{- |
Module     : Persistence.Util
Copyright  : (c) Eben Cowley, 2018
License    : BSD 3 Clause
Maintainer : eben.cowley42@gmail.com
Stability  : experimental

This module contains miscellaneous utility functions used throughout the Persistence library.


module Util where

import Data.List as L
import Data.Vector as V
import Control.Parallel.Strategies

-- | Simple instance of Num where True is 1 and False is 0, all operations work like arithmetic modulo 2.
instance Num Bool where
  p + q  = p `xor` q
  p * q  = p && q
  p - q  = p `xor` (not q)
  negate = not
  abs    = id
  fromInteger 0 = False
  fromInteger _ = True
  signum bool   = if bool then 1 else 0

-- | Exclusive or.
xor :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
xor False False = False
xor True False  = True
xor False True  = True
xor True True   = False

-- | First element of a triple.
one (a, _, _) = a
-- | Second element of a triple.
two (_, b, _) = b
-- | Third element of a triple.
thr (_, _, c) = c
-- | Last two elements of a triple.
not1 (_, b, c) = (b, c)
-- | First and last elements of a triple.
not2 (a, _, c) = (a, c)
-- | First two elements of a triple.
not3 (a, b, _) = (a, b)

-- | Concatenate a vector of vectors.
flatten :: Vector (Vector a) -> Vector a
flatten = V.foldl1 (V.++)

-- | Multiply a vector by a scalar.
mul :: Num a => a -> Vector a -> Vector a
mul s = V.map (*s)

{- |
  Add two vectors together component-wise.
  WARNING: If one vector is longer than the other,
  the longer vector will simply be cut off.
add :: Num a => Vector a -> Vector a -> Vector a
add = V.zipWith (+)

{- |
  Subtract the second vector from the first vector component-wise.
  WARNING: If one vector is longer than the other,
  the longer vector will simply be cut off.
subtr :: Num a => Vector a -> Vector a -> Vector a
subtr = V.zipWith (\x y -> x - y)

-- | Dot product.
dotProduct :: Num a => Vector a -> Vector a -> a
dotProduct vec1 vec2
  | a && b = fromIntegral 0
  | a      = error "First vector passed to dotProduct too short."
  | b      = error "Second vector passed to dotProduct too short."
  | otherwise   = (V.head vec1)*(V.head vec2) + (dotProduct (V.tail vec1) (V.tail vec2))
    where a = V.null vec1; b = V.null vec2

-- | Extended Euclidean algorithm. Finds the gcd of the two inputs plus the coefficients that multiply each input and sum to give the gcd.
extEucAlg :: Integral a => a -> a -> (a, a, a)
extEucAlg a b =
  let eeaHelper r s t =
        case snd r of
          0 -> (fst r, fst s, fst t)
          _ ->
            let r1    = fst r
                r2    = snd r
                s2    = snd s
                t2    = snd t
                q     = r1 `div` r2
                nextr = r1 - q*r2
                nexts = fst s - q*s2
                nextt = fst t - q*t2
            in eeaHelper (r2, nextr) (s2, nexts) (t2, nextt)
  in (\(x, y, z) -> if x < 0 then (-x, -y, -z) else (x, y, z)) $ eeaHelper (a, b) (0, 1) (1, 0)

-- | Returns whether or not the first number divides the second number.
divides :: Int -> Int -> Bool
0 `divides` b = False
a `divides` b
  | b < 0     = False
  | b == 0    = True
  | otherwise = a `divides` (b - (abs a))

-- | Switches the elements of the vector at the given indices.
switchElems ::Int -> Int -> Vector a -> Vector a
switchElems i j vector
  | j == i    = vector
  | j < i     =
    let first  = V.take j vector
        second = V.drop (j + 1) (V.take i vector)
        third  = V.drop (i + 1) vector
    in first V.++ (cons (vector ! i) second) V.++ (cons (vector ! j) third)
  | otherwise =
    let first  = V.take i vector
        second = V.drop (i + 1) (V.take j vector)
        third  = V.drop (j + 1) vector
    in first V.++ (cons (vector ! j) second) V.++ (cons (vector ! i) third)

-- | Return all vectors missing exactly one element from the original vector.
getCombos :: Vector a -> Vector (Vector a)
getCombos vector =
  let len    = V.length vector
      calc i =
        if i == len then empty
          let i1 = i + 1
          in ((V.take i vector) V.++ (V.drop i1 vector)) `cons` (calc i1)
  in calc 0

-- | Returns whether or not every element satisfies the predicate.
forallVec :: (a -> Bool) -> Vector a -> Bool
forallVec p vector =
  if V.null vector then True
  else (p $ V.head vector) && (forallVec p $ V.tail vector)

-- | Map a function that takes into account the index of each element.
mapWithIndex :: (Int -> a -> b) -> Vector a -> Vector b
mapWithIndex f vector =
  let helper i vec =
        if V.null vec then empty
        else cons (f i $ V.head vec) $ helper (i + 1) (V.tail vec)
  in helper 0 vector

-- | Map a function that takes into account the index of each element in parallel.
parMapWithIndex :: (Int -> a -> b) -> Vector a -> Vector b
parMapWithIndex f vector =
  let helper i vec = runEval $
        if V.null vec then return empty
          let current = f i $ V.head vec; rest = helper (i + 1) $ V.tail vec
          in rpar current >> rseq rest >> (return $ current `cons` rest)
  in helper 0 vector

-- | Return the element satisfying the predicate and its index if it exists.
elemAndIndex :: (a -> Bool) -> Vector a -> Maybe (a, Int)
elemAndIndex p vector =
  let helper i vec
        | V.null vec     = Nothing
        | p $ V.head vec = Just (V.head vec, i)
        | otherwise      = helper (i + 1) $ V.tail vec
  in helper 0 vector

-- | Return the elements satisfying the predicate and their indices.
elemAndIndices :: (a -> Bool) -> Vector a -> [(a, Int)]
elemAndIndices p vector =
  let helper i vec
        | V.null vec     = []
        | p $ V.head vec = (V.head vec, i) : (helper (i + 1) $ V.tail vec)
        | otherwise      = helper (i + 1) $ V.tail vec
  in helper 0 vector

-- | Given a relation and two vectors, find all pairs of elements satisfying the relation.
findBothElems :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> Vector a -> Vector b -> Vector (a, b)
findBothElems rel vector1 vector2 =
  let calc i result =
        let a = vector1 ! i
        in case V.find (\b -> rel a b) vector2 of
          Just b  -> calc (i + 1) $ result `snoc` (a, b)
          Nothing -> calc (i + 1) result
  in calc 0 V.empty

{- |
  Return the vector of elements that satisfy the predicate in the first component and
  the vector of elements that don't satisfy the predicate in the second component.
biFilter :: (a -> Bool) -> Vector a -> (Vector a, Vector a)
biFilter p vector =
  let calc true false v
        | V.null v  = (true, false)
        | p x       = calc (true `snoc` x) false $ V.tail v
        | otherwise = calc true (false `snoc` x) $ V.tail v
        where x = V.head v
  in calc V.empty V.empty vector

-- | Orders a list of vectors from greatest to least length.
sortVecs :: [Vector a] -> [Vector a]
sortVecs []     = []
sortVecs (v:vs) =
  let len  = V.length v
      less = sortVecs $ L.filter (\u -> V.length u < len) vs
      more = sortVecs $ L.filter (\u -> V.length u >= len) vs
  in more L.++ [v] L.++ less

-- | Parallel map a function over a vector.
parMapVec :: (a -> b) -> Vector a -> Vector b
parMapVec f v = runEval $ evalTraversable rpar $ V.map f v

-- | Filter a vector with a predicate that takes into account the index of the element.
filterWithIndex :: (Int -> a -> Bool) -> Vector a -> Vector a
filterWithIndex p vector =
  let maxIndex = V.length vector - 1
      calc i
        | i == maxIndex    = V.empty
        | p i (vector ! i) = (vector ! i) `cons` calc (i + 1)
        | otherwise        = calc (i + 1)
  in calc 0

-- | Generate a range of integers in vector form.
range :: Int -> Int -> Vector Int
range x y
  | x == y = x `cons` empty
  | x < y  = x `cons` (range (x + 1) y)
  | x > y  = (range x (y + 1)) `snoc` y

-- | Replace the element at the given index with the given element.
replaceElem :: Int -> a -> Vector a -> Vector a
replaceElem i e v = (V.take i v) V.++ (e `cons` (V.drop (i + 1) v))

-- | Quicksort treating the given predicate as the < operator. Works like this because its more convenient to make a lambda instead of a complete instance of Ord.
quicksort :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> Vector a -> Vector a
quicksort rel vector = --rel is the > operator
  if V.null vector then empty
    let x       = V.head vector
        xs      = V.tail vector
        lesser  = V.filter (rel x) xs
        greater = V.filter (not . (rel x)) xs
    in (quicksort rel lesser) V.++ (x `cons` (quicksort rel greater))

-- | Takes the union of all of the vectors.
bigU :: Eq a => Vector (Vector a) -> Vector a
bigU =
  let exists x v
        | V.null v      = False
        | V.head v == x = True
        | otherwise     = exists x (V.tail v)
      union v1 v2 =
        if V.null v1 then v2
          let x = V.head v1
            if exists x v2 then union (V.tail v1) v2
            else union (V.tail v1) (x `cons` v2)
  in V.foldl1 union

-- | The element being searched for, the vector being searched, and the lower and upper bounds on the indices.
binarySearch :: Ord a => a -> Vector a -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
binarySearch value xs low high
  | high < low        = Nothing
  | xs ! mid > value  = binarySearch value xs low (mid - 1)
  | xs ! mid < value  = binarySearch value xs (mid + 1) high
  | otherwise         = Just mid
  where mid = low + ((high - low) `div` 2)

-- | Intersection of SORTED vectors.
(|^|) :: Ord a => Vector a -> Vector a -> Vector a
vector1 |^| vector2 =
  let len          = V.length vector2 - 1
      calc acc v =
        if V.null v then acc
          let x = V.head v; xs = V.tail v
          in case binarySearch x vector2 0 len of
            Just _  -> calc (x `cons` acc) xs
            Nothing -> calc acc xs
  in calc V.empty vector1

-- | Returns whether or not there is an element that satisfies the predicate.
existsVec :: (a -> Bool) -> Vector a -> Bool
existsVec p v
  | V.null v     = False
  | p $ V.head v = True
  | otherwise    = existsVec p $ V.tail v

-- | If the relation were the "greater than" operator, this would find the minimum element of the vector.
foldRelation :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> Vector a -> a
foldRelation rel vec =
  let calc w v
        | V.null v  = w
        | rel w x   = calc x xs
        | otherwise = calc w xs
        where x = V.head v; xs = V.tail v
  in calc (V.head vec) (V.tail vec)

-- | Unsafe index finding.
elemIndexUnsafe :: Eq a => a -> Vector a -> Int
elemIndexUnsafe elem vector =
  let find i v
        | V.null v         = error "Element isn't here, Persistence.Util.elemIndexUnsafe"
        | V.head v == elem = i
        | otherwise        = find (i + 1) $ V.tail v
  in find 0 vector

{- |
  Spark the first argument for parallel evaluation and force evaluation of the second argument,
  then return the first argument concatenated to the second. This is useful especially if the second
  argument is a recursive call that calls evalPar again, so that every elemment of the list will be 
  sparked for parallelism.
evalPar :: a -> [a] -> [a]
evalPar c r = runEval $ rpar c >> rseq r >> return (c:r)