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HaskellForMaths-0.4.9: Combinatorics, group theory, commutative algebra, non-commutative algebra

Safe HaskellNone



A module for arithmetic in quadratic number fields. A quadratic number field is a field of the form Q(sqrt d), where d is a square-free integer. For example, we can perform the following calculation in Q(sqrt 2):

(1 + sqrt 2) / (2 + sqrt 2)

It is also possible to mix different square roots in the same calculation. For example:

(1 + sqrt 2) * (1 + sqrt 3)

Square roots of negative numbers are also permitted. For example:

i * sqrt(-3)


data QNFBasis Source #

A basis for quadratic number fields Q(sqrt d), where d is a square-free integer.


Sqrt Integer 

type QNF = Vect Q QNFBasis Source #

The type for elements of quadratic number fields

sqrt :: Integer -> QNF Source #

Although this has the same name as the Prelude.sqrt function, it should be thought of as more like a constructor for creating elements of quadratic fields.

Note that for d positive, sqrt d means the positive square root, and sqrt (-d) should be interpreted as the square root with positive imaginary part, that is i * sqrt d. This has the consequence that for example, sqrt (-2) * sqrt (-3) = - sqrt 6.

newtype XVar Source #


X Int 
Eq XVar Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.NumberTheory.QuadraticField


(==) :: XVar -> XVar -> Bool #

(/=) :: XVar -> XVar -> Bool #

Ord XVar Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.NumberTheory.QuadraticField


compare :: XVar -> XVar -> Ordering #

(<) :: XVar -> XVar -> Bool #

(<=) :: XVar -> XVar -> Bool #

(>) :: XVar -> XVar -> Bool #

(>=) :: XVar -> XVar -> Bool #

max :: XVar -> XVar -> XVar #

min :: XVar -> XVar -> XVar #

Show XVar Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.NumberTheory.QuadraticField


showsPrec :: Int -> XVar -> ShowS #

show :: XVar -> String #

showList :: [XVar] -> ShowS #