Copyright | (c) Alastair Reid 1997-2003 |
License | BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE) |
Maintainer | Esa Ilari Vuokko <> |
Stability | provisional |
Portability | portable |
Safe Haskell | Trustworthy |
Language | Haskell2010 |
A collection of FFI declarations for interfacing with Win32.
- type ClassName = LPCTSTR
- mkClassName :: String -> ClassName
- type ClassStyle = UINT
- cS_VREDRAW :: ClassStyle
- cS_HREDRAW :: ClassStyle
- cS_OWNDC :: ClassStyle
- cS_CLASSDC :: ClassStyle
- cS_PARENTDC :: ClassStyle
- cS_SAVEBITS :: ClassStyle
- cS_DBLCLKS :: ClassStyle
- type WNDCLASS = (ClassStyle, HINSTANCE, Maybe HICON, Maybe HCURSOR, Maybe HBRUSH, Maybe LPCTSTR, ClassName)
- cS_NOCLOSE :: ClassStyle
- cS_GLOBALCLASS :: ClassStyle
- withWNDCLASS :: WNDCLASS -> (Ptr WNDCLASS -> IO a) -> IO a
- genericWndProc_p :: FunPtr WindowClosure
- registerClass :: WNDCLASS -> IO (Maybe ATOM)
- c_RegisterClass :: Ptr WNDCLASS -> IO ATOM
- unregisterClass :: ClassName -> HINSTANCE -> IO ()
- type WindowStyle = DWORD
- wS_OVERLAPPED :: WindowStyle
- wS_POPUP :: WindowStyle
- wS_CHILD :: WindowStyle
- wS_CLIPSIBLINGS :: WindowStyle
- wS_CLIPCHILDREN :: WindowStyle
- wS_VISIBLE :: WindowStyle
- wS_DISABLED :: WindowStyle
- wS_MINIMIZE :: WindowStyle
- wS_MAXIMIZE :: WindowStyle
- wS_CAPTION :: WindowStyle
- wS_BORDER :: WindowStyle
- wS_DLGFRAME :: WindowStyle
- wS_VSCROLL :: WindowStyle
- wS_HSCROLL :: WindowStyle
- wS_SYSMENU :: WindowStyle
- type WindowStyleEx = DWORD
- wS_THICKFRAME :: WindowStyle
- wS_MINIMIZEBOX :: WindowStyle
- wS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME :: WindowStyleEx
- wS_MAXIMIZEBOX :: WindowStyle
- wS_GROUP :: WindowStyle
- wS_EX_TOPMOST :: WindowStyleEx
- wS_TABSTOP :: WindowStyle
- wS_EX_ACCEPTFILES :: WindowStyleEx
- wS_EX_TRANSPARENT :: WindowStyleEx
- wS_POPUPWINDOW :: WindowStyle
- wS_EX_MDICHILD :: WindowStyleEx
- wS_CHILDWINDOW :: WindowStyle
- wS_EX_TOOLWINDOW :: WindowStyleEx
- wS_TILED :: WindowStyle
- wS_EX_WINDOWEDGE :: WindowStyleEx
- wS_ICONIC :: WindowStyle
- wS_EX_CLIENTEDGE :: WindowStyleEx
- wS_SIZEBOX :: WindowStyle
- wS_EX_CONTEXTHELP :: WindowStyleEx
- wS_TILEDWINDOW :: WindowStyle
- wS_EX_RIGHT :: WindowStyleEx
- wS_EX_LEFT :: WindowStyleEx
- wS_EX_RTLREADING :: WindowStyleEx
- wS_EX_LTRREADING :: WindowStyleEx
- wS_EX_LEFTSCROLLBAR :: WindowStyleEx
- type Pos = Int
- wS_EX_CONTROLPARENT :: WindowStyleEx
- type MbPos = Maybe Pos
- wS_EX_STATICEDGE :: WindowStyleEx
- maybePos :: Maybe Pos -> Pos
- wS_EX_APPWINDOW :: WindowStyleEx
- type WindowClosure = HWND -> WindowMessage -> WPARAM -> LPARAM -> IO LRESULT
- wS_EX_PALETTEWINDOW :: WindowStyleEx
- mkWindowClosure :: WindowClosure -> IO (FunPtr WindowClosure)
- setWindowClosure :: HWND -> WindowClosure -> IO ()
- c_SetWindowLongPtr :: HWND -> INT -> Ptr LONG -> IO (Ptr LONG)
- createWindow :: ClassName -> String -> WindowStyle -> Maybe Pos -> Maybe Pos -> Maybe Pos -> Maybe Pos -> Maybe HWND -> Maybe HMENU -> HINSTANCE -> WindowClosure -> IO HWND
- createWindowEx :: WindowStyle -> ClassName -> String -> WindowStyle -> Maybe Pos -> Maybe Pos -> Maybe Pos -> Maybe Pos -> Maybe HWND -> Maybe HMENU -> HINSTANCE -> WindowClosure -> IO HWND
- c_CreateWindowEx :: WindowStyle -> ClassName -> LPCTSTR -> WindowStyle -> Pos -> Pos -> Pos -> Pos -> HWND -> HMENU -> HINSTANCE -> LPVOID -> IO HWND
- defWindowProc :: Maybe HWND -> WindowMessage -> WPARAM -> LPARAM -> IO LRESULT
- c_DefWindowProc :: HWND -> WindowMessage -> WPARAM -> LPARAM -> IO LRESULT
- getClientRect :: HWND -> IO RECT
- c_GetClientRect :: HWND -> Ptr RECT -> IO Bool
- getWindowRect :: HWND -> IO RECT
- c_GetWindowRect :: HWND -> Ptr RECT -> IO Bool
- invalidateRect :: Maybe HWND -> Maybe LPRECT -> Bool -> IO ()
- c_InvalidateRect :: HWND -> LPRECT -> Bool -> IO Bool
- screenToClient :: HWND -> POINT -> IO POINT
- c_ScreenToClient :: HWND -> Ptr POINT -> IO Bool
- clientToScreen :: HWND -> POINT -> IO POINT
- c_ClientToScreen :: HWND -> Ptr POINT -> IO Bool
- setWindowText :: HWND -> String -> IO ()
- c_SetWindowText :: HWND -> LPCTSTR -> IO Bool
- type PAINTSTRUCT = (HDC, Bool, RECT)
- beginPaint :: HWND -> LPPAINTSTRUCT -> IO HDC
- c_BeginPaint :: HWND -> LPPAINTSTRUCT -> IO HDC
- endPaint :: HWND -> LPPAINTSTRUCT -> IO ()
- type ShowWindowControl = DWORD
- sW_HIDE :: ShowWindowControl
- sW_SHOWNORMAL :: ShowWindowControl
- sW_SHOWMINIMIZED :: ShowWindowControl
- sW_SHOWMAXIMIZED :: ShowWindowControl
- sW_MAXIMIZE :: ShowWindowControl
- sW_SHOWNOACTIVATE :: ShowWindowControl
- sW_SHOW :: ShowWindowControl
- sW_MINIMIZE :: ShowWindowControl
- showWindow :: HWND -> ShowWindowControl -> IO Bool
- sW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE :: ShowWindowControl
- sW_SHOWNA :: ShowWindowControl
- sW_RESTORE :: ShowWindowControl
- adjustWindowRect :: RECT -> WindowStyle -> Bool -> IO RECT
- c_AdjustWindowRect :: Ptr RECT -> WindowStyle -> Bool -> IO Bool
- adjustWindowRectEx :: RECT -> WindowStyle -> Bool -> WindowStyleEx -> IO RECT
- c_AdjustWindowRectEx :: Ptr RECT -> WindowStyle -> Bool -> WindowStyleEx -> IO Bool
- anyPopup :: IO Bool
- arrangeIconicWindows :: HWND -> IO ()
- c_ArrangeIconicWindows :: HWND -> IO Bool
- beginDeferWindowPos :: Int -> IO HDWP
- c_BeginDeferWindowPos :: Int -> IO HDWP
- bringWindowToTop :: HWND -> IO ()
- c_BringWindowToTop :: HWND -> IO Bool
- childWindowFromPoint :: HWND -> POINT -> IO (Maybe HWND)
- childWindowFromPointEx :: HWND -> POINT -> DWORD -> IO (Maybe HWND)
- closeWindow :: HWND -> IO ()
- deferWindowPos :: HDWP -> HWND -> HWND -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> SetWindowPosFlags -> IO HDWP
- c_DeferWindowPos :: HDWP -> HWND -> HWND -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> SetWindowPosFlags -> IO HDWP
- destroyWindow :: HWND -> IO ()
- c_DestroyWindow :: HWND -> IO Bool
- endDeferWindowPos :: HDWP -> IO ()
- c_EndDeferWindowPos :: HDWP -> IO Bool
- findWindow :: Maybe String -> Maybe String -> IO (Maybe HWND)
- findWindowByName :: String -> IO (Maybe HWND)
- c_FindWindow :: LPCTSTR -> LPCTSTR -> IO HWND
- findWindowEx :: Maybe HWND -> Maybe HWND -> Maybe String -> Maybe String -> IO (Maybe HWND)
- c_FindWindowEx :: HWND -> HWND -> LPCTSTR -> LPCTSTR -> IO HWND
- flashWindow :: HWND -> Bool -> IO Bool
- moveWindow :: HWND -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> IO ()
- c_MoveWindow :: HWND -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> IO Bool
- getDesktopWindow :: IO HWND
- getForegroundWindow :: IO HWND
- getParent :: HWND -> IO HWND
- c_GetParent :: HWND -> IO HWND
- getTopWindow :: HWND -> IO HWND
- c_GetTopWindow :: HWND -> IO HWND
- type SetWindowPosFlags = UINT
- sWP_NOSIZE :: SetWindowPosFlags
- sWP_NOMOVE :: SetWindowPosFlags
- sWP_NOZORDER :: SetWindowPosFlags
- sWP_NOREDRAW :: SetWindowPosFlags
- sWP_NOACTIVATE :: SetWindowPosFlags
- sWP_FRAMECHANGED :: SetWindowPosFlags
- sWP_SHOWWINDOW :: SetWindowPosFlags
- sWP_HIDEWINDOW :: SetWindowPosFlags
- sWP_NOCOPYBITS :: SetWindowPosFlags
- sWP_NOOWNERZORDER :: SetWindowPosFlags
- type GetDCExFlags = DWORD
- sWP_NOSENDCHANGING :: SetWindowPosFlags
- dCX_WINDOW :: GetDCExFlags
- sWP_DRAWFRAME :: SetWindowPosFlags
- dCX_CACHE :: GetDCExFlags
- sWP_NOREPOSITION :: SetWindowPosFlags
- getDCEx :: HWND -> HRGN -> GetDCExFlags -> IO HDC
- c_GetDCEx :: HWND -> PRGN -> GetDCExFlags -> IO HDC
- getDC :: Maybe HWND -> IO HDC
- c_GetDC :: HWND -> IO HDC
- getWindowDC :: Maybe HWND -> IO HDC
- c_GetWindowDC :: HWND -> IO HDC
- releaseDC :: Maybe HWND -> HDC -> IO ()
- c_ReleaseDC :: HWND -> HDC -> IO Bool
- getDCOrgEx :: HDC -> IO POINT
- c_GetDCOrgEx :: HDC -> Ptr POINT -> IO Bool
- hideCaret :: HWND -> IO ()
- c_HideCaret :: HWND -> IO Bool
- showCaret :: HWND -> IO ()
- c_ShowCaret :: HWND -> IO Bool
- createCaret :: HWND -> HBITMAP -> Maybe INT -> Maybe INT -> IO ()
- c_CreateCaret :: HWND -> HBITMAP -> INT -> INT -> IO Bool
- destroyCaret :: IO ()
- c_DestroyCaret :: IO Bool
- getCaretPos :: IO POINT
- c_GetCaretPos :: Ptr POINT -> IO Bool
- setCaretPos :: POINT -> IO ()
- c_SetCaretPos :: LONG -> LONG -> IO Bool
- type LPMSG = Addr
- allocaMessage :: (LPMSG -> IO a) -> IO a
- getMessage :: LPMSG -> Maybe HWND -> IO Bool
- c_GetMessage :: LPMSG -> HWND -> UINT -> UINT -> IO LONG
- peekMessage :: LPMSG -> Maybe HWND -> UINT -> UINT -> UINT -> IO ()
- c_PeekMessage :: LPMSG -> HWND -> UINT -> UINT -> UINT -> IO LONG
- translateMessage :: LPMSG -> IO BOOL
- updateWindow :: HWND -> IO ()
- c_UpdateWindow :: HWND -> IO Bool
- dispatchMessage :: LPMSG -> IO LONG
- sendMessage :: HWND -> WindowMessage -> WPARAM -> LPARAM -> IO LRESULT
mkClassName :: String -> ClassName Source #
type ClassStyle = UINT Source #
type WNDCLASS = (ClassStyle, HINSTANCE, Maybe HICON, Maybe HCURSOR, Maybe HBRUSH, Maybe LPCTSTR, ClassName) Source #
type WindowStyle = DWORD Source #
type WindowStyleEx = DWORD Source #
cW_USEDEFAULT :: Pos Source #
type WindowClosure = HWND -> WindowMessage -> WPARAM -> LPARAM -> IO LRESULT Source #
mkWindowClosure :: WindowClosure -> IO (FunPtr WindowClosure) Source #
setWindowClosure :: HWND -> WindowClosure -> IO () Source #
createWindow :: ClassName -> String -> WindowStyle -> Maybe Pos -> Maybe Pos -> Maybe Pos -> Maybe Pos -> Maybe HWND -> Maybe HMENU -> HINSTANCE -> WindowClosure -> IO HWND Source #
createWindowEx :: WindowStyle -> ClassName -> String -> WindowStyle -> Maybe Pos -> Maybe Pos -> Maybe Pos -> Maybe Pos -> Maybe HWND -> Maybe HMENU -> HINSTANCE -> WindowClosure -> IO HWND Source #
c_CreateWindowEx :: WindowStyle -> ClassName -> LPCTSTR -> WindowStyle -> Pos -> Pos -> Pos -> Pos -> HWND -> HMENU -> HINSTANCE -> LPVOID -> IO HWND Source #
defWindowProc :: Maybe HWND -> WindowMessage -> WPARAM -> LPARAM -> IO LRESULT Source #
c_DefWindowProc :: HWND -> WindowMessage -> WPARAM -> LPARAM -> IO LRESULT Source #
type LPPAINTSTRUCT = Addr Source #
allocaPAINTSTRUCT :: (LPPAINTSTRUCT -> IO a) -> IO a Source #
beginPaint :: HWND -> LPPAINTSTRUCT -> IO HDC Source #
c_BeginPaint :: HWND -> LPPAINTSTRUCT -> IO HDC Source #
type ShowWindowControl = DWORD Source #
showWindow :: HWND -> ShowWindowControl -> IO Bool Source #
adjustWindowRect :: RECT -> WindowStyle -> Bool -> IO RECT Source #
c_AdjustWindowRect :: Ptr RECT -> WindowStyle -> Bool -> IO Bool Source #
adjustWindowRectEx :: RECT -> WindowStyle -> Bool -> WindowStyleEx -> IO RECT Source #
c_AdjustWindowRectEx :: Ptr RECT -> WindowStyle -> Bool -> WindowStyleEx -> IO Bool Source #
arrangeIconicWindows :: HWND -> IO () Source #
bringWindowToTop :: HWND -> IO () Source #
closeWindow :: HWND -> IO () Source #
deferWindowPos :: HDWP -> HWND -> HWND -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> SetWindowPosFlags -> IO HDWP Source #
c_DeferWindowPos :: HDWP -> HWND -> HWND -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> SetWindowPosFlags -> IO HDWP Source #
destroyWindow :: HWND -> IO () Source #
endDeferWindowPos :: HDWP -> IO () Source #
findWindowEx :: Maybe HWND -> Maybe HWND -> Maybe String -> Maybe String -> IO (Maybe HWND) Source #
type SetWindowPosFlags = UINT Source #
type GetDCExFlags = DWORD Source #
destroyCaret :: IO () Source #
c_DestroyCaret :: IO Bool Source #
getCaretPos :: IO POINT Source #
setCaretPos :: POINT -> IO () Source #
updateWindow :: HWND -> IO () Source #
sendMessage :: HWND -> WindowMessage -> WPARAM -> LPARAM -> IO LRESULT Source #