LambdaHack- A game engine library for tactical squad ASCII roguelike dungeon crawlers

Safe HaskellNone




Screen frames and animations.



data Animation Source #

Animation is a list of frame modifications to play one by one, where each modification if a map from positions to level map symbols.

renderAnim :: PreFrame -> Animation -> PreFrames Source #

Render animations on top of a screen frame.

Located in this module to keep Animation abstract.

twirlSplash :: ScreenContent -> (Point, Point) -> Color -> Color -> Animation Source #

Attack animation. A part of it also reused for self-damage and healing.

blockHit :: ScreenContent -> (Point, Point) -> Color -> Color -> Animation Source #

Attack that hits through a block.

blockMiss :: ScreenContent -> (Point, Point) -> Animation Source #

Attack that is blocked.

subtleHit :: ScreenContent -> Point -> Animation Source #

Attack that is subtle (e.g., damage dice 0).

deathBody :: ScreenContent -> Point -> Animation Source #

Death animation for an organic body.

shortDeathBody :: ScreenContent -> Point -> Animation Source #

Death animation for an organic body, short version (e.g., for enemies).

actorX :: ScreenContent -> Point -> Animation Source #

Mark actor location animation.

teleport :: ScreenContent -> (Point, Point) -> Animation Source #

Actor teleport animation.

swapPlaces :: ScreenContent -> (Point, Point) -> Animation Source #

Swap-places animation, both hostile and friendly.

Internal operations