accelerate-utility-0.1.1: Utility functions for the Accelerate framework

Safe HaskellNone




class Arrays (Tuple pattern) => Unlift pattern where Source

This class is like Unlift but for the Acc environment. It allows you to unlift an Acc of nested tuples into tuples of Exp and Acc values. It can be quite handy when working with acond and awhile. It can also be useful in connection with running an accelerate algorithm at a certain backend, like run1. But in this case you might prefer Data.Array.Accelerate.Utility.Lift.Run.

Associated Types

type Unlifted pattern Source

type Tuple pattern Source


unlift :: pattern -> Acc (Tuple pattern) -> Unlifted pattern Source


Elt a => Unlift (Exp a) 
Arrays a => Unlift (Acc a) 
(Unlift pa, Unlift pb) => Unlift (pa, pb) 
(Unlift pa, Unlift pb, Unlift pc) => Unlift (pa, pb, pc) 

modify :: (Lift Acc a, Unlift pattern) => pattern -> (Unlifted pattern -> a) -> Acc (Tuple pattern) -> Acc (Plain a) Source

modify2 :: (Lift Acc a, Unlift patternA, Unlift patternB) => patternA -> patternB -> (Unlifted patternA -> Unlifted patternB -> a) -> Acc (Tuple patternA) -> Acc (Tuple patternB) -> Acc (Plain a) Source

modify3 :: (Lift Acc a, Unlift patternA, Unlift patternB, Unlift patternC) => patternA -> patternB -> patternC -> (Unlifted patternA -> Unlifted patternB -> Unlifted patternC -> a) -> Acc (Tuple patternA) -> Acc (Tuple patternB) -> Acc (Tuple patternC) -> Acc (Plain a) Source

modify4 :: (Lift Acc a, Unlift patternA, Unlift patternB, Unlift patternC, Unlift patternD) => patternA -> patternB -> patternC -> patternD -> (Unlifted patternA -> Unlifted patternB -> Unlifted patternC -> Unlifted patternD -> a) -> Acc (Tuple patternA) -> Acc (Tuple patternB) -> Acc (Tuple patternC) -> Acc (Tuple patternD) -> Acc (Plain a) Source

data Acc a Source




Arrays a => Unlift (Acc a) 
type Unlifted (Acc a) = Acc a 
type Tuple (Acc a) = a 

data Exp e Source




Elt a => Unlift (Exp a) 
Elt a => Unlift (Exp a) 
type Unlifted (Exp a) = Exp a 
type Tuple (Exp a) = a 
type Unlifted (Exp a) = Exp a 
type Tuple (Exp a) = Scalar a 

unliftPair :: (Arrays a, Arrays b) => Acc (a, b) -> (Acc a, Acc b) Source

unliftTriple :: (Arrays a, Arrays b, Arrays c) => Acc (a, b, c) -> (Acc a, Acc b, Acc c) Source

unliftQuadruple :: (Arrays a, Arrays b, Arrays c, Arrays d) => Acc (a, b, c, d) -> (Acc a, Acc b, Acc c, Acc d) Source

mapFst :: (Arrays a, Arrays b, Arrays c) => (Acc a -> Acc b) -> Acc (a, c) -> Acc (b, c) Source

mapSnd :: (Arrays a, Arrays b, Arrays c) => (Acc b -> Acc c) -> Acc (a, b) -> Acc (a, c) Source

singleton :: Elt e => e -> Scalar e Source

like unit in the Acc environment

the :: Elt e => Scalar e -> e Source

like the in the Acc environment