{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric , DeriveDataTypeable , DerivingVia , FlexibleContexts , FlexibleInstances , GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving , MultiParamTypeClasses , ScopedTypeVariables , StandaloneDeriving , TypeApplications , TypeFamilies , UndecidableInstances #-} {-| Module: Data.Act An "Act" of a semigroup \( S \) on a type \( X \) gives a way to transform terms of type \( X \) by terms of type \( S \), in a way that is compatible with the semigroup operation on \( S \). In the special case that there is a unique way of going from one term of type \( X \) to another through a transformation by a term of type \( S \), we say that \( X \) is a torsor under \( S \). For example, the plane has an action by translations. Given any two points, there is a unique translation that takes the first point to the second. Note that an unmarked plane (like a blank piece of paper) has no designated origin or reference point, whereas the set of translations is a plane with a given origin (the zero translation). This is the distinction between an affine space (an unmarked plane) and a vector space. Enforcing this distinction in the types can help to avoid confusing absolute points with translation vectors. Simple 'Act' and 'Torsor' instances can be derived through self-actions: > > newtype Seconds = Seconds { getSeconds :: Double } > > deriving ( Act TimeDelta, Torsor TimeDelta ) > > via TimeDelta > > newtype TimeDelta = TimeDelta { timeDeltaInSeconds :: Seconds } > > deriving ( Semigroup, Monoid, Group ) > > via Sum Double -} module Data.Act ( Act(..) , transportAction , Trivial(..) , Torsor(..) , intertwiner , Finitely(..) ) where -- base import Data.Coerce ( coerce ) import Data.Data ( Data ) import Data.Functor.Const ( Const(..) ) import Data.Functor.Contravariant ( Op(..) ) import Data.Monoid ( Any(..), All(..) , Sum(..), Product(..) , Ap(..), Endo(..) ) import Data.Semigroup ( Dual(..) ) import GHC.Generics ( Generic, Generic1 ) -- deepseq import Control.DeepSeq ( NFData ) -- finitary import Data.Finitary ( Finitary(..) ) -- finite-typelits import Data.Finite ( Finite ) -- acts import Data.Group ( Group(..), anti ) ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A left __act__ (or left __semigroup action__) of a semigroup @s@ on @x@ consists of an operation -- -- @(•) :: s -> x -> x@ -- -- such that: -- -- @a • ( b • x ) = ( a <> b ) • x@ -- -- In case @s@ is also a 'Monoid', we additionally require: -- -- @mempty • x = x@ -- -- The synonym @ act = (•) @ is also provided. class Semigroup s => Act s x where {-# MINIMAL (•) | act #-} -- | Left action of a semigroup. (•), act :: s -> x -> x (•) = act act = (•) infixr 5 • infixr 5 `act` -- | Transport an act: -- -- <<img/transport.svg>> transportAction :: ( a -> b ) -> ( b -> a ) -> ( g -> b -> b ) -> ( g -> a -> a ) transportAction to from actBy g = from . actBy g . to -- | Natural left action of a semigroup on itself. instance Semigroup s => Act s s where (•) = (<>) -- | Trivial act of a semigroup on any type (acting by the identity). newtype Trivial a = Trivial { getTrivial :: a } deriving stock ( Show, Read, Data, Generic, Generic1 ) deriving newtype ( Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, NFData ) instance Semigroup s => Act s ( Trivial a ) where act _ = id deriving via Any instance Act Any Bool deriving via All instance Act All Bool instance Num a => Act ( Sum a ) a where act s = coerce ( act s :: Sum a -> Sum a ) instance Num a => Act ( Product a ) a where act s = coerce ( act s :: Product a -> Product a ) instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Act () x where act _ = id instance ( Act s1 x1, Act s2 x2 ) => Act ( s1, s2 ) ( x1,x2 ) where act ( s1, s2 ) ( x1, x2 ) = ( act s1 x1, act s2 x2 ) instance ( Act s1 x1, Act s2 x2, Act s3 x3 ) => Act ( s1, s2, s3 ) ( x1, x2, x3 ) where act ( s1, s2, s3 ) ( x1, x2, x3 ) = ( act s1 x1, act s2 x2, act s3 x3 ) instance ( Act s1 x1, Act s2 x2, Act s3 x3, Act s4 x4 ) => Act ( s1, s2, s3, s4 ) ( x1, x2, x3, x4 ) where act ( s1, s2, s3, s4 ) ( x1, x2, x3, x4 ) = ( act s1 x1, act s2 x2, act s3 x3, act s4 x4 ) instance ( Act s1 x1, Act s2 x2, Act s3 x3, Act s4 x4, Act s5 x5 ) => Act ( s1, s2, s3, s4, s5 ) ( x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 ) where act ( s1, s2, s3, s4, s5 ) ( x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 ) = ( act s1 x1, act s2 x2, act s3 x3, act s4 x4, act s5 x5 ) deriving newtype instance Act s a => Act s ( Const a b ) -- | Acting through a functor using @fmap@. instance ( Act s x, Functor f ) => Act s ( Ap f x ) where act s = coerce ( fmap ( act s ) :: f x -> f x ) -- | Acting through the contravariant function arrow functor: right action. -- -- If acting by a group, use `anti :: Group g => g -> Dual g` to act by the original group -- instead of the opposite group. instance ( Semigroup s, Act s a ) => Act ( Dual s ) ( Op b a ) where act ( Dual s ) = coerce ( ( . act s ) :: ( a -> b ) -> ( a -> b ) ) -- | Acting through a function arrow: both covariant and contravariant actions. -- -- If acting by a group, use `anti :: Group g => g -> Dual g` to act by the original group -- instead of the opposite group. instance ( Semigroup s, Act s a, Act t b ) => Act ( Dual s, t ) ( a -> b ) where act ( Dual s, t ) p = act t . p . act s -- | Action of a group on endomorphisms. instance ( Group g, Act g a ) => Act g ( Endo a ) where act g = coerce ( act ( anti g, g ) :: ( a -> a ) -> ( a -> a ) ) -- | Newtype for the action on a type through its 'Finitary' instance. -- -- > data ABCD = A | B | C | D -- > deriving stock ( Eq, Generic ) -- > deriving anyclass Finitary -- > deriving ( Act ( Sum ( Finite 4 ) ), Torsor ( Sum ( Finite 4 ) ) ) -- > via Finitely ABCD -- -- Sizes are checked statically. For instance if we had instead written: -- -- > deriving ( Act ( Sum ( Finite 3 ) ), Torsor ( Sum ( Finite 3 ) ) ) -- > via Finitely ABCD -- -- we would have gotten the error messages: -- -- > * No instance for (Act (Sum (Finite 3)) (Finite 4)) -- > * No instance for (Torsor (Sum (Finite 3)) (Finite 4)) -- newtype Finitely a = Finitely { getFinitely :: a } deriving stock ( Show, Read, Data, Generic, Generic1 ) deriving newtype ( Eq, Ord, NFData ) -- | Act on a type through its 'Finitary' instance. instance ( Semigroup s, Act s ( Finite n ), Finitary a, n ~ Cardinality a ) => Act s ( Finitely a ) where act s = Finitely . fromFinite . act s . toFinite . getFinitely -- | Torsor for a type using its 'Finitary' instance. instance ( Group g, Torsor g ( Finite n ), Finitary a, n ~ Cardinality a ) => Torsor g ( Finitely a ) where Finitely x --> Finitely y = toFinite x --> toFinite y ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A left __torsor__ consists of a /free/ and /transitive/ left action of a group on an inhabited type. -- -- This precisely means that for any two terms @x@, @y@, there exists a /unique/ group element @g@ taking @x@ to @y@, -- which is denoted @ y <-- x @ (or @ x --> y @, but the left-pointing arrow is more natural when working with left actions). -- -- That is @ y <-- x @ is the /unique/ element satisfying: -- -- @( y <-- x ) • x = y@ -- -- -- Note the order of composition of @<--@ and @-->@ with respect to @<>@: -- -- > ( z <-- y ) <> ( y <-- x ) = z <-- x -- -- > ( y --> z ) <> ( x --> y ) = x --> z class ( Group g, Act g x ) => Torsor g x where {-# MINIMAL (-->) | (<--) #-} -- | Unique group element effecting the given transition (<--), (-->) :: x -> x -> g (-->) = flip (<--) (<--) = flip (-->) infix 7 --> infix 7 <-- -- | Any group is a torsor under its own natural left action. instance Group g => Torsor g g where h <-- g = h <> inverse g instance Num a => Torsor ( Sum a ) a where (<--) = coerce ( (<--) :: Sum a -> Sum a -> Sum a ) -- | Given -- -- * \( g \in G \) acting on \( A \), -- * \( B \) a torsor under \( H \), -- * a map \( p \colon A \to B \), -- -- this function returns the unique element \( h \in H \) making the following diagram commute: -- -- <<img/intertwiner.svg>> intertwiner :: forall h g a b. ( Act g a, Torsor h b ) => g -> ( a -> b ) -> a -> h intertwiner g p a = p a --> p ( g • a )