{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Data.Array.Accelerate.LLVM.PTX.Array.Prim (
memsetArray, memsetArrayAsync,
useArray, useArrayAsync,
peekArray, peekArrayR, peekArrayAsync, peekArrayAsyncR,
pokeArray, pokeArrayR, pokeArrayAsync, pokeArrayAsyncR,
copyArray, copyArrayR, copyArrayAsync, copyArrayAsyncR,
copyArrayPeer, copyArrayPeerR, copyArrayPeerAsync, copyArrayPeerAsyncR,
) where
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Array.Data
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Error
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Lifetime
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Type
import Data.Array.Accelerate.LLVM.State
import Data.Array.Accelerate.LLVM.PTX.Context
import Data.Array.Accelerate.LLVM.PTX.Target
import Data.Array.Accelerate.LLVM.PTX.Execute.Event
import Data.Array.Accelerate.LLVM.PTX.Execute.Stream
import Data.Array.Accelerate.LLVM.PTX.Array.Table
import Data.Array.Accelerate.LLVM.PTX.Array.Remote as Remote
import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate.LLVM.PTX.Debug as Debug
import qualified Foreign.CUDA.Driver as CUDA
import qualified Foreign.CUDA.Driver.Stream as CUDA
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Typeable
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable
import GHC.TypeLits
import Text.Printf
import Prelude hiding ( lookup )
{-# INLINEABLE mallocArray #-}
:: forall e a. (ArrayElt e, ArrayPtrs e ~ Ptr a, Storable a, Typeable a, Typeable e)
=> Int
-> ArrayData e
-> LLVM PTX ()
mallocArray !n !ad = do
message ("mallocArray: " ++ showBytes (n * sizeOf (undefined::a)))
void $ malloc ad n False
{-# INLINEABLE useArray #-}
:: forall e a. (ArrayElt e, ArrayPtrs e ~ Ptr a, Storable a, Typeable a, Typeable e)
=> Int
-> ArrayData e
-> LLVM PTX ()
useArray !n !ad =
blocking $ \st -> useArrayAsync st n ad
{-# INLINEABLE useArrayAsync #-}
:: forall e a. (ArrayElt e, ArrayPtrs e ~ Ptr a, Storable a, Typeable a, Typeable e)
=> Stream
-> Int
-> ArrayData e
-> LLVM PTX ()
useArrayAsync !st !n !ad = do
alloc <- malloc ad n True
when alloc $ pokeArrayAsync st n ad
{-# INLINEABLE pokeArray #-}
:: forall e a. (ArrayElt e, ArrayPtrs e ~ Ptr a, Typeable e, Storable a, Typeable a)
=> Int
-> ArrayData e
-> LLVM PTX ()
pokeArray !n !ad =
blocking $ \st -> pokeArrayAsync st n ad
{-# INLINEABLE pokeArrayAsync #-}
:: forall e a. (ArrayElt e, ArrayPtrs e ~ Ptr a, Typeable e, Storable a, Typeable a)
=> Stream
-> Int
-> ArrayData e
-> LLVM PTX ()
pokeArrayAsync !stream !n !ad = do
let !src = CUDA.HostPtr (ptrsOfArrayData ad)
!bytes = n * sizeOf (undefined :: a)
!st = unsafeGetValue stream
withDevicePtr ad $ \dst ->
nonblocking stream $
transfer "pokeArray" bytes (Just st) $ CUDA.pokeArrayAsync n src dst (Just st)
liftIO (touchLifetime stream)
liftIO (Debug.didCopyBytesToRemote (fromIntegral bytes))
{-# INLINEABLE pokeArrayR #-}
:: forall e a. (ArrayElt e, ArrayPtrs e ~ Ptr a, Typeable e, Typeable a, Storable a)
=> Int
-> Int
-> ArrayData e
-> LLVM PTX ()
pokeArrayR !from !to !ad =
blocking $ \st -> pokeArrayAsyncR st from to ad
{-# INLINEABLE pokeArrayAsyncR #-}
:: forall e a. (ArrayElt e, ArrayPtrs e ~ Ptr a, Typeable e, Typeable a, Storable a)
=> Stream
-> Int
-> Int
-> ArrayData e
-> LLVM PTX ()
pokeArrayAsyncR !stream !from !to !ad = do
let !n = to - from
!bytes = n * sizeOf (undefined :: a)
!offset = from * sizeOf (undefined :: a)
!src = CUDA.HostPtr (ptrsOfArrayData ad)
!st = unsafeGetValue stream
withDevicePtr ad $ \dst ->
nonblocking stream $
transfer "pokeArray" bytes (Just st) $
CUDA.pokeArrayAsync n (src `CUDA.plusHostPtr` offset) (dst `CUDA.plusDevPtr` offset) (Just st)
liftIO (touchLifetime stream)
liftIO (Debug.didCopyBytesToRemote (fromIntegral bytes))
{-# INLINEABLE indexArray #-}
:: forall e a. (ArrayElt e, ArrayPtrs e ~ Ptr a, Typeable e, Typeable a, Storable a)
=> ArrayData e
-> Int
indexArray !ad !i =
blocking $ \stream ->
withDevicePtr ad $ \src -> liftIO $
bracket (CUDA.mallocHostArray [] 1) CUDA.freeHost $ \dst -> do
let !st = unsafeGetValue stream
message $ "indexArray: " ++ showBytes (sizeOf (undefined::a))
Debug.didCopyBytesFromRemote (fromIntegral (sizeOf (undefined::a)))
CUDA.peekArrayAsync 1 (src `CUDA.advanceDevPtr` i) dst (Just st)
CUDA.block st
touchLifetime stream
r <- peek (CUDA.useHostPtr dst)
return (Nothing, r)
{-# INLINEABLE peekArray #-}
:: forall e a. (ArrayElt e, ArrayPtrs e ~ Ptr a, Typeable e, Typeable a, Storable a)
=> Int
-> ArrayData e
-> LLVM PTX ()
peekArray !n !ad =
blocking $ \st -> peekArrayAsync st n ad
{-# INLINEABLE peekArrayAsync #-}
:: forall e a. (ArrayElt e, ArrayPtrs e ~ Ptr a, Typeable e, Typeable a, Storable a)
=> Stream
-> Int
-> ArrayData e
-> LLVM PTX ()
peekArrayAsync !stream !n !ad = do
let !bytes = n * sizeOf (undefined :: a)
!dst = CUDA.HostPtr (ptrsOfArrayData ad)
!st = unsafeGetValue stream
withDevicePtr ad $ \src ->
nonblocking stream $
transfer "peekArray" bytes (Just st) $ CUDA.peekArrayAsync n src dst (Just st)
liftIO (touchLifetime stream)
liftIO (Debug.didCopyBytesFromRemote (fromIntegral bytes))
{-# INLINEABLE peekArrayR #-}
:: forall e a. (ArrayElt e, ArrayPtrs e ~ Ptr a, Typeable a, Typeable e, Storable a)
=> Int
-> Int
-> ArrayData e
-> LLVM PTX ()
peekArrayR !from !to !ad =
blocking $ \st -> peekArrayAsyncR st from to ad
{-# INLINEABLE peekArrayAsyncR #-}
:: forall e a. (ArrayElt e, ArrayPtrs e ~ Ptr a, Typeable e, Typeable a, Storable a)
=> Stream
-> Int
-> Int
-> ArrayData e
-> LLVM PTX ()
peekArrayAsyncR !stream !from !to !ad = do
let !n = to - from
!bytes = n * sizeOf (undefined :: a)
!offset = from * sizeOf (undefined :: a)
!dst = CUDA.HostPtr (ptrsOfArrayData ad)
!st = unsafeGetValue stream
withDevicePtr ad $ \src ->
nonblocking stream $
transfer "peekArray" bytes (Just st) $
CUDA.peekArrayAsync n (src `CUDA.plusDevPtr` offset) (dst `CUDA.plusHostPtr` offset) (Just st)
liftIO (touchLifetime stream)
liftIO (Debug.didCopyBytesFromRemote (fromIntegral bytes))
{-# INLINEABLE copyArray #-}
:: forall e a. (ArrayElt e, ArrayPtrs e ~ Ptr a, Typeable e, Storable a, Typeable a)
=> Int
-> ArrayData e
-> ArrayData e
-> LLVM PTX ()
copyArray !n !src !dst =
blocking $ \st -> copyArrayAsync st n src dst
{-# INLINEABLE copyArrayAsync #-}
:: forall e a. (ArrayElt e, ArrayPtrs e ~ Ptr a, Typeable e, Storable a, Typeable a)
=> Stream
-> Int
-> ArrayData e
-> ArrayData e
-> LLVM PTX ()
copyArrayAsync !stream !n !ad_src !ad_dst = do
let !bytes = n * sizeOf (undefined :: a)
!st = unsafeGetValue stream
withDevicePtr ad_src $ \src -> do
e <- withDevicePtr ad_dst $ \dst -> do
(e,()) <- nonblocking stream
$ transfer "copyArray" bytes (Just st) $ CUDA.copyArrayAsync n src dst (Just st)
return (e,e)
return (e,())
liftIO (touchLifetime stream)
{-# INLINEABLE copyArrayR #-}
:: forall e a. (ArrayElt e, ArrayPtrs e ~ Ptr a, Typeable e, Storable a, Typeable a)
=> Int
-> Int
-> ArrayData e
-> ArrayData e
-> LLVM PTX ()
copyArrayR !from !to !src !dst =
blocking $ \st -> copyArrayAsyncR st from to src dst
{-# INLINEABLE copyArrayAsyncR #-}
:: forall e a. (ArrayElt e, ArrayPtrs e ~ Ptr a, Typeable e, Storable a, Typeable a)
=> Stream
-> Int
-> Int
-> ArrayData e
-> ArrayData e
-> LLVM PTX ()
copyArrayAsyncR !stream !from !to !ad_src !ad_dst = do
let !n = to - from
!bytes = n * sizeOf (undefined :: a)
!offset = from * sizeOf (undefined :: a)
!st = unsafeGetValue stream
withDevicePtr ad_src $ \src -> do
e <- withDevicePtr ad_dst $ \dst -> do
(e,()) <- nonblocking stream
$ transfer "copyArray" bytes (Just st)
$ CUDA.copyArrayAsync n (src `CUDA.plusDevPtr` offset) (dst `CUDA.plusDevPtr` offset) (Just st)
return (e,e)
return (e,())
liftIO (touchLifetime stream)
{-# INLINEABLE copyArrayPeer #-}
:: forall e a. (ArrayElt e, ArrayPtrs e ~ Ptr a, Storable a, Typeable a)
=> Context
-> MemoryTable
-> Int
-> ArrayData e
-> LLVM PTX ()
copyArrayPeer !ctx2 !mt2 !n !ad =
blocking $ \st -> copyArrayPeerAsync ctx2 mt2 st n ad
{-# INLINEABLE copyArrayPeerAsync #-}
:: forall e a. (ArrayElt e, ArrayPtrs e ~ Ptr a, Storable a, Typeable a)
=> Context
-> MemoryTable
-> Stream
-> Int
-> ArrayData e
-> LLVM PTX ()
copyArrayPeerAsync = error "copyArrayPeerAsync"
{-# INLINEABLE copyArrayPeerR #-}
:: forall e a. (ArrayElt e, ArrayPtrs e ~ Ptr a, Storable a, Typeable a)
=> Context
-> MemoryTable
-> Int
-> Int
-> ArrayData e
-> LLVM PTX ()
copyArrayPeerR !ctx2 !mt2 !from !to !ad =
blocking $ \st -> copyArrayPeerAsyncR ctx2 mt2 st from to ad
{-# INLINEABLE copyArrayPeerAsyncR #-}
:: forall e a. (ArrayElt e, ArrayPtrs e ~ Ptr a, Storable a, Typeable a)
=> Context
-> MemoryTable
-> Stream
-> Int
-> Int
-> ArrayData e
-> LLVM PTX ()
copyArrayPeerAsyncR = error "copyArrayPeerAsyncR"
{-# INLINEABLE memsetArray #-}
:: forall e a. (ArrayElt e, ArrayPtrs e ~ Ptr a, Typeable e, Typeable a, Storable a, BitSize a <= 32)
=> Int
-> a
-> ArrayData e
-> LLVM PTX ()
memsetArray !n !v !ad =
blocking $ \st -> memsetArrayAsync st n v ad
{-# INLINEABLE memsetArrayAsync #-}
:: forall e a. (ArrayElt e, ArrayPtrs e ~ Ptr a, Typeable e, Typeable a, Storable a, BitSize a <= 32)
=> Stream
-> Int
-> a
-> ArrayData e
-> LLVM PTX ()
memsetArrayAsync !stream !n !v !ad = do
let !bytes = n * sizeOf (undefined :: a)
!st = unsafeGetValue stream
withDevicePtr ad $ \ptr ->
nonblocking stream $
transfer "memset" bytes (Just st) $ CUDA.memsetAsync ptr n v (Just st)
liftIO (touchLifetime stream)
{-# INLINEABLE withDevicePtr #-}
:: (ArrayElt e, ArrayPtrs e ~ Ptr a, Typeable e, Typeable a, Storable a)
=> ArrayData e
-> (CUDA.DevicePtr a -> LLVM PTX (Maybe Event, r))
withDevicePtr !ad !f = do
mr <- withRemote ad f
case mr of
Nothing -> $internalError "withDevicePtr" "array does not exist on the device"
Just r -> return r
{-# INLINE blocking #-}
blocking :: (Stream -> LLVM PTX a) -> LLVM PTX a
blocking !f =
streaming f $ \e r -> do
liftIO $ block e
return r
{-# INLINE nonblocking #-}
nonblocking :: Stream -> LLVM PTX a -> LLVM PTX (Maybe Event, a)
nonblocking !stream !f = do
r <- f
e <- waypoint stream
return (Just e, r)
{-# INLINE showBytes #-}
showBytes :: Int -> String
showBytes x = Debug.showFFloatSIBase (Just 0) 1024 (fromIntegral x :: Double) "B"
{-# INLINE trace #-}
trace :: MonadIO m => String -> m a -> m a
trace msg next = liftIO (Debug.traceIO Debug.dump_gc ("gc: " ++ msg)) >> next
{-# INLINE message #-}
message :: MonadIO m => String -> m ()
message s = s `trace` return ()
{-# INLINE transfer #-}
transfer :: MonadIO m => String -> Int -> Maybe CUDA.Stream -> IO () -> m ()
transfer name bytes stream action
= let showRate x t = Debug.showFFloatSIBase (Just 3) 1024 (fromIntegral x / t) "B/s"
msg wall cpu gpu = printf "gc: %s: %s bytes @ %s, %s"
(showBytes bytes)
(showRate bytes wall)
(Debug.elapsed wall cpu gpu)
liftIO (Debug.timed Debug.dump_gc msg stream action)