-- | Description of effects. No operation in this module
-- involves state or monad types.
module Game.LambdaHack.Client.UI.EffectDescription
  ( effectToSuffix, featureToSuff, kindAspectToSuffix, affixDice
  , featureToSentence, slotToSentence
  , slotToName, slotToDesc, slotToDecorator, statSlots
  ) where

import Prelude ()

import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Prelude

import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified NLP.Miniutter.English as MU

import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Ability
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Actor
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Common.Dice as Dice
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Misc
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Time
import Game.LambdaHack.Content.ItemKind

-- | Suffix to append to a basic content name if the content causes the effect.
-- We show absolute time in seconds, not @moves@, because actors can have
-- different speeds (and actions can potentially take different time intervals).
-- We call the time taken by one player move, when walking, a @move@.
-- @Turn@ and @clip@ are used mostly internally, the former as an absolute
-- time unit.
-- We show distances in @steps@, because one step, from a tile to another
-- tile, is always 1 meter. We don't call steps @tiles@, reserving
-- that term for the context of terrain kinds or units of area.
effectToSuffix :: Effect -> Text
effectToSuffix effect =
  case effect of
    ELabel _ -> ""  -- printed specially
    EqpSlot{} -> ""  -- used in @slotToSentence@ instead
    Burn d -> wrapInParens (tshow d
                            <+> if d > 1 then "burns" else "burn")
    Explode t -> "of" <+> tshow t <+> "explosion"
    RefillHP p | p > 0 -> "of healing" <+> wrapInParens (affixBonus p)
    RefillHP 0 -> assert `failure` effect
    RefillHP p -> "of wounding" <+> wrapInParens (affixBonus p)
    RefillCalm p | p > 0 -> "of soothing" <+> wrapInParens (affixBonus p)
    RefillCalm 0 -> assert `failure` effect
    RefillCalm p -> "of dismaying" <+> wrapInParens (affixBonus p)
    Dominate -> "of domination"
    Impress -> "of impression"
    Summon grp p -> makePhrase
      [ "of summoning"
      , if p == 1 then "" else MU.Text $ tshow p
      , MU.Ws $ MU.Text $ tshow grp ]
    ApplyPerfume -> "of smell removal"
    Ascend True -> "of ascending"
    Ascend False -> "of descending"
    Escape{} -> "of escaping"
    Paralyze dice ->
      let time = case Dice.reduceDice dice of
            Nothing -> tshow dice <+> "* 0.05s"
            Just p ->
              let clipInTurn = timeTurn `timeFit` timeClip
                  seconds =
                    0.5 * fromIntegral p / fromIntegral clipInTurn :: Double
              in tshow seconds <> "s"
      in "of paralysis for" <+> time
    InsertMove dice ->
      let moves = case Dice.reduceDice dice of
            Nothing -> tshow dice <+> "moves"
            Just p -> makePhrase [MU.CarWs p "move"]
      in "of speed surge for" <+> moves
    Teleport dice | dice <= 0 ->
      assert `failure` effect
    Teleport dice | dice <= 9 -> "of blinking" <+> wrapInParens (tshow dice)
    Teleport dice -> "of teleport" <+> wrapInParens (tshow dice)
    CreateItem COrgan grp tim ->
      let stime = if tim == TimerNone then "" else "for" <+> tshow tim <> ":"
      in "(keep" <+> stime <+> tshow grp <> ")"
    CreateItem _ grp _ ->
      let object = if grp == "useful" then "" else tshow grp
      in "of" <+> object <+> "uncovering"
    DropItem n k store grp ->
      let ntxt = if | n == 1 && k == 1 -> ""
                    | n == 1 && k == maxBound -> "one kind of"
                    | n == maxBound && k == maxBound -> "all kinds of"
                    | otherwise -> "some"
          verb = if store == COrgan then "nullify" else "drop"
      in "of" <+> verb <+> ntxt <+> tshow grp  -- TMI: <+> ppCStore store
    PolyItem -> "of repurpose on the ground"
    Identify -> "of identify on the ground"
    Detect radius -> "of detection" <+> wrapInParens (tshow radius)
    DetectActor radius -> "of actor detection" <+> wrapInParens (tshow radius)
    DetectItem radius -> "of item detection" <+> wrapInParens (tshow radius)
    DetectExit radius -> "of exit detection" <+> wrapInParens (tshow radius)
    DetectHidden radius ->
      "of secrets detection" <+> wrapInParens (tshow radius)
    SendFlying tmod -> "of impact" <+> tmodToSuff "" tmod
    PushActor tmod -> "of pushing" <+> tmodToSuff "" tmod
    PullActor tmod -> "of pulling" <+> tmodToSuff "" tmod
    DropBestWeapon -> "of disarming"
    ActivateInv ' ' -> "of item pack burst"
    ActivateInv symbol -> "of burst '" <> T.singleton symbol <> "'"
    OneOf l ->
      let subject = if length l <= 5 then "marvel" else "wonder"
      in makePhrase ["of", MU.CardinalWs (length l) subject]
    OnSmash _ -> ""  -- printed inside a separate section
    Recharging _ -> ""  -- printed inside Periodic or Timeout
    Temporary _ -> ""
    Unique -> ""  -- marked by capital letters in name
    Periodic -> ""  -- printed specially

slotToSentence :: EqpSlot -> Text
slotToSentence es = case es of
  EqpSlotMiscBonus -> "Those that don't scorn minor bonuses may equip it."
  EqpSlotAddHurtMelee -> "Veteran melee fighters are known to devote equipment slot to it."
  EqpSlotAddArmorMelee -> "Worn by people in risk of melee wounds."
  EqpSlotAddArmorRanged -> "People scared of shots in the dark wear it."
  EqpSlotAddMaxHP -> "The frail wear it to increase their Hit Point capacity."
  EqpSlotAddSpeed -> "The slughish equip it to speed up their whole life."
  EqpSlotAddSight -> "The short-sighted wear it to spot their demise sooner."
  EqpSlotLightSource -> "Explorers brave enough to highlight themselves put it in their equipment."
  EqpSlotWeapon -> "Melee fighters consider it for their weapon combo."
  EqpSlotMiscAbility -> "Those that don't scorn uncanny skills may equip it."
  EqpSlotAbMove -> "Those unskilled in movement equip it."
  EqpSlotAbMelee -> "Those unskilled in melee equip it."
  EqpSlotAbDisplace -> "Those unskilled in displacing equip it."
  EqpSlotAbAlter -> "Those unskilled in alteration equip it."
  EqpSlotAbProject -> "Those unskilled in flinging equip it."
  EqpSlotAbApply -> "Those unskilled in applying items equip it."
  _ -> assert `failure` "should not be used in content" `twith` es

slotToName :: EqpSlot -> Text
slotToName eqpSlot =
  case eqpSlot of
    EqpSlotMiscBonus -> "misc bonuses"
    EqpSlotAddHurtMelee -> "to melee damage"
    EqpSlotAddArmorMelee -> "melee armor"
    EqpSlotAddArmorRanged -> "ranged armor"
    EqpSlotAddMaxHP -> "max HP"
    EqpSlotAddSpeed -> "speed"
    EqpSlotAddSight -> "sight radius"
    EqpSlotLightSource -> "shine radius"
    EqpSlotWeapon -> "weapon power"
    EqpSlotMiscAbility -> "misc abilities"
    EqpSlotAbMove -> tshow AbMove <+> "ability"
    EqpSlotAbMelee -> tshow AbMelee <+> "ability"
    EqpSlotAbDisplace -> tshow AbDisplace <+> "ability"
    EqpSlotAbAlter -> tshow AbAlter <+> "ability"
    EqpSlotAbProject -> tshow AbProject <+> "ability"
    EqpSlotAbApply -> tshow AbApply <+> "ability"
    EqpSlotAddMaxCalm -> "max Calm"
    EqpSlotAddSmell -> "smell radius"
    EqpSlotAddNocto -> "night vision radius"
    EqpSlotAddAggression -> "aggression level"
    EqpSlotAbWait -> tshow AbWait <+> "ability"
    EqpSlotAbMoveItem -> tshow AbMoveItem <+> "ability"

slotToDesc :: EqpSlot -> Text
slotToDesc eqpSlot =
  let statName = slotToName eqpSlot
      capName = "The '" <> statName <> "' stat"
  in capName <+> case eqpSlot of
    EqpSlotMiscBonus -> "represent the total power of assorted stat bonuses for the character."
    EqpSlotAddHurtMelee -> "is a percentage of addtional damage dealt by the actor (either a character or a missile) with any weapon. The value is capped at 200%, then the armor percentage of the defender is subtracted from it and the resulting total is capped at 99%."
    EqpSlotAddArmorMelee -> "is a percentage of melee damage avoided by the actor. The value is capped at 200%, then the extra melee damage percentage of the attacker is subtracted from it and the resulting total is capped at 99% (always at least 1% of damage gets through). It includes 50% bonus from being braced for combat, if applicable."
    EqpSlotAddArmorRanged ->  "is a percentage of ranged damage avoided by the actor. The value is capped at 200%, then the extra melee damage percentage of the attacker is subtracted from it and the resulting total is capped at 99% (always at least 1% of damage gets through). It includes 25% bonus from being braced for combat, if applicable."
    EqpSlotAddMaxHP -> "is a cap on HP of the actor, except for some rare effects able to overfill HP. At any direct enemy damage (but not, e.g., incremental poisoning damage or wounds inflicted by mishandling a device) HP is cut back to the cap."
    EqpSlotAddSpeed -> "is expressed in meters per second, which corresponds to map location (1m by 1m) per two standard turns (0.5s each). Thus actor at standard speed of 2m/s moves one location per standard turn."
    EqpSlotAddSight -> "is the limit of visibility in light. The radius is measured from the middle of the map location occupied by the character to the edge of the furthest covered location."
    EqpSlotLightSource -> "determines the maximal area lit by the actor. The radius is measured from the middle of the map location occupied by the character to the edge of the furthest covered location."
    EqpSlotWeapon -> "represents the total power of weapons equipped by the character."
    EqpSlotMiscAbility -> "represent the total power of assorted ability bonuses for the character."
    EqpSlotAbMove -> "determines whether the character can move. Actors not capable of movement can't be dominated."
    EqpSlotAbMelee -> "determines whether the character can melee. Actors that can't melee can still cause damage by flinging missiles or by ramming (being pushed) at opponents."
    EqpSlotAbDisplace -> "determines whether the character can displace adjacent actors. In some cases displacing is not possible regardless of ability: when the target is braced, dying, has no move ability or when both actors are supported by adjacent friendly units. Missiles can be displaced always, unless more than one occupies the map location."
    EqpSlotAbAlter -> "determines which kinds of terrain can be altered or triggered by the character. Opening doors and searching suspect tiles require ability 2, stairs require 3, closing doors requires 4, some others require 5. Actors not smart enough to be capable of using stairs can't be dominated."
    EqpSlotAbProject -> "determines which kinds of items the character can propel. Items that can be lobbed to explode at a precise location, such as flasks, require ability 3. Other items travel until they meet an obstacle and ability 1 is enough to fling them. In some cases, e.g., of too intricate or two awkward items at low Calm, throwing is not possible regardless of the ability value."
    EqpSlotAbApply -> "determines which kinds of items the character can activate. Items that assume literacy require ability 2, others can be used already at ability 1. In some cases, e.g., when the item needs recharging, has no possible effects or is too intricate for the character Calm level, applying may not be possible."
    EqpSlotAddMaxCalm -> "is a cap on Calm of the actor, except for some rare effects able to overfill Calm. At any direct enemy damage (but not, e.g., incremental poisoning damage or wounds inflicted by mishandling a device) Calm is lowered, sometimes very significantly and always at least back down to the cap."
    EqpSlotAddSmell -> "determines the maximal area smelled by the actor. The radius is measured from the middle of the map location occupied by the character to the edge of the furthest covered location."
    EqpSlotAddNocto -> "is the limit of visibility in dark. The radius is measured from the middle of the map location occupied by the character to the edge of the furthest covered location."
    EqpSlotAddAggression -> "represents the willingness of the actor to engage in combat, especially close quarters, and conversly, to break engagement when overpowered."
    EqpSlotAbWait -> "determines whether the character can wait, bracing for comat and potentially blocking the effects of some attacks."
    EqpSlotAbMoveItem -> "determines whether the character can pick up items and manage inventory."

slotToDecorator :: EqpSlot -> Actor -> Int -> Text
slotToDecorator eqpSlot b t =
  let tshow200 n = let n200 = min 200 $ max (-200) n
                   in tshow n200 <> if n200 /= n then "$" else ""
      -- Some values can be negative, for others 0 is equivalent but shorter.
      tshowRadius r = if r == 0 then "0m" else tshow (r - 1) <> ".5m"
      tshowBlock k n = tshow200 $ n + if braced b then k else 0
      showIntWith1 :: Int -> Text
      showIntWith1 k =
        let l = k `div` 10
            x = k - l * 10
        in tshow l <> if x == 0 then "" else "." <> tshow x
  in case eqpSlot of
    EqpSlotMiscBonus -> tshow t
    EqpSlotAddHurtMelee -> tshow200 t <> "%"
    EqpSlotAddArmorMelee -> "[" <> tshowBlock 50 t <> "%]"
    EqpSlotAddArmorRanged -> "{" <> tshowBlock 25 t <> "%}"
    EqpSlotAddMaxHP -> tshow $ max 0 t
    EqpSlotAddSpeed -> showIntWith1 t <> "m/s"
    EqpSlotAddSight ->
      let tmax = max 0 t
          tcapped = min (fromEnum $ bcalm b `div` (5 * oneM)) tmax
      in tshowRadius tcapped
         <+> if tcapped == tmax
             then ""
             else "(max" <+> tshowRadius tmax <> ")"
    EqpSlotLightSource -> tshowRadius (max 0 t)
    EqpSlotWeapon -> tshow t
    EqpSlotMiscAbility -> tshow t
    EqpSlotAbMove -> tshow t
    EqpSlotAbMelee -> tshow t
    EqpSlotAbDisplace -> tshow t
    EqpSlotAbAlter -> tshow t
    EqpSlotAbProject -> tshow t
    EqpSlotAbApply -> tshow t
    EqpSlotAddMaxCalm -> tshow $ max 0 t
    EqpSlotAddSmell -> tshowRadius (max 0 t)
    EqpSlotAddNocto -> tshowRadius (max 0 t)
    EqpSlotAddAggression -> tshow t
    EqpSlotAbWait -> tshow t
    EqpSlotAbMoveItem -> tshow t

statSlots :: [EqpSlot]
statSlots = [ EqpSlotAddHurtMelee
            , EqpSlotAddArmorMelee
            , EqpSlotAddArmorRanged
            , EqpSlotAddMaxHP
            , EqpSlotAddMaxCalm
            , EqpSlotAddSpeed
            , EqpSlotAddSight
            , EqpSlotAddSmell
            , EqpSlotLightSource
            , EqpSlotAddNocto
-- WIP:           , EqpSlotAddAggression
            , EqpSlotAbMove
            , EqpSlotAbMelee
            , EqpSlotAbDisplace
            , EqpSlotAbAlter
            , EqpSlotAbWait
            , EqpSlotAbMoveItem
            , EqpSlotAbProject
            , EqpSlotAbApply ]

tmodToSuff :: Text -> ThrowMod -> Text
tmodToSuff verb ThrowMod{..} =
  let vSuff | throwVelocity == 100 = ""
            | otherwise = "v=" <> tshow throwVelocity <> "%"
      tSuff | throwLinger == 100 = ""
            | otherwise = "t=" <> tshow throwLinger <> "%"
  in if vSuff == "" && tSuff == "" then ""
     else verb <+> "with" <+> vSuff <+> tSuff

kindAspectToSuffix :: Aspect -> Text
kindAspectToSuffix aspect =
  case aspect of
    Timeout{} -> ""  -- printed specially
    AddHurtMelee{} -> ""  -- printed together with dice, even if dice is zero
    AddArmorMelee t -> "[" <> affixDice t <> "%]"
    AddArmorRanged t -> "{" <> affixDice t <> "%}"
    AddMaxHP t -> wrapInParens $ affixDice t <+> "HP"
    AddMaxCalm t -> wrapInParens $ affixDice t <+> "Calm"
    AddSpeed t -> wrapInParens $ affixDice t <+> "speed"
    AddSight t -> wrapInParens $ affixDice t <+> "sight"
    AddSmell t -> wrapInParens $ affixDice t <+> "smell"
    AddShine t -> wrapInParens $ affixDice t <+> "shine"
    AddNocto t -> wrapInParens $ affixDice t <+> "night vision"
    AddAggression t -> wrapInParens $ affixDice t <+> "aggression"
    AddAbility ab t -> wrapInParens $ affixDice t <+> tshow ab

featureToSuff :: Feature -> Text
featureToSuff feat =
  case feat of
    Fragile -> wrapInChevrons "fragile"
    Lobable -> wrapInChevrons "can be lobbed"
    Durable -> wrapInChevrons "durable"
    ToThrow tmod -> wrapInChevrons $ tmodToSuff "flies" tmod
    Identified -> ""
    Applicable -> ""
    Equipable -> ""
    Meleeable -> ""
    Precious -> ""
    Tactic tactics -> "overrides tactics to" <+> tshow tactics

featureToSentence :: Feature -> Maybe Text
featureToSentence feat =
  case feat of
    Fragile -> Nothing
    Lobable -> Nothing
    Durable -> Nothing
    ToThrow{} -> Nothing
    Identified -> Nothing
    Applicable -> Just "It is meant to be applied."
    Equipable -> Nothing
    Meleeable -> Just "It is considered for melee strikes by default."
    Precious -> Just "It seems precious."
    Tactic{}  -> Nothing

affixBonus :: Int -> Text
affixBonus p = case compare p 0 of
  EQ -> "0"
  LT -> tshow p
  GT -> "+" <> tshow p

wrapInParens :: Text -> Text
wrapInParens "" = ""
wrapInParens t = "(" <> t <> ")"

wrapInChevrons :: Text -> Text
wrapInChevrons "" = ""
wrapInChevrons t = "<" <> t <> ">"

affixDice :: Dice.Dice -> Text
affixDice d = maybe "+?" affixBonus $ Dice.reduceDice d