeding
formats it is encoded as a |
Eq AddressLiteral Source # | |
Defined in Addy.Internal.Types Methods (==) :: AddressLiteral -> AddressLiteral -> Bool # (/=) :: AddressLiteral -> AddressLiteral -> Bool # | |
Show AddressLiteral Source # | |
Defined in Addy.Internal.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> AddressLiteral -> ShowS # show :: AddressLiteral -> String # showList :: [AddressLiteral] -> ShowS # |
_IpAddressLiteral :: Prism' AddressLiteral IP Source #
Prism for working with IP address literals.
_TaggedAddressLiteral :: Prism' AddressLiteral (AddressTag, Literal) Source #
Prism for working with tagged address literals.
_AddressLiteral :: Prism' AddressLiteral Literal Source #
Prism for working with address literals.
data AddressTag Source #
A tag that can be used with a TaggedAddressLiteral
Eq AddressTag Source # | |
Defined in Addy.Internal.Types | |
Show AddressTag Source # | |
Defined in Addy.Internal.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> AddressTag -> ShowS # show :: AddressTag -> String # showList :: [AddressTag] -> ShowS # | |
Semigroup AddressTag Source # | |
Defined in Addy.Internal.Types Methods (<>) :: AddressTag -> AddressTag -> AddressTag # sconcat :: NonEmpty AddressTag -> AddressTag # stimes :: Integral b => b -> AddressTag -> AddressTag # |
_AddressTag :: Prism' Text AddressTag Source #
Prism for working with the AddressTag
for an AddressLiteral
import Control.Lens ((^?), review)
To convert text to an address tag with validation:
"IPv6" ^? _AddressTag
Just (AddressTag "IPv6")>>>
"[IPv6]" ^? _AddressTag
Nothing -- Validation failed.
To access the text content of an AddressTag
review _AddressTag someTag
Uses validateAddressTag
to perform validation.
validateAddressTag :: Text -> Validation (NonEmpty Error) AddressTag Source #
Validate the content of an AddressTag
. Uses the same rules as
A literal address that can be used with a TaggedAddressLiteral
or AddressLiteral
_Literal :: Prism' Text Literal Source #
Prism for working with the literal text of an address literal.
import Control.Lens ((^?), review)
To convert text to an address literal with validation:
"" ^? _Literal
Just (Literal "")>>>
"[]" ^? _Literal
Nothing -- Validation failed.
To access the text content of a Literal
review _Literal someLiteral
Uses validateLiteral
to perform validation.
validateLiteral :: Text -> Validation (NonEmpty Error) Literal Source #
Validate the Literal
content of a domain literal.
There does not appear to be a limit on the length of an address literal but for consistency with DNS labels we limit them to 63 bytes.
A comment which may appear in an email address in a specific location.
Comment CommentLoc CommentContent |
_Comment :: Prism' Comment (CommentLoc, CommentContent) Source #
Prism for working with a Comment
commentLoc :: Lens' Comment CommentLoc Source #
Lens for working with comment locations.
commentContent :: Lens' Comment CommentContent Source #
Lens for working with comment contents.
data CommentLoc Source #
The location where a comment was parsed or where it should be rendered.
BeforeDisplayName | Just before the |
AfterDisplayName | Just after the |
BeforeLocalPart | Before the |
AfterDomain | After the |
AfterAddress | After the complete address. |
Eq CommentLoc Source # | |
Defined in Addy.Internal.Types | |
Show CommentLoc Source # | |
Defined in Addy.Internal.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> CommentLoc -> ShowS # show :: CommentLoc -> String # showList :: [CommentLoc] -> ShowS # |
data CommentContent Source #
Text that can appear in a comment.
Eq CommentContent Source # | |
Defined in Addy.Internal.Types Methods (==) :: CommentContent -> CommentContent -> Bool # (/=) :: CommentContent -> CommentContent -> Bool # | |
Show CommentContent Source # | |
Defined in Addy.Internal.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> CommentContent -> ShowS # show :: CommentContent -> String # showList :: [CommentContent] -> ShowS # | |
Semigroup CommentContent Source # | |
Defined in Addy.Internal.Types Methods (<>) :: CommentContent -> CommentContent -> CommentContent # sconcat :: NonEmpty CommentContent -> CommentContent # stimes :: Integral b => b -> CommentContent -> CommentContent # |
_CommentContent :: Prism' Text CommentContent Source #
Prism for working with the text content of a comment.
import Control.Lens ((^?), review)
To convert text to a comment with validation:
"best email ever" ^? _CommentContent
Just (CommentContent "best email ever")>>>
"\n" ^? _CommentContent
To access the text content of the comment:
review _CommentContent someComment
Uses validateCommentContent
to perform validation.
validateCommentContent :: Text -> Validation (NonEmpty Error) CommentContent Source #
Validate the content of a comment.
There does not appear to be a limit on the length of a comment. For consistency and efficiency we limit it to 64 bytes, the same as the local part.