{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}

-- |
-- This module provides a parser for <https://docs.python.org/3.4/library/string.html#formatspec python format string mini language>.
module PyF.Internal.PythonSyntax
  ( parseGenericFormatString,
    Item (..),
    FormatMode (..),
    Padding (..),
    Precision (..),
    TypeFormat (..),
    AlternateForm (..),
    pattern DefaultFormatMode,
    ParsingContext (..),
    ExprOrValue (..),

import Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Data.Char
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Set as Set -- For fancyFailure
import Data.Void (Void)
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts.Extension as ParseExtension
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts.Parser as ParseExp
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts.SrcLoc as SrcLoc
import qualified Language.Haskell.Meta.Syntax.Translate as SyntaxTranslate
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import PyF.Formatters
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as L

type Parser t = ParsecT Void String (Reader ParsingContext) t

data ParsingContext = ParsingContext
  { delimiters :: (Char, Char),
    enabledExtensions :: [ParseExtension.Extension]
  deriving (Show)

-- TODO:
- Better parsing of integer
- Recursive replacement field, so "{string:.{precision}} can be parsed
- f_expression / conversion
- Not (Yet) implemented:
     - types: n

f_string          ::=  (literal_char | "{{" | "}}" | replacement_field)*
replacement_field ::=  "{" f_expression ["!" conversion] [":" format_spec] "}"
f_expression      ::=  (conditional_expression | "*" or_expr)
                         ("," conditional_expression | "," "*" or_expr)* [","]
                       | yield_expression
conversion        ::=  "s" | "r" | "a"
format_spec       ::=  (literal_char | NULL | replacement_field)*
literal_char      ::=  <any code point except "{", "}" or NULL>

-- | A format string is composed of many chunks of raw string or replacement
data Item
  = -- | A raw string
    Raw String
  | -- | A replacement string, composed of an arbitrary Haskell expression followed by an optional formatter
    Replacement Exp (Maybe FormatMode)
  deriving (Show)

-- |
-- Parse a string, returns a list of raw string or replacement fields
-- >>> import Text.Megaparsec
-- >>> parse parsePythonFormatString "" "hello {1+1:>10.2f}"
-- Right [
--        Raw "hello ",
--        Replacement "1+1"
--        (
--        Just (FormatMode
--                       (Padding 10 (Just (Nothing,AnyAlign AlignRight)))
--                       (FixedF (Precision 2) NormalForm Minus)
--                        Nothing))]
parseGenericFormatString :: Parser [Item]
parseGenericFormatString =
  many (rawString <|> escapedParenthesis <|> replacementField) <* eof

rawString :: Parser Item
rawString = do
  (openingChar, closingChar) <- asks delimiters
  chars <- some (noneOf [openingChar, closingChar])
  case escapeChars chars of
    Left remaining -> do
      offset <- getOffset
      setOffset (offset - length remaining)
      fancyFailure (Set.singleton (ErrorFail "lexical error in literal section"))
    Right escaped -> return (Raw escaped)

escapedParenthesis :: Parser Item
escapedParenthesis = do
  (openingChar, closingChar) <- asks delimiters
  Raw <$> (parseRaw openingChar <|> parseRaw closingChar)
    parseRaw c = [c] <$ string (replicate 2 c)

-- | Replace escape chars with their value. Results in a Left with the
-- remainder of the string on encountering a lexical error (such as a bad escape
-- sequence).
-- >>> escapeChars "hello \\n"
-- Right "hello \n"
-- >>> escapeChars "hello \\x"
-- Left "\\x"
escapeChars :: String -> Either String String
escapeChars "" = Right ""
escapeChars ('\\' : '\n' : xs) = escapeChars xs
escapeChars ('\\' : '\\' : xs) = ('\\' :) <$> escapeChars xs
escapeChars s = case Data.Char.readLitChar s of
  ((c, xs) : _) -> (c :) <$> escapeChars xs
  _ -> Left s

replacementField :: Parser Item
replacementField = do
  exts <- asks enabledExtensions
  (charOpening, charClosing) <- asks delimiters
  _ <- char charOpening
  expr <- evalExpr exts (many (noneOf (charClosing : ":" :: String)))
  fmt <- optional $ do
    _ <- char ':'
  _ <- char charClosing
  pure (Replacement expr fmt)

-- | Default formating mode, no padding, default precision, no grouping, no sign handling
pattern DefaultFormatMode :: FormatMode
pattern DefaultFormatMode = FormatMode PaddingDefault (DefaultF PrecisionDefault Minus) Nothing

-- | A Formatter, listing padding, format and and grouping char
data FormatMode = FormatMode Padding TypeFormat (Maybe Char)
  deriving (Show)

-- | Padding, containing the padding width, the padding char and the alignement mode
data Padding
  = PaddingDefault
  | Padding Integer (Maybe (Maybe Char, AnyAlign))
  deriving (Show)

-- | Represents a value of type @t@ or an Haskell expression supposed to represents that value
data ExprOrValue t
  = Value t
  | HaskellExpr Exp
  deriving (Show)

-- | Floating point precision
data Precision
  = PrecisionDefault
  | Precision (ExprOrValue Integer)
  deriving (Show)


Python format mini language

format_spec     ::=  [[fill]align][sign][#][0][width][grouping_option][.precision][type]
fill            ::=  <any character>
align           ::=  "<" | ">" | "=" | "^"
sign            ::=  "+" | "-" | " "
width           ::=  integer
grouping_option ::=  "_" | ","
precision       ::=  integer
type            ::=  "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "E" | "f" | "F" | "g" | "G" | "n" | "o" | "s" | "x" | "X" | "%"

data TypeFlag = Flagb | Flagc | Flagd | Flage | FlagE | Flagf | FlagF | Flagg | FlagG | Flagn | Flago | Flags | Flagx | FlagX | FlagPercent
  deriving (Show)

-- | All formating type
data TypeFormat
  = -- | Default, depends on the infered type of the expression
    DefaultF Precision SignMode
  | -- | Binary, such as `0b0121`
    BinaryF AlternateForm SignMode
  | -- | Character, will convert an integer to its character representation
  | -- | Decimal, base 10 integer formatting
    DecimalF SignMode
  | -- | Exponential notation for floatting points
    ExponentialF Precision AlternateForm SignMode
  | -- | Exponential notation with capitalised @e@
    ExponentialCapsF Precision AlternateForm SignMode
  | -- | Fixed number of digits floating point
    FixedF Precision AlternateForm SignMode
  | -- | Capitalized version of the previous
    FixedCapsF Precision AlternateForm SignMode
  | -- | General formatting: `FixedF` or `ExponentialF` depending on the number magnitude
    GeneralF Precision AlternateForm SignMode
  | -- | Same as `GeneralF` but with upper case @E@ and infinite / NaN
    GeneralCapsF Precision AlternateForm SignMode
  | -- | Octal, such as 00245
    OctalF AlternateForm SignMode
  | -- | Simple string
    StringF Precision
  | -- | Hexadecimal, such as 0xaf3e
    HexF AlternateForm SignMode
  | -- | Hexadecimal with capitalized letters, such as 0XAF3E
    HexCapsF AlternateForm SignMode
  | -- | Percent representation
    PercentF Precision AlternateForm SignMode
  deriving (Show)

-- | If the formatter use its alternate form
data AlternateForm = AlternateForm | NormalForm
  deriving (Show)

lastCharFailed :: String -> Parser t
lastCharFailed err = do
  offset <- getOffset
  setOffset (offset - 1)
  fancyFailure (Set.singleton (ErrorFail err))

evalExpr :: [ParseExtension.Extension] -> Parser String -> Parser Exp
evalExpr exts exprParser = do
  offset <- getOffset
  s <- exprParser
  -- Setup the parser using the provided list of extensions
  -- Which are detected by template haskell at splice position
  let parseMode = ParseExp.defaultParseMode {ParseExp.extensions = exts}
  case SyntaxTranslate.toExp <$> ParseExp.parseExpWithMode parseMode s of
    ParseExp.ParseOk expr -> pure expr
    ParseExp.ParseFailed (SrcLoc.SrcLoc _name' line col) err -> do
      let linesBefore = take (line - 1) (lines s)
          currentOffset = length (unlines linesBefore) + col - 1
      setOffset (offset + currentOffset)
      fancyFailure (Set.singleton (ErrorFail err))

overrideAlignmentIfZero :: Bool -> Maybe (Maybe Char, AnyAlign) -> Maybe (Maybe Char, AnyAlign)
overrideAlignmentIfZero True Nothing = Just (Just '0', AnyAlign AlignInside)
overrideAlignmentIfZero True (Just (Nothing, al)) = Just (Just '0', al)
overrideAlignmentIfZero _ v = v

formatSpec :: Parser FormatMode
formatSpec = do
  al' <- optional alignment
  s <- optional sign
  alternateForm <- option NormalForm (AlternateForm <$ char '#')
  hasZero <- option False (True <$ char '0')
  let al = overrideAlignmentIfZero hasZero al'
  w <- optional width
  grouping <- optional groupingOption
  prec <- option PrecisionDefault parsePrecision
  t <- optional type_
  let padding = case w of
        Just p -> Padding p al
        Nothing -> PaddingDefault
  case t of
    Nothing -> pure (FormatMode padding (DefaultF prec (fromMaybe Minus s)) grouping)
    Just flag -> case evalFlag flag padding grouping prec alternateForm s of
      Right fmt -> pure (FormatMode padding fmt grouping)
      Left typeError ->
        lastCharFailed typeError

parsePrecision :: Parser Precision
parsePrecision = do
  exts <- asks enabledExtensions
  (charOpening, charClosing) <- asks delimiters
  _ <- char '.'
    [ Precision . Value <$> precision,
      char charOpening *> (Precision . HaskellExpr <$> evalExpr exts (manyTill anySingle (char charClosing)))

evalFlag :: TypeFlag -> Padding -> Maybe Char -> Precision -> AlternateForm -> Maybe SignMode -> Either String TypeFormat
evalFlag Flagb _pad _grouping prec alt s = failIfPrec prec (BinaryF alt (defSign s))
evalFlag Flagc _pad _grouping prec alt s = failIfS s =<< failIfPrec prec =<< failIfAlt alt CharacterF
evalFlag Flagd _pad _grouping prec alt s = failIfPrec prec =<< failIfAlt alt (DecimalF (defSign s))
evalFlag Flage _pad _grouping prec alt s = pure $ ExponentialF prec alt (defSign s)
evalFlag FlagE _pad _grouping prec alt s = pure $ ExponentialCapsF prec alt (defSign s)
evalFlag Flagf _pad _grouping prec alt s = pure $ FixedF prec alt (defSign s)
evalFlag FlagF _pad _grouping prec alt s = pure $ FixedCapsF prec alt (defSign s)
evalFlag Flagg _pad _grouping prec alt s = pure $ GeneralF prec alt (defSign s)
evalFlag FlagG _pad _grouping prec alt s = pure $ GeneralCapsF prec alt (defSign s)
evalFlag Flagn _pad _grouping _prec _alt _s = Left ("Type 'n' not handled (yet). " ++ errgGn)
evalFlag Flago _pad _grouping prec alt s = failIfPrec prec $ OctalF alt (defSign s)
evalFlag Flags pad grouping prec alt s = failIfGrouping grouping =<< failIfInsidePadding pad =<< failIfS s =<< failIfAlt alt (StringF prec)
evalFlag Flagx _pad _grouping prec alt s = failIfPrec prec $ HexF alt (defSign s)
evalFlag FlagX _pad _grouping prec alt s = failIfPrec prec $ HexCapsF alt (defSign s)
evalFlag FlagPercent _pad _grouping prec alt s = pure $ PercentF prec alt (defSign s)

defSign :: Maybe SignMode -> SignMode
defSign Nothing = Minus
defSign (Just s) = s

failIfGrouping :: Maybe Char -> TypeFormat -> Either String TypeFormat
failIfGrouping (Just _) _t = Left "String type is incompatible with grouping (_ or ,)."
failIfGrouping Nothing t = Right t

failIfInsidePadding :: Padding -> TypeFormat -> Either String TypeFormat
failIfInsidePadding (Padding _ (Just (_, AnyAlign AlignInside))) _t = Left "String type is incompatible with inside padding (=)."
failIfInsidePadding _ t = Right t

errgGn :: String
errgGn = "Use one of {'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'E', 'f', 'F', 'g', 'G', 'n', 'o', 's', 'x', 'X', '%'}."

failIfPrec :: Precision -> TypeFormat -> Either String TypeFormat
failIfPrec PrecisionDefault i = Right i
failIfPrec (Precision e) _ = Left ("Type incompatible with precision (." ++ showExpr ++ "), use any of {'e', 'E', 'f', 'F', 'g', 'G', 'n', 's', '%'} or remove the precision field.")
    showExpr = case e of
      Value v -> show v
      HaskellExpr expr -> show expr

failIfAlt :: AlternateForm -> TypeFormat -> Either String TypeFormat
failIfAlt NormalForm i = Right i
failIfAlt _ _ = Left "Type incompatible with alternative form (#), use any of {'e', 'E', 'f', 'F', 'g', 'G', 'n', 'o', 'x', 'X', '%'} or remove the alternative field."

failIfS :: Maybe SignMode -> TypeFormat -> Either String TypeFormat
failIfS Nothing i = Right i
failIfS (Just s) _ = Left ("Type incompatible with sign field (" ++ [toSignMode s] ++ "), use any of {'b', 'd', 'e', 'E', 'f', 'F', 'g', 'G', 'n', 'o', 'x', 'X', '%'} or remove the sign field.")

toSignMode :: SignMode -> Char
toSignMode Plus = '+'
toSignMode Minus = '-'
toSignMode Space = ' '

alignment :: Parser (Maybe Char, AnyAlign)
alignment =
    [ try $ do
        c <- fill
        mode <- align
        pure (Just c, mode),
        mode <- align
        pure (Nothing, mode)

fill :: Parser Char
fill = anySingle

align :: Parser AnyAlign
align =
    [ AnyAlign AlignLeft <$ char '<',
      AnyAlign AlignRight <$ char '>',
      AnyAlign AlignCenter <$ char '^',
      AnyAlign AlignInside <$ char '='

sign :: Parser SignMode
sign =
    [ Plus <$ char '+',
      Minus <$ char '-',
      Space <$ char ' '

width :: Parser Integer
width = integer

integer :: Parser Integer
integer = L.decimal -- incomplete: see: https://docs.python.org/3/reference/lexical_analysis.html#grammar-token-integer

groupingOption :: Parser Char
groupingOption = oneOf ("_," :: String)

precision :: Parser Integer
precision = integer

type_ :: Parser TypeFlag
type_ =
    [ Flagb <$ char 'b',
      Flagc <$ char 'c',
      Flagd <$ char 'd',
      Flage <$ char 'e',
      FlagE <$ char 'E',
      Flagf <$ char 'f',
      FlagF <$ char 'F',
      Flagg <$ char 'g',
      FlagG <$ char 'G',
      Flagn <$ char 'n',
      Flago <$ char 'o',
      Flags <$ char 's',
      Flagx <$ char 'x',
      FlagX <$ char 'X',
      FlagPercent <$ char '%'