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HaXml-1.25.5: Utilities for manipulating XML documents

Safe HaskellSafe



A type model for Haskell datatypes that bears a reasonable correspondence to the XSD type model.



data NameConverter Source #

A NameConverter is a collection of functions that convert an XName into an HName, for various Haskell namespaces. You can define your own arbitrary resolver, but should ensure that you abide by the Haskell rules for conid, varid, etc.




newtype HName Source #

An HName is a resolved version of an XName. It should conform to the various namespace rules, and may already include a module qualifier if appropriate.


HName String 
Show HName Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.XML.HaXml.Schema.NameConversion


showsPrec :: Int -> HName -> ShowS #

show :: HName -> String #

showList :: [HName] -> ShowS #

newtype XName Source #

An XName just holds the original XSD qualified name. It does not ensure that the string conforms to any rules of the various Haskell namespaces. Use a NameConverter to define how you would like names to be mangled.


XName QName 
Eq XName Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.XML.HaXml.Schema.NameConversion


(==) :: XName -> XName -> Bool #

(/=) :: XName -> XName -> Bool #

Show XName Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.XML.HaXml.Schema.NameConversion


showsPrec :: Int -> XName -> ShowS #

show :: XName -> String #

showList :: [XName] -> ShowS #

simpleNameConverter :: NameConverter Source #

A simple default set of rules for resolving XNames into HNames.

escape :: Char -> Char Source #

Character escapes to create a valid Haskell identifier.

avoidKeywords :: String -> String Source #

Ensure that a string does not match a Haskell keyword.

fpml :: String -> String Source #

A specialised module-name converter for FpML module names with multiple dashes, including version numbers, e.g. fpml-dividend-swaps-4-7.xsd becomes FpML.V47.Swaps.Dividend but fpml-posttrade-execution-4-7.xsd becomes FpML.V47.PostTrade.Execution

wordsBy :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]] Source #

Chop a list into segments, at separators identified by the predicate. The separator items are discarded.

basename :: String -> String -> String Source #

Remove any prefix directory names, and given suffix extension.