PrimitiveArray- Efficient multidimensional arrays

Safe HaskellNone




Dense primitive arrays where the lower index is zero (or the equivalent of zero for newtypes and enumerations).

Actual writes to data structures use a more safe write instead of the unsafe unsafeWrite. Writes also tend to occur much less in DP algorithms (say, N^2 writes for an N^3 time algorithm -- mostly reads are being executed).

TODO consider if we want to force the lower index to be zero, or allow non-zero lower indices. Will have to be considered together with the Index.Class module!


Unboxed, multidimensional arrays.

data Unboxed sh e Source


Unboxed !sh !sh !(Vector e) 


(Index sh, Unbox elm) => PrimArrayOps Unboxed sh elm 
(Index sh, Unbox elm) => MPrimArrayOps Unboxed sh elm 
(Index sh, Unbox e, Unbox e') => PrimArrayMap Unboxed sh e e' 
(Eq sh, Eq e, Unbox e) => Eq (Unboxed sh e) 
(Read sh, Read e, Unbox e) => Read (Unboxed sh e) 
(Show sh, Show e, Unbox e) => Show (Unboxed sh e) 
Generic (Unboxed sh e) 
(ToJSON sh, ToJSON e, Unbox e) => ToJSON (Unboxed sh e) 
(FromJSON sh, FromJSON e, Unbox e) => FromJSON (Unboxed sh e) 
(Binary sh, Binary e, Unbox e) => Binary (Unboxed sh e) 
(Serialize sh, Serialize e, Unbox e) => Serialize (Unboxed sh e) 
NFData sh => NFData (MutArr m (Unboxed sh e)) 
NFData sh => NFData (Unboxed sh e) 
data MutArr m (Unboxed sh e) = MUnboxed !sh !sh !(MVector (PrimState m) e) 
type Rep (Unboxed sh e) 

Boxed, multidimensional arrays.

data Boxed sh e Source


Boxed !sh !sh !(Vector e) 


(Index sh, Unbox elm) => PrimArrayOps Boxed sh elm 
Index sh => MPrimArrayOps Boxed sh elm 
Index sh => PrimArrayMap Boxed sh e e' 
(Eq sh, Eq e) => Eq (Boxed sh e) 
(Read sh, Read e) => Read (Boxed sh e) 
(Show sh, Show e) => Show (Boxed sh e) 
Generic (Boxed sh e) 
(ToJSON sh, ToJSON e) => ToJSON (Boxed sh e) 
(FromJSON sh, FromJSON e) => FromJSON (Boxed sh e) 
(Binary sh, Binary e) => Binary (Boxed sh e) 
(Serialize sh, Serialize e) => Serialize (Boxed sh e) 
NFData sh => NFData (MutArr m (Boxed sh e)) 
(NFData sh, NFData e) => NFData (Boxed sh e) 
data MutArr m (Boxed sh e) = MBoxed !sh !sh !(MVector (PrimState m) e) 
type Rep (Boxed sh e)