JuicyPixels- Picture loading/serialization (in png, jpeg, bitmap, gif, tga, tiff and radiance)

Safe HaskellNone




Module provides basic types for image manipulation in the library. Defined types are used to store all of those Juicy Pixels



Image types

data Image a Source #

The main type of this package, one that most functions work on, is Image.

Parameterized by the underlying pixel format it forms a rigid type. If you wish to store images of different or unknown pixel formats use DynamicImage.

Image is essentially a rectangular pixel buffer of specified width and height. The coordinates are assumed to start from the upper-left corner of the image, with the horizontal position first and vertical second.




  • imageWidth :: !Int

    Width of the image in pixels

  • imageHeight :: !Int

    Height of the image in pixels.

  • imageData :: Vector (PixelBaseComponent a)

    Image pixel data. To extract pixels at a given position you should use the helper functions.

    Internally pixel data is stored as consecutively packed lines from top to bottom, scanned from left to right within individual lines, from first to last color component within each pixel.


NFData (Image a) Source # 


rnf :: Image a -> () #

data MutableImage s a Source #

Image or pixel buffer, the coordinates are assumed to start from the upper-left corner of the image, with the horizontal position first, then the vertical one. The image can be transformed in place.





NFData (MutableImage s a) Source # 


rnf :: MutableImage s a -> () #

data DynamicImage Source #

Image type enumerating all predefined pixel types. It enables loading and use of images of different pixel types.


ImageY8 (Image Pixel8)

A greyscale image.

ImageY16 (Image Pixel16)

A greyscale image with 16bit components

ImageYF (Image PixelF)

A greyscale HDR image

ImageYA8 (Image PixelYA8)

An image in greyscale with an alpha channel.

ImageYA16 (Image PixelYA16)

An image in greyscale with alpha channel on 16 bits.

ImageRGB8 (Image PixelRGB8)

An image in true color.

ImageRGB16 (Image PixelRGB16)

An image in true color with 16bit depth.

ImageRGBF (Image PixelRGBF)

An image with HDR pixels

ImageRGBA8 (Image PixelRGBA8)

An image in true color and an alpha channel.

ImageRGBA16 (Image PixelRGBA16)

A true color image with alpha on 16 bits.

ImageYCbCr8 (Image PixelYCbCr8)

An image in the colorspace used by Jpeg images.

ImageCMYK8 (Image PixelCMYK8)

An image in the colorspace CMYK

ImageCMYK16 (Image PixelCMYK16)

An image in the colorspace CMYK and 16 bits precision


type Palette = Image PixelRGB8 Source #

Type for the palette used in Gif & PNG files.

Image functions

createMutableImage Source #


:: (Pixel px, PrimMonad m) 
=> Int


-> Int


-> px

Background color

-> m (MutableImage (PrimState m) px) 

Create a mutable image, filled with the given background color.

newMutableImage Source #


:: (Pixel px, PrimMonad m) 
=> Int


-> Int


-> m (MutableImage (PrimState m) px) 

Create a mutable image with garbage as content. All data is uninitialized.

freezeImage :: (Storable (PixelBaseComponent px), PrimMonad m) => MutableImage (PrimState m) px -> m (Image px) Source #

`O(n)` Yield an immutable copy of an image by making a copy of it

unsafeFreezeImage :: (Storable (PixelBaseComponent a), PrimMonad m) => MutableImage (PrimState m) a -> m (Image a) Source #

`O(1)` Unsafe convert a mutable image to an immutable one without copying. The mutable image may not be used after this operation.

thawImage :: (Storable (PixelBaseComponent px), PrimMonad m) => Image px -> m (MutableImage (PrimState m) px) Source #

`O(n)` Yield a mutable copy of an image by making a copy of it.

unsafeThawImage :: (Storable (PixelBaseComponent px), PrimMonad m) => Image px -> m (MutableImage (PrimState m) px) Source #

`O(1)` Unsafe convert an imutable image to an mutable one without copying. The source image shouldn't be used after this operation.

Image Lenses

type Traversal s t a b = forall f. Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t Source #

Traversal type matching the definition in the Lens package.

imagePixels :: forall pxa pxb. (Pixel pxa, Pixel pxb) => Traversal (Image pxa) (Image pxb) pxa pxb Source #

Traversal in "raster" order, from left to right the top to bottom. This traversal is matching pixelMap in spirit.

Since 3.2.4

imageIPixels :: forall pxa pxb. (Pixel pxa, Pixel pxb) => Traversal (Image pxa) (Image pxb) (Int, Int, pxa) pxb Source #

Traversal providing the pixel position with it's value. The traversal in raster order, from lef to right, then top to bottom. The traversal match pixelMapXY in spirit.

Since 3.2.4

Pixel types

type Pixel8 = Word8 Source #

Type alias for 8bit greyscale pixels. For simplicity, greyscale pixels use plain numbers instead of a separate type.

type Pixel16 = Word16 Source #

Type alias for 16bit greyscale pixels.

type Pixel32 = Word32 Source #

Type alias for 32bit greyscale pixels.

type PixelF = Float Source #

Type alias for 32bit floating point greyscale pixels. The standard bounded value range is mapped to the closed interval [0,1] i.e.

map promotePixel [0, 1 .. 255 :: Pixel8] == [0/255, 1/255 .. 1.0 :: PixelF]

data PixelYA8 Source #

Pixel type storing 8bit Luminance (Y) and alpha (A) information. Values are stored in the following order:

  • Luminance
  • Alpha


PixelYA8 !Pixel8 !Pixel8 


Eq PixelYA8 Source # 
Ord PixelYA8 Source # 
Show PixelYA8 Source # 
PackeablePixel PixelYA8 Source # 
LumaPlaneExtractable PixelYA8 Source # 
Pixel PixelYA8 Source # 
PngSavable PixelYA8 Source # 
TiffSaveable PixelYA8 Source # 
ColorConvertible PixelYA8 PixelRGBA8 Source # 
ColorConvertible PixelYA8 PixelRGB8 Source # 
ColorConvertible Pixel8 PixelYA8 Source # 
TransparentPixel PixelYA8 Pixel8 Source # 
ColorPlane PixelYA8 PlaneLuma Source # 
ColorPlane PixelYA8 PlaneAlpha Source # 
type PackedRepresentation PixelYA8 Source # 
type PixelBaseComponent PixelYA8 Source # 

data PixelYA16 Source #

Pixel type storing 16bit Luminance (Y) and alpha (A) information. Values are stored in the following order:

  • Luminance
  • Alpha


PixelYA16 !Pixel16 !Pixel16 


Eq PixelYA16 Source # 
Ord PixelYA16 Source # 
Show PixelYA16 Source # 
PackeablePixel PixelYA16 Source # 
Pixel PixelYA16 Source # 
PngSavable PixelYA16 Source # 
TiffSaveable PixelYA16 Source # 
ColorConvertible PixelYA16 PixelRGBA16 Source # 
ColorConvertible Pixel16 PixelYA16 Source # 
TransparentPixel PixelYA16 Pixel16 Source # 
ColorPlane PixelYA16 PlaneLuma Source # 
ColorPlane PixelYA16 PlaneAlpha Source # 
type PackedRepresentation PixelYA16 Source # 
type PixelBaseComponent PixelYA16 Source # 

data PixelRGB8 Source #

Classic pixel type storing 8bit red, green and blue (RGB) information. Values are stored in the following order:

  • Red
  • Green
  • Blue


PixelRGB8 !Pixel8 !Pixel8 !Pixel8 


Eq PixelRGB8 Source # 
Ord PixelRGB8 Source # 
Show PixelRGB8 Source # 
LumaPlaneExtractable PixelRGB8 Source # 
Pixel PixelRGB8 Source # 
BmpEncodable PixelRGB8 Source # 
TgaSaveable PixelRGB8 Source # 
PngSavable PixelRGB8 Source # 
TiffSaveable PixelRGB8 Source # 
JpgEncodable PixelRGB8 Source # 


additionalBlocks :: Image PixelRGB8 -> [JpgFrame]

componentsOfColorSpace :: Image PixelRGB8 -> [JpgComponent]

encodingState :: Int -> Image PixelRGB8 -> Vector EncoderState

imageHuffmanTables :: Image PixelRGB8 -> [(JpgHuffmanTableSpec, HuffmanPackedTree)]

scanSpecificationOfColorSpace :: Image PixelRGB8 -> [JpgScanSpecification]

quantTableSpec :: Image PixelRGB8 -> Int -> [JpgQuantTableSpec]

maximumSubSamplingOf :: Image PixelRGB8 -> Int

ColorSpaceConvertible PixelCMYK8 PixelRGB8 Source # 
ColorSpaceConvertible PixelYCbCr8 PixelRGB8 Source # 
ColorSpaceConvertible PixelYCbCrK8 PixelRGB8 Source # 
ColorSpaceConvertible PixelRGB8 PixelCMYK8 Source # 
ColorSpaceConvertible PixelRGB8 PixelYCbCr8 Source # 
ColorConvertible PixelRGB8 PixelRGBA16 Source # 
ColorConvertible PixelRGB8 PixelRGBA8 Source # 
ColorConvertible PixelRGB8 PixelRGBF Source # 
ColorConvertible PixelRGB8 PixelRGB16 Source # 
ColorConvertible PixelYA8 PixelRGB8 Source # 
ColorConvertible Pixel8 PixelRGB8 Source # 
TransparentPixel PixelRGBA8 PixelRGB8 Source # 
ColorPlane PixelRGB8 PlaneBlue Source # 
ColorPlane PixelRGB8 PlaneGreen Source # 
ColorPlane PixelRGB8 PlaneRed Source # 
type PixelBaseComponent PixelRGB8 Source # 

data PixelRGB16 Source #

Pixel type storing 16bit red, green and blue (RGB) information. Values are stored in the following order:

  • Red
  • Green
  • Blue


Eq PixelRGB16 Source # 
Ord PixelRGB16 Source # 
Show PixelRGB16 Source # 
LumaPlaneExtractable PixelRGB16 Source # 
Pixel PixelRGB16 Source # 
PngSavable PixelRGB16 Source # 
TiffSaveable PixelRGB16 Source # 
ColorSpaceConvertible PixelCMYK16 PixelRGB16 Source # 
ColorSpaceConvertible PixelRGB16 PixelCMYK16 Source # 
ColorConvertible PixelRGB16 PixelRGBA16 Source # 
ColorConvertible PixelRGB8 PixelRGB16 Source # 
ColorConvertible Pixel16 PixelRGB16 Source # 
TransparentPixel PixelRGBA16 PixelRGB16 Source # 
ColorPlane PixelRGB16 PlaneBlue Source # 
ColorPlane PixelRGB16 PlaneGreen Source # 
ColorPlane PixelRGB16 PlaneRed Source # 
type PixelBaseComponent PixelRGB16 Source # 

data PixelRGBF Source #

HDR pixel type storing floating point 32bit red, green and blue (RGB) information. Same value range and comments apply as for PixelF. Values are stored in the following order:

  • Red
  • Green
  • Blue


PixelRGBF !PixelF !PixelF !PixelF 


Eq PixelRGBF Source # 
Ord PixelRGBF Source # 
Show PixelRGBF Source # 
LumaPlaneExtractable PixelRGBF Source # 
Pixel PixelRGBF Source # 
ColorConvertible PixelRGB8 PixelRGBF Source # 
ColorConvertible PixelF PixelRGBF Source # 
ColorPlane PixelRGBF PlaneBlue Source # 
ColorPlane PixelRGBF PlaneGreen Source # 
ColorPlane PixelRGBF PlaneRed Source # 
type PixelBaseComponent PixelRGBF Source # 

data PixelRGBA8 Source #

Classical pixel type storing 8bit red, green, blue and alpha (RGBA) information. Values are stored in the following order:

  • Red
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Alpha


Eq PixelRGBA8 Source # 
Ord PixelRGBA8 Source # 
Show PixelRGBA8 Source # 
PackeablePixel PixelRGBA8 Source # 
LumaPlaneExtractable PixelRGBA8 Source # 
Pixel PixelRGBA8 Source # 
BmpEncodable PixelRGBA8 Source # 
TgaSaveable PixelRGBA8 Source # 
PngSavable PixelRGBA8 Source # 
TiffSaveable PixelRGBA8 Source # 
ColorConvertible PixelRGBA8 PixelRGBA16 Source # 
ColorConvertible PixelRGB8 PixelRGBA8 Source # 
ColorConvertible PixelYA8 PixelRGBA8 Source # 
ColorConvertible Pixel8 PixelRGBA8 Source # 
TransparentPixel PixelRGBA8 PixelRGB8 Source # 
ColorPlane PixelRGBA8 PlaneAlpha Source # 
ColorPlane PixelRGBA8 PlaneBlue Source # 
ColorPlane PixelRGBA8 PlaneGreen Source # 
ColorPlane PixelRGBA8 PlaneRed Source # 
type PackedRepresentation PixelRGBA8 Source # 
type PixelBaseComponent PixelRGBA8 Source # 

data PixelRGBA16 Source #

Pixel type storing 16bit red, green, blue and alpha (RGBA) information. Values are stored in the following order:

  • Red
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Alpha


Eq PixelRGBA16 Source # 
Ord PixelRGBA16 Source # 
Show PixelRGBA16 Source # 
PackeablePixel PixelRGBA16 Source # 
Pixel PixelRGBA16 Source # 

Associated Types

type PixelBaseComponent PixelRGBA16 :: * Source #

PngSavable PixelRGBA16 Source # 
TiffSaveable PixelRGBA16 Source # 
ColorConvertible PixelRGBA8 PixelRGBA16 Source # 
ColorConvertible PixelRGB16 PixelRGBA16 Source # 
ColorConvertible PixelRGB8 PixelRGBA16 Source # 
ColorConvertible PixelYA16 PixelRGBA16 Source # 
ColorConvertible Pixel16 PixelRGBA16 Source # 
TransparentPixel PixelRGBA16 PixelRGB16 Source # 
ColorPlane PixelRGBA16 PlaneAlpha Source # 
ColorPlane PixelRGBA16 PlaneBlue Source # 
ColorPlane PixelRGBA16 PlaneGreen Source # 
ColorPlane PixelRGBA16 PlaneRed Source # 
type PackedRepresentation PixelRGBA16 Source # 
type PixelBaseComponent PixelRGBA16 Source # 

data PixelCMYK8 Source #

Pixel type storing 8bit cyan, magenta, yellow and black (CMYK) information. Values are stored in the following order:

  • Cyan
  • Magenta
  • Yellow
  • Black


Eq PixelCMYK8 Source # 
Ord PixelCMYK8 Source # 
Show PixelCMYK8 Source # 
PackeablePixel PixelCMYK8 Source # 
Pixel PixelCMYK8 Source # 
TiffSaveable PixelCMYK8 Source # 
JpgEncodable PixelCMYK8 Source # 


additionalBlocks :: Image PixelCMYK8 -> [JpgFrame]

componentsOfColorSpace :: Image PixelCMYK8 -> [JpgComponent]

encodingState :: Int -> Image PixelCMYK8 -> Vector EncoderState

imageHuffmanTables :: Image PixelCMYK8 -> [(JpgHuffmanTableSpec, HuffmanPackedTree)]

scanSpecificationOfColorSpace :: Image PixelCMYK8 -> [JpgScanSpecification]

quantTableSpec :: Image PixelCMYK8 -> Int -> [JpgQuantTableSpec]

maximumSubSamplingOf :: Image PixelCMYK8 -> Int

ColorSpaceConvertible PixelCMYK8 PixelRGB8 Source # 
ColorSpaceConvertible PixelYCbCrK8 PixelCMYK8 Source # 
ColorSpaceConvertible PixelRGB8 PixelCMYK8 Source # 
ColorPlane PixelCMYK8 PlaneBlack Source # 
ColorPlane PixelCMYK8 PlaneYellow Source # 
ColorPlane PixelCMYK8 PlaneMagenta Source # 
ColorPlane PixelCMYK8 PlaneCyan Source # 
type PackedRepresentation PixelCMYK8 Source # 
type PixelBaseComponent PixelCMYK8 Source # 

data PixelCMYK16 Source #

Pixel type storing 16bit cyan, magenta, yellow and black (CMYK) information. Values are stored in the following order:

  • Cyan
  • Magenta
  • Yellow
  • Black


Eq PixelCMYK16 Source # 
Ord PixelCMYK16 Source # 
Show PixelCMYK16 Source # 
PackeablePixel PixelCMYK16 Source # 
Pixel PixelCMYK16 Source # 

Associated Types

type PixelBaseComponent PixelCMYK16 :: * Source #

TiffSaveable PixelCMYK16 Source # 
ColorSpaceConvertible PixelCMYK16 PixelRGB16 Source # 
ColorSpaceConvertible PixelRGB16 PixelCMYK16 Source # 
ColorPlane PixelCMYK16 PlaneBlack Source # 
ColorPlane PixelCMYK16 PlaneYellow Source # 
ColorPlane PixelCMYK16 PlaneMagenta Source # 
ColorPlane PixelCMYK16 PlaneCyan Source # 
type PackedRepresentation PixelCMYK16 Source # 
type PixelBaseComponent PixelCMYK16 Source # 

data PixelYCbCr8 Source #

Pixel type storing 8bit luminance, blue difference and red difference (YCbCr) information. Values are stored in the following order:

  • Y (luminance)
  • Cb
  • Cr


PixelYCbCr8 !Pixel8 !Pixel8 !Pixel8 


Eq PixelYCbCr8 Source # 
Ord PixelYCbCr8 Source # 
Show PixelYCbCr8 Source # 
LumaPlaneExtractable PixelYCbCr8 Source # 
Pixel PixelYCbCr8 Source # 

Associated Types

type PixelBaseComponent PixelYCbCr8 :: * Source #

TiffSaveable PixelYCbCr8 Source # 
JpgEncodable PixelYCbCr8 Source # 


additionalBlocks :: Image PixelYCbCr8 -> [JpgFrame]

componentsOfColorSpace :: Image PixelYCbCr8 -> [JpgComponent]

encodingState :: Int -> Image PixelYCbCr8 -> Vector EncoderState

imageHuffmanTables :: Image PixelYCbCr8 -> [(JpgHuffmanTableSpec, HuffmanPackedTree)]

scanSpecificationOfColorSpace :: Image PixelYCbCr8 -> [JpgScanSpecification]

quantTableSpec :: Image PixelYCbCr8 -> Int -> [JpgQuantTableSpec]

maximumSubSamplingOf :: Image PixelYCbCr8 -> Int

ColorSpaceConvertible PixelYCbCr8 PixelRGB8 Source # 
ColorSpaceConvertible PixelRGB8 PixelYCbCr8 Source # 
ColorPlane PixelYCbCr8 PlaneCb Source # 
ColorPlane PixelYCbCr8 PlaneCr Source # 
ColorPlane PixelYCbCr8 PlaneLuma Source # 
type PixelBaseComponent PixelYCbCr8 Source # 

data PixelYCbCrK8 Source #

Pixel type storing value for the YCCK color space:

  • Y (Luminance)
  • Cb
  • Cr
  • Black


Eq PixelYCbCrK8 Source # 
Ord PixelYCbCrK8 Source # 
Show PixelYCbCrK8 Source # 
Pixel PixelYCbCrK8 Source # 

Associated Types

type PixelBaseComponent PixelYCbCrK8 :: * Source #

ColorSpaceConvertible PixelYCbCrK8 PixelCMYK8 Source # 
ColorSpaceConvertible PixelYCbCrK8 PixelRGB8 Source # 
type PixelBaseComponent PixelYCbCrK8 Source # 

Type classes

class (Pixel a, Pixel b) => ColorConvertible a b where Source #

Implement upcasting for pixel types. Minimal declaration of promotePixel. It is strongly recommended to overload promoteImage to keep performance acceptable

Minimal complete definition



promotePixel :: a -> b Source #

Convert a pixel type to another pixel type. This operation should never lose any data.

promoteImage :: Image a -> Image b Source #

Change the underlying pixel type of an image by performing a full copy of it.


Pixel a => ColorConvertible a a Source #

Free promotion for identic pixel types


promotePixel :: a -> a Source #

promoteImage :: Image a -> Image a Source #

ColorConvertible PixelRGBA8 PixelRGBA16 Source # 
ColorConvertible PixelRGB16 PixelRGBA16 Source # 
ColorConvertible PixelRGB8 PixelRGBA16 Source # 
ColorConvertible PixelRGB8 PixelRGBA8 Source # 
ColorConvertible PixelRGB8 PixelRGBF Source # 
ColorConvertible PixelRGB8 PixelRGB16 Source # 
ColorConvertible PixelYA16 PixelRGBA16 Source # 
ColorConvertible PixelYA8 PixelRGBA8 Source # 
ColorConvertible PixelYA8 PixelRGB8 Source # 
ColorConvertible PixelF PixelRGBF Source # 
ColorConvertible Pixel16 PixelRGBA16 Source # 
ColorConvertible Pixel16 PixelRGB16 Source # 
ColorConvertible Pixel16 PixelYA16 Source # 
ColorConvertible Pixel8 PixelRGBA8 Source # 
ColorConvertible Pixel8 PixelRGB8 Source # 
ColorConvertible Pixel8 PixelYA8 Source # 
ColorConvertible Pixel8 PixelF Source # 
ColorConvertible Pixel8 Pixel16 Source # 

class (Storable (PixelBaseComponent a), Num (PixelBaseComponent a), Eq a) => Pixel a where Source #

Definition of pixels used in images. Each pixel has a color space, and a representative component (Word8 or Float).

Associated Types

type PixelBaseComponent a :: * Source #

Type of the pixel component, "classical" images would have Word8 type as their PixelBaseComponent, HDR image would have Float for instance


mixWith :: (Int -> PixelBaseComponent a -> PixelBaseComponent a -> PixelBaseComponent a) -> a -> a -> a Source #

Call the function for every component of the pixels. For example for RGB pixels mixWith is declared like this:

mixWith f (PixelRGB8 ra ga ba) (PixelRGB8 rb gb bb) =
   PixelRGB8 (f 0 ra rb) (f 1 ga gb) (f 2 ba bb)

mixWithAlpha :: (Int -> PixelBaseComponent a -> PixelBaseComponent a -> PixelBaseComponent a) -> (PixelBaseComponent a -> PixelBaseComponent a -> PixelBaseComponent a) -> a -> a -> a Source #

Extension of the mixWith which separate the treatment of the color components of the alpha value (transparency component). For pixel without alpha components, it is equivalent to mixWith.

mixWithAlpha f fa (PixelRGBA8 ra ga ba aa) (PixelRGB8 rb gb bb ab) =
   PixelRGBA8 (f 0 ra rb) (f 1 ga gb) (f 2 ba bb) (fa aa ab)

pixelOpacity :: a -> PixelBaseComponent a Source #

Return the opacity of a pixel, if the pixel has an alpha layer, return the alpha value. If the pixel doesn't have an alpha value, return a value representing the opaqueness.

componentCount :: a -> Int Source #

Return the number of components of the pixel

colorMap :: (PixelBaseComponent a -> PixelBaseComponent a) -> a -> a Source #

Apply a function to each component of a pixel. If the color type possess an alpha (transparency channel), it is treated like the other color components.

pixelBaseIndex :: Image a -> Int -> Int -> Int Source #

Calculate the index for the begining of the pixel

mutablePixelBaseIndex :: MutableImage s a -> Int -> Int -> Int Source #

Calculate theindex for the begining of the pixel at position x y

pixelAt :: Image a -> Int -> Int -> a Source #

Extract a pixel at a given position, (x, y), the origin is assumed to be at the corner top left, positive y to the bottom of the image

readPixel :: PrimMonad m => MutableImage (PrimState m) a -> Int -> Int -> m a Source #

Same as pixelAt but for mutable images.

writePixel :: PrimMonad m => MutableImage (PrimState m) a -> Int -> Int -> a -> m () Source #

Write a pixel in a mutable image at position x y

unsafePixelAt :: Vector (PixelBaseComponent a) -> Int -> a Source #

Unsafe version of pixelAt, read a pixel at the given index without bound checking (if possible). The index is expressed in number (PixelBaseComponent a)

unsafeReadPixel :: PrimMonad m => STVector (PrimState m) (PixelBaseComponent a) -> Int -> m a Source #

Unsafe version of readPixel, read a pixel at the given position without bound checking (if possible). The index is expressed in number (PixelBaseComponent a)

unsafeWritePixel :: PrimMonad m => STVector (PrimState m) (PixelBaseComponent a) -> Int -> a -> m () Source #

Unsafe version of writePixel, write a pixel at the given position without bound checking. This can be _really_ unsafe. The index is expressed in number (PixelBaseComponent a)


Pixel PixelRGBA16 Source # 

Associated Types

type PixelBaseComponent PixelRGBA16 :: * Source #

Pixel PixelRGBA8 Source # 
Pixel PixelCMYK16 Source # 

Associated Types

type PixelBaseComponent PixelCMYK16 :: * Source #

Pixel PixelCMYK8 Source # 
Pixel PixelYCbCr8 Source # 

Associated Types

type PixelBaseComponent PixelYCbCr8 :: * Source #

Pixel PixelRGBF Source # 
Pixel PixelRGB16 Source # 
Pixel PixelYCbCrK8 Source # 

Associated Types

type PixelBaseComponent PixelYCbCrK8 :: * Source #

Pixel PixelRGB8 Source # 
Pixel PixelYA16 Source # 
Pixel PixelYA8 Source # 
Pixel PixelF Source # 
Pixel Pixel32 Source # 
Pixel Pixel16 Source # 
Pixel Pixel8 Source # 

The following graph describe the differents way to convert between pixel types,

  • Nodes describe pixel type
  • Arrows describe functions

class (Pixel a, Pixel b) => ColorSpaceConvertible a b where Source #

This class abstract colorspace conversion. This conversion can be lossy, which ColorConvertible cannot

Minimal complete definition



convertPixel :: a -> b Source #

Pass a pixel from a colorspace (say RGB) to the second one (say YCbCr)

convertImage :: Image a -> Image b Source #

Helper function to convert a whole image by taking a copy it.


Pixel a => ColorSpaceConvertible a a Source # 


convertPixel :: a -> a Source #

convertImage :: Image a -> Image a Source #

ColorSpaceConvertible PixelCMYK16 PixelRGB16 Source # 
ColorSpaceConvertible PixelCMYK8 PixelRGB8 Source # 
ColorSpaceConvertible PixelYCbCr8 PixelRGB8 Source # 
ColorSpaceConvertible PixelRGB16 PixelCMYK16 Source # 
ColorSpaceConvertible PixelYCbCrK8 PixelCMYK8 Source # 
ColorSpaceConvertible PixelYCbCrK8 PixelRGB8 Source # 
ColorSpaceConvertible PixelRGB8 PixelCMYK8 Source # 
ColorSpaceConvertible PixelRGB8 PixelYCbCr8 Source # 

class (Pixel a, Pixel (PixelBaseComponent a)) => LumaPlaneExtractable a where Source #

Helper class to help extract a luma plane out of an image or a pixel

Minimal complete definition



computeLuma :: a -> PixelBaseComponent a Source #

Compute the luminance part of a pixel

extractLumaPlane :: Image a -> Image (PixelBaseComponent a) Source #

Extract a luma plane out of an image. This method is in the typeclass to help performant implementation.

jpegToGrayScale :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
jpegToGrayScale source dest


LumaPlaneExtractable PixelRGBA8 Source # 
LumaPlaneExtractable PixelYCbCr8 Source # 
LumaPlaneExtractable PixelRGBF Source # 
LumaPlaneExtractable PixelRGB16 Source # 
LumaPlaneExtractable PixelRGB8 Source # 
LumaPlaneExtractable PixelYA8 Source # 
LumaPlaneExtractable PixelF Source # 
LumaPlaneExtractable Pixel32 Source # 
LumaPlaneExtractable Pixel16 Source # 
LumaPlaneExtractable Pixel8 Source # 

class (Pixel a, Pixel b) => TransparentPixel a b | a -> b where Source #

Class modeling transparent pixel, should provide a method to combine transparent pixels

Minimal complete definition

dropTransparency, getTransparency


dropTransparency :: a -> b Source #

Just return the opaque pixel value

getTransparency :: a -> PixelBaseComponent a Source #

Deprecated: please use pixelOpacity instead

access the transparency (alpha layer) of a given transparent pixel type.

Helper functions

pixelMap :: forall a b. (Pixel a, Pixel b) => (a -> b) -> Image a -> Image b Source #

map equivalent for an image, working at the pixel level. Little example : a brightness function for an rgb image

brightnessRGB8 :: Int -> Image PixelRGB8 -> Image PixelRGB8
brightnessRGB8 add = pixelMap brightFunction
     where up v = fromIntegral (fromIntegral v + add)
           brightFunction (PixelRGB8 r g b) =
                   PixelRGB8 (up r) (up g) (up b)

pixelMapXY :: forall a b. (Pixel a, Pixel b) => (Int -> Int -> a -> b) -> Image a -> Image b Source #

Just like pixelMap only the function takes the pixel coordinates as additional parameters.

pixelFold :: forall acc pixel. Pixel pixel => (acc -> Int -> Int -> pixel -> acc) -> acc -> Image pixel -> acc Source #

Fold over the pixel of an image with a raster scan order: from top to bottom, left to right

pixelFoldM Source #


:: (Pixel pixel, Monad m) 
=> (acc -> Int -> Int -> pixel -> m acc)

monadic mapping function

-> acc

Initial state

-> Image pixel

Image to fold over

-> m acc 

Fold over the pixel of an image with a raster scan order: from top to bottom, left to right, carrying out a state

pixelFoldMap :: forall m px. (Pixel px, Monoid m) => (px -> m) -> Image px -> m Source #

Fold over the pixel of an image with a raster scan order: from top to bottom, left to right. This functions is analog to the foldMap from the Foldable typeclass, but due to the Pixel constraint, Image cannot be made an instance of it.

dynamicMap :: (forall pixel. Pixel pixel => Image pixel -> a) -> DynamicImage -> a Source #

Helper function to help extract information from dynamic image. To get the width of a dynamic image, you can use the following snippet:

dynWidth :: DynamicImage -> Int
dynWidth img = dynamicMap imageWidth img

dynamicPixelMap :: (forall pixel. Pixel pixel => Image pixel -> Image pixel) -> DynamicImage -> DynamicImage Source #

Equivalent of the pixelMap function for the dynamic images. You can perform pixel colorspace independant operations with this function.

For instance, if you want to extract a square crop of any image, without caring about colorspace, you can use the following snippet.

dynSquare :: DynamicImage -> DynamicImage
dynSquare = dynamicPixelMap squareImage

squareImage :: Pixel a => Image a -> Image a
squareImage img = generateImage (\x y -> pixelAt img x y) edge edge
   where edge = min (imageWidth img) (imageHeight img)

dropAlphaLayer :: TransparentPixel a b => Image a -> Image b Source #

For any image with an alpha component (transparency), drop it, returning a pure opaque image.

withImage Source #


:: (Pixel pixel, PrimMonad m) 
=> Int

Image width

-> Int

Image height

-> (Int -> Int -> m pixel)

Generating functions

-> m (Image pixel) 

Create an image using a monadic initializer function. The function will receive values from 0 to width-1 for the x parameter and 0 to height-1 for the y parameter. The coordinates 0,0 are the upper left corner of the image, and (width-1, height-1) the lower right corner.

The function is called for each pixel in the line from left to right (0 to width - 1) and for each line (0 to height - 1).

zipPixelComponent3 :: forall px. Storable (PixelBaseComponent px) => (PixelBaseComponent px -> PixelBaseComponent px -> PixelBaseComponent px -> PixelBaseComponent px) -> Image px -> Image px -> Image px -> Image px Source #

Combine, pixel by pixel and component by component the values of 3 different images. Usage example:

averageBrightNess c1 c2 c3 = clamp $ toInt c1 + toInt c2 + toInt c3
  where clamp = fromIntegral . min 0 . max 255
        toInt :: a -> Int
        toInt = fromIntegral
ziPixelComponent3 averageBrightNess img1 img2 img3

generateImage Source #


:: Pixel px 
=> (Int -> Int -> px)

Generating function, with x and y params.

-> Int

Width in pixels

-> Int

Height in pixels

-> Image px 

Create an image given a function to generate pixels. The function will receive values from 0 to width-1 for the x parameter and 0 to height-1 for the y parameter. The coordinates 0,0 are the upper left corner of the image, and (width-1, height-1) the lower right corner.

for example, to create a small gradient image:

imageCreator :: String -> IO ()
imageCreator path = writePng path $ generateImage pixelRenderer 250 300
   where pixelRenderer x y = PixelRGB8 (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y) 128

generateFoldImage Source #


:: Pixel a 
=> (acc -> Int -> Int -> (acc, a))

Function taking the state, x and y

-> acc

Initial state

-> Int

Width in pixels

-> Int

Height in pixels

-> (acc, Image a) 

Create an image given a function to generate pixels. The function will receive values from 0 to width-1 for the x parameter and 0 to height-1 for the y parameter. The coordinates 0,0 are the upper left corner of the image, and (width-1, height-1) the lower right corner.

the acc parameter is a user defined one.

The function is called for each pixel in the line from left to right (0 to width - 1) and for each line (0 to height - 1).

gammaCorrection Source #


:: PixelF

Gamma value, should be between 0.5 and 3.0

-> Image PixelRGBF

Image to treat.

-> Image PixelRGBF 

Perform a gamma correction for an image with HDR pixels.

toneMapping Source #


:: PixelF

Exposure parameter

-> Image PixelRGBF

Image to treat.

-> Image PixelRGBF 

Perform a tone mapping operation on an High dynamic range image.

Color plane extraction

class ColorPlane pixel planeToken Source #

Class used to describle plane present in the pixel type. If a pixel has a plane description associated, you can use the plane name to extract planes independently.

Minimal complete definition



ColorPlane PixelRGBA16 PlaneAlpha Source # 
ColorPlane PixelRGBA16 PlaneBlue Source # 
ColorPlane PixelRGBA16 PlaneGreen Source # 
ColorPlane PixelRGBA16 PlaneRed Source # 
ColorPlane PixelRGBA8 PlaneAlpha Source # 
ColorPlane PixelRGBA8 PlaneBlue Source # 
ColorPlane PixelRGBA8 PlaneGreen Source # 
ColorPlane PixelRGBA8 PlaneRed Source # 
ColorPlane PixelCMYK16 PlaneBlack Source # 
ColorPlane PixelCMYK16 PlaneYellow Source # 
ColorPlane PixelCMYK16 PlaneMagenta Source # 
ColorPlane PixelCMYK16 PlaneCyan Source # 
ColorPlane PixelCMYK8 PlaneBlack Source # 
ColorPlane PixelCMYK8 PlaneYellow Source # 
ColorPlane PixelCMYK8 PlaneMagenta Source # 
ColorPlane PixelCMYK8 PlaneCyan Source # 
ColorPlane PixelYCbCr8 PlaneCb Source # 
ColorPlane PixelYCbCr8 PlaneCr Source # 
ColorPlane PixelYCbCr8 PlaneLuma Source # 
ColorPlane PixelRGBF PlaneBlue Source # 
ColorPlane PixelRGBF PlaneGreen Source # 
ColorPlane PixelRGBF PlaneRed Source # 
ColorPlane PixelRGB16 PlaneBlue Source # 
ColorPlane PixelRGB16 PlaneGreen Source # 
ColorPlane PixelRGB16 PlaneRed Source # 
ColorPlane PixelRGB8 PlaneBlue Source # 
ColorPlane PixelRGB8 PlaneGreen Source # 
ColorPlane PixelRGB8 PlaneRed Source # 
ColorPlane PixelYA16 PlaneLuma Source # 
ColorPlane PixelYA16 PlaneAlpha Source # 
ColorPlane PixelYA8 PlaneLuma Source # 
ColorPlane PixelYA8 PlaneAlpha Source # 

data PlaneCr Source #

Define the plane for the Cr component



data PlaneCb Source #

Define the plane for the Cb component



data PlaneCyan Source #

Define plane for the cyan component of the CMYK color space.



data PlaneMagenta Source #

Define plane for the magenta component of the CMYK color space.



data PlaneYellow Source #

Define plane for the yellow component of the CMYK color space.



data PlaneBlack Source #

Define plane for the black component of the CMYK color space.



extractComponent :: forall px plane. (Pixel px, Pixel (PixelBaseComponent px), PixelBaseComponent (PixelBaseComponent px) ~ PixelBaseComponent px, ColorPlane px plane) => plane -> Image px -> Image (PixelBaseComponent px) Source #

Extract a color plane from an image given a present plane in the image examples:

 extractRedPlane :: Image PixelRGB8 -> Image Pixel8
 extractRedPlane = extractComponent PlaneRed

unsafeExtractComponent Source #


:: (Pixel a, Pixel (PixelBaseComponent a), PixelBaseComponent (PixelBaseComponent a) ~ PixelBaseComponent a) 
=> Int

The component index, beginning at 0 ending at (componentCount - 1)

-> Image a

Source image

-> Image (PixelBaseComponent a) 

Extract a plane of an image. Returns the requested color component as a greyscale image.

If you ask for a component out of bound, the error function will be called.

Packeable writing (unsafe but faster)

class PackeablePixel a where Source #

This typeclass exist for performance reason, it allow to pack a pixel value to a simpler "primitive" data type to allow faster writing to moemory.

Minimal complete definition

packPixel, unpackPixel

Associated Types

type PackedRepresentation a Source #

Primitive type asociated to the current pixel It's Word32 for PixelRGBA8 for instance


packPixel :: a -> PackedRepresentation a Source #

The packing function, allowing to transform to a primitive.

unpackPixel :: PackedRepresentation a -> a Source #

Inverse transformation, to speed up reading


PackeablePixel PixelRGBA16 Source # 
PackeablePixel PixelRGBA8 Source # 
PackeablePixel PixelCMYK16 Source # 
PackeablePixel PixelCMYK8 Source # 
PackeablePixel PixelYA16 Source # 
PackeablePixel PixelYA8 Source # 
PackeablePixel PixelF Source # 
PackeablePixel Pixel32 Source # 
PackeablePixel Pixel16 Source # 
PackeablePixel Pixel8 Source # 

fillImageWith :: (Pixel px, PackeablePixel px, PrimMonad m, Storable (PackedRepresentation px)) => MutableImage (PrimState m) px -> px -> m () Source #

This function will fill an image with a simple packeable pixel. It will be faster than any unsafeWritePixel.

readPackedPixelAt Source #


:: (Pixel px, PackeablePixel px, Storable (PackedRepresentation px), PrimMonad m) 
=> MutableImage (PrimState m) px

Image to read from

-> Int

Index in (PixelBaseComponent px) count

-> m px 

Read a packeable pixel from an image. Equivalent to unsafeReadPixel

writePackedPixelAt Source #


:: (Pixel px, PackeablePixel px, Storable (PackedRepresentation px), PrimMonad m) 
=> MutableImage (PrimState m) px

Image to write into

-> Int

Index in (PixelBaseComponent px) count

-> px

Pixel to write

-> m () 

Write a packeable pixel into an image. equivalent to unsafeWritePixel.

unsafeWritePixelBetweenAt Source #


:: (PrimMonad m, Pixel px, PackeablePixel px, Storable (PackedRepresentation px)) 
=> MutableImage (PrimState m) px

Image to write into

-> px

Pixel to write

-> Int

Start index in pixel base component

-> Int

pixel count of pixel to write

-> m () 

Fill a packeable pixel between two bounds.