module Z.Data.Array.QQ
, arrW8, arrW16, arrW32, arrW64, arrWord
, arrI8, arrI16, arrI32, arrI64, arrInt
, asciiLiteral
, utf8Literal
, arrayLiteral
, word8Literal
, word16Literal
, word32Literal
, word64Literal
, wordLiteral
, int8Literal
, int16Literal
, int32Literal
, int64Literal
, intLiteral
, word8ArrayFromAddr
, word16ArrayFromAddr
, word32ArrayFromAddr
, word64ArrayFromAddr
, wordArrayFromAddr
, int8ArrayFromAddr
, int16ArrayFromAddr
, int32ArrayFromAddr
, int64ArrayFromAddr
, intArrayFromAddr
) where
#include "MachDeps.h"
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bits
import Data.Char (ord)
import Data.Primitive.PrimArray
import GHC.Exts
import Data.Word
import Data.Int
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import Z.Data.Array
import Control.Monad.ST
asciiLiteral :: (ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ)
-> String
-> ExpQ
asciiLiteral k str = k (return . LitE . IntegerL . fromIntegral $ length str)
((LitE . StringPrimL) `fmap` check str)
check :: String -> Q [Word8]
check [] = return []
check (c:cs) = do
when (ord c > 0xFF) $
fail $ "character '" ++ [c] ++ "' is have out of range in ASCII literal:" ++ str
cs' <- check cs
return (fromIntegral (ord c):cs')
arrASCII :: QuasiQuoter
arrASCII = QuasiQuoter
(asciiLiteral $ \ len addr -> [| word8ArrayFromAddr $(len) $(addr) |])
(error "Cannot use arrASCII as a pattern")
(error "Cannot use arrASCII as a type")
(error "Cannot use arrASCII as a dec")
word8ArrayFromAddr :: Int -> Addr# -> PrimArray Word8
{-# INLINE word8ArrayFromAddr #-}
word8ArrayFromAddr l addr# = runST $ do
mba <- newPrimArray l
copyPtrToMutablePrimArray mba 0 (Ptr addr#) l
unsafeFreezePrimArray mba
int8ArrayFromAddr :: Int -> Addr# -> PrimArray Int8
int8ArrayFromAddr l addr# = castArray (word8ArrayFromAddr l addr#)
utf8Literal :: (ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ) -> String -> ExpQ
utf8Literal k str = k (return . LitE . IntegerL . fromIntegral $ length str)
((LitE . StringPrimL) `fmap` check str)
check :: String -> Q [Word8]
check [] = return []
check (c:cs) = case ord c of
| n <= 0x0000007F -> do
let w = fromIntegral n
ws <- check cs
return (w:ws)
| n <= 0x000007FF -> do
let w1 = fromIntegral $ 0xC0 .|. (n `shiftR` 6)
w2 = fromIntegral $ 0x80 .|. (n .&. 0x3F)
ws <- check cs
return (w1:w2:ws)
| n <= 0x0000D7FF -> do
let w1 = fromIntegral $ 0xE0 .|. (n `shiftR` 12)
w2 = fromIntegral $ 0x80 .|. (n `shiftR` 6 .&. 0x3F)
w3 = fromIntegral $ 0x80 .|. (n .&. 0x3F)
ws <- check cs
return (w1:w2:w3:ws)
| n <= 0x0000DFFF -> do
fail $ "character '" ++ [c] ++ "' is have out of range in UTF-8 literal:" ++ str
| n <= 0x0000FFFF -> do
let w1 = fromIntegral $ 0xE0 .|. (n `shiftR` 12)
w2 = fromIntegral $ 0x80 .|. (n `shiftR` 6 .&. 0x3F)
w3 = fromIntegral $ 0x80 .|. (n .&. 0x3F)
ws <- check cs
return (w1:w2:w3:ws)
| n <= 0x0010FFFF -> do
let w1 = fromIntegral $ 0xF0 .|. (n `shiftR` 18)
w2 = fromIntegral $ 0x80 .|. (n `shiftR` 12 .&. 0x3F)
w3 = fromIntegral $ 0x80 .|. (n `shiftR` 6 .&. 0x3F)
w4 = fromIntegral $ 0x80 .|. (n .&. 0x3F)
ws <- check cs
return (w1:w2:w3:w4:ws)
| otherwise ->
fail $ "character '" ++ [c] ++ "' is have out of range in UTF-8 literal:" ++ str
arrayLiteral :: ([Integer] -> Q [Word8])
-> (ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ)
-> String -> ExpQ
arrayLiteral f k str = do
(len, ws) <- parse str
k (return . LitE . IntegerL .fromIntegral $ len) $ (return . LitE . StringPrimL) ws
parse :: String -> Q (Int, [Word8])
parse str' = do
case (readList :: ReadS [Integer]) ("[" ++ str' ++ "]") of
[(is, "")] -> (length is, ) `fmap` f is
_ -> do _ <- fail $ "can't parse vector literal:" ++ str'
return (0, [])
-- | Construct 'PrimArray' 'T' with array literals @e.g. 1,2,3@. See 'asciiLiteral'
word8Literal :: (ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ) -> String -> ExpQ
word8Literal k str = arrayLiteral checkW8 k str
checkW8 :: [Integer] -> Q [Word8]
checkW8 [] = return []
checkW8 (i:is) = do
when (i<0 || i > 0xFF) $
fail $ "integer " ++ show i ++ " is out of Word8 range in literal:" ++ str
ws <- checkW8 is
let w = fromIntegral (i .&. 0xFF)
return (w:ws)
arrW8 :: QuasiQuoter
arrW8 = QuasiQuoter
(word8Literal $ \ len addr -> [| word8ArrayFromAddr $(len) $(addr) |])
(error "Cannot use arrW8 as a pattern")
(error "Cannot use arrW8 as a type")
(error "Cannot use arrW8 as a dec")
int8Literal :: (ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ) -> String -> ExpQ
int8Literal k str = arrayLiteral checkI8 k str
checkI8 :: [Integer] -> Q [Word8]
checkI8 [] = return []
checkI8 (i:is) = do
when (i< (-0x80) || i > 0x7F) $
fail $ "integer " ++ show i ++ " is out of Int8 range in literal:" ++ str
ws <- checkI8 is
let w = fromIntegral (i .&. 0xFF)
return (w:ws)
arrI8 :: QuasiQuoter
arrI8 = QuasiQuoter
(int8Literal $ \ len addr -> [| int8ArrayFromAddr $(len) $(addr) |])
(error "Cannot use arrI8 as a pattern")
(error "Cannot use arrI8 as a type")
(error "Cannot use arrI8 as a dec")
word16Literal :: (ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ) -> String -> ExpQ
word16Literal k str = arrayLiteral checkW16 k str
checkW16 :: [Integer] -> Q [Word8]
checkW16 [] = return []
checkW16 (i:is) = do
when (i<0 || i > 0xFFFF) $
fail $ "integer " ++ show i ++ " is out of Word16 range in literal:" ++ str
ws <- checkW16 is
let w1 = fromIntegral (i .&. 0xFF)
w2 = fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 8 .&. 0xFF)
return (w2:w1:ws)
return (w1:w2:ws)
arrW16 :: QuasiQuoter
arrW16 = QuasiQuoter
(word16Literal $ \ len addr -> [| word16ArrayFromAddr $(len) $(addr) |])
(error "Cannot use arrW16 as a pattern")
(error "Cannot use arrW16 as a type")
(error "Cannot use arrW16 as a dec")
word16ArrayFromAddr :: Int -> Addr# -> PrimArray Word16
{-# INLINE word16ArrayFromAddr #-}
word16ArrayFromAddr l addr# = runST $ do
mba <- newArr l
copyPtrToMutablePrimArray mba 0 (Ptr addr#) l
unsafeFreezePrimArray mba
int16ArrayFromAddr :: Int -> Addr# -> PrimArray Int16
int16ArrayFromAddr l addr# = castArray (word16ArrayFromAddr l addr#)
int16Literal :: (ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ) -> String -> ExpQ
int16Literal k str = arrayLiteral checkI16 k str
checkI16 :: [Integer] -> Q [Word8]
checkI16 [] = return []
checkI16 (i:is) = do
when (i<(-0x8000) || i>0x7FFF) $
fail $ "integer " ++ show i ++ " is out of Int16 range in literal:" ++ str
ws <- checkI16 is
let w1 = fromIntegral (i .&. 0xFF)
w2 = fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 8 .&. 0xFF)
return (w2:w1:ws)
return (w1:w2:ws)
arrI16 :: QuasiQuoter
arrI16 = QuasiQuoter
(word16Literal $ \ len addr -> [| int16ArrayFromAddr $(len) $(addr) |])
(error "Cannot use arrI16 as a pattern")
(error "Cannot use arrI16 as a type")
(error "Cannot use arrI16 as a dec")
word32Literal :: (ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ) -> String -> ExpQ
word32Literal k str = arrayLiteral checkW32 k str
checkW32 :: [Integer] -> Q [Word8]
checkW32 [] = return []
checkW32 (i:is) = do
when (i<0 || i > 0xFFFFFFFF) $
fail $ "integer " ++ show i ++ " is out of Word32 range in literal:" ++ str
ws <- checkW32 is
let w1 = fromIntegral (i .&. 0xFF)
w2 = fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 8 .&. 0xFF)
w3 = fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 16 .&. 0xFF)
w4 = fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 24 .&. 0xFF)
return (w4:w3:w2:w1:ws)
return (w1:w2:w3:w4:ws)
arrW32 :: QuasiQuoter
arrW32 = QuasiQuoter
(word32Literal $ \ len addr -> [| word32ArrayFromAddr $(len) $(addr) |])
(error "Cannot use arrW32 as a pattern")
(error "Cannot use arrW32 as a type")
(error "Cannot use arrW32 as a dec")
word32ArrayFromAddr :: Int -> Addr# -> PrimArray Word32
{-# INLINE word32ArrayFromAddr #-}
word32ArrayFromAddr l addr# = runST $ do
mba <- newArr l
copyPtrToMutablePrimArray mba 0 (Ptr addr#) l
unsafeFreezePrimArray mba
int32ArrayFromAddr :: Int -> Addr# -> PrimArray Int32
int32ArrayFromAddr l addr# = castArray (word32ArrayFromAddr l addr#)
int32Literal :: (ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ) -> String -> ExpQ
int32Literal k str = arrayLiteral checkI32 k str
checkI32 :: [Integer] -> Q [Word8]
checkI32 [] = return []
checkI32 (i:is) = do
when (i<(-0x80000000) || i>0x7FFFFFFF) $
fail $ "integer " ++ show i ++ " is out of Int32 range in literal:" ++ str
ws <- checkI32 is
let w1 = fromIntegral (i .&. 0xFF)
w2 = fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 8 .&. 0xFF)
w3 = fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 16 .&. 0xFF)
w4 = fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 24 .&. 0xFF)
return (w4:w3:w2:w1:ws)
return (w1:w2:w3:w4:ws)
arrI32 :: QuasiQuoter
arrI32 = QuasiQuoter
(int32Literal $ \ len addr -> [| int32ArrayFromAddr $(len) $(addr) |])
(error "Cannot use arrI32 as a pattern")
(error "Cannot use arrI32 as a type")
(error "Cannot use arrI32 as a dec")
word64Literal :: (ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ) -> String -> ExpQ
word64Literal k str = arrayLiteral checkW64 k str
checkW64 :: [Integer] -> Q [Word8]
checkW64 [] = return []
checkW64 (i:is) = do
when (i<0 || i > 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) $
fail $ "integer " ++ show i ++ " is out of Word64 range in literal:" ++ str
ws <- checkW64 is
let w1 = fromIntegral (i .&. 0xFF)
w2 = fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 8 .&. 0xFF)
w3 = fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 16 .&. 0xFF)
w4 = fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 24 .&. 0xFF)
w5 = fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 32 .&. 0xFF)
w6 = fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 40 .&. 0xFF)
w7 = fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 48 .&. 0xFF)
w8 = fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 56 .&. 0xFF)
return (w8:w7:w6:w5:w4:w3:w2:w1:ws)
return (w1:w2:w3:w4:w5:w6:w7:w8:ws)
arrW64 :: QuasiQuoter
arrW64 = QuasiQuoter
(word64Literal $ \ len addr -> [| word64ArrayFromAddr $(len) $(addr) |])
(error "Cannot use arrW64 as a pattern")
(error "Cannot use arrW64 as a type")
(error "Cannot use arrW64 as a dec")
word64ArrayFromAddr :: Int -> Addr# -> PrimArray Word64
{-# INLINE word64ArrayFromAddr #-}
word64ArrayFromAddr l addr# = runST $ do
mba <- newArr l
copyPtrToMutablePrimArray mba 0 (Ptr addr#) l
unsafeFreezePrimArray mba
int64ArrayFromAddr :: Int -> Addr# -> PrimArray Int64
int64ArrayFromAddr l addr# = castArray (word64ArrayFromAddr l addr#)
int64Literal :: (ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ) -> String -> ExpQ
int64Literal k str = arrayLiteral checkI64 k str
checkI64 :: [Integer] -> Q [Word8]
checkI64 [] = return []
checkI64 (i:is) = do
when (i<(-0x8000000000000000) || i > 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) $
fail $ "integer " ++ show i ++ " is out of Int64 range in literal:" ++ str
ws <- checkI64 is
let w1 = fromIntegral (i .&. 0xFF)
w2 = fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 8 .&. 0xFF)
w3 = fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 16 .&. 0xFF)
w4 = fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 24 .&. 0xFF)
w5 = fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 32 .&. 0xFF)
w6 = fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 40 .&. 0xFF)
w7 = fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 48 .&. 0xFF)
w8 = fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 56 .&. 0xFF)
return (w8:w7:w6:w5:w4:w3:w2:w1:ws)
return (w1:w2:w3:w4:w5:w6:w7:w8:ws)
arrI64 :: QuasiQuoter
arrI64 = QuasiQuoter
(int64Literal $ \ len addr -> [| int64ArrayFromAddr $(len) $(addr) |])
(error "Cannot use arrI64 as a pattern")
(error "Cannot use arrI64 as a type")
(error "Cannot use arrI64 as a dec")
wordArrayFromAddr :: Int -> Addr# -> PrimArray Word
wordArrayFromAddr l addr# =
unsafeCoerce# (word64ArrayFromAddr l addr#)
unsafeCoerce# (word32ArrayFromAddr l addr#)
intArrayFromAddr :: Int -> Addr# -> PrimArray Int
intArrayFromAddr l addr# =
unsafeCoerce# (int64ArrayFromAddr l addr#)
unsafeCoerce# (int32ArrayFromAddr l addr#)
wordLiteral :: (ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ) -> String -> ExpQ
wordLiteral =
intLiteral :: (ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ) -> String -> ExpQ
intLiteral =
arrWord :: QuasiQuoter
arrWord = QuasiQuoter
(wordLiteral $ \ len addr -> [| wordArrayFromAddr $(len) $(addr) |])
(error "Cannot use arrWord as a pattern")
(error "Cannot use arrWord as a type")
(error "Cannot use arrWord as a dec")
arrInt :: QuasiQuoter
arrInt = QuasiQuoter
(intLiteral $ \ len addr -> [| intArrayFromAddr $(len) $(addr) |])
(error "Cannot use arrInt as a pattern")
(error "Cannot use arrInt as a type")
(error "Cannot use arrInt as a dec")