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QuickCheck-2.12.5: Automatic testing of Haskell programs

Safe HaskellTrustworthy




Note: the contents of this module are re-exported by Test.QuickCheck. You do not need to import it directly.

Test all properties in the current module, using Template Haskell. You need to have a {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} pragma in your module for any of these to work.


Testing all properties in a module

quickCheckAll :: Q Exp Source #

Test all properties in the current module. The name of the property must begin with prop_. Polymorphic properties will be defaulted to Integer. Returns True if all tests succeeded, False otherwise.

To use quickCheckAll, add a definition to your module along the lines of

return []
runTests = $quickCheckAll

and then execute runTests.

Note: the bizarre return [] in the example above is needed on GHC 7.8 and later; without it, quickCheckAll will not be able to find any of the properties. For the curious, the return [] is a Template Haskell splice that makes GHC insert the empty list of declarations at that point in the program; GHC typechecks everything before the return [] before it starts on the rest of the module, which means that the later call to quickCheckAll can see everything that was defined before the return []. Yikes!

verboseCheckAll :: Q Exp Source #

Test all properties in the current module. This is just a convenience function that combines quickCheckAll and verbose.

verboseCheckAll has the same issue with scoping as quickCheckAll: see the note there about return [].

forAllProperties :: Q Exp Source #

Test all properties in the current module, using a custom quickCheck function. The same caveats as with quickCheckAll apply.

$forAllProperties has type (Property -> IO Result) -> IO Bool. An example invocation is $forAllProperties quickCheckResult, which does the same thing as $quickCheckAll.

forAllProperties has the same issue with scoping as quickCheckAll: see the note there about return [].

allProperties :: Q Exp Source #

List all properties in the current module.

$allProperties has type [(String, Property)].

allProperties has the same issue with scoping as quickCheckAll: see the note there about return [].

Testing polymorphic properties

polyQuickCheck :: Name -> ExpQ Source #

Test a polymorphic property, defaulting all type variables to Integer.

Invoke as $(polyQuickCheck 'prop), where prop is a property. Note that just evaluating quickCheck prop in GHCi will seem to work, but will silently default all type variables to ()!

$(polyQuickCheck 'prop) means the same as quickCheck $(monomorphic 'prop). If you want to supply custom arguments to polyQuickCheck, you will have to combine quickCheckWith and monomorphic yourself.

If you want to use polyQuickCheck in the same file where you defined the property, the same scoping problems pop up as in quickCheckAll: see the note there about return [].

polyVerboseCheck :: Name -> ExpQ Source #

Test a polymorphic property, defaulting all type variables to Integer. This is just a convenience function that combines verboseCheck and monomorphic.

If you want to use polyVerboseCheck in the same file where you defined the property, the same scoping problems pop up as in quickCheckAll: see the note there about return [].

monomorphic :: Name -> ExpQ Source #

Monomorphise an arbitrary property by defaulting all type variables to Integer.

For example, if f has type Ord a => [a] -> [a] then $(monomorphic 'f) has type [Integer] -> [Integer].

If you want to use monomorphic in the same file where you defined the property, the same scoping problems pop up as in quickCheckAll: see the note there about return [].