{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Rattus.Plugin.Dependency (dependency, HasBV (..)) where
import GhcPlugins
import Bag
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 810
import GHC.Hs.Extension
import GHC.Hs.Expr
import GHC.Hs.Pat
import GHC.Hs.Binds
import GHC.Hs.Types
import HsExtension
import HsExpr
import HsPat
import HsBinds
import HsTypes
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Graph
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Either
import Prelude hiding ((<>))
dependency :: Bag (LHsBindLR GhcTc GhcTc) -> [SCC (LHsBindLR GhcTc GhcTc, Set Var)]
dependency binds = map AcyclicSCC noDeps ++ catMaybes (map filterJust (stronglyConnComp (concat deps)))
where (deps,noDeps) = partitionEithers $ map mkDep $ bagToList binds
mkDep :: GenLocated l (HsBindLR GhcTc GhcTc) ->
Either [(Maybe (GenLocated l (HsBindLR GhcTc GhcTc), Set Var), Name, [Name])]
(GenLocated l (HsBindLR GhcTc GhcTc), Set Var)
mkDep b =
let dep = map varName $ Set.toList (getFV b)
vars = getBV b in
case Set.toList vars of
(v:vs) -> Left ((Just (b,vars), varName v , dep) : map (\ v' -> (Nothing, varName v' , dep)) vs)
[] -> Right (b,vars)
filterJust (AcyclicSCC Nothing) = Nothing
filterJust (AcyclicSCC (Just b)) = Just (AcyclicSCC b)
filterJust (CyclicSCC bs) = Just (CyclicSCC (catMaybes bs))
class HasBV a where
getBV :: a -> Set Var
instance HasBV (HsBindLR GhcTc GhcTc) where
getBV (FunBind{fun_id = L _ v}) = Set.singleton v
getBV (AbsBinds {abs_exports = es}) = Set.fromList (map abe_poly es)
getBV (PatBind {pat_lhs = pat}) = getBV pat
getBV (VarBind {var_id = v}) = Set.singleton v
getBV PatSynBind{} = Set.empty
getBV XHsBindsLR{} = Set.empty
instance HasBV a => HasBV (GenLocated b a) where
getBV (L _ e) = getBV e
instance HasBV a => HasBV [a] where
getBV ps = foldl (\s p -> getBV p `Set.union` s) Set.empty ps
getConBV (PrefixCon ps) = getBV ps
getConBV (InfixCon p p') = getBV p `Set.union` getBV p'
getConBV (RecCon (HsRecFields {rec_flds = fs})) = foldl run Set.empty fs
where run s (L _ f) = getBV (hsRecFieldArg f) `Set.union` s
instance HasBV (Pat GhcTc) where
getBV (VarPat _ (L _ v)) = Set.singleton v
getBV (LazyPat _ p) = getBV p
getBV (AsPat _ (L _ v) p) = Set.insert v (getBV p)
getBV (ParPat _ p) = getBV p
getBV (BangPat _ p) = getBV p
getBV (ListPat _ ps) = getBV ps
getBV (TuplePat _ ps _) = getBV ps
getBV (SumPat _ p _ _) = getBV p
getBV (ConPatIn (L _ v) con) = Set.insert v (getConBV con)
getBV (ConPatOut {pat_args = con}) = getConBV con
getBV (ViewPat _ _ p) = getBV p
getBV (SplicePat _ sp) =
case sp of
HsTypedSplice _ _ v _ -> Set.singleton v
HsUntypedSplice _ _ v _ -> Set.singleton v
HsQuasiQuote _ p p' _ _ -> Set.fromList [p,p']
HsSpliced _ _ (HsSplicedPat p) -> getBV p
_ -> Set.empty
getBV (NPlusKPat _ (L _ v) _ _ _ _) = Set.singleton v
getBV (CoPat _ _ p _) = getBV p
getBV (NPat {}) = Set.empty
getBV (XPat p) = getBV p
getBV (WildPat {}) = Set.empty
getBV (LitPat {}) = Set.empty
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 808
getBV (SigPat _ p _) =
getBV (SigPat _ p) =
getBV p
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 810
instance HasBV NoExtCon where
instance HasBV NoExt where
getBV _ = Set.empty
class HasFV a where
getFV :: a -> Set Var
instance HasFV a => HasFV (GenLocated b a) where
getFV (L _ e) = getFV e
instance HasFV a => HasFV [a] where
getFV es = foldMap getFV es
instance HasFV a => HasFV (Bag a) where
getFV es = foldMap getFV es
instance HasFV Var where
getFV v = Set.singleton v
instance HasFV a => HasFV (MatchGroup GhcTc a) where
getFV MG {mg_alts = alts} = getFV alts
getFV XMatchGroup{} = Set.empty
instance HasFV a => HasFV (Match GhcTc a) where
getFV Match {m_grhss = rhss} = getFV rhss
getFV XMatch{} = Set.empty
instance HasFV (HsTupArg GhcTc) where
getFV (Present _ e) = getFV e
getFV _ = Set.empty
instance HasFV a => HasFV (GRHS GhcTc a) where
getFV (GRHS _ g b) = getFV g `Set.union` getFV b
getFV XGRHS{} = Set.empty
instance HasFV a => HasFV (GRHSs GhcTc a) where
getFV GRHSs {grhssGRHSs = rhs, grhssLocalBinds = lbs} =
getFV rhs `Set.union` getFV lbs
getFV _ = Set.empty
instance HasFV (HsLocalBindsLR GhcTc GhcTc) where
getFV (HsValBinds _ bs) = getFV bs
getFV (HsIPBinds _ bs) = getFV bs
getFV _ = Set.empty
instance HasFV (HsValBindsLR GhcTc GhcTc) where
getFV (ValBinds _ b _) = getFV b
getFV _ = Set.empty
instance HasFV (HsBindLR GhcTc GhcTc) where
getFV FunBind {fun_matches = ms} = getFV ms
getFV PatBind {pat_rhs = rhs} = getFV rhs
getFV VarBind {var_rhs = rhs} = getFV rhs
getFV AbsBinds {abs_binds = bs} = getFV bs
getFV _ = Set.empty
instance HasFV (IPBind GhcTc) where
getFV (IPBind _ _ e) = getFV e
getFV _ = Set.empty
instance HasFV (HsIPBinds GhcTc) where
getFV (IPBinds _ bs) = getFV bs
getFV _ = Set.empty
instance HasFV (ApplicativeArg GhcTc) where
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 810
getFV (ApplicativeArgOne _ _ e _ _)
getFV (ApplicativeArgOne _ _ e _)
= getFV e
getFV (ApplicativeArgMany _ es e _) = getFV es `Set.union` getFV e
getFV XApplicativeArg{} = Set.empty
instance HasFV (ParStmtBlock GhcTc GhcTc) where
getFV (ParStmtBlock _ es _ _) = getFV es
getFV XParStmtBlock{} = Set.empty
instance HasFV a => HasFV (StmtLR GhcTc GhcTc a) where
getFV (LastStmt _ e _ _) = getFV e
getFV (BindStmt _ _ e _ _) = getFV e
getFV (ApplicativeStmt _ args _) = foldMap (getFV . snd) args
getFV (BodyStmt _ e _ _) = getFV e
getFV (LetStmt _ bs) = getFV bs
getFV (ParStmt _ stms e _) = getFV stms `Set.union` getFV e
getFV TransStmt{} = Set.empty
getFV RecStmt{} = Set.empty
getFV XStmtLR{} = Set.empty
instance HasFV (HsRecordBinds GhcTc) where
getFV HsRecFields{rec_flds = fs} = getFV fs
instance HasFV (HsRecField' o (LHsExpr GhcTc)) where
getFV HsRecField {hsRecFieldArg = arg} = getFV arg
instance HasFV (ArithSeqInfo GhcTc) where
getFV (From e) = getFV e
getFV (FromThen e1 e2) = getFV e1 `Set.union` getFV e2
getFV (FromTo e1 e2) = getFV e1 `Set.union` getFV e2
getFV (FromThenTo e1 e2 e3) = getFV e1 `Set.union` getFV e2 `Set.union` getFV e3
instance HasFV (HsBracket GhcTc) where
getFV (ExpBr _ e) = getFV e
getFV (VarBr _ _ e) = getFV e
getFV _ = Set.empty
instance HasFV (HsCmd GhcTc) where
getFV (HsCmdArrApp _ e1 e2 _ _) = getFV e1 `Set.union` getFV e2
getFV (HsCmdArrForm _ e _ _ cmd) = getFV e `Set.union` getFV cmd
getFV (HsCmdApp _ e1 e2) = getFV e1 `Set.union` getFV e2
getFV (HsCmdLam _ l) = getFV l
getFV (HsCmdPar _ cmd) = getFV cmd
getFV (HsCmdCase _ _ mg) = getFV mg
getFV (HsCmdIf _ _ e1 e2 e3) = getFV e1 `Set.union` getFV e2 `Set.union` getFV e3
getFV (HsCmdLet _ bs _) = getFV bs
getFV (HsCmdDo _ cmd) = getFV cmd
getFV (HsCmdWrap _ _ cmd) = getFV cmd
getFV XCmd{} = Set.empty
instance HasFV (HsCmdTop GhcTc) where
getFV (HsCmdTop _ cmd) = getFV cmd
getFV XCmdTop{} = Set.empty
instance HasFV (HsExpr GhcTc) where
getFV (HsVar _ v) = getFV v
getFV HsUnboundVar {} = Set.empty
getFV HsConLikeOut {} = Set.empty
getFV HsRecFld {} = Set.empty
getFV HsOverLabel {} = Set.empty
getFV HsIPVar {} = Set.empty
getFV HsOverLit {} = Set.empty
getFV HsLit {} = Set.empty
getFV (HsLam _ mg) = getFV mg
getFV (HsLamCase _ mg) = getFV mg
getFV (HsApp _ e1 e2) = getFV e1 `Set.union` getFV e2
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 808
getFV (HsAppType _ e _)
getFV (HsAppType _ e)
= getFV e
getFV (OpApp _ e1 e2 e3) = getFV e1 `Set.union` getFV e2 `Set.union` getFV e3
getFV (NegApp _ e _) = getFV e
getFV (HsPar _ e) = getFV e
getFV (SectionL _ e1 e2) = getFV e1 `Set.union` getFV e2
getFV (SectionR _ e1 e2) = getFV e1 `Set.union` getFV e2
getFV (ExplicitTuple _ es _) = getFV es
getFV (ExplicitSum _ _ _ e) = getFV e
getFV (HsCase _ e mg) = getFV e `Set.union` getFV mg
getFV (HsIf _ _ e1 e2 e3) = getFV e1 `Set.union` getFV e2 `Set.union` getFV e3
getFV (HsMultiIf _ es) = getFV es
getFV (HsLet _ bs e) = getFV bs `Set.union` getFV e
getFV (HsDo _ _ e) = getFV e
getFV (ExplicitList _ _ es) = getFV es
getFV (RecordCon {rcon_flds = fs}) = getFV fs
getFV (RecordUpd {rupd_expr = e, rupd_flds = fs}) = getFV e `Set.union` getFV fs
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 808
getFV (ExprWithTySig _ e _)
getFV (ExprWithTySig _ e)
= getFV e
getFV (ArithSeq _ _ e) = getFV e
getFV (HsSCC _ _ _ e) = getFV e
getFV (HsCoreAnn _ _ _ e) = getFV e
getFV (HsBracket _ e) = getFV e
getFV HsRnBracketOut {} = Set.empty
getFV HsTcBracketOut {} = Set.empty
getFV HsSpliceE{} = Set.empty
getFV (HsProc _ _ e) = getFV e
getFV (HsStatic _ e) = getFV e
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 810
getFV (HsArrApp _ e1 e2 _ _) = getFV e1 `Set.union` getFV e2
getFV (HsArrForm _ e _ cmd) = getFV e `Set.union` getFV cmd
getFV EWildPat {} = Set.empty
getFV (EAsPat _ e1 e2) = getFV e1 `Set.union` getFV e2
getFV (EViewPat _ e1 e2) = getFV e1 `Set.union` getFV e2
getFV (ELazyPat _ e) = getFV e
getFV (HsTick _ _ e) = getFV e
getFV (HsBinTick _ _ _ e) = getFV e
getFV (HsTickPragma _ _ _ _ e) = getFV e
getFV (HsWrap _ _ e) = getFV e
getFV XExpr{} = Set.empty