Spock- Another Haskell web framework for rapid development

Safe HaskellNone




Spock's core

spock :: Int -> SessionCfg sess -> PoolOrConn conn -> st -> SpockM conn sess st () -> IO ()Source

Run a spock application using the warp server, a given db storageLayer and an initial state. Spock works with database libraries that already implement connection pooling and with those that don't come with it out of the box. For more see the PoolOrConn type.

type SpockM conn sess st = SpockT (WebStateM conn sess st)Source

Inside the SpockM monad, you may define routes and middleware.

type SpockAction conn sess st = ActionT (WebStateM conn sess st)Source

The SpockAction is the monad of all route-actions. You have access to the database, session and state of your application.

spockT :: MonadIO m => Port -> (forall a. m a -> IO a) -> SpockT m () -> IO ()Source

Run a raw spock server on a defined port. If you don't need a custom base monad you can just supply id as lift function.

data SpockT m a Source


data ActionT m a Source

Defining routes

get :: MonadIO m => Text -> ActionT m () -> SpockT m ()Source

Specify an action that will be run when the HTTP verb GET and the given route match

post :: MonadIO m => Text -> ActionT m () -> SpockT m ()Source

Specify an action that will be run when the HTTP verb POST and the given route match

head :: MonadIO m => Text -> ActionT m () -> SpockT m ()Source

Specify an action that will be run when the HTTP verb HEAD and the given route match

put :: MonadIO m => Text -> ActionT m () -> SpockT m ()Source

Specify an action that will be run when the HTTP verb PUT and the given route match

delete :: MonadIO m => Text -> ActionT m () -> SpockT m ()Source

Specify an action that will be run when the HTTP verb DELETE and the given route match

patch :: MonadIO m => Text -> ActionT m () -> SpockT m ()Source

Specify an action that will be run when the HTTP verb PATCH and the given route match

defRoute :: MonadIO m => StdMethod -> Text -> ActionT m () -> SpockT m ()Source

Define a route matching a provided StdMethod and route

subcomponent :: MonadIO m => Text -> SpockT m a -> SpockT m aSource

Define a subcomponent

 subcomponent "/api" $
    do get "/user" $ text "USER"
       post "/new-user" $ text "OK!"
>>> curl http://localhost:8080/api/user

data StdMethod

HTTP standard method (as defined by RFC 2616, and PATCH which is defined by RFC 5789).



combineRoute :: Text -> Text -> TextSource

Combine two routes, ensuring that the slashes don't get messed up

Handeling requests

request :: MonadIO m => ActionT m RequestSource

Get the original Wai Request object

header :: MonadIO m => Text -> ActionT m (Maybe Text)Source

Read a header

cookie :: MonadIO m => Text -> ActionT m (Maybe Text)Source

Read a cookie

body :: MonadIO m => ActionT m ByteStringSource

Get the raw request body

jsonBody :: (MonadIO m, FromJSON a) => ActionT m (Maybe a)Source

Parse the request body as json

jsonBody' :: (MonadIO m, FromJSON a) => ActionT m aSource

Parse the request body as json and fails with 500 status code on error

files :: MonadIO m => ActionT m (HashMap Text UploadedFile)Source

Get uploaded files

params :: MonadIO m => ActionT m [(Text, Text)]Source

Get all request params

param :: (PathPiece p, MonadIO m) => Text -> ActionT m (Maybe p)Source

Read a request param. Spock looks in route captures first, then in POST variables and at last in GET variables

Sending responses

setStatus :: MonadIO m => Status -> ActionT m ()Source

Set a response status

setHeader :: MonadIO m => Text -> Text -> ActionT m ()Source

Set a response header. Overwrites already defined headers

redirect :: MonadIO m => Text -> ActionT m ()Source

Redirect to a given url

jumpNext :: MonadIO m => ActionT m aSource

Abort the current action and jump the next one matching the route

setCookie :: MonadIO m => Text -> Text -> NominalDiffTime -> ActionT m ()Source

Set a cookie living for a given number of seconds

setCookie' :: MonadIO m => Text -> Text -> UTCTime -> ActionT m ()Source

Set a cookie living until a specific UTCTime

bytes :: MonadIO m => ByteString -> ActionT m ()Source

Send a ByteString as response body. Provide your own Content-Type

lazyBytes :: MonadIO m => ByteString -> ActionT m ()Source

Send a lazy ByteString as response body. Provide your own Content-Type

text :: MonadIO m => Text -> ActionT m ()Source

Send text as a response body. Content-Type will be text/plain

html :: MonadIO m => Text -> ActionT m ()Source

Send a text as response body. Content-Type will be text/plain

file :: MonadIO m => Text -> FilePath -> ActionT m ()Source

Send a file as response

json :: (ToJSON a, MonadIO m) => a -> ActionT m ()Source

Send json as response. Content-Type will be application/json

blaze :: MonadIO m => Html -> ActionT m ()Source

Send blaze html as response. Content-Type will be text/html

Adding middleware


data PoolOrConn a Source

You can feed Spock with either a connection pool, or instructions on how to build a connection pool. See ConnBuilder


PCPool (Pool a) 
PCConduitPool (Pool a) 
PCConn (ConnBuilder a) 

data ConnBuilder a Source

The ConnBuilder instructs Spock how to create or close a database connection.



data PoolCfg Source

If Spock should take care of connection pooling, you need to configure it depending on what you need.

Accessing Database and State

class HasSpock m whereSource

Associated Types

type SpockConn m :: *Source

type SpockState m :: *Source

type SpockSession m :: *Source


runQuery :: (SpockConn m -> IO a) -> m aSource

Give you access to a database connectin from the connection pool. The connection is released back to the pool once the function terminates.

getState :: m (SpockState m)Source

Read the application's state. If you wish to have mutable state, you could use a TVar from the STM packge.


MonadTrans t => HasSpock (t (WebStateM conn sess st)) 
HasSpock (WebStateM conn sess st) 


data SessionCfg a Source

Configuration for the session manager

readSession :: SpockAction conn sess st sessSource

Read the stored session

writeSession :: sess -> SpockAction conn sess st ()Source

Write to the current session. Note that all data is stored on the server. The user only reciedes a sessionId to be identified.

modifySession :: (sess -> sess) -> SpockAction conn sess st ()Source

Modify the stored session

clearAllSessions :: SpockAction conn sess st ()Source

Globally delete all existing sessions. This is useful for example if you want to require all users to relogin

Safe actions

class (Hashable a, Eq a, Typeable a) => SafeAction conn sess st a whereSource

SafeActions are actions that need to be protected from csrf attacks


runSafeAction :: a -> SpockAction conn sess st ()Source

The body of the safe action. Either GET or POST

safeActionPath :: forall conn sess st a. (SafeAction conn sess st a, HasSpock (SpockAction conn sess st), SpockConn (SpockAction conn sess st) ~ conn, SpockSession (SpockAction conn sess st) ~ sess, SpockState (SpockAction conn sess st) ~ st) => a -> SpockAction conn sess st TextSource

Wire up a safe action: Safe actions are actions that are protected from csrf attacks. Here's a usage example:

 newtype DeleteUser = DeleteUser Int deriving (Hashable, Typeable, Eq)

 instance SafeAction Connection () () DeleteUser where
    runSafeAction (DeleteUser i) =
       do runQuery $ deleteUserFromDb i
          redirect "/user-list"

 get "/user-details/:userId" $
   do userId <- param "userId"
      deleteUrl <- safeActionPath (DeleteUser userId)
      html $ TL.concat [ "Click <a href='", TL.fromStrict deleteUrl, "'>here</a> to delete user!" ]

Note that safeActions currently only support GET and POST requests.

Digestive Functors



:: (Functor m, MonadIO m) 
=> Text

form name

-> Form v (ActionT m) a 
-> ActionT m (View v, Maybe a) 

Run a digestive functors form

Internals for extending Spock

getSpockHeart :: MonadTrans t => t (WebStateM conn sess st) (WebState conn sess st)Source

Read the heart of Spock. This is useful if you want to construct your own monads that work with runQuery and getState using runSpockIO

runSpockIO :: WebState conn sess st -> WebStateM conn sess st a -> IO aSource

Run an action inside of Spocks core monad. This allows you to use runQuery and getState

data WebStateM conn sess st a Source


MonadBase IO (WebStateM conn sess st) 
MonadBaseControl IO (WebStateM conn sess st) 
MonadTrans t => HasSpock (t (WebStateM conn sess st)) 
Monad (WebStateM conn sess st) 
Functor (WebStateM conn sess st) 
Applicative (WebStateM conn sess st) 
MonadIO (WebStateM conn sess st) 
HasSpock (WebStateM conn sess st) 
MonadReader (WebState conn sess st) (WebStateM conn sess st) 

data WebState conn sess st Source


MonadReader (WebState conn sess st) (WebStateM conn sess st)