{-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF htfpp #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK prune #-}
module Liquorice.Line( Line(..)
, Point
, flipline
, splitLine
, checkIntersect
, splitLines
, htf_thisModulesTests
) where
import Data.List
import Test.Framework
import Control.Monad
type Point = (Int, Int)
data Line = Line { from :: Point
, to :: Point
, lineTop :: String
, lineMid :: String
, lineBot :: String
, lineType:: Int
, lineTag :: Int
, lineXoff:: Int
, lineYoff:: Int
} deriving (Show, Eq)
flipline :: Line -> Line
flipline l = l { from = to l, to = from l }
lineOrient :: Line -> Ordering
lineOrient l = let (a,b) = (from l, to l) in if a < b then GT else LT
checkIntersect :: Line -> Line -> Bool
checkIntersect a b = (sameXAxis a b || sameYAxis a b) && newCheckIntersect a b
sameXAxis x y = all (==(fst (from x))) (map fst [to x, from y, to y])
sameYAxis x y = all (==(snd (from x))) (map snd [to x, from y, to y])
newCheckIntersect :: Line -> Line -> Bool
newCheckIntersect l1 l2 = let nl1 = normalizeLine l1
nl2 = normalizeLine l2
(x1,y1) = (from nl1, to nl1)
(x2,y2) = (from nl2, to nl2)
in x2 >= x1 && x2 < y1 ||
y2 > x1 && y2 <= y1 ||
x2 <= x1 && y2 >= y1
mktestLine a b = Line a b "" "" "" 0 0 0 0
l1 = mktestLine (0,0) (10,0)
l2 = mktestLine (0,1) ( 0,4)
l3 = mktestLine (4,0) ( 8,0)
l4 = mktestLine (0,2) ( 0,5)
l5 = mktestLine (4,2) ( 7,2)
test_xaxis_intersect = assertBool $checkIntersect l1 l3
test_xaxis_none =(assertBool . not)$checkIntersect l1 l2
test_yaxis_intersect = assertBool $checkIntersect l2 l4
test_yaxis_none =(assertBool . not)$checkIntersect l2 l3
test_xaxis_none2 =(assertBool . not)$checkIntersect l1 l5
l9 = mktestLine (0,128) (128,128)
l10= mktestLine (128,128) (192,128)
test_from_example7 = (assertBool.not) $ checkIntersect l9 l10
main = htfMain htf_thisModulesTests
splitLines :: [Line] -> Line -> [Line]
splitLines [] _ = []
splitLines (l:ls) c =
if not (checkIntersect c l)
then l : splitLines ls c
else if l == c
then l:ls
else splitLine l c ++ ls
test_splitlines = assertEqual 3 (length (splitLines [l1] l3))
test_nosplitlines = assertEqual 1 (length (splitLines [l2] l1))
splitLine :: Line -> Line -> [Line]
splitLine l cut = let (a,b) = (from l, to l)
(c,d) = (from cut, to cut)
if normalizeLine l == normalizeLine cut
then [l]
else let [e,f,g,h] = sort [a,b,c,d]
nl1 = l { from = e, to = f }
nl2 = l { from = f, to = g }
nl3 = l { from = g, to = h }
in map (if lineOrient l == LT then flipline else id) $
filter (\m -> from m /= to m
&& checkIntersect l m) [nl1, nl2, nl3]
test_splitline_self1 = assertEqual [l1] $ splitLine l1 (flipline l1)
test_splitline_self2 = assertEqual [l1] $ splitLine l1 l1
test_splitline_self3 = assertEqual [flipline l1] $ splitLine (flipline l1) l1
l11 = mktestLine (0,64) (0,128)
l12 = mktestLine (0,192) (0,64)
l13 = mktestLine (0,0) (0,128)
test_nosplit = assertEqual [l11] (splitLine l11 l12)
instance Arbitrary Line where
arbitrary = do
vs <- replicateM 2 (choose (-2500, 2500))
let [x,y] = vs
return (mktestLine (x,0) (y,0))
prop_splitline_sameorient :: Line -> Line -> Bool
prop_splitline_sameorient x y = (>0) $ length $ filter (== (lineOrient x)) $ map lineOrient (splitLine x y)
test_splitline_sameorient1 = assertBool (prop_splitline_sameorient l12 l13)
test_splitline_sameorient2 = assertBool (prop_splitline_sameorient l13 l12)
l6 = mktestLine (0,0) (0,2)
l7 = mktestLine (0,4) (0,6)
l8 = mktestLine (0,1) (0,5)
test_alldone = let split1 = splitLines [l6,l7] l8
repeat = split1 !! 2
split2 = splitLines split1 repeat
in assertEqual split1 split2
instance Ord Line where
x <= y = let (a,b,c,d) = (from x, to x, from y, to y) in (a,b) < (c,d)
normalizeLine l = if (from l) > (to l) then flipline l else l
test_rev_xaxis_intersect = assertBool $checkIntersect l1 (flipline l3)
test_rev_xaxis_none =(assertBool . not)$checkIntersect l1 (flipline l2)
test_rev_yaxis_intersect = assertBool $checkIntersect l2 (flipline l4)
test_rev_yaxis_intersect2 = assertBool $checkIntersect (flipline l2) (flipline l4)
test_rev_yaxis_none =(assertBool . not)$checkIntersect l2 (flipline l3)
test_rev_xaxis_none2 =(assertBool . not)$checkIntersect l1 (flipline l5)
test_rev_splitlines = assertEqual 3 (length (splitLines [l1] (flipline l3)))
test_rev_nosplitlines = assertEqual 1 (length (splitLines [l2] (flipline l1)))
test_rev_recurse = assertEqual 1 (length (splitLines [l1] (flipline l1)))
l14 = mktestLine (0,0) (128,0)
l15 = mktestLine (256,0) (384,0)
l16 = mktestLine (-256,0) (512,0)