HsOpenSSL- Partial OpenSSL binding for Haskell
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



An interface to Base64 codec.



encodeBase64 :: String -> String Source #

Deprecated: Use encodeBase64BS or encodeBase64LBS instead.

encodeBase64 str lazilly encodes a stream of data to Base64. The string doesn't have to be finite. Note that the string must not contain any letters which aren't in the range of U+0000 - U+00FF.

encodeBase64BS :: ByteString -> ByteString Source #

encodeBase64BS bs strictly encodes a chunk of data to Base64.

encodeBase64LBS :: ByteString -> ByteString Source #

encodeBase64LBS lbs lazilly encodes a stream of data to Base64. The string doesn't have to be finite.


decodeBase64 :: String -> String Source #

Deprecated: Use decodeBase64BS or decodeBase64LBS instead.

decodeBase64 str lazilly decodes a stream of data from Base64. The string doesn't have to be finite.

decodeBase64BS :: ByteString -> ByteString Source #

decodeBase64BS bs strictly decodes a chunk of data from Base64.

decodeBase64LBS :: ByteString -> ByteString Source #

decodeBase64LBS lbs lazilly decodes a stream of data from Base64. The string doesn't have to be finite.