{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe              #-}


Copyright (c) 2019  Herbert Valerio Riedel <hvr@gnu.org>

 This file is free software: you may copy, redistribute and/or modify it
 under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
 Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
 option) any later version.

 This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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-- |
-- Module    : Text.XML.NS
-- Copyright : (c) Herbert Valerio Riedel 2019
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-- XML Namespace related helpers
module Text.XML.NS
    ( xmlns_attr
    , xmlns_def_attr
    , xmlns_from_attr

    , ns_xmlns_uri, xmlNamesNS
    , ns_xml_uri, xmlnsNS

    , xmlns_attr_wellformed

    , xmlns_elem_wellformed
    , xmlns_elem_wellformed'
    ) where

import           Common
import           Data.Char
import           Data.Either         (partitionEithers)
import qualified Data.Text           as T
import qualified Data.Text.Short     as TS
import           Text.XML.Types.Core
import           Utils

xmlNamesNS :: URI
xmlNamesNS = URI ns_xml_uri

xmlnsNS :: URI
xmlnsNS = URI ns_xmlns_uri

{-# NOINLINE ns_xml_uri #-}
ns_xml_uri :: ShortText
ns_xml_uri = "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"

-- | Smart constructor for @xmlns:\<prefix\> = \<namespace-uri\>@
-- Invariant: @\<namespace-uri\>@ MUST be non-empty for non-empty prefixes
-- @since 0.3.0
xmlns_attr :: ShortText -- ^ namespace prefix (if empty, denotes the default namespace; see also 'xmlns_def_attr')
           -> URI -- ^ Namespace URI
           -> Attr
xmlns_attr pfx uri
  | TS.null pfx = xmlns_def_attr uri
  | not (isNCName (TS.unpack pfx)) = error "Text.XML.xmlns_attr: non-empty prefix is not a proper NCName"
  | isNullURI uri = error "Text.XML.xmlns_attr: empty namespace URI for non-empty prefix"
  | otherwise = Attr (QName { qPrefix = Just (TS.pack "xmlns"), qLName = LName pfx, qURI = xmlnsNS }) (TS.toText (unURI uri))

-- | Smart constructor for @xmlns = [\<namespace-uri\>|""]@ (i.e. for declaring the default namespace)
-- prop> xmlns_attr "" ns == xmlns_def_attr ns
-- @since 0.3.0
xmlns_def_attr :: URI -- ^ Default namespace URI (use /empty/ 'URI' to reset default namespace)
               -> Attr
xmlns_def_attr uri
  = Attr (QName { qPrefix = Nothing, qLName = LName (TS.pack "xmlns"), qURI = xmlnsNS })
         (if isNullURI uri then mempty else TS.toText (unURI uri))

-- | Convert @xmlns@ 'Attr' into a @(prefix,namespace-uri)@ pair; returns 'Nothing' if the argument isn't a @xmlns@ attribute.
-- An empty prefix denotes the default-namespace
-- prop> xmlns_from_attr (xmlns_attr pfx ns) == Just (pfx,ns)
-- @since 0.3.0
xmlns_from_attr :: Attr -> Maybe (ShortText,URI)
xmlns_from_attr (Attr (QName ln ns pfx) ns')
  | ns /= URI ns_xmlns_uri = Nothing
  | otherwise = Just $ case pfx of
                  Nothing -> (mempty,     URI (TS.fromText ns'))
                  Just _  -> (unLName ln, URI (TS.fromText ns'))

-- not public API yet
-- | Check rules imposed on reserved namespaces by
-- <https://www.w3.org/TR/xml-names/> as well as other basic
-- constraints.
xmlns_attr_wellformed :: Attr -> Bool
xmlns_attr_wellformed = \case
    (Attr (QName { qPrefix = Just "xmlns", qLName = "xmlns"}) _  ) -> False
    (Attr (QName { qPrefix = Just "xmlns", qLName = "xml"})   uri) -> uri == xmlNamesNS'
    (Attr (QName { qPrefix = Just "xmlns", qLName = _})       uri) -> not (T.null uri) && isNotRsvd uri && validURI uri
    (Attr (QName { qPrefix = Nothing     , qLName = "xmlns"}) "")  -> True
    (Attr (QName { qPrefix = Nothing     , qLName = "xmlns"}) uri) -> isNotRsvd uri && (T.null uri || validURI uri)
    _                                                              -> True -- not an attribute covered by xml-names
    xmlNamesNS' = TS.toText (unURI xmlNamesNS)
    xmlnsNS'    = TS.toText (unURI xmlnsNS)
    isNotRsvd uri = not (uri == xmlNamesNS' || uri == xmlnsNS')

    -- simple heuristic; TODO: implement proper RFC3986 syntax test
    validURI = T.all validUriChar

    -- as per RFC3986
    validUriChar c = isAsciiLower c || isAsciiUpper c || isDigit c ||
                     c `elem` ("%-._~:/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;=" :: [Char])

-- | Verify whether sub-tree is wellformed with respect to namespaces
-- The first argument denotes an optional parent context of
-- @xmlns@-declarations that are in scope (where 'ShortText' and 'URI'
-- have the same semantics as for the arguments of 'xmlns_attr'). In
-- case of duplicate prefixes, earlier entries shadow later entries.
-- __NOTE__: This function doesn't take into account the namespace
-- prefixes of @xs:QName@-valued text-nodes or attributes; if you need
-- to handle such cases, see the 'xmlns_elem_wellformed'' function.
-- @since 0.3.1
xmlns_elem_wellformed :: [(ShortText,URI)] -> Element -> Bool
xmlns_elem_wellformed parentScope curElement = and
    [ qnameWF False (elName curElement)
    , all xmlns_attr_wellformed (elAttribs curElement)
    , noDupes xmlnsAttrs
    , all (qnameWF True . attrKey) nonXmlnsAttrs
    , noDupes nonXmlnsAttrs
    -- recurse into children
    , all (xmlns_elem_wellformed curScope0) children
    (xmlnsAttrs, nonXmlnsAttrs) =
      partitionEithers .
      map (\attr -> maybe (Right attr) Left (xmlns_from_attr attr)) $
      elAttribs curElement

    curScope0 = xmlnsAttrs ++ parentScope
    curScope1 = ("xml",xmlNamesNS):("xmlns",xmlnsNS):curScope0

    curDefNS = fromMaybe "" (lookup "" curScope0)

    qnameWF False (QName _ uri Nothing)     = uri == curDefNS
    qnameWF True  (QName _ uri Nothing)     = isNullURI uri -- attributes are agnostic to xmlns=...
    qnameWF _     (QName _ uri (Just pfx))
       | Just uri' <- lookup pfx curScope1  = uri == uri'
       | otherwise                          = False

    children :: [Element]
    children = [ el | Elem el <- elContent curElement ]

-- | Variant of 'xmlns_elem_wellformed' which supports introspecting @xs:QName@ valued attributes and text-nodes.
-- The first argument is a function for extracting a (possibly empty) list of 'QName's from attribute values and text-nodes:
-- - Its first @'Either' 'Attr' ['Content']@ argument denotes either a (non-empty) attribute or an element's children which contain at least one non-empty text-node fragment.
-- - The second argument of type @['QName']@ denotes the path of element 'QName's in reverse order (i.e. the top-level element of the traversal is last item in this list) leading to the currently focused attribute or text-node.
-- This 'QName' extracing function may return a list to accomodate for test fields which may contain multiple @xs:QName@ such as e.g. for
-- > <xs:list itemType="xs:QName" />
-- The 'Text.XML.Types.qnameFromText' function can be useful for decoding @xs:QName@s text values.
-- prop> xmlns_elem_wellformed' (\_ _ -> []) topns el = xmlns_elem_wellformed topns el
-- @since 0.3.1
xmlns_elem_wellformed' :: (Either Attr [Content] -> [QName] -> [QName])
                       -> [(ShortText,URI)] -> Element -> Bool
xmlns_elem_wellformed' qnameMatcher = go []
    go parentPath parentScope curElement = and
        [ qnameWF False (elName curElement)
        , all xmlns_attr_wellformed (elAttribs curElement)
        , noDupes xmlnsAttrs
        , all (qnameWF True . attrKey) nonXmlnsAttrs
        , noDupes nonXmlnsAttrs
        -- xs:QName in text-nodes and attrib values
        , all (qnameWF False) cdataQName
        , all (qnameWF False) attrQNames
        -- recurse into children
        , all (go curPath curScope0) children
        curPath = elName curElement : parentPath

        cdataQName = if and [ T.all isS (cdData cd) | Text cd <- elContent curElement ]
                     then []
                     else qnameMatcher (Right (elContent curElement)) curPath

        attrQNames = concat [ qnameMatcher (Left attr) curPath
                            | attr@(Attr _ v) <- nonXmlnsAttrs, not (T.all isS v) ]

        (xmlnsAttrs, nonXmlnsAttrs) =
          partitionEithers .
          map (\attr -> maybe (Right attr) Left (xmlns_from_attr attr)) $
          elAttribs curElement

        curScope0 = xmlnsAttrs ++ parentScope
        curScope1 = ("xml",xmlNamesNS):("xmlns",xmlnsNS):curScope0

        curDefNS = fromMaybe "" (lookup "" curScope0)

        qnameWF False (QName _ uri Nothing)     = uri == curDefNS
        qnameWF True  (QName _ uri Nothing)     = isNullURI uri -- attributes are agnostic to xmlns=...
        qnameWF _     (QName _ uri (Just pfx))
           | Just uri' <- lookup pfx curScope1  = uri == uri'
           | otherwise                          = False

        children :: [Element]
        children = [ el | Elem el <- elContent curElement ]