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accelerate-io- Read and write Accelerate arrays in various formats

Copyright[2010..2012] Sean Seefried
[2010..2016] Trevor L. McDonell
MaintainerTrevor L. McDonell <tmcdonell@cse.unsw.edu.au>
Portabilitynon-portable (GHC extensions)
Safe HaskellNone




This module provides efficient conversion routines between different array types and Accelerate arrays.


Array libraries


This provides an efficient non-copying Repa manifest array representation that can be passed directly to Accelerate.

The standard rules for dealing with manifest Repa arrays apply:

  • If you want to have Repa computeP directly into an Accelerate array, the source array must have a delayed representation.
  • If you want to copy between manifest arrays, use copyP instead.

data A Source #

The representation tag for manifest arrays based on Data.Array.Accelerate.

The Accelerate array implementation is based on type families and picks an efficient, unboxed representation for every element type. Moreover, these arrays can be handed efficiently (without copying) to Accelerate programs for further computation.


Elt e => Target A e Source #

Filling Accelerate arrays

Associated Types

data MVec A e :: * #


newMVec :: Int -> IO (MVec A e) #

unsafeWriteMVec :: MVec A e -> Int -> e -> IO () #

unsafeFreezeMVec :: sh -> MVec A e -> IO (Array A sh e) #

deepSeqMVec :: MVec A e -> a -> a #

touchMVec :: MVec A e -> IO () #

Elt e => Source A e Source #

Reading elements of the Accelerate array

Associated Types

data Array A sh e :: * #


extent :: Shape sh => Array A sh e -> sh #

index :: Shape sh => Array A sh e -> sh -> e #

unsafeIndex :: Shape sh => Array A sh e -> sh -> e #

linearIndex :: Shape sh => Array A sh e -> Int -> e #

unsafeLinearIndex :: Shape sh => Array A sh e -> Int -> e #

deepSeqArray :: Shape sh => Array A sh e -> b -> b #

data MVec A Source # 
data MVec A = MAVec (MutableArrayData (EltRepr e))
data Array A Source # 
data Array A = AAccelerate !sh !(ArrayData (EltRepr e))

class (Shape r, Shape a) => Shapes r a | a -> r, r -> a Source #

Index conversion and equivalence statement between Repa and Accelerate array shapes. That is, a n-dimensional Repa array will produce an n-dimensional Accelerate array of the same extent, and vice-versa.

Minimal complete definition

toR, toA


Shapes Z Z Source # 


toR :: Z -> Z

toA :: Z -> Z

Shapes sr sa => Shapes ((:.) sr Int) ((:.) sa Int) Source # 


toR :: (sa :. Int) -> sr :. Int

toA :: (sr :. Int) -> sa :. Int

fromRepa :: (Shapes sh sh', Elt e) => Array A sh e -> Array sh' e Source #

O(1). Unpack to an Accelerate array.

toRepa :: Shapes sh sh' => Array sh' e -> Array A sh e Source #

O(1). Wrap an Accelerate array.

computeAccS :: (Load r sh e, Elt e) => Array r sh e -> Array A sh e Source #

Sequential computation of array elements

computeAccP :: (Load r sh e, Elt e, Monad m) => Array r sh e -> m (Array A sh e) Source #

Parallel computation of array elements


This provides an efficient non-copying conversion between storable vectors and Accelerate arrays.

type family Vectors e Source #

A family of types that represents a collection of storable Vectors. The structure of the collection depends on the element type e.

For example:

  • if e :: Int, then Vectors (EltRepr e) :: ((), Vector Int)
  • if e :: (Double, Float), then Vectors (EltRepr e) :: (((), Vector Double), Vector Float)


type Vectors Bool Source # 
type Vectors Char Source # 
type Vectors Double Source # 
type Vectors Float Source # 
type Vectors Int Source # 
type Vectors Int8 Source # 
type Vectors Int16 Source # 
type Vectors Int32 Source # 
type Vectors Int64 Source # 
type Vectors Word Source # 
type Vectors Word8 Source # 
type Vectors Word16 Source # 
type Vectors Word32 Source # 
type Vectors Word64 Source # 
type Vectors () Source # 
type Vectors () = ()
type Vectors CDouble Source # 
type Vectors CFloat Source # 
type Vectors CULLong Source # 
type Vectors CLLong Source # 
type Vectors CULong Source # 
type Vectors CULong = Vector HTYPE_UNSIGNED_LONG
type Vectors CLong Source # 
type Vectors CLong = Vector HTYPE_LONG
type Vectors CUInt Source # 
type Vectors CInt Source # 
type Vectors CUShort Source # 
type Vectors CShort Source # 
type Vectors CUChar Source # 
type Vectors CSChar Source # 
type Vectors CChar Source # 
type Vectors CChar = Vector HTYPE_CCHAR
type Vectors (a, b) Source # 
type Vectors (a, b) = (Vectors a, Vectors b)

toVectors :: (Shape sh, Elt e) => Array sh e -> Vectors (EltRepr e) Source #

O(1). Turn the Accelerate array into a collection of storable Vectors. The element type of the array e will determine the structure of the output collection. See Vectors.

Data will be output in row-major order.

fromVectors :: (Shape sh, Elt e) => sh -> Vectors (EltRepr e) -> Array sh e Source #

O(1). Treat a set of storable vectors as Accelerate arrays. The type of elements e in the output Accelerate array determines the structure of the collection that will be required as the second argument. See Vectors.

Data will be consumed from the vector in row-major order. You must make sure that each of the input vectors contains the right number of elements


fromIArray :: (IxShapeRepr (EltRepr ix) ~ EltRepr sh, IArray a e, Ix ix, Shape sh, Elt ix, Elt e) => a ix e -> Array sh e Source #

Convert an IArray to an accelerated array.

While the type signature mentions Accelerate internals that are not exported, in practice satisfying the type equality is straight forward. The index type ix must be the unit type () for singleton arrays, or an Int or tuple of Int's for multidimensional arrays.

toIArray :: (IxShapeRepr (EltRepr ix) ~ EltRepr sh, IArray a e, Ix ix, Shape sh, Elt ix) => Array sh e -> a ix e Source #

Convert an accelerated array to an IArray.

Specialised file IO

Bitmap images

Reading and writing arrays as uncompressed 24 or 32-bit Windows BMP files.

type RGBA32 = Word32 Source #

Packed RGBA pixel data

readImageFromBMP :: FilePath -> IO (Either Error (Array DIM2 RGBA32)) Source #

Read RGBA components from a BMP file.

writeImageToBMP :: FilePath -> Array DIM2 RGBA32 -> IO () Source #

Write the image data to a file.

Low-level conversions

Copying conversions of low-level primitive data, stored in one-dimensional row-major blocks of contiguous memory. To use these, you should really know what you are doing. Potential pitfalls include:

  • copying from memory your program doesn't have access to (e.g. it may be unallocated, or not enough memory is allocated)
  • memory alignment errors


type family ByteStrings e Source #

A family of types that represents a collection of ByteStrings. They are the source data for function fromByteString and the result data for toByteString


type ByteStrings Bool Source # 
type ByteStrings Char Source # 
type ByteStrings Double Source # 
type ByteStrings Float Source # 
type ByteStrings Int Source # 
type ByteStrings Int8 Source # 
type ByteStrings Int16 Source # 
type ByteStrings Int32 Source # 
type ByteStrings Int64 Source # 
type ByteStrings Word Source # 
type ByteStrings Word8 Source # 
type ByteStrings Word16 Source # 
type ByteStrings Word32 Source # 
type ByteStrings Word64 Source # 
type ByteStrings () Source # 
type ByteStrings () = ()
type ByteStrings CDouble Source # 
type ByteStrings CFloat Source # 
type ByteStrings CULLong Source # 
type ByteStrings CLLong Source # 
type ByteStrings CULong Source # 
type ByteStrings CLong Source # 
type ByteStrings CUInt Source # 
type ByteStrings CInt Source # 
type ByteStrings CUShort Source # 
type ByteStrings CShort Source # 
type ByteStrings CShort Source # 
type ByteStrings CUChar Source # 
type ByteStrings CSChar Source # 
type ByteStrings CChar Source # 
type ByteStrings (a, b) Source # 
type ByteStrings (a, b) = (ByteStrings a, ByteStrings b)

fromByteString :: (Shape sh, Elt e) => sh -> ByteStrings (EltRepr e) -> IO (Array sh e) Source #

Block copies bytes from a collection of ByteStrings to freshly allocated Accelerate array.

The type of elements (e) in the output Accelerate array determines the structure of the collection of ByteStrings that will be required as the second argument to this function. See ByteStrings

toByteString :: (Shape sh, Elt e) => Array sh e -> IO (ByteStrings (EltRepr e)) Source #

Block copy from an Accelerate array to a collection of freshly allocated ByteStrings.

The type of elements (e) in the input Accelerate array determines the structure of the collection of ByteStrings that will be output. See ByteStrings

Raw pointers

type family BlockPtrs e Source #

A family of types that represents a collection of pointers that are the source/destination addresses for a block copy. The structure of the collection of pointers depends on the element type e.


If e :: Int, then BlockPtrs (EltRepr e) :: ((), Ptr Int)

If e :: (Double, Float) then BlockPtrs (EltRepr e) :: (((), Ptr Double), Ptr Float)


type BlockPtrs Bool Source # 
type BlockPtrs Char Source # 
type BlockPtrs Double Source # 
type BlockPtrs Float Source # 
type BlockPtrs Int Source # 
type BlockPtrs Int8 Source # 
type BlockPtrs Int16 Source # 
type BlockPtrs Int32 Source # 
type BlockPtrs Int64 Source # 
type BlockPtrs Word Source # 
type BlockPtrs Word8 Source # 
type BlockPtrs Word16 Source # 
type BlockPtrs Word32 Source # 
type BlockPtrs Word64 Source # 
type BlockPtrs () Source # 
type BlockPtrs () = ()
type BlockPtrs CDouble Source # 
type BlockPtrs CFloat Source # 
type BlockPtrs CULLong Source # 
type BlockPtrs CLLong Source # 
type BlockPtrs CULong Source # 
type BlockPtrs CULong = Ptr HTYPE_UNSIGNED_LONG
type BlockPtrs CLong Source # 
type BlockPtrs CLong = Ptr HTYPE_LONG
type BlockPtrs CUInt Source # 
type BlockPtrs CInt Source # 
type BlockPtrs CUShort Source # 
type BlockPtrs CShort Source # 
type BlockPtrs CUChar Source # 
type BlockPtrs CSChar Source # 
type BlockPtrs CChar Source # 
type BlockPtrs CChar = Ptr HTYPE_CCHAR
type BlockPtrs (a, b) Source # 
type BlockPtrs (a, b) = (BlockPtrs a, BlockPtrs b)

fromPtr :: (Shape sh, Elt e) => sh -> BlockPtrs (EltRepr e) -> IO (Array sh e) Source #

Block copy regions of memory into a freshly allocated Accelerate array. The type of elements (e) in the output Accelerate array determines the structure of the collection of pointers that will be required as the second argument to this function. See BlockPtrs

Each one of these pointers points to a block of memory that is the source of data for the Accelerate array (unlike function toArray where one passes in function which copies data to a destination address.).

toPtr :: (Shape sh, Elt e) => Array sh e -> BlockPtrs (EltRepr e) -> IO () Source #

Block copy from Accelerate array to pre-allocated regions of memory. The type of element of the input Accelerate array (e) determines the structure of the collection of pointers that will be required as the second argument to this function. See BlockPtrs

The memory associated with the pointers must have already been allocated.

Direct copying functions

type BlockCopyFun e = Ptr e -> Int -> IO () Source #

Functions of this type are passed as arguments to toArray. A function of this type should copy a number of bytes (equal to the value of the parameter of type Int) to the destination memory pointed to by Ptr e.

type family BlockCopyFuns e Source #

Represents a collection of "block copy functions" (see BlockCopyFun). The structure of the collection of BlockCopyFuns depends on the element type e.


If e :: Float then BlockCopyFuns (EltRepr e) :: ((), Ptr Float -> Int -> IO ())

If e :: (Double, Float) then BlockCopyFuns (EltRepr e) :: (((), Ptr Double -> Int -> IO ()), Ptr Float -> Int -> IO ())


type BlockCopyFuns Bool Source # 
type BlockCopyFuns Char Source # 
type BlockCopyFuns Double Source # 
type BlockCopyFuns Float Source # 
type BlockCopyFuns Int Source # 
type BlockCopyFuns Int8 Source # 
type BlockCopyFuns Int16 Source # 
type BlockCopyFuns Int32 Source # 
type BlockCopyFuns Int64 Source # 
type BlockCopyFuns Word Source # 
type BlockCopyFuns Word8 Source # 
type BlockCopyFuns Word16 Source # 
type BlockCopyFuns Word32 Source # 
type BlockCopyFuns Word64 Source # 
type BlockCopyFuns () Source # 
type BlockCopyFuns () = ()
type BlockCopyFuns CDouble Source # 
type BlockCopyFuns CFloat Source # 
type BlockCopyFuns CULLong Source # 
type BlockCopyFuns CLLong Source # 
type BlockCopyFuns CULong Source # 
type BlockCopyFuns CULong = BlockCopyFun HTYPE_UNSIGNED_LONG
type BlockCopyFuns CLong Source # 
type BlockCopyFuns CLong = BlockCopyFun HTYPE_LONG
type BlockCopyFuns CUInt Source # 
type BlockCopyFuns CInt Source # 
type BlockCopyFuns CUShort Source # 
type BlockCopyFuns CShort Source # 
type BlockCopyFuns CUChar Source # 
type BlockCopyFuns CSChar Source # 
type BlockCopyFuns CChar Source # 
type BlockCopyFuns CChar = BlockCopyFun HTYPE_CCHAR
type BlockCopyFuns (a, b) Source # 

fromArray :: (Shape sh, Elt e) => Array sh e -> BlockCopyFuns (EltRepr e) -> IO () Source #

Copy values from an Accelerate array using a collection of functions that have type BlockCopyFun. The argument of type Ptr e in each of these functions refers to the address of the source block of memory in the Accelerate Array. The destination address is implicit. e.g. the BlockCopyFun could be the result of partially application to a Ptr e pointing to the destination block.

The structure of this collection of functions depends on the elemente type e. Each function (of type BlockCopyFun) copies data to a destination address (pointed to by the argument of type Ptr ()).

Unless there is a particularly pressing reason to use this function, the fromPtr function is sufficient as it uses an efficient low-level call to libc's memcpy to perform the copy.

toArray :: (Shape sh, Elt e) => sh -> BlockCopyFuns (EltRepr e) -> IO (Array sh e) Source #

Copy values to a freshly allocated Accelerate array using a collection of functions that have type BlockCopyFun. The argument of type Ptr e in each of these functions refers to the address of the destination block of memory in the Accelerate Array. The source address is implicit. e.g. the BlockCopyFun could be the result of a partial application to a Ptr e pointing to the source block.

The structure of this collection of functions depends on the elemente type e. Each function (of type BlockCopyFun) copies data to a destination address (pointed to by the argument of type Ptr ()).

Unless there is a particularly pressing reason to use this function, the fromPtr function is sufficient as it uses an efficient low-level call to libc's memcpy to perform the copy.