-- |
-- Copyright:
--   This file is part of the package addy. It is subject to the license
--   terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
--   distribution and at:
--     https://code.devalot.com/open/addy
--   No part of this package, including this file, may be copied,
--   modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms
--   contained in the LICENSE file.
-- License: BSD-2-Clause
-- The module exports internal types along with their constructors.
-- The rendering code relies on the newtype wrappers around 'Text' to
-- keep out invalid characters.  Prefer to use the official interface
-- if possible.
module Addy.Internal.Types
  ( Error (..),
    EmailAddr (..),
    DisplayName (..),
    LocalPart (..),
    Domain (..),
    DomainName (..),
    HostName (..),
    AddressLiteral (..),
    AddressTag (..),
    Literal (..),
    Comment (..),
    CommentLoc (..),
    CommentContent (..),

import Control.Lens (Iso', Lens', Prism', iso, lens, prism')
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import GHC.TypeLits (KnownSymbol, Symbol, symbolVal)
import Net.IP (IP)
import Text.Show (Show (..), showParen, showString)

-- | Potential validation errors.
-- @since
data Error
  = -- | A component of an email address may not start with the
    -- recorded prefix text.
    InvalidPrefixError Text
  | -- | A component of an email address may not end with the recorded
    -- suffix text.
    InvalidSuffixError Text
  | -- | A component of an email address contains invalid characters.
    InvalidCharactersError Text
  | -- | A component of an email address does not meet the set length
    -- requirements.  The values in this constructor are @min@, @max@,
    -- and @actual@.
    InvalidLengthError Int Int Int
  | -- | The input to the address decoder was not a valid email
    -- address and produced the recorded error message.
    ParserFailedError Text
  deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | The representation of a complete email address.
-- The parser preserves optional components such as the display name
-- and comments.  The rendering code can optionally include these
-- optional elements when turning the address back into 'Text'.
-- @since
data EmailAddr = EmailAddr
  { _displayName :: Maybe DisplayName,
    _localPart :: LocalPart,
    _domain :: Domain,
    _comments :: [Comment]

-- | Optional display name.  Addresses in the @name-addr@ format
-- from RFC 5322 allow descriptive text to precede the address.
-- This is commonly used in email messages to list the name of the
-- address' owner.
-- @since
displayName :: Lens' EmailAddr (Maybe DisplayName)
displayName = lens _displayName (\e d -> e {_displayName = d})

-- | The 'LocalPart' of an email address usually references the
-- destination mailbox on the 'Domain' server.  However, the
-- content of the 'LocalPart' can only be understood by the
-- receiving 'Domain'.
-- @since
localPart :: Lens' EmailAddr LocalPart
localPart = lens _localPart (\e l -> e {_localPart = l})

-- | The 'Domain' refers to the fully-qualified domain name that
-- accepts mail for the associated 'LocalPart'.  See the
-- documentation for the 'Domain' type for more details.
-- @since
domain :: Lens' EmailAddr Domain
domain = lens _domain (\e d -> e {_domain = d})

-- | Addresses in both the @name-addr@ and @addr-spec@ formats
-- support comments.
-- @since
comments :: Lens' EmailAddr [Comment]
comments = lens _comments (\e cs -> e {_comments = cs})

-- | Optional display name.  Usually this is the name of the person
-- who receives email at the associated address.
-- > Display Name <example@example.com>
-- @since
newtype DisplayName = DP
  { displayNameText :: Text
  deriving newtype (Eq, Semigroup)
  deriving (Show) via RenamedShow "DisplayName" Text

-- | The name of the mailbox on the associated 'Domain'.
-- @since
newtype LocalPart = LP
  { localPartText :: Text
  deriving newtype (Eq, Semigroup)
  deriving (Show) via RenamedShow "LocalPart" Text

-- | A fully-qualified domain name /or/ an address literal.
-- Most email addresses use a domain name.  However, it's perfectly
-- legal to use an 'AddressLiteral' instead.
-- @since
data Domain
  = Domain DomainName
  | DomainLiteral AddressLiteral
  deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Prism for working with domain names.
-- @since
_Domain :: Prism' Domain DomainName
_Domain =
    ( \case
        Domain dn -> Just dn
        DomainLiteral {} -> Nothing

-- | Prism for working with domain literals.
-- @since
_DomainLiteral :: Prism' Domain AddressLiteral
_DomainLiteral =
    ( \case
        Domain {} -> Nothing
        DomainLiteral dl -> Just dl

-- | A fully-qualified domain name which is made up of a list of
-- host names (labels) separated by dots.
-- @since
newtype DomainName = DN
  { domainNameText :: Text
  deriving newtype (Eq, Semigroup)
  deriving (Show) via RenamedShow "DomainName" Text

-- | The name of one host component of a domain name.
-- @since
newtype HostName = HN
  { hostNameText :: Text
  deriving newtype (Eq, Semigroup)
  deriving (Show) via RenamedShow "HostName" Text

-- | Iso for converting between domain names and a list of host names.
-- >>> "gmail.uk.co" ^. _DomainName._HostNames & map (review _HostName)
-- ["gmail","uk","co"]
-- @since
_HostNames :: Iso' DomainName [HostName]
_HostNames =
    (domainNameText >>> Text.splitOn "." >>> map HN)
    (map hostNameText >>> Text.intercalate "." >>> DN)

-- | Address literals can be used instead of a domain name to direct
-- mail to a specific IP address or other tagged address type.
-- Example email addresses with address literals:
-- > example@[]
-- > example@[IPv6:1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777]
-- > example@[Just-some-text]
-- @since
data AddressLiteral
  = -- | A literal IP address as defined in RFC 5321 ยง4.1.3.  The
    -- address can be in many formats so it is presented here in its
    -- parsed form.
    IpAddressLiteral IP
  | -- | RFC 5321 also defines a /general address literal/ where a
    -- /standardized tag/ precedes the address itself.  The only
    -- information provided about the standardized tag is:
    -- > Standardized-tag MUST be specified in a
    -- > Standards-Track RFC and registered with IANA
    TaggedAddressLiteral AddressTag Literal
  | -- | RFC 5322 defines a @domain-literal@ as (roughly) a span of
    -- characters that are allowed in a domain name.  The
    -- interpretation of those characters is left to \"separate
    -- documents\" such as RFC 5321.
    -- If an address literal cannot be parsed in one of the proceeding
    -- formats it is encoded as a 'Literal' value.
    AddressLiteral Literal
  deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Prism for working with IP address literals.
-- @since
_IpAddressLiteral :: Prism' AddressLiteral IP
_IpAddressLiteral =
    ( \case
        IpAddressLiteral ip -> Just ip
        TaggedAddressLiteral {} -> Nothing
        AddressLiteral {} -> Nothing

-- | Prism for working with tagged address literals.
-- @since
_TaggedAddressLiteral :: Prism' AddressLiteral (AddressTag, Literal)
_TaggedAddressLiteral =
    (uncurry TaggedAddressLiteral)
    ( \case
        IpAddressLiteral {} -> Nothing
        TaggedAddressLiteral tag body -> Just (tag, body)
        AddressLiteral {} -> Nothing

-- | Prism for working with address literals.
-- @since
_AddressLiteral :: Prism' AddressLiteral Literal
_AddressLiteral =
    ( \case
        IpAddressLiteral {} -> Nothing
        TaggedAddressLiteral {} -> Nothing
        AddressLiteral lit -> Just lit

-- | A tag that can be used with a 'TaggedAddressLiteral'.
-- @since
newtype AddressTag = AT
  { addressTagText :: Text
  deriving newtype (Eq, Semigroup)
  deriving (Show) via RenamedShow "AddressTag" Text

-- | A literal address that can be used with a 'TaggedAddressLiteral'
-- or 'AddressLiteral'.
-- @since
newtype Literal = Lit
  { literalText :: Text
  deriving newtype (Eq, Semigroup)
  deriving (Show) via RenamedShow "Literal" Text

-- | A comment which may appear in an email address in a specific
-- location.
-- @since
data Comment = Comment CommentLoc CommentContent
  deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Prism for working with a 'Comment'.
-- @since
_Comment :: Prism' Comment (CommentLoc, CommentContent)
_Comment =
    (uncurry Comment)
    (\(Comment loc cc) -> Just (loc, cc))

-- | Lens for working with comment locations.
-- @since
commentLoc :: Lens' Comment CommentLoc
commentLoc =
    (\(Comment loc _) -> loc)
    (\(Comment _ cc) loc -> Comment loc cc)

-- | Lens for working with comment contents.
-- @since
commentContent :: Lens' Comment CommentContent
commentContent =
    (\(Comment _ cc) -> cc)
    (\(Comment loc _) cc -> Comment loc cc)

-- | The location where a comment was parsed or where it should be
-- rendered.
-- @since
data CommentLoc
  = -- | Just before the 'DisplayName'.
  | -- | Just after the 'DisplayName' but before the address.
  | -- | Before the 'LocalPart' of the address.
  | -- | After the 'Domain'.
  | -- | After the complete address.
  deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Text that can appear in a comment.
-- @since
newtype CommentContent = CC
  { commentContentText :: Text
  deriving newtype (Eq, Semigroup)
  deriving (Show) via RenamedShow "CommentContent" Text

-- | Newtype wrapper for deriving 'Show' instances that lie about the
-- name of the constructor.
newtype RenamedShow (n :: Symbol) a = RS a

instance (Show a, KnownSymbol n) => Show (RenamedShow n a) where
  showsPrec d (RS x) =
    showParen (d > 10) $
      showString (symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy n) <> " ")
        . showsPrec d x