Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell98 |
- type XsdParser a = Parser (Content Posn) a
- (|||) :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> Bool) -> a -> Bool
- xsd :: Name -> QName
- xsdTag :: String -> Content Posn -> Bool
- posnElementWith :: (Content Posn -> Bool) -> [String] -> XsdParser (Posn, Element Posn)
- xsdElement :: Name -> XsdParser (Element Posn)
- anyElement :: XsdParser (Element Posn)
- allChildren :: XsdParser a -> XsdParser a
- interiorWith :: (Content Posn -> Bool) -> XsdParser a -> Element Posn -> XsdParser a
- attribute :: QName -> TextParser a -> Element Posn -> XsdParser a
- namespaceAttrs :: Element Posn -> XsdParser [Namespace]
- matchNamespace :: String -> Attribute -> Bool
- tidy :: t -> Result x a -> Result t a
- targetPrefix :: Maybe TargetNamespace -> [Namespace] -> Maybe String
- lookupBy :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe a
- qual :: Maybe TargetNamespace -> [Namespace] -> String -> String -> QName
- schema :: Parser (Content Posn) Schema
- annotation :: XsdParser Annotation
- definiteAnnotation :: XsdParser Annotation
- qform :: TextParser QForm
- final :: TextParser Final
- block :: TextParser Block
- schemaItem :: (String -> String -> QName) -> XsdParser SchemaItem
- include :: XsdParser SchemaItem
- import_ :: XsdParser SchemaItem
- redefine :: (String -> String -> QName) -> XsdParser SchemaItem
- simpleType :: (String -> String -> QName) -> XsdParser SimpleType
- aFacet :: XsdParser Facet
- facet :: String -> FacetType -> XsdParser Facet
- complexType :: (String -> String -> QName) -> XsdParser ComplexType
- complexItem :: (String -> String -> QName) -> XsdParser ComplexItem
- particle :: (String -> String -> QName) -> XsdParser Particle
- particleAttrs :: (String -> String -> QName) -> XsdParser ParticleAttrs
- choiceOrSeq :: (String -> String -> QName) -> XsdParser ChoiceOrSeq
- group_ :: (String -> String -> QName) -> XsdParser Group
- elementEtc :: (String -> String -> QName) -> XsdParser ElementEtc
- any_ :: XsdParser Any
- anyAttr :: XsdParser AnyAttr
- attributeGroup :: (String -> String -> QName) -> XsdParser AttrGroup
- elementDecl :: (String -> String -> QName) -> XsdParser ElementDecl
- nameAndType :: (String -> String -> QName) -> Element Posn -> XsdParser NameAndType
- attributeDecl :: (String -> String -> QName) -> XsdParser AttributeDecl
- occurs :: Element Posn -> XsdParser Occurs
- uniqueKeyOrKeyRef :: (String -> String -> QName) -> XsdParser UniqueKeyOrKeyRef
- unique :: XsdParser Unique
- key :: XsdParser Key
- keyRef :: (String -> String -> QName) -> XsdParser KeyRef
- selector :: XsdParser Selector
- field_ :: XsdParser Field
- uri :: TextParser String
- string :: TextParser String
- space :: TextParser String
- bool :: TextParser Bool
- use :: TextParser Use
- processContents :: TextParser ProcessContents
- qname :: (String -> String -> QName) -> TextParser QName
- name :: TextParser Name
type XsdParser a = Parser (Content Posn) a Source #
We need a Parser monad for reading from a sequence of generic XML Contents into specific datatypes that model the structure of XSD descriptions. This is a specialisation of the polyparse combinators, fixing the input token type.
xsdTag :: String -> Content Posn -> Bool Source #
Predicate for comparing against an XSD-qualified name. (Also accepts unqualified names, but this is probably a bit too lax. Doing it right would require checking to see whether the current schema module's default namespace is XSD or not.)
posnElementWith :: (Content Posn -> Bool) -> [String] -> XsdParser (Posn, Element Posn) Source #
Get the next content element, checking that it matches some criterion given by the predicate. (Skips over comments and whitespace, rejects text and refs. Also returns position of element.) The list of strings argument is for error reporting - it usually represents a list of expected tags.
xsdElement :: Name -> XsdParser (Element Posn) Source #
Get the next content element, checking that it has the required tag belonging to the XSD namespace.
allChildren :: XsdParser a -> XsdParser a Source #
Grab and parse any and all children of the next element.
interiorWith :: (Content Posn -> Bool) -> XsdParser a -> Element Posn -> XsdParser a Source #
Run an XsdParser on the child contents of the given element (i.e. not in the current monadic content sequence), filtering the children before parsing, and checking that the contents are exhausted, before returning the calculated value within the current parser context.
attribute :: QName -> TextParser a -> Element Posn -> XsdParser a Source #
Check for the presence (and value) of an attribute in the given element. Absence results in failure.
namespaceAttrs :: Element Posn -> XsdParser [Namespace] Source #
Grab any attributes that declare a locally-used prefix for a specific namespace.
matchNamespace :: String -> Attribute -> Bool Source #
Predicate for whether an attribute belongs to a given namespace.
targetPrefix :: Maybe TargetNamespace -> [Namespace] -> Maybe String Source #
Given a URI for a targetNamespace, and a list of Namespaces, tell me the prefix corresponding to the targetNamespace.
lookupBy :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe a Source #
An auxiliary you might expect to find in Data.List
qual :: Maybe TargetNamespace -> [Namespace] -> String -> String -> QName Source #
Turn a qualified attribute value (two strings) into a qualified name (QName), but excluding the case where the namespace prefix corresponds to the targetNamespace of the current schema document.
annotation :: XsdParser Annotation Source #
Parse a (possibly missing) xsd:annotation element.
definiteAnnotation :: XsdParser Annotation Source #
Parse a definitely-occurring xsd:annotation element.
qform :: TextParser QForm Source #
Parse a FormDefault attribute.
final :: TextParser Final Source #
Parse a Final or Block attribute.
block :: TextParser Block Source #
schemaItem :: (String -> String -> QName) -> XsdParser SchemaItem Source #
Parse a schema item (just under the toplevel xsd:schema)
include :: XsdParser SchemaItem Source #
Parse an xsd:include.
import_ :: XsdParser SchemaItem Source #
Parse an xsd:import.
redefine :: (String -> String -> QName) -> XsdParser SchemaItem Source #
Parse a xsd:redefine.
simpleType :: (String -> String -> QName) -> XsdParser SimpleType Source #
Parse a xsd:simpleType decl.
complexType :: (String -> String -> QName) -> XsdParser ComplexType Source #
Parse a xsd:complexType decl.
complexItem :: (String -> String -> QName) -> XsdParser ComplexItem Source #
Parse the alternative contents of a xsd:complexType decl.
particleAttrs :: (String -> String -> QName) -> XsdParser ParticleAttrs Source #
Parse a particle decl with optional attributes.
choiceOrSeq :: (String -> String -> QName) -> XsdParser ChoiceOrSeq Source #
Parse an xsd:all, xsd:choice, or xsd:sequence decl.
elementEtc :: (String -> String -> QName) -> XsdParser ElementEtc Source #
Parse an xsd:element, xsd:group, xsd:all, xsd:choice, xsd:sequence or xsd:any.
attributeGroup :: (String -> String -> QName) -> XsdParser AttrGroup Source #
Parse an xsd:attributegroup.
elementDecl :: (String -> String -> QName) -> XsdParser ElementDecl Source #
Parse an xsd:element decl.
nameAndType :: (String -> String -> QName) -> Element Posn -> XsdParser NameAndType Source #
Parse name and type attributes.
attributeDecl :: (String -> String -> QName) -> XsdParser AttributeDecl Source #
Parse an xsd:attribute decl.
occurs :: Element Posn -> XsdParser Occurs Source #
Parse an occurrence range from attributes of given element.
uniqueKeyOrKeyRef :: (String -> String -> QName) -> XsdParser UniqueKeyOrKeyRef Source #
Parse a xsd:unique, xsd:key, or xsd:keyref.
uri :: TextParser String Source #
Text parser for a URI (very simple, non-validating, probably incorrect).
string :: TextParser String Source #
Text parser for an arbitrary string consisting of possibly multiple tokens.
space :: TextParser String Source #
bool :: TextParser Bool Source #
Parse a textual boolean, i.e. "true", "false", "0", or "1"
use :: TextParser Use Source #
Parse a "use" attribute value, i.e. "required", "optional", or "prohibited"
processContents :: TextParser ProcessContents Source #
Parse a "processContents" attribute, i.e. "skip", "lax", or "strict".
qname :: (String -> String -> QName) -> TextParser QName Source #
Parse an attribute value that should be a QName.
name :: TextParser Name Source #
Parse an attribute value that should be a simple Name.