{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Data.Array.Accelerate.Trafo.Shrink (
ShrinkAcc, shrinkPreAcc, basicReduceAcc,
UsesOfAcc, usesOfPreAcc, usesOfExp,
) where
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Applicative hiding ( Const )
import Prelude hiding ( exp, seq )
import Data.Array.Accelerate.AST
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Array.Sugar hiding ( Any )
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Trafo.Base
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Trafo.Substitution
import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate.Debug as Stats
class Shrink f where
shrink :: f -> f
shrink' :: f -> (Bool, f)
shrink = snd . shrink'
instance Kit acc => Shrink (PreOpenExp acc env aenv e) where
shrink' = shrinkExp
instance Kit acc => Shrink (PreOpenFun acc env aenv f) where
shrink' = shrinkFun
shrinkExp :: Kit acc => PreOpenExp acc env aenv t -> (Bool, PreOpenExp acc env aenv t)
shrinkExp = Stats.substitution "shrink exp" . first getAny . shrinkE
lIMIT :: Int
lIMIT = 1
shrinkE :: Kit acc => PreOpenExp acc env aenv t -> (Any, PreOpenExp acc env aenv t)
shrinkE exp = case exp of
Let bnd body
| Var _ <- bnd -> Stats.inline "Var" . yes $ shrinkE (inline body bnd)
| uses <= lIMIT -> Stats.betaReduce msg . yes $ shrinkE (inline (snd body') (snd bnd'))
| otherwise -> Let <$> bnd' <*> body'
bnd' = shrinkE bnd
body' = shrinkE body
uses = usesOfExp ZeroIdx (snd body')
msg = case uses of
0 -> "dead exp"
_ -> "inline exp"
Var idx -> pure (Var idx)
Const c -> pure (Const c)
Tuple t -> Tuple <$> shrinkT t
Prj tup e -> Prj tup <$> shrinkE e
IndexNil -> pure IndexNil
IndexCons sl sz -> IndexCons <$> shrinkE sl <*> shrinkE sz
IndexHead sh -> IndexHead <$> shrinkE sh
IndexTail sh -> IndexTail <$> shrinkE sh
IndexSlice x ix sh -> IndexSlice x <$> shrinkE ix <*> shrinkE sh
IndexFull x ix sl -> IndexFull x <$> shrinkE ix <*> shrinkE sl
IndexAny -> pure IndexAny
ToIndex sh ix -> ToIndex <$> shrinkE sh <*> shrinkE ix
FromIndex sh i -> FromIndex <$> shrinkE sh <*> shrinkE i
Cond p t e -> Cond <$> shrinkE p <*> shrinkE t <*> shrinkE e
While p f x -> While <$> shrinkF p <*> shrinkF f <*> shrinkE x
PrimConst c -> pure (PrimConst c)
PrimApp f x -> PrimApp f <$> shrinkE x
Index a sh -> Index a <$> shrinkE sh
LinearIndex a i -> LinearIndex a <$> shrinkE i
Shape a -> pure (Shape a)
ShapeSize sh -> ShapeSize <$> shrinkE sh
Intersect sh sz -> Intersect <$> shrinkE sh <*> shrinkE sz
Union sh sz -> Union <$> shrinkE sh <*> shrinkE sz
Foreign ff f e -> Foreign ff <$> shrinkF f <*> shrinkE e
shrinkT :: Kit acc => Tuple (PreOpenExp acc env aenv) t -> (Any, Tuple (PreOpenExp acc env aenv) t)
shrinkT NilTup = pure NilTup
shrinkT (SnocTup t e) = SnocTup <$> shrinkT t <*> shrinkE e
shrinkF :: Kit acc => PreOpenFun acc env aenv t -> (Any, PreOpenFun acc env aenv t)
shrinkF = first Any . shrinkFun
first :: (a -> a') -> (a,b) -> (a',b)
first f (x,y) = (f x, y)
yes :: (Any, x) -> (Any, x)
yes (_, x) = (Any True, x)
shrinkFun :: Kit acc => PreOpenFun acc env aenv f -> (Bool, PreOpenFun acc env aenv f)
shrinkFun (Lam f) = Lam <$> shrinkFun f
shrinkFun (Body b) = Body <$> shrinkExp b
type ShrinkAcc acc = forall aenv a. acc aenv a -> acc aenv a
type ReduceAcc acc = forall aenv s t. acc aenv s -> acc (aenv,s) t -> Maybe (PreOpenAcc acc aenv t)
:: forall acc aenv arrs. ShrinkAcc acc -> ReduceAcc acc
-> PreOpenAcc acc aenv arrs
-> PreOpenAcc acc aenv arrs
shrinkPreAcc shrinkAcc reduceAcc = Stats.substitution "shrink acc" shrinkA
shrinkA :: PreOpenAcc acc aenv' a -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv' a
shrinkA pacc = case pacc of
Alet bnd body
| Just reduct <- reduceAcc bnd' body' -> shrinkA reduct
| otherwise -> Alet bnd' body'
bnd' = shrinkAcc bnd
body' = shrinkAcc body
Avar ix -> Avar ix
Atuple tup -> Atuple (shrinkAT tup)
Aprj tup a -> Aprj tup (shrinkAcc a)
Apply f a -> Apply (shrinkAF f) (shrinkAcc a)
Aforeign ff af a -> Aforeign ff af (shrinkAcc a)
Acond p t e -> Acond (shrinkE p) (shrinkAcc t) (shrinkAcc e)
Awhile p f a -> Awhile (shrinkAF p) (shrinkAF f) (shrinkAcc a)
Use a -> Use a
Unit e -> Unit (shrinkE e)
Reshape e a -> Reshape (shrinkE e) (shrinkAcc a)
Generate e f -> Generate (shrinkE e) (shrinkF f)
Transform sh ix f a -> Transform (shrinkE sh) (shrinkF ix) (shrinkF f) (shrinkAcc a)
Replicate sl slix a -> Replicate sl (shrinkE slix) (shrinkAcc a)
Slice sl a slix -> Slice sl (shrinkAcc a) (shrinkE slix)
Map f a -> Map (shrinkF f) (shrinkAcc a)
ZipWith f a1 a2 -> ZipWith (shrinkF f) (shrinkAcc a1) (shrinkAcc a2)
Fold f z a -> Fold (shrinkF f) (shrinkE z) (shrinkAcc a)
Fold1 f a -> Fold1 (shrinkF f) (shrinkAcc a)
FoldSeg f z a b -> FoldSeg (shrinkF f) (shrinkE z) (shrinkAcc a) (shrinkAcc b)
Fold1Seg f a b -> Fold1Seg (shrinkF f) (shrinkAcc a) (shrinkAcc b)
Scanl f z a -> Scanl (shrinkF f) (shrinkE z) (shrinkAcc a)
Scanl' f z a -> Scanl' (shrinkF f) (shrinkE z) (shrinkAcc a)
Scanl1 f a -> Scanl1 (shrinkF f) (shrinkAcc a)
Scanr f z a -> Scanr (shrinkF f) (shrinkE z) (shrinkAcc a)
Scanr' f z a -> Scanr' (shrinkF f) (shrinkE z) (shrinkAcc a)
Scanr1 f a -> Scanr1 (shrinkF f) (shrinkAcc a)
Permute f1 a1 f2 a2 -> Permute (shrinkF f1) (shrinkAcc a1) (shrinkF f2) (shrinkAcc a2)
Backpermute sh f a -> Backpermute (shrinkE sh) (shrinkF f) (shrinkAcc a)
Stencil f b a -> Stencil (shrinkF f) b (shrinkAcc a)
Stencil2 f b1 a1 b2 a2 -> Stencil2 (shrinkF f) b1 (shrinkAcc a1) b2 (shrinkAcc a2)
shrinkE :: PreOpenExp acc env aenv' t -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv' t
shrinkE exp = case exp of
Let bnd body -> Let (shrinkE bnd) (shrinkE body)
Var idx -> Var idx
Const c -> Const c
Tuple t -> Tuple (shrinkT t)
Prj tup e -> Prj tup (shrinkE e)
IndexNil -> IndexNil
IndexCons sl sz -> IndexCons (shrinkE sl) (shrinkE sz)
IndexHead sh -> IndexHead (shrinkE sh)
IndexTail sh -> IndexTail (shrinkE sh)
IndexSlice x ix sh -> IndexSlice x (shrinkE ix) (shrinkE sh)
IndexFull x ix sl -> IndexFull x (shrinkE ix) (shrinkE sl)
IndexAny -> IndexAny
ToIndex sh ix -> ToIndex (shrinkE sh) (shrinkE ix)
FromIndex sh i -> FromIndex (shrinkE sh) (shrinkE i)
Cond p t e -> Cond (shrinkE p) (shrinkE t) (shrinkE e)
While p f x -> While (shrinkF p) (shrinkF f) (shrinkE x)
PrimConst c -> PrimConst c
PrimApp f x -> PrimApp f (shrinkE x)
Index a sh -> Index (shrinkAcc a) (shrinkE sh)
LinearIndex a i -> LinearIndex (shrinkAcc a) (shrinkE i)
Shape a -> Shape (shrinkAcc a)
ShapeSize sh -> ShapeSize (shrinkE sh)
Intersect sh sz -> Intersect (shrinkE sh) (shrinkE sz)
Union sh sz -> Union (shrinkE sh) (shrinkE sz)
Foreign ff f e -> Foreign ff (shrinkF f) (shrinkE e)
shrinkF :: PreOpenFun acc env aenv' f -> PreOpenFun acc env aenv' f
shrinkF (Lam f) = Lam (shrinkF f)
shrinkF (Body b) = Body (shrinkE b)
shrinkT :: Tuple (PreOpenExp acc env aenv') t -> Tuple (PreOpenExp acc env aenv') t
shrinkT NilTup = NilTup
shrinkT (SnocTup t e) = shrinkT t `SnocTup` shrinkE e
shrinkAT :: Atuple (acc aenv') t -> Atuple (acc aenv') t
shrinkAT NilAtup = NilAtup
shrinkAT (SnocAtup t a) = shrinkAT t `SnocAtup` shrinkAcc a
shrinkAF :: PreOpenAfun acc aenv' f -> PreOpenAfun acc aenv' f
shrinkAF (Alam f) = Alam (shrinkAF f)
shrinkAF (Abody a) = Abody (shrinkAcc a)
:: Kit acc
=> (forall aenv a. acc aenv a -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv a)
-> UsesOfAcc acc
-> ReduceAcc acc
basicReduceAcc unwrapAcc countAcc (unwrapAcc -> bnd) body@(unwrapAcc -> pbody)
| Avar _ <- bnd = Stats.inline "Avar" . Just $ rebuildA (subAtop bnd) pbody
| uses <= lIMIT = Stats.betaReduce msg . Just $ rebuildA (subAtop bnd) pbody
| otherwise = Nothing
lIMIT = 0
uses = countAcc True ZeroIdx body
msg = case uses of
0 -> "dead acc"
_ -> "inline acc"
usesOfExp :: forall acc env aenv s t. Idx env s -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv t -> Int
usesOfExp idx = countE
countE :: PreOpenExp acc env aenv e -> Int
countE exp = case exp of
Var this
| Just Refl <- match this idx -> 1
| otherwise -> 0
Let bnd body -> countE bnd + usesOfExp (SuccIdx idx) body
Const _ -> 0
Tuple t -> countT t
Prj _ e -> countE e
IndexNil -> 0
IndexCons sl sz -> countE sl + countE sz
IndexHead sh -> countE sh
IndexTail sh -> countE sh
IndexSlice _ ix sh -> countE ix + countE sh
IndexFull _ ix sl -> countE ix + countE sl
IndexAny -> 0
ToIndex sh ix -> countE sh + countE ix
FromIndex sh i -> countE sh + countE i
Cond p t e -> countE p + countE t + countE e
While p f x -> countE x + countF idx p + countF idx f
PrimConst _ -> 0
PrimApp _ x -> countE x
Index _ sh -> countE sh
LinearIndex _ i -> countE i
Shape _ -> 0
ShapeSize sh -> countE sh
Intersect sh sz -> countE sh + countE sz
Union sh sz -> countE sh + countE sz
Foreign _ _ e -> countE e
countF :: Idx env' s -> PreOpenFun acc env' aenv f -> Int
countF idx' (Lam f) = countF (SuccIdx idx') f
countF idx' (Body b) = usesOfExp idx' b
countT :: Tuple (PreOpenExp acc env aenv) e -> Int
countT NilTup = 0
countT (SnocTup t e) = countT t + countE e
type UsesOfAcc acc = forall aenv s t. Bool -> Idx aenv s -> acc aenv t -> Int
:: forall acc aenv s t.
-> UsesOfAcc acc
-> Idx aenv s
-> PreOpenAcc acc aenv t
-> Int
usesOfPreAcc withShape countAcc idx = count
countIdx :: Idx aenv a -> Int
countIdx this
| Just Refl <- match this idx = 1
| otherwise = 0
count :: PreOpenAcc acc aenv a -> Int
count pacc = case pacc of
Avar this -> countIdx this
Alet bnd body -> countA bnd + countAcc withShape (SuccIdx idx) body
Atuple tup -> countAT tup
Aprj _ a -> countA a
Apply _ a -> countA a
Aforeign _ _ a -> countA a
Acond p t e -> countE p + countA t + countA e
Awhile _ _ a -> countA a
Use _ -> 0
Unit e -> countE e
Reshape e a -> countE e + countA a
Generate e f -> countE e + countF f
Transform sh ix f a -> countE sh + countF ix + countF f + countA a
Replicate _ sh a -> countE sh + countA a
Slice _ a sl -> countE sl + countA a
Map f a -> countF f + countA a
ZipWith f a1 a2 -> countF f + countA a1 + countA a2
Fold f z a -> countF f + countE z + countA a
Fold1 f a -> countF f + countA a
FoldSeg f z a s -> countF f + countE z + countA a + countA s
Fold1Seg f a s -> countF f + countA a + countA s
Scanl f z a -> countF f + countE z + countA a
Scanl' f z a -> countF f + countE z + countA a
Scanl1 f a -> countF f + countA a
Scanr f z a -> countF f + countE z + countA a
Scanr' f z a -> countF f + countE z + countA a
Scanr1 f a -> countF f + countA a
Permute f1 a1 f2 a2 -> countF f1 + countA a1 + countF f2 + countA a2
Backpermute sh f a -> countE sh + countF f + countA a
Stencil f _ a -> countF f + countA a
Stencil2 f _ a1 _ a2 -> countF f + countA a1 + countA a2
countE :: PreOpenExp acc env aenv e -> Int
countE exp = case exp of
Let bnd body -> countE bnd + countE body
Var _ -> 0
Const _ -> 0
Tuple t -> countT t
Prj _ e -> countE e
IndexNil -> 0
IndexCons sl sz -> countE sl + countE sz
IndexHead sh -> countE sh
IndexTail sh -> countE sh
IndexSlice _ ix sh -> countE ix + countE sh
IndexFull _ ix sl -> countE ix + countE sl
IndexAny -> 0
ToIndex sh ix -> countE sh + countE ix
FromIndex sh i -> countE sh + countE i
Cond p t e -> countE p + countE t + countE e
While p f x -> countF p + countF f + countE x
PrimConst _ -> 0
PrimApp _ x -> countE x
Index a sh -> countA a + countE sh
LinearIndex a i -> countA a + countE i
ShapeSize sh -> countE sh
Intersect sh sz -> countE sh + countE sz
Union sh sz -> countE sh + countE sz
Shape a
| withShape -> countA a
| otherwise -> 0
Foreign _ _ e -> countE e
countA :: acc aenv a -> Int
countA = countAcc withShape idx
countF :: PreOpenFun acc env aenv f -> Int
countF (Lam f) = countF f
countF (Body b) = countE b
countT :: Tuple (PreOpenExp acc env aenv) e -> Int
countT NilTup = 0
countT (SnocTup t e) = countT t + countE e
countAT :: Atuple (acc aenv) a -> Int
countAT NilAtup = 0
countAT (SnocAtup t a) = countAT t + countA a