accelerate-utility-0.0: Utility functions for the Accelerate framework

Safe HaskellNone




class Arrays (Tuple pattern) => Unlift pattern where Source

Associated Types

type Unlifted pattern Source

type Tuple pattern Source


unlift :: pattern -> Acc (Tuple pattern) -> Unlifted pattern Source


Elt a => Unlift (Exp a) 
Arrays a => Unlift (Acc a) 
(Unlift pa, Unlift pb) => Unlift (pa, pb) 
(Unlift pa, Unlift pb, Unlift pc) => Unlift (pa, pb, pc) 

modify :: (Lift Acc a, Unlift pattern) => pattern -> (Unlifted pattern -> a) -> Acc (Tuple pattern) -> Acc (Plain a) Source

modify2 :: (Lift Acc a, Unlift patternA, Unlift patternB) => patternA -> patternB -> (Unlifted patternA -> Unlifted patternB -> a) -> Acc (Tuple patternA) -> Acc (Tuple patternB) -> Acc (Plain a) Source

modify3 :: (Lift Acc a, Unlift patternA, Unlift patternB, Unlift patternC) => patternA -> patternB -> patternC -> (Unlifted patternA -> Unlifted patternB -> Unlifted patternC -> a) -> Acc (Tuple patternA) -> Acc (Tuple patternB) -> Acc (Tuple patternC) -> Acc (Plain a) Source

modify4 :: (Lift Acc a, Unlift patternA, Unlift patternB, Unlift patternC, Unlift patternD) => patternA -> patternB -> patternC -> patternD -> (Unlifted patternA -> Unlifted patternB -> Unlifted patternC -> Unlifted patternD -> a) -> Acc (Tuple patternA) -> Acc (Tuple patternB) -> Acc (Tuple patternC) -> Acc (Tuple patternD) -> Acc (Plain a) Source

data Acc a Source




Arrays a => Unlift (Acc a) 
type Unlifted (Acc a) = Acc a 
type Tuple (Acc a) = a 

data Exp e Source




Elt a => Unlift (Exp a) 
type Unlifted (Exp a) = Exp a 
type Tuple (Exp a) = Scalar a 

unliftPair :: (Arrays a, Arrays b) => Acc (a, b) -> (Acc a, Acc b) Source

unliftTriple :: (Arrays a, Arrays b, Arrays c) => Acc (a, b, c) -> (Acc a, Acc b, Acc c) Source

unliftQuadruple :: (Arrays a, Arrays b, Arrays c, Arrays d) => Acc (a, b, c, d) -> (Acc a, Acc b, Acc c, Acc d) Source

mapFst :: (Arrays a, Arrays b, Arrays c) => (Acc a -> Acc b) -> Acc (a, c) -> Acc (b, c) Source

mapSnd :: (Arrays a, Arrays b, Arrays c) => (Acc b -> Acc c) -> Acc (a, b) -> Acc (a, c) Source

singleton :: Elt e => e -> Scalar e Source

like unit in the Acc environment

the :: Elt e => Scalar e -> e Source

like the in the Acc environment