{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}


{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fspec-constr-count=5 #-}

-- | Module used for JPEG file loading and writing.

module Codec.Picture.Jpg( decodeJpeg

                        , decodeJpegWithMetadata

                        , encodeJpegAtQuality

                        , encodeJpegAtQualityWithMetadata

                        , encodeDirectJpegAtQualityWithMetadata

                        , encodeJpeg

                        , JpgEncodable

                        ) where

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)

import Data.Foldable( foldMap )

import Data.Monoid( mempty )

import Control.Applicative( pure, (<$>) )


import Control.Applicative( (<|>) )

import Control.Arrow( (>>>) )

import Control.Monad( when, forM_ )

import Control.Monad.ST( ST, runST )

import Control.Monad.Trans( lift )

import Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Strict( RWS, modify, tell, gets, execRWS )

import Data.Bits( (.|.), unsafeShiftL )

import Data.Monoid( (<>) )

import Data.Int( Int16, Int32 )

import Data.Word(Word8, Word32)

import Data.Binary( Binary(..), encode )

import Data.STRef( newSTRef, writeSTRef, readSTRef )

import Data.Vector( (//) )

import Data.Vector.Unboxed( (!) )

import qualified Data.Vector as V

import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU

import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as VS

import qualified Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable as M

import qualified Data.ByteString as B

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L

import Codec.Picture.InternalHelper

import Codec.Picture.BitWriter

import Codec.Picture.Types

import Codec.Picture.Metadata( Metadatas

                             , SourceFormat( SourceJpeg )

                             , basicMetadata )

import Codec.Picture.Tiff.Types

import Codec.Picture.Tiff.Metadata

import Codec.Picture.Jpg.Types

import Codec.Picture.Jpg.Common

import Codec.Picture.Jpg.Progressive

import Codec.Picture.Jpg.DefaultTable

import Codec.Picture.Jpg.FastDct

import Codec.Picture.Jpg.Metadata

quantize :: MacroBlock Int16 -> MutableMacroBlock s Int32

         -> ST s (MutableMacroBlock s Int32)

quantize table block = update 0

  where update 64 = return block

        update idx = do

            val <- block `M.unsafeRead` idx

            let q = fromIntegral (table `VS.unsafeIndex` idx)

                finalValue = (val + (q `div` 2)) `quot` q -- rounded integer division

            (block `M.unsafeWrite` idx) finalValue

            update $ idx + 1

powerOf :: Int32 -> Word32

powerOf 0 = 0

powerOf n = limit 1 0

    where val = abs n

          limit range i | val < range = i

          limit range i = limit (2 * range) (i + 1)

encodeInt :: BoolWriteStateRef s -> Word32 -> Int32 -> ST s ()

{-# INLINE encodeInt #-}

encodeInt st ssss n | n > 0 = writeBits' st (fromIntegral n) (fromIntegral ssss)

encodeInt st ssss n         = writeBits' st (fromIntegral $ n - 1) (fromIntegral ssss)

-- | Assume the macro block is initialized with zeroes

acCoefficientsDecode :: HuffmanPackedTree -> MutableMacroBlock s Int16

                     -> BoolReader s (MutableMacroBlock s Int16)

acCoefficientsDecode acTree mutableBlock = parseAcCoefficient 1 >> return mutableBlock

  where parseAcCoefficient n | n >= 64 = return ()

                             | otherwise = do

            rrrrssss <- decodeRrrrSsss acTree

            case rrrrssss of

                (  0, 0) -> return ()

                (0xF, 0) -> parseAcCoefficient (n + 16)

                (rrrr, ssss) -> do

                    decoded <- fromIntegral <$> decodeInt ssss

                    lift $ (mutableBlock `M.unsafeWrite` (n + rrrr)) decoded

                    parseAcCoefficient (n + rrrr + 1)

-- | Decompress a macroblock from a bitstream given the current configuration

-- from the frame.

decompressMacroBlock :: HuffmanPackedTree   -- ^ Tree used for DC coefficient

                     -> HuffmanPackedTree   -- ^ Tree used for Ac coefficient

                     -> MacroBlock Int16    -- ^ Current quantization table

                     -> MutableMacroBlock s Int16    -- ^ A zigzag table, to avoid allocation

                     -> DcCoefficient       -- ^ Previous dc value

                     -> BoolReader s (DcCoefficient, MutableMacroBlock s Int16)

decompressMacroBlock dcTree acTree quantizationTable zigzagBlock previousDc = do

    dcDeltaCoefficient <- dcCoefficientDecode dcTree

    block <- lift createEmptyMutableMacroBlock

    let neoDcCoefficient = previousDc + dcDeltaCoefficient

    lift $ (block `M.unsafeWrite` 0) neoDcCoefficient

    fullBlock <- acCoefficientsDecode acTree block

    decodedBlock <- lift $ decodeMacroBlock quantizationTable zigzagBlock fullBlock

    return (neoDcCoefficient, decodedBlock)

pixelClamp :: Int16 -> Word8

pixelClamp n = fromIntegral . min 255 $ max 0 n

unpack444Y :: Int -- ^ component index

           -> Int -- ^ x

           -> Int -- ^ y

           -> MutableImage s PixelYCbCr8

           -> MutableMacroBlock s Int16

           -> ST s ()

unpack444Y _ x y (MutableImage { mutableImageWidth = imgWidth, mutableImageData = img })

                 block = blockVert baseIdx 0 zero

  where zero = 0 :: Int

        baseIdx = x * dctBlockSize + y * dctBlockSize * imgWidth

        blockVert        _       _ j | j >= dctBlockSize = return ()

        blockVert writeIdx readingIdx j = blockHoriz writeIdx readingIdx zero

          where blockHoriz   _ readIdx i | i >= dctBlockSize = blockVert (writeIdx + imgWidth) readIdx $ j + 1

                blockHoriz idx readIdx i = do

                    val <- pixelClamp <$> (block `M.unsafeRead` readIdx)

                    (img `M.unsafeWrite` idx) val

                    blockHoriz (idx + 1) (readIdx + 1) $ i + 1

unpack444Ycbcr :: Int -- ^ Component index

              -> Int -- ^ x

              -> Int -- ^ y

              -> MutableImage s PixelYCbCr8

              -> MutableMacroBlock s Int16

              -> ST s ()

unpack444Ycbcr compIdx x y

                 (MutableImage { mutableImageWidth = imgWidth, mutableImageData = img })

                 block = blockVert baseIdx 0 zero

  where zero = 0 :: Int

        baseIdx = (x * dctBlockSize + y * dctBlockSize * imgWidth) * 3 + compIdx

        blockVert   _       _ j | j >= dctBlockSize = return ()

        blockVert idx readIdx j = do

            val0 <- pixelClamp <$> (block `M.unsafeRead` readIdx)

            val1 <- pixelClamp <$> (block `M.unsafeRead` (readIdx + 1))

            val2 <- pixelClamp <$> (block `M.unsafeRead` (readIdx + 2))

            val3 <- pixelClamp <$> (block `M.unsafeRead` (readIdx + 3))

            val4 <- pixelClamp <$> (block `M.unsafeRead` (readIdx + 4))

            val5 <- pixelClamp <$> (block `M.unsafeRead` (readIdx + 5))

            val6 <- pixelClamp <$> (block `M.unsafeRead` (readIdx + 6))

            val7 <- pixelClamp <$> (block `M.unsafeRead` (readIdx + 7))

            (img `M.unsafeWrite` idx) val0

            (img `M.unsafeWrite` (idx +  3     )) val1

            (img `M.unsafeWrite` (idx + (3 * 2))) val2

            (img `M.unsafeWrite` (idx + (3 * 3))) val3

            (img `M.unsafeWrite` (idx + (3 * 4))) val4

            (img `M.unsafeWrite` (idx + (3 * 5))) val5

            (img `M.unsafeWrite` (idx + (3 * 6))) val6

            (img `M.unsafeWrite` (idx + (3 * 7))) val7

            blockVert (idx + 3 * imgWidth) (readIdx + dctBlockSize) $ j + 1

          {-where blockHoriz   _ readIdx i | i >= 8 = blockVert (writeIdx + imgWidth * 3) readIdx $ j + 1-}

                {-blockHoriz idx readIdx i = do-}

                    {-val <- pixelClamp <$> (block `M.unsafeRead` readIdx) -}

                    {-(img `M.unsafeWrite` idx) val-}

                    {-blockHoriz (idx + 3) (readIdx + 1) $ i + 1-}

unpack421Ycbcr :: Int -- ^ Component index

               -> Int -- ^ x

               -> Int -- ^ y

               -> MutableImage s PixelYCbCr8

               -> MutableMacroBlock s Int16

               -> ST s ()

unpack421Ycbcr compIdx x y

                 (MutableImage { mutableImageWidth = imgWidth,

                                 mutableImageHeight = _, mutableImageData = img })

                 block = blockVert baseIdx 0 zero

  where zero = 0 :: Int

        baseIdx = (x * dctBlockSize + y * dctBlockSize * imgWidth) * 3 + compIdx

        lineOffset = imgWidth * 3

        blockVert        _       _ j | j >= dctBlockSize = return ()

        blockVert idx readIdx j = do

            v0 <- pixelClamp <$> (block `M.unsafeRead` readIdx)

            v1 <- pixelClamp <$> (block `M.unsafeRead` (readIdx + 1))

            v2 <- pixelClamp <$> (block `M.unsafeRead` (readIdx + 2))

            v3 <- pixelClamp <$> (block `M.unsafeRead` (readIdx + 3))

            v4 <- pixelClamp <$> (block `M.unsafeRead` (readIdx + 4))

            v5 <- pixelClamp <$> (block `M.unsafeRead` (readIdx + 5))

            v6 <- pixelClamp <$> (block `M.unsafeRead` (readIdx + 6))

            v7 <- pixelClamp <$> (block `M.unsafeRead` (readIdx + 7))

            (img `M.unsafeWrite` idx)       v0

            (img `M.unsafeWrite` (idx + 3)) v0

            (img `M.unsafeWrite` (idx + 6    ))      v1

            (img `M.unsafeWrite` (idx + 6     + 3))  v1

            (img `M.unsafeWrite` (idx + 6 * 2))      v2

            (img `M.unsafeWrite` (idx + 6 * 2 + 3))  v2

            (img `M.unsafeWrite` (idx + 6 * 3))      v3

            (img `M.unsafeWrite` (idx + 6 * 3 + 3))  v3

            (img `M.unsafeWrite` (idx + 6 * 4))      v4

            (img `M.unsafeWrite` (idx + 6 * 4 + 3))  v4

            (img `M.unsafeWrite` (idx + 6 * 5))      v5

            (img `M.unsafeWrite` (idx + 6 * 5 + 3))  v5

            (img `M.unsafeWrite` (idx + 6 * 6))      v6

            (img `M.unsafeWrite` (idx + 6 * 6 + 3))  v6

            (img `M.unsafeWrite` (idx + 6 * 7))      v7

            (img `M.unsafeWrite` (idx + 6 * 7 + 3))  v7

            blockVert (idx + lineOffset) (readIdx + dctBlockSize) $ j + 1

type Unpacker s = Int -- ^ component index

               -> Int -- ^ x

               -> Int -- ^ y

               -> MutableImage s PixelYCbCr8

               -> MutableMacroBlock s Int16

               -> ST s ()

type JpgScripter s a =

    RWS () [([(JpgUnpackerParameter, Unpacker s)], L.ByteString)] JpgDecoderState a

data JpgDecoderState = JpgDecoderState

    { dcDecoderTables       :: !(V.Vector HuffmanPackedTree)

    , acDecoderTables       :: !(V.Vector HuffmanPackedTree)

    , quantizationMatrices  :: !(V.Vector (MacroBlock Int16))

    , currentRestartInterv  :: !Int

    , currentFrame          :: Maybe JpgFrameHeader

    , app14Marker           :: !(Maybe JpgAdobeApp14)

    , app0JFifMarker        :: !(Maybe JpgJFIFApp0)

    , app1ExifMarker        :: !(Maybe [ImageFileDirectory])

    , componentIndexMapping :: ![(Word8, Int)]

    , isProgressive         :: !Bool

    , maximumHorizontalResolution :: !Int

    , maximumVerticalResolution   :: !Int

    , seenBlobs                   :: !Int


emptyDecoderState :: JpgDecoderState

emptyDecoderState = JpgDecoderState

    { dcDecoderTables =

        let (_, dcLuma) = prepareHuffmanTable DcComponent 0 defaultDcLumaHuffmanTable

            (_, dcChroma) = prepareHuffmanTable DcComponent 1 defaultDcChromaHuffmanTable


        V.fromList [ dcLuma, dcChroma, dcLuma, dcChroma ]

    , acDecoderTables =

        let (_, acLuma) = prepareHuffmanTable AcComponent 0 defaultAcLumaHuffmanTable

            (_, acChroma) = prepareHuffmanTable AcComponent 1 defaultAcChromaHuffmanTable


        V.fromList [acLuma, acChroma, acLuma, acChroma]

    , quantizationMatrices = V.replicate 4 (VS.replicate (8 * 8) 1)

    , currentRestartInterv = -1

    , currentFrame         = Nothing

    , componentIndexMapping = []

    , app14Marker = Nothing

    , app0JFifMarker = Nothing

    , app1ExifMarker = Nothing

    , isProgressive        = False

    , maximumHorizontalResolution = 0

    , maximumVerticalResolution   = 0

    , seenBlobs = 0


-- | This pseudo interpreter interpret the Jpg frame for the huffman,

-- quant table and restart interval parameters.

jpgMachineStep :: JpgFrame -> JpgScripter s ()

jpgMachineStep (JpgAdobeAPP14 app14) = modify $ \s ->

    s { app14Marker = Just app14 }

jpgMachineStep (JpgExif exif) = modify $ \s ->

    s { app1ExifMarker = Just exif }

jpgMachineStep (JpgJFIF app0) = modify $ \s ->

    s { app0JFifMarker = Just app0 }

jpgMachineStep (JpgAppFrame _ _) = pure ()

jpgMachineStep (JpgExtension _ _) = pure ()

jpgMachineStep (JpgScanBlob hdr raw_data) = do

    let scanCount = length $ scans hdr

    params <- concat <$> mapM (scanSpecifier scanCount) (scans hdr)

    modify $ \st -> st { seenBlobs = seenBlobs st + 1 }

    tell [(params, raw_data)  ]

  where (selectionLow, selectionHigh) = spectralSelection hdr

        approxHigh = fromIntegral $ successiveApproxHigh hdr

        approxLow = fromIntegral $ successiveApproxLow hdr


        scanSpecifier scanCount scanSpec = do

            compMapping <- gets componentIndexMapping

            comp <- case lookup (componentSelector scanSpec) compMapping of

                Nothing -> fail "Jpg decoding error - bad component selector in blob."

                Just v -> return v

            let maximumHuffmanTable = 4

                dcIndex = min (maximumHuffmanTable - 1) 

                            . fromIntegral $ dcEntropyCodingTable scanSpec

                acIndex = min (maximumHuffmanTable - 1)

                            . fromIntegral $ acEntropyCodingTable scanSpec

            dcTree <- gets $ (V.! dcIndex) . dcDecoderTables

            acTree <- gets $ (V.! acIndex) . acDecoderTables

            isProgressiveImage <- gets isProgressive

            maxiW <- gets maximumHorizontalResolution 

            maxiH <- gets maximumVerticalResolution

            restart <- gets currentRestartInterv

            frameInfo <- gets currentFrame

            blobId <- gets seenBlobs                   

            case frameInfo of

              Nothing -> fail "Jpg decoding error - no previous frame"

              Just v -> do

                 let compDesc = jpgComponents v !! comp

                     compCount = length $ jpgComponents v

                     xSampling = fromIntegral $ horizontalSamplingFactor compDesc

                     ySampling = fromIntegral $ verticalSamplingFactor compDesc

                     componentSubSampling =

                        (maxiW - xSampling + 1, maxiH - ySampling + 1)

                     (xCount, yCount)

                        | scanCount > 1 || isProgressiveImage = (xSampling, ySampling)

                        | otherwise = (1, 1)

                 pure [ (JpgUnpackerParameter

                         { dcHuffmanTree = dcTree

                         , acHuffmanTree = acTree

                         , componentIndex = comp

                         , restartInterval = fromIntegral restart

                         , componentWidth = xSampling

                         , componentHeight = ySampling

                         , subSampling = componentSubSampling

                         , successiveApprox = (approxLow, approxHigh)

                         , readerIndex = blobId

                         , indiceVector =

                             if scanCount == 1 then 0 else 1

                         , coefficientRange =

                             ( fromIntegral selectionLow

                             , fromIntegral selectionHigh )

                         , blockIndex = y * xSampling + x

                         , blockMcuX = x

                         , blockMcuY = y

                         }, unpackerDecision compCount componentSubSampling)

                             | y <- [0 .. yCount - 1]

                             , x <- [0 .. xCount - 1] ]

jpgMachineStep (JpgScans kind hdr) = modify $ \s ->

   s { currentFrame = Just hdr

     , componentIndexMapping =

          [(componentIdentifier comp, ix) | (ix, comp) <- zip [0..] $ jpgComponents hdr]

     , isProgressive = case kind of

            JpgProgressiveDCTHuffman -> True

            _ -> False

     , maximumHorizontalResolution =

         fromIntegral $ maximum horizontalResolutions

     , maximumVerticalResolution =

         fromIntegral $ maximum verticalResolutions


    where components = jpgComponents hdr

          horizontalResolutions = map horizontalSamplingFactor components

          verticalResolutions = map verticalSamplingFactor components

jpgMachineStep (JpgIntervalRestart restart) =

    modify $ \s -> s { currentRestartInterv = fromIntegral restart }

jpgMachineStep (JpgHuffmanTable tables) = mapM_ placeHuffmanTrees tables

  where placeHuffmanTrees (spec, tree) = case huffmanTableClass spec of

            DcComponent -> modify $ \s ->

              if idx >= V.length (dcDecoderTables s) then s


                let neu = dcDecoderTables s // [(idx, tree)] in 

                s { dcDecoderTables = neu }

                    where idx = fromIntegral $ huffmanTableDest spec


            AcComponent -> modify $ \s ->

              if idx >= V.length (acDecoderTables s) then s


                s { acDecoderTables = acDecoderTables s // [(idx, tree)] }

                    where idx = fromIntegral $ huffmanTableDest spec

jpgMachineStep (JpgQuantTable tables) = mapM_ placeQuantizationTables tables

  where placeQuantizationTables table = do

            let idx = fromIntegral $ quantDestination table

                tableData = quantTable table

            modify $ \s ->

                s { quantizationMatrices =  quantizationMatrices s // [(idx, tableData)] }

unpackerDecision :: Int -> (Int, Int) -> Unpacker s

unpackerDecision 1 (1, 1) = unpack444Y

unpackerDecision 3 (1, 1) = unpack444Ycbcr

unpackerDecision _ (2, 1) = unpack421Ycbcr

unpackerDecision compCount (xScalingFactor, yScalingFactor) =

    unpackMacroBlock compCount xScalingFactor yScalingFactor

decodeImage :: JpgFrameHeader

            -> V.Vector (MacroBlock Int16)

            -> [([(JpgUnpackerParameter, Unpacker s)], L.ByteString)]

            -> MutableImage s PixelYCbCr8 -- ^ Result image to write into

            -> ST s (MutableImage s PixelYCbCr8)

decodeImage frame quants lst outImage = do

  let compCount = length $ jpgComponents frame

  zigZagArray <- createEmptyMutableMacroBlock

  dcArray <- M.replicate compCount 0  :: ST s (M.STVector s DcCoefficient)

  resetCounter <- newSTRef restartIntervalValue

  forM_ lst $ \(params, str) -> do

    let componentsInfo = V.fromList params

        compReader = initBoolStateJpg . B.concat $ L.toChunks str

        maxiW = maximum [fst $ subSampling c | (c,_) <- params]

        maxiH = maximum [snd $ subSampling c | (c,_) <- params]

        imageBlockWidth = toBlockSize imgWidth

        imageBlockHeight = toBlockSize imgHeight

        imageMcuWidth = (imageBlockWidth + (maxiW - 1)) `div` maxiW

        imageMcuHeight = (imageBlockHeight + (maxiH - 1)) `div` maxiH

    execBoolReader compReader $ rasterMap imageMcuWidth imageMcuHeight $ \x y -> do

      resetLeft <- lift $ readSTRef resetCounter

      if resetLeft == 0 then do

        lift $ M.set dcArray 0


        _restartCode <- decodeRestartInterval

        lift $ resetCounter `writeSTRef` (restartIntervalValue - 1)


        lift $ resetCounter `writeSTRef` (resetLeft - 1)

      V.forM_ componentsInfo $ \(comp, unpack) -> do

        let compIdx = componentIndex comp

            dcTree = dcHuffmanTree comp

            acTree = acHuffmanTree comp

            quantId = fromIntegral .  quantizationTableDest

                    $ jpgComponents frame !! compIdx

            qTable = quants V.! min 3 quantId

            xd = blockMcuX comp

            yd = blockMcuY comp

            (subX, subY) = subSampling comp

        dc <- lift $ dcArray `M.unsafeRead` compIdx

        (dcCoeff, block) <-

              decompressMacroBlock dcTree acTree qTable zigZagArray $ fromIntegral dc

        lift $ (dcArray `M.unsafeWrite` compIdx) dcCoeff

        let verticalLimited = y == imageMcuHeight - 1

        if (x == imageMcuWidth - 1) || verticalLimited then

          lift $ unpackMacroBlock imgComponentCount

                                  subX subY compIdx

                                  (x * maxiW + xd) (y * maxiH + yd) outImage block


          lift $ unpack compIdx (x * maxiW + xd) (y * maxiH + yd) outImage block

  return outImage

  where imgComponentCount = length $ jpgComponents frame

        imgWidth = fromIntegral $ jpgWidth frame

        imgHeight = fromIntegral $ jpgHeight frame

        restartIntervalValue = case lst of

                ((p,_):_,_): _ -> restartInterval p

                _ -> -1

gatherImageKind :: [JpgFrame] -> Maybe JpgImageKind

gatherImageKind lst = case [k | JpgScans k _ <- lst, isDctSpecifier k] of

    [JpgBaselineDCTHuffman] -> Just BaseLineDCT

    [JpgProgressiveDCTHuffman] -> Just ProgressiveDCT

    _ -> Nothing

  where isDctSpecifier JpgProgressiveDCTHuffman = True

        isDctSpecifier JpgBaselineDCTHuffman = True

        isDctSpecifier _ = False

gatherScanInfo :: JpgImage -> (JpgFrameKind, JpgFrameHeader)

gatherScanInfo img = head [(a, b) | JpgScans a b <- jpgFrame img]

dynamicOfColorSpace :: (Monad m)

                    => Maybe JpgColorSpace -> Int -> Int -> VS.Vector Word8

                    -> m DynamicImage

dynamicOfColorSpace Nothing _ _ _ = fail "Unknown color space"

dynamicOfColorSpace (Just color) w h imgData = case color of

  JpgColorSpaceCMYK -> return . ImageCMYK8 $ Image w h imgData

  JpgColorSpaceYCCK ->

     let ymg = Image w h $ VS.map (255-) imgData :: Image PixelYCbCrK8 in

     return . ImageCMYK8 $ convertImage ymg

  JpgColorSpaceYCbCr -> return . ImageYCbCr8 $ Image w h imgData

  JpgColorSpaceRGB -> return . ImageRGB8 $ Image w h imgData

  JpgColorSpaceYA -> return . ImageYA8 $ Image w h imgData

  JpgColorSpaceY -> return . ImageY8 $ Image w h imgData

  colorSpace -> fail $ "Wrong color space : " ++ show colorSpace

colorSpaceOfAdobe :: Int -> JpgAdobeApp14 -> Maybe JpgColorSpace

colorSpaceOfAdobe compCount app = case (compCount, _adobeTransform app) of

  (3, AdobeYCbCr) -> pure JpgColorSpaceYCbCr

  (1, AdobeUnknown) -> pure JpgColorSpaceY

  (3, AdobeUnknown) -> pure JpgColorSpaceRGB

  (4, AdobeYCck) -> pure JpgColorSpaceYCCK

  {-(4, AdobeUnknown) -> pure JpgColorSpaceCMYKInverted-}

  _ -> Nothing

colorSpaceOfState :: JpgDecoderState -> Maybe JpgColorSpace

colorSpaceOfState st = do

  hdr <- currentFrame st

  let compStr = [toEnum . fromEnum $ componentIdentifier comp

                        | comp <- jpgComponents hdr]

      app14 = do

        marker <- app14Marker st

        colorSpaceOfAdobe (length compStr) marker

  app14 <|> colorSpaceOfComponentStr compStr

colorSpaceOfComponentStr :: String -> Maybe JpgColorSpace

colorSpaceOfComponentStr s = case s of

  [_] -> pure  JpgColorSpaceY

  [_,_] -> pure  JpgColorSpaceYA

  "\0\1\2" -> pure  JpgColorSpaceYCbCr

  "\1\2\3" -> pure  JpgColorSpaceYCbCr

  "RGB" -> pure  JpgColorSpaceRGB

  "YCc" -> pure  JpgColorSpaceYCC

  [_,_,_] -> pure  JpgColorSpaceYCbCr

  "RGBA" -> pure  JpgColorSpaceRGBA

  "YCcA" -> pure  JpgColorSpaceYCCA

  "CMYK" -> pure  JpgColorSpaceCMYK

  "YCcK" -> pure  JpgColorSpaceYCCK

  [_,_,_,_] -> pure  JpgColorSpaceCMYK

  _ -> Nothing

-- | Try to decompress and decode a jpeg file. The colorspace is still

-- YCbCr if you want to perform computation on the luma part. You can convert it

-- to RGB using 'convertImage' from the 'ColorSpaceConvertible' typeclass.


-- This function can output the following images:


--  * 'ImageY8'


--  * 'ImageYA8'


--  * 'ImageRGB8'


--  * 'ImageCMYK8'


--  * 'ImageYCbCr8'


decodeJpeg :: B.ByteString -> Either String DynamicImage

decodeJpeg = fmap fst . decodeJpegWithMetadata

-- | Equivalent to 'decodeJpeg' but also extracts metadatas.


-- Extract the following metadatas from the JFIF block:


--  * 'Codec.Picture.Metadata.DpiX'

--  * 'Codec.Picture.Metadata.DpiY' 


-- Exif metadata are also extracted if present.


decodeJpegWithMetadata :: B.ByteString -> Either String (DynamicImage, Metadatas)

decodeJpegWithMetadata file = case runGetStrict get file of

  Left err -> Left err

  Right img -> case imgKind of

     Just BaseLineDCT ->

       let (st, arr) = decodeBaseline

           jfifMeta = foldMap extractMetadatas $ app0JFifMarker st

           exifMeta = foldMap extractTiffMetadata $ app1ExifMarker st

           meta = sizeMeta <> jfifMeta <> exifMeta


       (, meta) <$>

           dynamicOfColorSpace (colorSpaceOfState st) imgWidth imgHeight arr

     Just ProgressiveDCT ->

       let (st, arr) = decodeProgressive

           jfifMeta = foldMap extractMetadatas $ app0JFifMarker st

           exifMeta = foldMap extractTiffMetadata $ app1ExifMarker st

           meta = sizeMeta <> jfifMeta <> exifMeta


       (, meta) <$>

           dynamicOfColorSpace (colorSpaceOfState st) imgWidth imgHeight arr

     _ -> Left "Unknown JPG kind"


      compCount = length $ jpgComponents scanInfo

      (_,scanInfo) = gatherScanInfo img

      imgKind = gatherImageKind $ jpgFrame img

      imgWidth = fromIntegral $ jpgWidth scanInfo

      imgHeight = fromIntegral $ jpgHeight scanInfo

      sizeMeta = basicMetadata SourceJpeg imgWidth imgHeight

      imageSize = imgWidth * imgHeight * compCount

      decodeProgressive = runST $ do

        let (st, wrotten) =

               execRWS (mapM_ jpgMachineStep (jpgFrame img)) () emptyDecoderState

            Just fHdr = currentFrame st

        fimg <-


                (maximumHorizontalResolution st, maximumVerticalResolution st)


                (quantizationMatrices st)


        frozen <- unsafeFreezeImage fimg

        return (st, imageData frozen)

      decodeBaseline = runST $ do

        let (st, wrotten) =

              execRWS (mapM_ jpgMachineStep (jpgFrame img)) () emptyDecoderState

            Just fHdr = currentFrame st

        resultImage <- M.new imageSize

        let wrapped = MutableImage imgWidth imgHeight resultImage

        fImg <- decodeImage 


            (quantizationMatrices st)



        frozen <- unsafeFreezeImage fImg

        return (st, imageData frozen)

extractBlock :: forall s px. (PixelBaseComponent px ~ Word8)

             => Image px       -- ^ Source image

             -> MutableMacroBlock s Int16      -- ^ Mutable block where to put extracted block

             -> Int                     -- ^ Plane

             -> Int                     -- ^ X sampling factor

             -> Int                     -- ^ Y sampling factor

             -> Int                     -- ^ Sample per pixel

             -> Int                     -- ^ Block x

             -> Int                     -- ^ Block y

             -> ST s (MutableMacroBlock s Int16)

extractBlock (Image { imageWidth = w, imageHeight = h, imageData = src })

             block 1 1 sampCount plane bx by | (bx * dctBlockSize) + 7 < w && (by * 8) + 7 < h = do

    let baseReadIdx = (by * dctBlockSize * w) + bx * dctBlockSize

    sequence_ [(block `M.unsafeWrite` (y * dctBlockSize + x)) val

                        | y <- [0 .. dctBlockSize - 1]

                        , let blockReadIdx = baseReadIdx + y * w

                        , x <- [0 .. dctBlockSize - 1]

                        , let val = fromIntegral $ src `VS.unsafeIndex` ((blockReadIdx + x) * sampCount + plane)


    return block

extractBlock (Image { imageWidth = w, imageHeight = h, imageData = src })

             block sampWidth sampHeight sampCount plane bx by = do

    let accessPixel x y | x < w && y < h = let idx = (y * w + x) * sampCount + plane in src `VS.unsafeIndex` idx

                        | x >= w = accessPixel (w - 1) y

                        | otherwise = accessPixel x (h - 1)

        pixelPerCoeff = fromIntegral $ sampWidth * sampHeight

        blockVal x y = sum [fromIntegral $ accessPixel (xBase + dx) (yBase + dy)

                                | dy <- [0 .. sampHeight - 1]

                                , dx <- [0 .. sampWidth - 1] ] `div` pixelPerCoeff

            where xBase = blockXBegin + x * sampWidth

                  yBase = blockYBegin + y * sampHeight

        blockXBegin = bx * dctBlockSize * sampWidth

        blockYBegin = by * dctBlockSize * sampHeight

    sequence_ [(block `M.unsafeWrite` (y * dctBlockSize + x)) $ blockVal x y | y <- [0 .. 7], x <- [0 .. 7] ]

    return block

serializeMacroBlock :: BoolWriteStateRef s

                    -> HuffmanWriterCode -> HuffmanWriterCode

                    -> MutableMacroBlock s Int32

                    -> ST s ()

serializeMacroBlock !st !dcCode !acCode !blk =

 (blk `M.unsafeRead` 0) >>= (fromIntegral >>> encodeDc) >> writeAcs (0, 1) >> return ()

  where writeAcs acc@(_, 63) =

            (blk `M.unsafeRead` 63) >>= (fromIntegral >>> encodeAcCoefs acc) >> return ()

        writeAcs acc@(_, i ) =

            (blk `M.unsafeRead`  i) >>= (fromIntegral >>> encodeAcCoefs acc) >>= writeAcs

        encodeDc n = writeBits' st (fromIntegral code) (fromIntegral bitCount)

                        >> when (ssss /= 0) (encodeInt st ssss n)

            where ssss = powerOf $ fromIntegral n

                  (bitCount, code) = dcCode `V.unsafeIndex` fromIntegral ssss

        encodeAc 0         0 = writeBits' st (fromIntegral code) $ fromIntegral bitCount

            where (bitCount, code) = acCode `V.unsafeIndex` 0

        encodeAc zeroCount n | zeroCount >= 16 =

          writeBits' st (fromIntegral code) (fromIntegral bitCount) >>  encodeAc (zeroCount - 16) n

            where (bitCount, code) = acCode `V.unsafeIndex` 0xF0

        encodeAc zeroCount n =

          writeBits' st (fromIntegral code) (fromIntegral bitCount) >> encodeInt st ssss n

            where rrrr = zeroCount `unsafeShiftL` 4

                  ssss = powerOf $ fromIntegral n

                  rrrrssss = rrrr .|. ssss

                  (bitCount, code) = acCode `V.unsafeIndex` fromIntegral rrrrssss

        encodeAcCoefs (            _, 63) 0 = encodeAc 0 0 >> return (0, 64)

        encodeAcCoefs (zeroRunLength,  i) 0 = return (zeroRunLength + 1, i + 1)

        encodeAcCoefs (zeroRunLength,  i) n =

            encodeAc zeroRunLength n >> return (0, i + 1)

encodeMacroBlock :: QuantificationTable

                 -> MutableMacroBlock s Int32

                 -> MutableMacroBlock s Int32

                 -> Int16

                 -> MutableMacroBlock s Int16

                 -> ST s (Int32, MutableMacroBlock s Int32)

encodeMacroBlock quantTableOfComponent workData finalData prev_dc block = do

 -- the inverse level shift is performed internally by the fastDCT routine

 blk <- fastDctLibJpeg workData block

        >>= zigZagReorderForward finalData

        >>= quantize quantTableOfComponent

 dc <- blk `M.unsafeRead` 0

 (blk `M.unsafeWrite` 0) $ dc - fromIntegral prev_dc

 return (dc, blk)

divUpward :: (Integral a) => a -> a -> a

divUpward n dividor = val + (if rest /= 0 then 1 else 0)

    where (val, rest) = n `divMod` dividor

prepareHuffmanTable :: DctComponent -> Word8 -> HuffmanTable

                    -> (JpgHuffmanTableSpec, HuffmanPackedTree)

prepareHuffmanTable classVal dest tableDef =

   (JpgHuffmanTableSpec { huffmanTableClass = classVal

                        , huffmanTableDest  = dest

                        , huffSizes = sizes

                        , huffCodes = V.fromListN 16

                            [VU.fromListN (fromIntegral $ sizes ! i) lst

                                                | (i, lst) <- zip [0..] tableDef ]

                        }, VS.singleton 0)

      where sizes = VU.fromListN 16 $ map (fromIntegral . length) tableDef

-- | Encode an image in jpeg at a reasonnable quality level.

-- If you want better quality or reduced file size, you should

-- use `encodeJpegAtQuality`

encodeJpeg :: Image PixelYCbCr8 -> L.ByteString

encodeJpeg = encodeJpegAtQuality 50

defaultHuffmanTables :: [(JpgHuffmanTableSpec, HuffmanPackedTree)]

defaultHuffmanTables =

    [ prepareHuffmanTable DcComponent 0 defaultDcLumaHuffmanTable

    , prepareHuffmanTable AcComponent 0 defaultAcLumaHuffmanTable

    , prepareHuffmanTable DcComponent 1 defaultDcChromaHuffmanTable

    , prepareHuffmanTable AcComponent 1 defaultAcChromaHuffmanTable


lumaQuantTableAtQuality :: Int -> QuantificationTable 

lumaQuantTableAtQuality qual = scaleQuantisationMatrix qual defaultLumaQuantizationTable

chromaQuantTableAtQuality :: Int -> QuantificationTable

chromaQuantTableAtQuality qual =

  scaleQuantisationMatrix qual defaultChromaQuantizationTable

zigzaggedQuantificationSpec :: Int -> [JpgQuantTableSpec]

zigzaggedQuantificationSpec qual =

  [ JpgQuantTableSpec { quantPrecision = 0, quantDestination = 0, quantTable = luma }

  , JpgQuantTableSpec { quantPrecision = 0, quantDestination = 1, quantTable = chroma }



    luma = zigZagReorderForwardv $ lumaQuantTableAtQuality qual

    chroma = zigZagReorderForwardv $ chromaQuantTableAtQuality qual

-- | Function to call to encode an image to jpeg.

-- The quality factor should be between 0 and 100 (100 being

-- the best quality).

encodeJpegAtQuality :: Word8                -- ^ Quality factor

                    -> Image PixelYCbCr8    -- ^ Image to encode

                    -> L.ByteString         -- ^ Encoded JPEG

encodeJpegAtQuality quality = encodeJpegAtQualityWithMetadata quality mempty

-- | Record gathering all information to encode a component

-- from the source image. Previously was a huge tuple

-- burried in the code

data EncoderState = EncoderState

  { _encComponentIndex :: !Int

  , _encBlockWidth     :: !Int

  , _encBlockHeight    :: !Int

  , _encQuantTable     :: !QuantificationTable

  , _encDcHuffman      :: !HuffmanWriterCode

  , _encAcHuffman      :: !HuffmanWriterCode


-- | Helper type class describing all JPG-encodable pixel types

class (Pixel px, PixelBaseComponent px ~ Word8) => JpgEncodable px where

  additionalBlocks :: Image px -> [JpgFrame]

  additionalBlocks _ = []

  componentsOfColorSpace :: Image px -> [JpgComponent]

  encodingState :: Int -> Image px -> V.Vector EncoderState

  imageHuffmanTables :: Image px -> [(JpgHuffmanTableSpec, HuffmanPackedTree)]

  imageHuffmanTables _ = defaultHuffmanTables 

  scanSpecificationOfColorSpace :: Image px -> [JpgScanSpecification]

  quantTableSpec :: Image px -> Int -> [JpgQuantTableSpec]

  quantTableSpec _ qual = take 1 $ zigzaggedQuantificationSpec qual

  maximumSubSamplingOf :: Image px -> Int

  maximumSubSamplingOf _ = 1

instance JpgEncodable Pixel8 where

  scanSpecificationOfColorSpace _ =

    [ JpgScanSpecification { componentSelector = 1

                           , dcEntropyCodingTable = 0

                           , acEntropyCodingTable = 0



  componentsOfColorSpace _ =

    [ JpgComponent { componentIdentifier      = 1

                   , horizontalSamplingFactor = 1

                   , verticalSamplingFactor   = 1

                   , quantizationTableDest    = 0



  imageHuffmanTables _ =

    [ prepareHuffmanTable DcComponent 0 defaultDcLumaHuffmanTable

    , prepareHuffmanTable AcComponent 0 defaultAcLumaHuffmanTable


  encodingState qual _ = V.singleton EncoderState

     { _encComponentIndex = 0

     , _encBlockWidth     = 1

     , _encBlockHeight    = 1

     , _encQuantTable     = zigZagReorderForwardv $ lumaQuantTableAtQuality qual

     , _encDcHuffman      = makeInverseTable defaultDcLumaHuffmanTree

     , _encAcHuffman      = makeInverseTable defaultAcLumaHuffmanTree


instance JpgEncodable PixelYCbCr8 where

  maximumSubSamplingOf _ = 2

  quantTableSpec _ qual = zigzaggedQuantificationSpec qual

  scanSpecificationOfColorSpace _ =

    [ JpgScanSpecification { componentSelector = 1

                           , dcEntropyCodingTable = 0

                           , acEntropyCodingTable = 0


    , JpgScanSpecification { componentSelector = 2

                           , dcEntropyCodingTable = 1

                           , acEntropyCodingTable = 1


    , JpgScanSpecification { componentSelector = 3

                           , dcEntropyCodingTable = 1

                           , acEntropyCodingTable = 1



  componentsOfColorSpace _ =

    [ JpgComponent { componentIdentifier      = 1

                   , horizontalSamplingFactor = 2

                   , verticalSamplingFactor   = 2

                   , quantizationTableDest    = 0


    , JpgComponent { componentIdentifier      = 2

                   , horizontalSamplingFactor = 1

                   , verticalSamplingFactor   = 1

                   , quantizationTableDest    = 1


    , JpgComponent { componentIdentifier      = 3

                   , horizontalSamplingFactor = 1

                   , verticalSamplingFactor   = 1

                   , quantizationTableDest    = 1




  encodingState qual _ = V.fromListN 3 [lumaState, chromaState, chromaState { _encComponentIndex = 2 }]


      lumaState = EncoderState

        { _encComponentIndex = 0

        , _encBlockWidth     = 2

        , _encBlockHeight    = 2

        , _encQuantTable     = zigZagReorderForwardv $ lumaQuantTableAtQuality qual

        , _encDcHuffman      = makeInverseTable defaultDcLumaHuffmanTree

        , _encAcHuffman      = makeInverseTable defaultAcLumaHuffmanTree


      chromaState = EncoderState

        { _encComponentIndex = 1

        , _encBlockWidth     = 1

        , _encBlockHeight    = 1

        , _encQuantTable     = zigZagReorderForwardv $ chromaQuantTableAtQuality qual

        , _encDcHuffman      = makeInverseTable defaultDcChromaHuffmanTree

        , _encAcHuffman      = makeInverseTable defaultAcChromaHuffmanTree


instance JpgEncodable PixelRGB8 where

  additionalBlocks _ = [] where

    _adobe14 = JpgAdobeApp14

        { _adobeDctVersion = 100

        , _adobeFlag0      = 0

        , _adobeFlag1      = 0

        , _adobeTransform  = AdobeUnknown


  imageHuffmanTables _ =

    [ prepareHuffmanTable DcComponent 0 defaultDcLumaHuffmanTable

    , prepareHuffmanTable AcComponent 0 defaultAcLumaHuffmanTable


  scanSpecificationOfColorSpace _ = fmap build "RGB" where

    build c = JpgScanSpecification

      { componentSelector = fromIntegral $ fromEnum c

      , dcEntropyCodingTable = 0

      , acEntropyCodingTable = 0


  componentsOfColorSpace _ = fmap build "RGB" where

    build c = JpgComponent

      { componentIdentifier      = fromIntegral $ fromEnum c

      , horizontalSamplingFactor = 1

      , verticalSamplingFactor   = 1

      , quantizationTableDest    = 0


  encodingState qual _ = V.fromListN 3 $ fmap build [0 .. 2] where

    build ix = EncoderState

      { _encComponentIndex = ix

      , _encBlockWidth     = 1

      , _encBlockHeight    = 1

      , _encQuantTable     = zigZagReorderForwardv $ lumaQuantTableAtQuality qual

      , _encDcHuffman      = makeInverseTable defaultDcLumaHuffmanTree

      , _encAcHuffman      = makeInverseTable defaultAcLumaHuffmanTree


instance JpgEncodable PixelCMYK8 where

  additionalBlocks _ = [] where

    _adobe14 = JpgAdobeApp14

        { _adobeDctVersion = 100

        , _adobeFlag0      = 32768

        , _adobeFlag1      = 0

        , _adobeTransform  = AdobeYCck



  imageHuffmanTables _ =

    [ prepareHuffmanTable DcComponent 0 defaultDcLumaHuffmanTable

    , prepareHuffmanTable AcComponent 0 defaultAcLumaHuffmanTable


  scanSpecificationOfColorSpace _ = fmap build "CMYK" where

    build c = JpgScanSpecification

      { componentSelector = fromIntegral $ fromEnum c

      , dcEntropyCodingTable = 0

      , acEntropyCodingTable = 0


  componentsOfColorSpace _ = fmap build "CMYK" where

    build c = JpgComponent

      { componentIdentifier      = fromIntegral $ fromEnum c

      , horizontalSamplingFactor = 1

      , verticalSamplingFactor   = 1

      , quantizationTableDest    = 0


  encodingState qual _ = V.fromListN 4 $ fmap build [0 .. 3] where

    build ix = EncoderState

      { _encComponentIndex = ix

      , _encBlockWidth     = 1

      , _encBlockHeight    = 1

      , _encQuantTable     = zigZagReorderForwardv $ lumaQuantTableAtQuality qual

      , _encDcHuffman      = makeInverseTable defaultDcLumaHuffmanTree

      , _encAcHuffman      = makeInverseTable defaultAcLumaHuffmanTree


-- | Equivalent to 'encodeJpegAtQuality', but will store the following

-- metadatas in the file using a JFIF block:


--  * 'Codec.Picture.Metadata.DpiX'

--  * 'Codec.Picture.Metadata.DpiY' 


encodeJpegAtQualityWithMetadata :: Word8                -- ^ Quality factor

                                -> Metadatas

                                -> Image PixelYCbCr8    -- ^ Image to encode

                                -> L.ByteString         -- ^ Encoded JPEG

encodeJpegAtQualityWithMetadata = encodeDirectJpegAtQualityWithMetadata

-- | Equivalent to 'encodeJpegAtQuality', but will store the following

-- metadatas in the file using a JFIF block:


--  * 'Codec.Picture.Metadata.DpiX'

--  * 'Codec.Picture.Metadata.DpiY' 


-- This function also allow to create JPEG files with the following color

-- space:


--  * Y ('Pixel8') for greyscale.

--  * RGB ('PixelRGB8') with no color downsampling on any plane

--  * CMYK ('PixelCMYK8') with no color downsampling on any plane


encodeDirectJpegAtQualityWithMetadata :: forall px. (JpgEncodable px)

                                      => Word8                -- ^ Quality factor

                                      -> Metadatas

                                      -> Image px             -- ^ Image to encode

                                      -> L.ByteString         -- ^ Encoded JPEG

encodeDirectJpegAtQualityWithMetadata quality metas img = encode finalImage where

  !w = imageWidth img

  !h = imageHeight img

  finalImage = JpgImage $

      encodeMetadatas metas ++

      additionalBlocks img ++

      [ JpgQuantTable $ quantTableSpec img (fromIntegral quality)

      , JpgScans JpgBaselineDCTHuffman hdr

      , JpgHuffmanTable $ imageHuffmanTables img

      , JpgScanBlob scanHeader encodedImage


  !outputComponentCount = componentCount (undefined :: px)

  scanHeader = scanHeader'{ scanLength = fromIntegral $ calculateSize scanHeader' }

  scanHeader' = JpgScanHeader

      { scanLength = 0

      , scanComponentCount = fromIntegral outputComponentCount

      , scans = scanSpecificationOfColorSpace img

      , spectralSelection = (0, 63)

      , successiveApproxHigh = 0

      , successiveApproxLow  = 0


  hdr = hdr' { jpgFrameHeaderLength   = fromIntegral $ calculateSize hdr' }

  hdr' = JpgFrameHeader

    { jpgFrameHeaderLength   = 0

    , jpgSamplePrecision     = 8

    , jpgHeight              = fromIntegral h

    , jpgWidth               = fromIntegral w

    , jpgImageComponentCount = fromIntegral outputComponentCount

    , jpgComponents          = componentsOfColorSpace img


  !maxSampling = maximumSubSamplingOf img

  !horizontalMetaBlockCount = w `divUpward` (dctBlockSize * maxSampling)

  !verticalMetaBlockCount = h `divUpward` (dctBlockSize * maxSampling)

  !componentDef = encodingState (fromIntegral quality) img

  encodedImage = runST $ do

    dc_table <- M.replicate outputComponentCount 0

    block <- createEmptyMutableMacroBlock

    workData <- createEmptyMutableMacroBlock

    zigzaged <- createEmptyMutableMacroBlock

    writeState <- newWriteStateRef

    rasterMap horizontalMetaBlockCount verticalMetaBlockCount $ \mx my ->

      V.forM_ componentDef $ \(EncoderState comp sizeX sizeY table dc ac) -> 

        let !xSamplingFactor = maxSampling - sizeX + 1

            !ySamplingFactor = maxSampling - sizeY + 1

            !extractor = extractBlock img block xSamplingFactor ySamplingFactor outputComponentCount


        rasterMap sizeX sizeY $ \subX subY -> do

          let !blockY = my * sizeY + subY

              !blockX = mx * sizeX + subX

          prev_dc <- dc_table `M.unsafeRead` comp

          extracted <- extractor comp blockX blockY

          (dc_coeff, neo_block) <- encodeMacroBlock table workData zigzaged prev_dc extracted

          (dc_table `M.unsafeWrite` comp) $ fromIntegral dc_coeff

          serializeMacroBlock writeState dc ac neo_block

    finalizeBoolWriter writeState