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Z-Data- Array, vector and text

Copyright(c) Dong Han 2017-2019
Safe HaskellNone




Textual numeric builders.


Integral type formatting

data IFormat Source #

Integral formatting options.




Eq IFormat Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Z.Data.Builder.Numeric


(==) :: IFormat -> IFormat -> Bool #

(/=) :: IFormat -> IFormat -> Bool #

Ord IFormat Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Z.Data.Builder.Numeric

Show IFormat Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Z.Data.Builder.Numeric

Arbitrary IFormat Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Z.Data.Builder.Numeric

CoArbitrary IFormat Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Z.Data.Builder.Numeric


coarbitrary :: IFormat -> Gen b -> Gen b #

defaultIFormat :: IFormat Source #

defaultIFormat = IFormat 0 NoPadding False

int :: (Integral a, Bounded a) => a -> Builder () Source #

int = intWith defaultIFormat

intWith :: (Integral a, Bounded a) => IFormat -> a -> Builder () Source #

Format a Bounded Integral type like Int or Word16 into decimal ASCII digits.

integer :: Integer -> Builder () Source #

Format a Integer into decimal ASCII digits.

Fixded size hexidecimal formatting

hex :: forall a. (FiniteBits a, Integral a) => a -> Builder () Source #

Format a FiniteBits Integral type into hex nibbles.

heX :: forall a. (FiniteBits a, Integral a) => a -> Builder () Source #

The UPPERCASED version of hex.

IEEE float formating

data FFormat Source #

Control the rendering of floating point numbers.



Scientific notation (e.g. 2.3e123).


Standard decimal notation.


Use decimal notation for values between 0.1 and 9,999,999, and scientific notation otherwise.

double :: Double -> Builder () Source #

Decimal encoding of an IEEE Double.

Using standard decimal notation for arguments whose absolute value lies between 0.1 and 9,999,999, and scientific notation otherwise.

doubleWith Source #


:: FFormat 
-> Maybe Int

Number of decimal places to render.

-> Double 
-> Builder () 

Format double-precision float using drisu3 with dragon4 fallback.

float :: Float -> Builder () Source #

Decimal encoding of an IEEE Float.

Using standard decimal notation for arguments whose absolute value lies between 0.1 and 9,999,999, and scientific notation otherwise.

floatWith Source #


:: FFormat 
-> Maybe Int

Number of decimal places to render.

-> Float 
-> Builder () 

Format single-precision float using drisu3 with dragon4 fallback.

scientific :: Scientific -> Builder () Source #

A Builder which renders a scientific number to full precision, using standard decimal notation for arguments whose absolute value lies between 0.1 and 9,999,999, and scientific notation otherwise.

scientificWith Source #


:: FFormat 
-> Maybe Int

Number of decimal places to render.

-> Scientific 
-> Builder () 

Like scientific but provides rendering options.


grisu3 :: Double -> ([Int], Int) Source #

Decimal encoding of a Double, note grisu only handles strictly positive finite numbers.

grisu3_sp :: Float -> ([Int], Int) Source #

Decimal encoding of a Float, note grisu3_sp only handles strictly positive finite numbers.

i2wDec :: Integral a => a -> Word8 Source #

Decimal digit to ASCII digit.

i2wHex :: Integral a => a -> Word8 Source #

Hexadecimal digit to ASCII char.

i2wHeX :: Integral a => a -> Word8 Source #

Hexadecimal digit to UPPERCASED ASCII char.

countDigits :: Integral a => a -> Int Source #

Count how many decimal digits an integer has.

c_intWith :: (Integral a, Bits a) => IFormat -> a -> Builder () Source #

Internal formatting backed by C FFI, it must be used with type smaller than Word64.

We use rewrite rules to rewrite most of the integral types formatting to this function.

hs_intWith :: (Integral a, Bounded a) => IFormat -> a -> Builder () Source #

Internal formatting in haskell, it can be used with any bounded integral type.

Other than provide fallback for the c version, this function is also used to check the c version's formatting result.