-- | SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT -- -- Implements the /HMAC-Based One-Time Password Algorithm/ (HOTP) as -- defined in [RFC 4226](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4226) -- and the /Time-Based One-Time Password Algorithm/ (TOTP) as defined -- in [RFC 6238](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6238). -- -- Many operations in this module take or return a 'Word32' OTP value -- (whose most significant bit is always 0) which is truncated modulo -- @10^digits@ according to the 'Word8' /digits/ -- parameter. Consequently, passing a value above 10 won't produce -- more than 10 digits and will effectively return the raw -- non-truncated 31-bit OTP value. -- -- @since module Data.OTP ( -- * HOTP hotp , hotpCheck -- * TOTP , totp , totpCheck -- * Auxiliary , totpCounter , counterRange , totpCounterRange , HashAlgorithm(..) , Secret ) where import Data.Bits import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import Data.Time import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX import Data.Word import HashImpl {- | Compute /HMAC-Based One-Time Password/ using secret key and counter value. >>> hotp SHA1 "1234" 100 6 317569 >>> hotp SHA512 "1234" 100 6 134131 >>> hotp SHA512 "1234" 100 8 55134131 -} hotp :: HashAlgorithm -- ^ Hashing algorithm -> Secret -- ^ Shared secret -> Word64 -- ^ Counter value -> Word8 -- ^ Number of base10 digits in HOTP value -> Word32 -- ^ HOTP value hotp alg key cnt digits | digits >= 10 = snum | otherwise = snum `rem` (10 ^ digits) where -- C msg = bsFromW64 cnt -- Snum = StToNum(Sbits) -- Sbits = DT(HS) -- HS = HMAC(K,C) snum = trunc $ hmac alg key msg -- DT(HS) trunc :: BS.ByteString -> Word32 trunc b = case bsToW32 rb of Left e -> error e Right res -> res .&. (0x80000000 - 1) -- reset highest bit where offset = BS.last b .&. 15 -- take low 4 bits of last byte rb = BS.take 4 $ BS.drop (fromIntegral offset) b -- resulting 4 byte value -- StToNum(Sbits) bsToW32 :: BS.ByteString -> Either String Word32 bsToW32 bs = case BS.unpack bs of [ b0, b1, b2, b3 ] -> Right $! (((((fI b0 `shiftL` 8) .|. fI b1) `shiftL` 8) .|. fI b2) `shiftL` 8) .|. fI b3 _ -> Left "bsToW32: the impossible happened" where fI = fromIntegral bsFromW64 :: Word64 -> BS.ByteString bsFromW64 w = BS.pack [ b j | j <- [ 7, 6 .. 0 ] ] where b j = fromIntegral (w `shiftR` (j*8)) {- | Check presented password against a valid range. >>> hotp SHA1 "1234" 10 6 50897 >>> hotpCheck SHA1 "1234" (0,0) 10 6 50897 True >>> hotpCheck SHA1 "1234" (0,0) 9 6 50897 False >>> hotpCheck SHA1 "1234" (0,1) 9 6 50897 True >>> hotpCheck SHA1 "1234" (1,0) 11 6 50897 True >>> hotpCheck SHA1 "1234" (2,2) 8 6 50897 True >>> hotpCheck SHA1 "1234" (2,2) 7 6 50897 False >>> hotpCheck SHA1 "1234" (2,2) 12 6 50897 True >>> hotpCheck SHA1 "1234" (2,2) 13 6 50897 False -} hotpCheck :: HashAlgorithm -- ^ Hash algorithm to use -> Secret -- ^ Shared secret -> (Word8, Word8) -- ^ Valid counter range, before and after ideal -> Word64 -- ^ Ideal (expected) counter value -> Word8 -- ^ Number of base10 digits in a password -> Word32 -- ^ Password (i.e. HOTP value) entered by user -> Bool -- ^ True if password is valid hotpCheck alg secr rng cnt len pass = let counters = counterRange rng cnt passwds = map (\c -> hotp alg secr c len) counters in any (pass ==) passwds {- | Compute a /Time-Based One-Time Password/ using secret key and time. >>> totp SHA1 "1234" (read "2010-10-10 00:01:00 UTC") 30 6 388892 >>> totp SHA1 "1234" (read "2010-10-10 00:01:00 UTC") 30 8 43388892 >>> totp SHA1 "1234" (read "2010-10-10 00:01:15 UTC") 30 8 43388892 >>> totp SHA1 "1234" (read "2010-10-10 00:01:31 UTC") 30 8 39110359 -} totp :: HashAlgorithm -- ^ Hash algorithm to use -> Secret -- ^ Shared secret -> UTCTime -- ^ Time of TOTP -> Word64 -- ^ Time range in seconds -> Word8 -- ^ Number of base10 digits in TOTP value -> Word32 -- ^ TOTP value totp alg secr time period len = hotp alg secr (totpCounter time period) len {- | Check presented password against time periods. >>> totp SHA1 "1234" (read "2010-10-10 00:00:00 UTC") 30 6 778374 >>> totpCheck SHA1 "1234" (0, 0) (read "2010-10-10 00:00:00 UTC") 30 6 778374 True >>> totpCheck SHA1 "1234" (0, 0) (read "2010-10-10 00:00:30 UTC") 30 6 778374 False >>> totpCheck SHA1 "1234" (1, 0) (read "2010-10-10 00:00:30 UTC") 30 6 778374 True >>> totpCheck SHA1 "1234" (1, 0) (read "2010-10-10 00:01:00 UTC") 30 6 778374 False >>> totpCheck SHA1 "1234" (2, 0) (read "2010-10-10 00:01:00 UTC") 30 6 778374 True -} totpCheck :: HashAlgorithm -- ^ Hash algorithm to use -> Secret -- ^ Shared secret -> (Word8, Word8) -- ^ Valid counter range, before and after ideal -> UTCTime -- ^ Time of TOTP -> Word64 -- ^ Time range in seconds -> Word8 -- ^ Number of base10 digits in a password -> Word32 -- ^ Password given by user -> Bool -- ^ True if password is valid totpCheck alg secr rng time period len pass = let counters = totpCounterRange rng time period passwds = map (\c -> hotp alg secr c len) counters in any (pass ==) passwds {- | Calculate HOTP counter using time. Starting time (T0 according to RFC6238) is 0 (begining of UNIX epoch) >>> totpCounter (read "2010-10-10 00:00:00 UTC") 30 42888960 >>> totpCounter (read "2010-10-10 00:00:30 UTC") 30 42888961 >>> totpCounter (read "2010-10-10 00:01:00 UTC") 30 42888962 -} totpCounter :: UTCTime -- ^ Time of totp -> Word64 -- ^ Time range in seconds -> Word64 -- ^ Resulting counter totpCounter time period = let timePOSIX = floor $ utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds time in timePOSIX `div` period {- | Make a sequence of acceptable counters, protected from arithmetic overflow. >>> counterRange (0, 0) 9000 [9000] >>> counterRange (1, 0) 9000 [8999,9000] >>> length $ counterRange (5000, 0) 9000 501 >>> length $ counterRange (5000, 5000) 9000 1000 >>> counterRange (2, 2) maxBound [18446744073709551613,18446744073709551614,18446744073709551615] >>> counterRange (2, 2) minBound [0,1,2] >>> counterRange (2, 2) (maxBound `div` 2) [9223372036854775805,9223372036854775806,9223372036854775807,9223372036854775808,9223372036854775809] >>> counterRange (5, 5) 9000 [8995,8996,8997,8998,8999,9000,9001,9002,9003,9004,9005] RFC recommends avoiding excessively large values for counter ranges. -} counterRange :: (Word8, Word8) -- ^ Number of counters before and after ideal -> Word64 -- ^ Ideal counter value -> [Word64] counterRange (tolow, tohigh) ideal = [l..h] where l' = ideal - fromIntegral tolow l | l' <= ideal = l' | otherwise = 0 h' = ideal + fromIntegral tohigh h | ideal <= h' = h' | otherwise = maxBound {- | Make a sequence of acceptable periods. >>> totpCounterRange (0, 0) (read "2010-10-10 00:01:00 UTC") 30 [42888962] >>> totpCounterRange (2, 0) (read "2010-10-10 00:01:00 UTC") 30 [42888960,42888961,42888962] >>> totpCounterRange (0, 2) (read "2010-10-10 00:01:00 UTC") 30 [42888962,42888963,42888964] >>> totpCounterRange (2, 2) (read "2010-10-10 00:01:00 UTC") 30 [42888960,42888961,42888962,42888963,42888964] -} totpCounterRange :: (Word8, Word8) -> UTCTime -> Word64 -> [Word64] totpCounterRange rng time period = counterRange rng $ totpCounter time period