StringUtils by Luca Ciciriello


> module StringUtils where


> import Data.Char

> import Data.List

Replace a single char in the specified position

> replace :: Int -> String -> String -> String

> replace _ _ "" = ""

> replace n ch str = (take n str) ++ ch ++ (drop (n+1) str)

Replace a single char with a new one when occurs in a string

> replace_all :: String -> String -> String -> String

> replace_all old new str | p == (-1) = s

>                         | otherwise = (take p str) ++  new ++ (replace_all old new s)

>                         where p = find_first old str

>                               s = drop (p+1) str

Replace a substring wit a new one when occurs in a string

> replace_all_str :: String -> String -> String -> String

> replace_all_str old new str | p == (-1) = s

>                             | otherwise = (take p str) ++  new ++ (drop (len - 1) (replace_all_str old new s))

>                             where p = find_str old str

>                                   s = drop (p+1) str

>                                   len | length old == 0 = 0

>                                       | otherwise = length old

Restituisce la posizione della prima occorrenza della stringa specificata in una stringa

> find_first :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Int

> find_first _ [] = -1

> find_first [] _ = -1 

> find_first (x:ys) xs | (x `elem` xs) == False = -1 

>                      | otherwise = head (positions x xs) 

Replace first occurrence of a substring in a string starting from a specified position

> find_fst_from :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Int -> Int

> find_fst_from _ [] _ = -1

> find_fst_from [] _ _ = -1 

> find_fst_from x xs off  | (x `isIn` str) == False = -1

>                         | otherwise = (find_first x str) + off

>                         where str = (drop off xs)


As find_first but using String type


> find_str :: String -> String -> Int

> find_str "" _ = -1

> find_str _ [] = -1

> find_str sub xs | null lst = -1

>                 | otherwise = head lst

>                 where lst = matching_lst sub xs (fst_pos_lst sub xs)


As find_fst_from but using String type


> find_str_from :: String -> String -> Int -> Int

> find_str_from _ [] _ = -1

> find_str_from [] _ _ = -1 

> find_str_from sub xs off | (pos == -1) = -1

>                          | otherwise = pos + off

>                          where str = (drop off xs)

>                                pos = find_str sub str


Returns a substring of a string starting from a specified position and for a pecified num of char 


> substr :: Int -> Int -> String -> String

> substr _ _ "" = ""

> substr pos num str = take num (drop pos str)

Returns the char in a specified position in a string

> get_ch_at :: String -> Int -> Char

> get_ch_at [] _ = '_'

> get_ch_at str n = str !! n

Returns the position of the first occurrence of a specified char in a string

> positions :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> [Int]

> positions _ [] = []

> positions x xs = [i | (x', i) <- zip xs [0 .. n], x == x']

>                where n = length xs - 1

str_positions :: String -> String -> [Int]

str_positions _ "" = []

str_positions x xs | pos == -1 = []

                   | otherwise = (find_str x xs) : [find_str x sss]

                   where sss = drop (pos+1) xs

                         pos = find_str x xs

Returns the positions list of all occurrence of a substring in a string 

> indicesOfSubStr :: String -> String -> [Int]

> indicesOfSubStr []  _   = []

> indicesOfSubStr sub str = filter (\i -> sub `isPrefixOf` drop i str) $ head sub `elemIndices` str


Cunts the occurences of a specified char in a string

> count :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> Int

> count _ [] = 0

> count x xs = length $ positions x xs


Checks if a specified substring is present in a string


> isIn :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Bool

> isIn (x:xs) str = x `elem` str

Removes the char in a specified position in a string

> delete_at :: Int -> String -> String

> delete_at 0 xs = xs

> delete_at _ "" = ""

> delete_at pos xs = (take pos xs) ++ (drop (pos+1) xs)

Removes all the occurrences of a char in a string

> delete_all :: String -> String -> String

> delete_all _ "" = ""

> delete_all "" xs = xs

> delete_all el xs = replace_all el "" xs

Inserts a substring in a specified position in a string

> insert_at :: Int -> String -> String -> String

> insert_at _ "" xs = xs

> insert_at _ el "" = el

> insert_at pos el xs | (pos > (length xs) || pos < 0) == True = xs

>                     | otherwise = (take pos xs) ++ el ++ (drop pos xs)

Transform all lowercase chars in a string in uppercase chars


> to_upper :: String -> String

> to_upper "" = ""

> to_upper xs = map toUpper xs

Transform all uppercase chars in a string in lowercase chars 

> to_lower :: String -> String

> to_lower "" = ""

> to_lower xs = map toLower xs

Returns a positions list of a specified char in a string

> fst_pos_lst :: String -> String -> [Int]

> fst_pos_lst sub xs = positions (sub `get_ch_at` 0) xs

Just for internal use

> matching_lst :: String -> String -> [Int] -> [Int]

> matching_lst sub xs ps = [p | p <- ps, mtc p]

>                       where mtc p = (sub == (substr p (length sub) xs))

Removes starting spaces in a string

> trim_left :: String -> String

> trim_left "" = ""

> trim_left (x:xs) | (x /= ' ') = x : xs

>                  | otherwise  = trim_left xs

Removes starting spaces, tabs, and newlines in a string


> trim_left_complete :: String -> String

> trim_left_complete "" = ""

> trim_left_complete (x:xs) | (x /= ' ' && x /= '\t' && x /= '\r' && x /= '\n') = x : xs

>                           | otherwise = trim_left_complete xs

Removes ending spaces in a string

> trim_right :: String -> String

> trim_right str = (reverse . trim_left . reverse) str

Removes ending spaces, tabs, and newlines in a string

> trim_right_complete :: String -> String

> trim_right_complete str = (reverse . trim_left_complete . reverse) str

Removes all starting and ending spaces in a string

> trim :: String -> String

> trim str = (trim_right . trim_left) str

Removes all starting and ending spaces, tabs and newlines in a string 

> trim_complete :: String -> String

> trim_complete str = (trim_right_complete . trim_left_complete) str