{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-- |
-- Module    : Text.XML
-- Copyright : (c) Galois, Inc. 2007
--             (c) Herbert Valerio Riedel 2019
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause AND GPL-3.0-or-later
-- A lightweight XML parsing, filtering and generating library.
-- This module reexports functions from:
-- * "Text.XML.Types"
-- * "Text.XML.Proc"
-- * "Text.XML.Input"
-- * "Text.XML.Output"

module Text.XML (

    module Text.XML,
    module Text.XML.Types,
    module Text.XML.Proc,
    module Text.XML.Input,
    module Text.XML.Output

  ) where

import           Common

import           Text.XML.Input
import           Text.XML.Output
import           Text.XML.Proc
import           Text.XML.Types

import qualified Data.Text.Short as TS

-- | Add an attribute to an element.
add_attr :: Attr -> Element -> Element
add_attr a e = add_attrs [a] e

-- | Add some attributes to an element.
add_attrs :: [Attr] -> Element -> Element
add_attrs as e = e { elAttribs = as ++ elAttribs e }

-- | Create an unqualified name.
unqual :: LName -> QName
unqual x = blank_name { qLName = x }

-- | A smart element constructor which uses the type of its argument
-- to determine what sort of element to make.
class Node t where
  node :: QName -> t -> Element

instance Node [Attr]             where node n as   = node n (as,[]::[Content])
instance Node Attr               where node n a    = node n [a]
instance Node ()                 where node n ()   = node n ([]::[Attr])

instance Node ([Attr],[Content]) where node n (as,cs) = Element n as cs
instance Node ([Attr],Content)   where node n (as,c) = node n (as,[c])
instance Node (Attr,Content)     where node n (a,c)  = node n ([a],[c])
instance Node [Content]          where node n cs     = node n ([]::[Attr],cs)
instance Node Content            where node n c      = node n [c]

instance Node ([Attr],[Element]) where node n (as,cs) = node n (as,map Elem cs)
instance Node ([Attr],Element)   where node n (as,c) = node n (as,[c])
instance Node (Attr,Element)     where node n (a,c)  = node n ([a],c)
instance Node ([Element])        where node n es     = node n ([]::[Attr],es)
instance Node (Element)          where node n e      = node n [e]

instance Node ([Attr],[CData])   where node n (as,cs) = node n (as,map Text cs)
instance Node ([Attr],CData)     where node n (as,c) = node n (as,[c])
instance Node (Attr,CData)       where node n (a,c)  = node n ([a],c)
instance Node [CData]            where node n es     = node n ([]::[Attr],es)
instance Node CData              where node n e      = node n [e]

instance Node ([Attr],Text)      where node n (as,t) = node n (as,blank_cdata { cdData = t })
instance Node (Attr,Text)        where node n (a,t)  = node n ([a],t)
instance Node Text               where node n t      = node n ([]::[Attr],t)

instance Node ([Attr],ShortText) where node n (as,t) = node n (as,blank_cdata { cdData = TS.toText t })
instance Node (Attr,ShortText)   where node n (a,t)  = node n ([a],t)
instance Node ShortText          where node n t      = node n ([]::[Attr],t)

-- | Create node with unqualified name
unode :: Node t => LName -> t -> Element
unode = node . unqual