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{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}

{-# LINE 4 "System\\Win32\\FileMapping.hsc" #-}


-- |

-- Module      :  System.Win32.FileMapping

-- Copyright   :  (c) Esa Ilari Vuokko, 2006

-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)


-- Maintainer  :  Esa Ilari Vuokko <ei@vuokko.info>

-- Stability   :  provisional

-- Portability :  portable


-- A collection of FFI declarations for interfacing with Win32 mapped files.



module System.Win32.FileMapping where

import System.Win32.Types   ( HANDLE, DWORD, BOOL, SIZE_T, LPCTSTR, withTString

                            , failIf, failIfNull, DDWORD, ddwordToDwords

                            , iNVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )

import System.Win32.Mem

import System.Win32.File

import System.Win32.Info

import Control.Exception        ( mask_, bracket )

import Data.ByteString          ( ByteString )

import Data.ByteString.Internal ( fromForeignPtr )

import Foreign                  ( Ptr, nullPtr, plusPtr, maybeWith, FunPtr

                                , ForeignPtr, newForeignPtr )

import Foreign.C.Types (CUIntPtr(..))

#include "windows_cconv.h"


-- Derived functions


-- | Maps file fully and returns ForeignPtr and length of the mapped area.

-- The mapped file is opened read-only and shared reading.

mapFile :: FilePath -> IO (ForeignPtr a, Int)

mapFile path = do




        $ \fh -> bracket

            (createFileMapping (Just fh) pAGE_READONLY 0 Nothing)


            $ \fm -> do

                fi <- getFileInformationByHandle fh

                fp <- mask_ $ do

                    ptr <- mapViewOfFile fm fILE_MAP_READ 0 0

                    newForeignPtr c_UnmapViewOfFileFinaliser ptr

                return (fp, fromIntegral $ bhfiSize fi)

-- | As mapFile, but returns ByteString

mapFileBs :: FilePath -> IO ByteString

mapFileBs p = do

    (fp,i) <- mapFile p

    return $ fromForeignPtr fp 0 i

data MappedObject = MappedObject HANDLE HANDLE FileMapAccess

-- | Opens an existing file and creates mapping object to it.


    :: FilePath             -- ^ Path

    -> Bool                 -- ^ Write? (False = read-only)

    -> Maybe Bool           -- ^ Sharing mode, no sharing, share read, share read+write

    -> (Integer -> MappedObject -> IO a) -- ^ Action

    -> IO a

withMappedFile path write share act =


        (createFile path access share' Nothing oPEN_EXISTING fILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL Nothing)


        $ \fh -> bracket

            (createFileMapping (Just fh) page 0 Nothing)


            $ \fm -> do

                bhfi <- getFileInformationByHandle fh

                act (fromIntegral $ bhfiSize bhfi) (MappedObject fh fm mapaccess)


        access    = if write then gENERIC_READ+gENERIC_WRITE else gENERIC_READ

        page      = if write then pAGE_READWRITE else pAGE_READONLY

        mapaccess = if write then fILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS else fILE_MAP_READ

        share' = case share of

            Nothing     -> fILE_SHARE_NONE

            Just False  -> fILE_SHARE_READ

            Just True   -> fILE_SHARE_READ + fILE_SHARE_WRITE

-- | Maps area into memory.


    :: MappedObject     -- ^ Mapped object, from withMappedFile

    -> Integer          -- ^ Position in file

    -> Int              -- ^ Size of mapped area

    -> (Ptr a -> IO b)  -- ^ Action

    -> IO b

withMappedArea (MappedObject _ mh access) pos size act = do

    si <- getSystemInfo

    let gran = fromIntegral $ siAllocationGranularity si

        (blocks, offset) = divMod pos gran

        start = blocks*gran

        size' = fromIntegral $ size + fromIntegral (pos - start)


        (mapViewOfFileEx mh access (fromIntegral start) size' nullPtr)


        (act . flip plusPtr (fromIntegral offset))


-- Enums


type ProtectSectionFlags = DWORD

sEC_COMMIT     :: ProtectSectionFlags

sEC_COMMIT     =  134217728

sEC_IMAGE      :: ProtectSectionFlags

sEC_IMAGE      =  16777216

sEC_NOCACHE    :: ProtectSectionFlags

sEC_NOCACHE    =  268435456

sEC_RESERVE    :: ProtectSectionFlags

sEC_RESERVE    =  67108864

{-# LINE 120 "System\\Win32\\FileMapping.hsc" #-}

type FileMapAccess = DWORD

fILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS    :: FileMapAccess

fILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS    =  983071

fILE_MAP_COPY          :: FileMapAccess

fILE_MAP_COPY          =  1

fILE_MAP_READ          :: FileMapAccess

fILE_MAP_READ          =  4

fILE_MAP_WRITE         :: FileMapAccess

fILE_MAP_WRITE         =  2

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-- API in Haskell


createFileMapping :: Maybe HANDLE -> ProtectFlags -> DDWORD -> Maybe String -> IO HANDLE

createFileMapping mh flags mosize name =

    maybeWith withTString name $ \c_name ->

        failIf (==nullPtr) "createFileMapping: CreateFileMapping" $ c_CreateFileMapping handle nullPtr flags moshi moslow c_name


        (moshi,moslow) = ddwordToDwords mosize

        handle = maybe iNVALID_HANDLE_VALUE id mh

openFileMapping :: FileMapAccess -> BOOL -> Maybe String -> IO HANDLE

openFileMapping access inherit name =

    maybeWith withTString name $ \c_name ->

        failIf (==nullPtr) "openFileMapping: OpenFileMapping" $

            c_OpenFileMapping access inherit c_name

mapViewOfFileEx :: HANDLE -> FileMapAccess -> DDWORD -> SIZE_T -> Ptr a -> IO (Ptr b)

mapViewOfFileEx h access offset size base = 

    failIfNull "mapViewOfFile(Ex): c_MapViewOfFileEx" $

        c_MapViewOfFileEx h access ohi olow size base


        (ohi,olow) = ddwordToDwords offset

mapViewOfFile :: HANDLE -> FileMapAccess -> DDWORD -> SIZE_T -> IO (Ptr a)

mapViewOfFile h a o s = mapViewOfFileEx h a o s nullPtr

unmapViewOfFile :: Ptr a -> IO ()

unmapViewOfFile v = c_UnmapViewOfFile v >> return ()


-- Imports


foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV "windows.h OpenFileMappingW"

    c_OpenFileMapping :: DWORD -> BOOL -> LPCTSTR -> IO HANDLE

foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV "windows.h CreateFileMappingW"

    c_CreateFileMapping :: HANDLE -> Ptr () -> DWORD -> DWORD -> DWORD -> LPCTSTR -> IO HANDLE 

foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV "windows.h MapViewOfFileEx"

    c_MapViewOfFileEx :: HANDLE -> DWORD -> DWORD -> DWORD -> SIZE_T -> Ptr a -> IO (Ptr b)

foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV "windows.h UnmapViewOfFile"

    c_UnmapViewOfFile :: Ptr a -> IO BOOL

{-# CFILES cbits/HsWin32.c #-}

foreign import ccall "HsWin32.h &UnmapViewOfFileFinaliser"

    c_UnmapViewOfFileFinaliser :: FunPtr (Ptr a -> IO ())