module Persistence.Matrix (
, BMatrix
, getDiagonal
, getUnsignedDiagonal
, transposeMat
, transposePar
, multiply
, multiplyPar
, rankInt
, rankIntPar
, normalFormInt
, normalFormIntPar
, kernelInt
, kernelIntPar
, imgInKerInt
, imgInKerIntPar
, rankBool
, kernelBool
, imgInKerBool
) where
import Persistence.Util
import Data.List as L
import Data.Vector as V
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
type IMatrix = Vector (Vector Int)
type BMatrix = Vector (Vector Bool)
isMatrix :: Vector (Vector a) -> Bool
isMatrix mat =
let rowLen = V.length $ V.head mat
in V.all (\r -> V.length r == rowLen) mat
transposeMat :: Vector (Vector a) -> Maybe (Vector (Vector a))
transposeMat mat =
if isMatrix mat
then Just $ (\i -> (\row -> row ! i) mat) $ 0 `range` ((V.length $ V.head mat) - 1)
else Nothing
transposePar :: Vector (Vector a) -> Vector (Vector a)
transposePar mat =
parMapVec (\i -> (\row -> row ! i) mat) $ 0 `range` ((V.length $ V.head mat) - 1)
multiply :: Num a => Vector (Vector a) -> Vector (Vector a) -> Vector (Vector a)
multiply mat1 mat2 =
let t =
case transposeMat mat2 of
Just m -> m
Nothing -> error "error in multiply"
in (\row -> (dotProduct row) t) mat1
multiplyPar :: Num a => Vector (Vector a) -> Vector (Vector a) -> Vector (Vector a)
multiplyPar mat1 mat2 = runEval $ do
let t =
case transposeMat mat2 of
Just m -> m
Nothing -> error "error in multiplyPar"
rseq t
return $ parMapVec (\row -> (dotProduct row) t) mat1
getDiagonal :: Vector (Vector a) -> [a]
getDiagonal matrix =
if V.null matrix then []
else (\i -> matrix ! i ! i) [0..(min (V.length matrix) (V.length $ V.head matrix)) - 1]
getUnsignedDiagonal :: Num a => Vector (Vector a) -> [a]
getUnsignedDiagonal matrix =
if V.null matrix then []
else (\i -> abs $ matrix ! i ! i) [0..(min (V.length matrix) (V.length $ V.head matrix)) - 1]
colOperation :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int, Int, Int) -> IMatrix -> IMatrix
colOperation index1 index2 (c11, c12, c21, c22) matrix =
let calc row =
let elem1 = row ! index1
elem2 = row ! index2
first = V.take index1 row
second = V.drop (index1 + 1) (V.take index2 row)
third = V.drop (index2 + 1) row
in first V.++ (cons (c11*elem1 + c12*elem2) second) V.++ (cons (c22*elem2 + c21*elem1) third)
in calc matrix
colOperationPar :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int, Int, Int) -> IMatrix -> IMatrix
colOperationPar index1 index2 (c11, c12, c21, c22) matrix =
let calc row =
let elem1 = row ! index1
elem2 = row ! index2
first = V.take index1 row
second = V.drop (index1 + 1) (V.take index2 row)
third = V.drop (index2 + 1) row
in first V.++ (cons (c11*elem1 + c12*elem2) second)
V.++ (cons (c22*elem2 + c21*elem1) third)
in parMapVec calc matrix
rowOperation :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int, Int, Int) -> IMatrix -> IMatrix
rowOperation index1 index2 (c11, c12, c21, c22) matrix =
let row1 = matrix ! index1
row2 = matrix ! index2
first = V.take index1 matrix
second = V.drop (index1 + 1) $ V.take index2 matrix
third = V.drop (index2 + 1) matrix
in first V.++ (cons ((c11 `mul` row1) `add` (c12 `mul` row2)) second)
V.++ (cons ((c22 `mul` row2) `add` (c21 `mul` row1)) third)
rowOperationPar :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int, Int, Int) -> IMatrix -> IMatrix
rowOperationPar index1 index2 (c11, c12, c21, c22) matrix =
let row1 = matrix ! index1
row2 = matrix ! index2
first = V.take index1 matrix
second = V.drop (index1 + 1) (V.take index2 matrix)
third = V.drop (index2 + 1) matrix
in runEval $ do
a <- rpar $ (c11 `mul` row1) `add` (c12 `mul` row2)
b <- rpar $ (c21 `mul` row1) `add` (c22 `mul` row2)
rseq (a,b)
return $ first V.++ (a `cons` second) V.++ (b `cons` third)
chooseGaussPivotInt :: (Int, Int) -> IMatrix -> Maybe (Bool, IMatrix, Maybe (Int, Int))
chooseGaussPivotInt (rowIndex, colIndex) mat =
let row = mat ! rowIndex
indices = V.filter (\index -> index > colIndex) $ V.findIndices (\x -> x /= 0) row
if row ! colIndex == 0 then
if V.null indices then Nothing
let j = V.head indices
if row ! j == 0 then error "Persistence.Matrix.chooseGaussPivotInt. This is a bug. Please email the persistence maintainers."
else Just (V.length indices > 1, (switchElems colIndex j) mat, Just (colIndex, j))
else Just (V.length indices > 0, mat, Nothing)
improveRowInt :: (Int, Int) -> Int -> IMatrix -> IMatrix
improveRowInt (rowIndex, colIndex) numCols matrix =
let improve i mat =
if i == numCols then mat
let row = mat ! rowIndex
pivot = row ! colIndex
x = row ! i
next = i + 1
if pivot == 0 then
if V.all (\a -> a == 0) row then mat
else error "Persistence.Matrix.improveRowInt. This is a bug. Please email the Persistence maintainers."
if x == 0 || (x `mod` pivot == 0) then
improve next mat
let gcdTriple = extEucAlg pivot x
gcd = one gcdTriple
in improve next $ colOperation colIndex i (thr gcdTriple, two gcdTriple, x `div` gcd, -(pivot `div` gcd)) mat
in improve (colIndex + 1) matrix
elimRowInt :: (Int, Int) -> IMatrix -> IMatrix
elimRowInt (rowIndex, colIndex) elems =
let pCol = (\row -> row ! colIndex) elems
pivot = pCol ! rowIndex
c1 = colIndex + 1
makeCoeffs i v =
if V.null v then empty
else let x = V.head v; xs = V.tail v in
if x == 0 then makeCoeffs (i + 1) xs
else (i, x `div` pivot) `cons` (makeCoeffs (i + 1) xs)
calc :: IMatrix -> Vector (Int, Int) -> IMatrix
calc mat ops =
if V.null ops then mat
let (i, coeff) = V.head ops
in calc (mapWithIndex (\j row ->
replaceElem i ((row ! i) - coeff*(pCol ! j)) row) mat) (V.tail ops)
if pivot == 0 then error "Persistence.Matrix.elimRowInt. This is a bug. Please email the Persistence maintainers."
else calc elems $ makeCoeffs c1 $ V.drop c1 $ elems ! rowIndex
rankInt :: IMatrix -> Int
rankInt matrix =
let rows = V.length matrix
cols = V.length $ V.head matrix
cols1 = cols - 1
doColOps (rowIndex, colIndex) mat =
if rowIndex == rows || colIndex == cols then mat else
case chooseGaussPivotInt (rowIndex, colIndex) mat of
Just (True, mx, _) ->
doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1)
$ elimRowInt (rowIndex, colIndex) $ improveRowInt (rowIndex, colIndex) cols mx
Just (False, mx, _) -> doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1) mx
Nothing -> doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex) mat
countNonZeroCols mat =
V.sum $ (\i -> if V.any (\j -> mat ! j ! i /= 0)
$ 0 `range` (rows - 1) then 1 else 0) $ 0 `range` cols1
in countNonZeroCols $ doColOps (0, 0) matrix
improveRowIntPar :: (Int, Int) -> Int -> IMatrix -> IMatrix
improveRowIntPar (rowIndex, colIndex) numCols matrix =
let improve i mat =
if i == numCols then mat else
let row = mat ! rowIndex
pivot = row ! colIndex
x = row ! i
next = i + 1
if x == 0 || (x `mod` pivot == 0) then
improve next mat
let gcdTriple = extEucAlg pivot x
gcd = one gcdTriple
in improve next
$ colOperationPar colIndex i
(thr gcdTriple, two gcdTriple, x `div` gcd, -(pivot `div` gcd)) mat
in improve (colIndex + 1) matrix
elimRowIntPar :: (Int, Int) -> IMatrix -> IMatrix
elimRowIntPar (rowIndex, colIndex) elems =
let pCol = (\row -> row ! colIndex) elems
pivot = pCol ! rowIndex
c1 = colIndex + 1
makeCoeffs i v =
if V.null v then empty
else let x = V.head v; xs = V.tail v in
if x == 0 then makeCoeffs (i + 1) xs
else (i, x `div` pivot) `cons` (makeCoeffs (i + 1) xs)
calc :: IMatrix -> Vector (Int, Int) -> IMatrix
calc mat ops =
if V.null ops then mat
let (i, coeff) = V.head ops
calc (parMapWithIndex
(\j row -> replaceElem i ((row ! i) - coeff*(pCol ! j)) row) mat) (V.tail ops)
if pivot == 0
then error "Persistence.Matrix.elimRowIntPar. This is a bug. Please email the Persistence maintainers."
else calc elems $ makeCoeffs c1 $ V.drop c1 $ elems ! rowIndex
rankIntPar :: IMatrix -> Int
rankIntPar matrix =
let rows = V.length matrix
cols = V.length $ V.head matrix
cols1 = cols - 1
doColOps (rowIndex, colIndex) mat =
if rowIndex == rows || colIndex == cols then mat else
case chooseGaussPivotInt (rowIndex, colIndex) mat of
Just (True, mx, _) ->
doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1) $ elimRowIntPar (rowIndex, colIndex) $
improveRowIntPar (rowIndex, colIndex) cols mx
Just (False, mx, _) -> doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1) mx
Nothing -> doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex) mat
countNonZeroCols mat =
V.sum $ parMapVec (\i -> if V.any (\j -> mat ! j ! i /= 0) $
0 `range` (rows - 1) then 1 else 0) $ 0 `range` cols1
in countNonZeroCols $ doColOps (0, 0) matrix
chooseRowPivotInt :: (Int, Int) -> Int -> Int -> IMatrix -> Maybe (Bool, IMatrix)
chooseRowPivotInt (rowIndex, colIndex) numRows numCols mat =
let row = mat ! rowIndex
rIndices = V.toList $ V.findIndices (\x -> x /= 0) row
if 0 == row ! colIndex then
case rIndices of
(i:is) -> Just ((L.length is) > 0, (switchElems i colIndex) mat)
[] ->
case V.toList $ V.findIndices (\x -> x /= 0) $ (\r -> r ! colIndex) mat of
(i:_) -> Just (True, switchElems i rowIndex mat)
[] -> Nothing
else Just ((L.length rIndices) > 1, mat)
improveColInt :: Int -> Int -> IMatrix -> IMatrix
improveColInt pIndex maxIndex matrix =
let improve i mat =
if i == maxIndex then mat else
let pivot = matrix ! pIndex ! pIndex
x = matrix ! i ! pIndex
next = i + 1
if x == 0 || (x `mod` pivot == 0) then
improve next mat
let gcdTriple = extEucAlg pivot x
gcd = one gcdTriple
in improve next
$ rowOperation pIndex i
(thr gcdTriple, two gcdTriple, x `div` gcd, -(pivot `div` gcd)) mat
in improve (pIndex + 1) matrix
elimColInt :: (Int, Int) -> IMatrix -> IMatrix
elimColInt (rowIndex, colIndex) elems =
let pRow = elems ! rowIndex
pivot = pRow ! colIndex
ri1 = rowIndex + 1
makeCoeffs i v =
if V.null v then empty
else let x = V.head v; xs = V.tail v in
if x == 0 then makeCoeffs (i + 1) xs
else (i, x `div` pivot) `cons` (makeCoeffs (i + 1) xs)
calc :: IMatrix -> Vector (Int, Int) -> IMatrix
calc mat ops =
if V.null ops then mat
else let (i, coeff) = V.head ops in
calc (replaceElem i ((mat ! i) `subtr` (coeff `mul` pRow)) mat) (V.tail ops)
if pivot == 0
then error "Persistence.Matrix.elimColInt. This is a bug. Please email the Persistence maintainters."
else calc elems $ makeCoeffs ri1 $ V.drop ri1 $ (\row -> row ! colIndex) elems
finish :: Int -> IMatrix -> IMatrix
finish diagLen matrix =
let calc i mat =
let i1 = i + 1
row = mat ! i
entry = row ! i
nextR = mat ! i1
nextE = nextR ! i1
if entry == 0 || i1 == diagLen then mat
else if entry `divides` nextE then calc i1 mat
let mat' = replaceElem i (replaceElem i1 nextE row) mat
gcdTriple = extEucAlg entry nextE; gcd = one gcdTriple
improve =
colOperation i i1
(thr gcdTriple, two gcdTriple, nextE `div` gcd, entry `div` gcd)
cleanup = \m -> elimColInt (i, i) $ elimRowInt (i, i) m
in calc i1 $ cleanup $ improve mat'
absDiag i mat =
if i == V.length mat
then mat
else absDiag (i + 1)
$ replaceElem i (replaceElem i (abs $ mat!i!i) $ mat!i) mat
filtered = V.partition (\row -> V.any (\x -> x /= 0) row) matrix
in absDiag 0 $ calc 0 $ (fst filtered) V.++ (snd filtered)
normalFormInt :: IMatrix -> IMatrix
normalFormInt matrix =
let rows = V.length matrix
cols = V.length $ V.head matrix
diag = min rows cols
calc (rowIndex, colIndex) mat =
if rowIndex == rows || colIndex == cols then mat
case chooseRowPivotInt (rowIndex, colIndex) rows cols mat of
Just (True, mx) ->
calc (rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1) $
elimColInt (rowIndex, colIndex) $ improveColInt rowIndex rows $
elimRowInt (rowIndex, colIndex) $ improveRowInt (rowIndex, colIndex) cols mx
Just (False, mx) ->
calc (rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1) $
elimColInt (rowIndex, colIndex) $ improveColInt rowIndex rows mx
Nothing -> calc (rowIndex + 1, colIndex) mat
if V.null matrix
then empty
else finish diag $ calc (0, 0) matrix
improveColIntPar :: Int -> Int -> IMatrix -> IMatrix
improveColIntPar pIndex maxIndex matrix =
let improve i mat =
if i == maxIndex then mat else
let col = (\row -> row ! pIndex) mat
pivot = col ! pIndex
x = col ! i
next = i + 1
if x == 0 || (x `mod` pivot == 0) then
improve next mat
let gcdTriple = extEucAlg pivot x
gcd = one gcdTriple
in improve next
$ rowOperationPar pIndex i
(thr gcdTriple, two gcdTriple, x `div` gcd, -(pivot `div` gcd)) mat
in improve (pIndex + 1) matrix
elimColIntPar :: (Int, Int) -> IMatrix -> IMatrix
elimColIntPar (rowIndex, colIndex) elems =
let pRow = elems ! rowIndex
pivot = pRow ! colIndex
ri1 = rowIndex + 1
makeCoeffs i v =
if V.null v then empty
else let x = V.head v; xs = V.tail v in
if x == 0 then makeCoeffs (i + 1) xs
else (i, x `div` pivot) `cons` (makeCoeffs (i + 1) xs)
calc :: IMatrix -> Vector (Int, Int) -> IMatrix
calc mat ops =
if V.null ops then mat
else let (i, coeff) = V.head ops in
calc (replaceElem i ((mat ! i) `subtr` (coeff `mul` pRow)) mat) (V.tail ops)
in calc elems $ makeCoeffs ri1 $ V.drop ri1 $ (\row -> row ! colIndex) elems
normalFormIntPar :: IMatrix -> IMatrix
normalFormIntPar matrix =
let rows = V.length matrix
cols = V.length $ V.head matrix
diag = min rows cols
calc (rowIndex, colIndex) mat =
if rowIndex == rows || colIndex == cols then mat
case chooseRowPivotInt (rowIndex, colIndex) rows cols mat of
Just (True, mx) ->
calc (rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1) $
elimColIntPar (rowIndex, colIndex) $ improveColIntPar rowIndex rows $
elimRowIntPar (rowIndex, colIndex) $ improveRowIntPar (rowIndex, colIndex) cols mx
Just (False, mx) ->
calc (rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1) $
elimColIntPar (rowIndex, colIndex) $ improveColIntPar rowIndex rows mx
Nothing -> calc (rowIndex + 1, colIndex) mat
if V.null matrix
then empty
else finish diag $ calc (0, 0) matrix
improveRowIntWithId :: (Int, Int) -> Int -> IMatrix -> IMatrix -> (IMatrix, Int, IMatrix)
improveRowIntWithId (rowIndex, colIndex) numCols elems identity =
let improve i mat ide =
if i == numCols then (mat, mat ! rowIndex ! colIndex, ide) else
let row = mat ! rowIndex
pivot = row ! colIndex
x = row ! i
next = i + 1
if x == 0 || (x `mod` pivot == 0) then
improve next mat ide
let gcdTriple = extEucAlg pivot x
gcd = one gcdTriple
transform =
colOperation colIndex i
(thr gcdTriple, two gcdTriple, x `div` gcd, -(pivot `div` gcd))
in improve next (transform mat) (transform ide)
in improve (colIndex + 1) elems identity
elimRowIntWithId :: (Int, Int) -> Int -> (IMatrix, Int, IMatrix) -> (IMatrix, IMatrix)
elimRowIntWithId (rowIndex, colIndex) numCols (elems, pivot, identity) =
let row = elems ! rowIndex
elim i mat ide =
if i == numCols then (mat, ide)
let coeff = (row ! i) `div` pivot
transform = (\r -> (V.take i r)
V.++ (cons ((r ! i) - coeff*(r ! colIndex)) (V.drop (i + 1) r)))
in elim (i + 1) (transform mat) (transform ide)
in elim (colIndex + 1) elems identity
kernelInt :: IMatrix -> IMatrix
kernelInt matrix =
let rows = V.length matrix
cols = V.length $ V.head matrix
cols1 = cols - 1
identity = (\i -> (V.replicate i 0)
V.++ (cons 1 (V.replicate (cols1 - i) 0))) $ 0 `range` cols1
doColOps (rowIndex, colIndex) (elems, ide) =
if rowIndex == rows || colIndex == cols then (elems, ide) else
case chooseGaussPivotInt (rowIndex, colIndex) elems of
Just (True, mx, Just (i, j)) ->
doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1) $ elimRowIntWithId (rowIndex, colIndex) cols $
improveRowIntWithId (rowIndex, colIndex) cols mx $ (switchElems i j) ide
Just (True, _, Nothing) ->
doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1) $ elimRowIntWithId (rowIndex, colIndex) cols $
improveRowIntWithId (rowIndex, colIndex) cols elems ide
Just (False, mx, Just (i, j)) ->
doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1) (mx, (switchElems i j) ide)
Just (False, _, _) -> doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1) (elems, ide)
Nothing -> doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex) (elems, ide)
result = doColOps (0, 0) (matrix, identity)
elems = fst result
ide = snd result
in (\i -> (\row -> row ! i) ide)
$ V.filter (\i -> V.all (\row -> row ! i == 0) elems) $ 0 `range` cols1
improveRowIntWithIdPar :: (Int, Int) -> Int -> IMatrix -> IMatrix -> (IMatrix, Int, IMatrix)
improveRowIntWithIdPar (rowIndex, colIndex) numCols elems identity =
let improve i mat ide =
if i == numCols then (mat, mat ! rowIndex ! colIndex, ide) else
let row = mat ! rowIndex
pivot = row ! colIndex
x = row ! i
next = i + 1
if x == 0 || (x `mod` pivot == 0) then
improve next mat ide
let gcdTriple = extEucAlg pivot x
gcd = one gcdTriple
transform = colOperationPar colIndex i
(thr gcdTriple, two gcdTriple, x `div` gcd, -(pivot `div` gcd))
in improve next (transform mat) (transform ide)
in improve (colIndex + 1) elems identity
elimRowIntWithIdPar :: (Int, Int) -> Int -> (IMatrix, Int, IMatrix) -> (IMatrix, IMatrix)
elimRowIntWithIdPar (rowIndex, colIndex) numCols (elems, pivot, identity) =
let row = elems ! rowIndex
elim i mat ide =
if i == numCols then (mat, ide)
let coeff = (row ! i) `div` pivot
transform = parMapVec (\r -> (V.take i r)
V.++ (cons ((r ! i) - coeff*(r ! colIndex)) (V.drop (i + 1) r)))
in elim (i + 1) (transform mat) (transform ide)
in elim (colIndex + 1) elems identity
kernelIntPar :: IMatrix -> IMatrix
kernelIntPar matrix =
let rows = V.length matrix
cols = V.length $ V.head matrix
cols1 = cols - 1
identity = (\i -> (V.replicate i 0)
V.++ (cons 1 (V.replicate (cols1 - i) 0))) $ 0 `range` cols1
doColOps (rowIndex, colIndex) (elems, ide) =
if rowIndex == rows || colIndex == cols then (elems, ide) else
case chooseGaussPivotInt (rowIndex, colIndex) elems of
Just (True, mx, Just (i, j)) ->
doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1)
$ elimRowIntWithIdPar (rowIndex, colIndex) cols
$ improveRowIntWithIdPar (rowIndex, colIndex) cols mx
$ (switchElems i j) ide
Just (True, _, Nothing) ->
doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1)
$ elimRowIntWithIdPar (rowIndex, colIndex) cols
$ improveRowIntWithIdPar (rowIndex, colIndex) cols elems ide
Just (False, mx, Just (i, j)) ->
doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1) (mx, (switchElems i j) ide)
Just (False, _, _) -> doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1) (elems, ide)
Nothing -> doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex) (elems, ide)
result = doColOps (0, 0) (matrix, identity)
elems = fst result
ide = snd result
in (\i -> (\row -> row ! i) ide)
$ V.filter (\i -> V.all (\row -> row ! i == 0) elems) $ 0 `range` cols1
improveRowIntWithInv :: (Int, Int) -> Int -> IMatrix -> IMatrix -> (IMatrix, Int, IMatrix)
improveRowIntWithInv (rowIndex, colIndex) numCols kernel image =
let improve i ker img =
if i == numCols then (ker, ker ! rowIndex ! colIndex, img) else
let row = ker ! rowIndex
pivot = row ! colIndex
x = row ! i
next = i + 1
if x == 0 || (x `mod` pivot == 0) then
improve next ker img
let gcdTriple = extEucAlg pivot x
gcd = one gcdTriple
q1 = pivot `div` gcd
q2 = x `div` gcd
transform1 =
colOperationPar colIndex i (thr gcdTriple, two gcdTriple, q2, -q1)
transform2 =
rowOperationPar colIndex i (-q1, -(two gcdTriple), -q2, thr gcdTriple)
in improve next (transform1 ker) (transform2 img)
in improve (colIndex + 1) kernel image
elimRowIntWithInv :: (Int, Int) -> Int -> (IMatrix, Int, IMatrix) -> (IMatrix, IMatrix)
elimRowIntWithInv (rowIndex, colIndex) numCols (kernel, pivot, image) =
let elim i ker img
| i == numCols = (ker, img)
| row ! i == 0 = elim (i + 1) ker img
| otherwise =
let coeff = (row ! i) `div` pivot
transform1 = (\r -> replaceElem i ((r ! i) - coeff*(r ! colIndex)) r)
transform2 = \mat -> replaceElem colIndex
((coeff `mul` (mat ! i)) `add` (mat ! colIndex)) mat
in elim (i + 1) (transform1 ker) (transform2 img)
where row = ker ! rowIndex
in elim (colIndex + 1) kernel image
imgInKerInt :: IMatrix -> IMatrix -> IMatrix
imgInKerInt toColEsch toImage =
let rows = V.length toColEsch
cols = V.length $ V.head toColEsch
doColOps (rowIndex, colIndex) (ker, img) =
if rowIndex == rows || colIndex == cols then (ker, img)
else case chooseGaussPivotInt (rowIndex, colIndex) ker of
Just (True, _, Nothing) ->
doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1) $ elimRowIntWithInv (rowIndex, colIndex) cols $
improveRowIntWithInv (rowIndex, colIndex) cols ker img
Just (True, mx, Just (i, j)) ->
doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1) $ elimRowIntWithInv (rowIndex, colIndex) cols $
improveRowIntWithInv (rowIndex, colIndex) cols mx $ switchElems i j img
Just (False, mx, Just (i, j)) ->
doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1) (mx, switchElems i j img)
Just (False, _, _) -> doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1) (ker, img)
Nothing -> doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex) (ker, img)
result = doColOps (0, 0) (toColEsch, toImage)
colEsch = fst result
image = snd result
in (\i -> image ! i)
$ V.filter (\i -> V.all (\row -> row ! i == 0) colEsch) $ 0 `range` (cols - 1)
improveRowIntWithInvPar :: (Int, Int) -> Int -> IMatrix -> IMatrix -> (IMatrix, Int, IMatrix)
improveRowIntWithInvPar (rowIndex, colIndex) numCols kernel image =
let improve i ker img =
if i == numCols then (ker, ker ! rowIndex ! colIndex, img) else
let row = ker ! rowIndex
pivot = row ! colIndex
x = row ! i
next = i + 1
if x == 0 || (x `mod` pivot == 0) then
improve next ker img
let gcdTriple = extEucAlg pivot x
gcd = one gcdTriple
q1 = pivot `div` gcd
q2 = x `div` gcd
transform1 =
colOperationPar colIndex i (thr gcdTriple, two gcdTriple, q2, -q1)
transform2 =
rowOperationPar colIndex i (-q1, -(two gcdTriple), -q2, thr gcdTriple)
in improve next (transform1 ker) (transform2 img)
in improve (colIndex + 1) kernel image
elimRowIntWithInvPar :: (Int, Int) -> Int -> (IMatrix, Int, IMatrix) -> (IMatrix, IMatrix)
elimRowIntWithInvPar (rowIndex, colIndex) numCols (kernel, pivot, image) =
let elim i ker img
| i == numCols = (ker, img)
| row ! i == 0 = elim (i + 1) ker img
| otherwise =
let coeff = (row ! i) `div` pivot
transform1 = parMapVec (\r -> replaceElem i ((r ! i) - coeff*(r ! colIndex)) r)
transform2 = \mat -> replaceElem colIndex
((coeff `mul` (mat ! i)) `add` (mat ! colIndex)) mat
in elim (i + 1) (transform1 ker) (transform2 img)
where row = ker ! rowIndex
in elim (colIndex + 1) kernel image
imgInKerIntPar :: IMatrix -> IMatrix -> IMatrix
imgInKerIntPar toColEsch toImage =
let rows = V.length toColEsch
cols = V.length $ V.head toColEsch
doColOps (rowIndex, colIndex) (ker, img) =
if rowIndex == rows || colIndex == cols then (ker, img)
else case chooseGaussPivotInt (rowIndex, colIndex) ker of
Just (True, _, Nothing) ->
doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1) $ elimRowIntWithInvPar (rowIndex, colIndex) cols $
improveRowIntWithInvPar (rowIndex, colIndex) cols ker img
Just (True, mx, Just (i, j)) ->
doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1) $ elimRowIntWithInvPar (rowIndex, colIndex) cols $
improveRowIntWithInvPar (rowIndex, colIndex) cols mx $ switchElems i j img
Just (False, mx, Just (i, j)) ->
doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1) (mx, switchElems i j img)
Just (False, _, _) -> doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1) (ker, img)
Nothing -> doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex) (ker, img)
result = doColOps (0, 0) (toColEsch, toImage)
ker = fst result
img = snd result
in (\i -> img ! i)
$ V.filter (\i -> V.all (\row -> row ! i == 0) ker) $ 0 `range` (cols - 1)
chooseGaussPivotBool :: (Int, Int) -> BMatrix -> Maybe (Bool, BMatrix, Maybe (Int, Int))
chooseGaussPivotBool (rowIndex, colIndex) mat =
let row = mat ! rowIndex
indices = V.filter (\index -> index > colIndex) $ V.findIndices id row
if not $ row ! colIndex then
if V.null indices then Nothing
let j = V.head indices
in Just (V.length indices > 0, (switchElems colIndex j) mat, Just (colIndex, j))
else Just (V.length indices > 0, mat, Nothing)
elimRowBool :: (Int, Int) -> Int -> BMatrix -> BMatrix
elimRowBool (rowIndex, colIndex) numCols elems =
let row = elems ! rowIndex
elim i mat
| i == numCols = mat
| not $ row ! i = elim (i + 1) mat
| otherwise = elim (i + 1)
$ (\row -> replaceElem i ((row ! i) + (row ! colIndex)) row) mat
in elim (colIndex + 1) elems
rankBool :: BMatrix -> Int
rankBool matrix =
let rows = V.length matrix
cols = V.length $ V.head matrix
cols1 = cols - 1
doColOps (rowIndex, colIndex) mat =
if rowIndex == rows || colIndex == cols then mat else
case chooseGaussPivotBool (rowIndex, colIndex) mat of
Just (True, mx, _) ->
doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1) $ elimRowBool (rowIndex, colIndex) cols mx
Just (False, mx, _) -> doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1) mat
Nothing -> doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex) mat
countNonZeroCols mat =
V.sum $ (\i ->
if V.any (\j -> mat ! j ! i /= 0) (0 `range` (rows - 1)) then 1 else 0) $ 0 `range` cols1
in countNonZeroCols $ doColOps (0, 0) matrix
elimRowBoolWithId :: (Int, Int) -> Int -> BMatrix -> BMatrix -> (BMatrix, BMatrix)
elimRowBoolWithId (rowIndex, colIndex) numCols elems identity =
let row = elems ! rowIndex
elim i mat ide
| i == numCols = (mat, ide)
| not $ row ! i = elim (i + 1) mat ide
| otherwise =
let transform = (\row -> replaceElem i ((row ! i) + (row ! colIndex)) row)
in elim (i + 1) (transform mat) (transform ide)
in elim (colIndex + 1) elems identity
kernelBool :: BMatrix -> BMatrix
kernelBool matrix =
let rows = V.length matrix
cols = V.length $ V.head matrix
cols1 = cols - 1
identity = (\i -> (V.replicate i False)
V.++ (cons True (V.replicate (cols1 - i) False))) $ 0 `range` cols1
doColOps (rowIndex, colIndex) (ker, ide) =
if rowIndex == rows || colIndex == cols then (ker, ide)
case chooseGaussPivotBool (rowIndex, colIndex) ker of
Just (True, _, Nothing) ->
doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1) $
elimRowBoolWithId (rowIndex, colIndex) cols ker ide
Just (True, mx, Just (i, j)) ->
doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1) $
elimRowBoolWithId (rowIndex, colIndex) cols mx $ (switchElems i j) ide
Just (False, _, Just (i, j)) ->
doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1) (ker, (switchElems i j) ide)
Just (False, _, _) -> doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1) (ker, ide)
Nothing -> doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex) (ker, ide)
result = doColOps (0, 0) (matrix, identity)
ker = fst result
img = snd result
in (\i -> img ! i) $ V.filter (\i -> V.all (\row -> not $ row ! i) ker) $ 0 `range` cols1
elimRowBoolWithInv :: (Int, Int) -> Int -> BMatrix -> BMatrix -> (BMatrix, BMatrix)
elimRowBoolWithInv (rowIndex, colIndex) numCols toColEch toImage =
let row = toColEch ! rowIndex
elim i ech img
| i == numCols = (ech, img)
| not $ row ! i = elim (i + 1) ech img
| otherwise =
let transform1 = (\r -> replaceElem i ((r ! i) + (r ! colIndex)) r)
transform2 = \mat -> replaceElem colIndex ((mat ! i) `add` (mat ! colIndex)) mat
in elim (i + 1) (transform1 ech) (transform2 img)
in elim (colIndex + 1) toColEch toImage
imgInKerBool :: BMatrix -> BMatrix -> BMatrix
imgInKerBool toColEch toImage =
let rows = V.length toColEch
cols = V.length $ V.head toColEch
cols1 = cols - 1
doColOps (rowIndex, colIndex) (ech, img) =
if rowIndex == rows || colIndex == cols then (ech, img)
case chooseGaussPivotBool (rowIndex, colIndex) ech of
Just (True, _, Nothing) ->
doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1) $
elimRowBoolWithInv (rowIndex, colIndex) cols ech img
Just (True, mx, Just (i, j)) ->
doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1) $
elimRowBoolWithInv (rowIndex, colIndex) cols mx $ switchElems i j img
Just (False, mx, Just (i, j)) ->
doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1) (mx, switchElems i j img)
Just (False, _, _) -> doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1) (ech, img)
Nothing -> doColOps (rowIndex + 1, colIndex) (ech, img)
result = doColOps (0, 0) (toColEch, toImage)
ker = fst result
img = snd result
in (\i -> img ! i) $ V.filter (\i -> V.all (\row -> not $ row ! i) ker) $ 0 `range` cols1