HTTP-4000.2.18: A library for client-side HTTP

Safe HaskellNone




simpleHTTP :: HStream ty => Request ty -> IO (Result (Response ty))Source

simpleHTTP req transmits the Request req by opening a direct, non-persistent connection to the HTTP server that req is destined for, followed by transmitting it and gathering up the response as a Result. Prior to sending the request, it is normalized (via normalizeRequest). If you have to mediate the request via an HTTP proxy, you will have to normalize the request yourself. Or switch to using Browser instead.


 simpleHTTP (getRequest "")
 simpleHTTP (getRequest "")

simpleHTTP_ :: HStream ty => HandleStream ty -> Request ty -> IO (Result (Response ty))Source

Identical to simpleHTTP, but acting on an already opened stream.

sendHTTP :: HStream ty => HandleStream ty -> Request ty -> IO (Result (Response ty))Source

sendHTTP hStream httpRequest transmits httpRequest (after normalization) over hStream, but does not alter the status of the connection, nor request it to be closed upon receiving the response.

sendHTTP_notify :: HStream ty => HandleStream ty -> Request ty -> IO () -> IO (Result (Response ty))Source

sendHTTP_notify hStream httpRequest action behaves like sendHTTP, but lets you supply an IO action to execute once the request has been successfully transmitted over the connection. Useful when you want to set up tracing of request transmission and its performance.

receiveHTTP :: HStream ty => HandleStream ty -> IO (Result (Request ty))Source

receiveHTTP hStream reads a Request from the HandleStream hStream

respondHTTP :: HStream ty => HandleStream ty -> Response ty -> IO ()Source

respondHTTP hStream httpResponse transmits an HTTP Response over the HandleStream hStream. It could be used to implement simple web server interactions, performing the dual role to sendHTTP.



:: String

URL to fetch

-> Request_String

The constructed request

A convenience constructor for a GET Request.

If the URL isn't syntactically valid, the function raises an error.



:: String

URL to fetch

-> Request_String

The constructed request

A convenience constructor for a HEAD Request.

If the URL isn't syntactically valid, the function raises an error.



:: String

URL to POST to

-> Request_String

The constructed request

A convenience constructor for a POST Request.

If the URL isn't syntactically valid, the function raises an error.



:: String

URL to POST to

-> String

Content-Type of body

-> String

The body of the request

-> Request_String

The constructed request

A convenience constructor for a POST Request.

It constructs a request and sets the body as well as the Content-Type and Content-Length headers. The contents of the body are forced to calculate the value for the Content-Length header.

If the URL isn't syntactically valid, the function raises an error.

getResponseBody :: Result (Response ty) -> IO tySource

getResponseBody response takes the response of a HTTP requesting action and tries to extricate the body of the Response response. If the request action returned an error, an IO exception is raised.

getResponseCode :: Result (Response ty) -> IO ResponseCodeSource

getResponseBody response takes the response of a HTTP requesting action and tries to extricate the status code of the Response response. If the request action returned an error, an IO exception is raised.