Vis- Painless 3D graphics, no affiliation with gloss
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




data Options Source #





Instances details
Show Options Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Vis.Vis

vis Source #


:: Real b 
=> Options

user options

-> Double

sample time

-> a

initial state

-> (FullState a -> IO a)

sim function

-> (FullState a -> IO (VisObject b, Maybe Cursor))

draw function, can give a different cursor

-> (a -> IO ())

set camera function

-> Maybe (a -> Key -> KeyState -> Modifiers -> Position -> a)

keyboard/mouse callback

-> Maybe (a -> Position -> a)

motion callback

-> Maybe (a -> Position -> a)

passive motion callback

-> IO () 

visMovie Source #


:: forall b. Real b 
=> Options

user options

-> (Int -> FilePath)

where to write the bitmaps

-> Double

sample time

-> [VisObject b]

movie to draw

-> Maybe Cursor

optional cursor

-> IO () 

Make a series of images, one from each VisObject. When visMovie is executed a window pops up and loops the animation until you are happy with the camera angle. Hit spacebar and the images will be created and saved to disk.

visMovieImmediately Source #


:: forall b. Real b 
=> Options

user options

-> (Int -> FilePath)

where to write the bitmaps

-> Double

sample time

-> [VisObject b]

movie to draw

-> Maybe Cursor

optional cursor

-> IO () 

Make a series of images, one from each VisObject. When visMovieImmediately is executed a window is opened and without waiting the images are created and saved to disk.

type FullState a = (a, Float) Source #

user state and internal states