HList- Heterogeneous lists
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



The HList library

(C) 2004, Oleg Kiselyov, Ralf Laemmel, Keean Schupke

Type-indexed operations on typeful heterogeneous lists.



class HType2HNatCase (b :: Bool) (e :: *) (l :: [*]) (n :: HNat) | b e l -> n Source #

Helper class


Instances details
HOccursNot e l => HType2HNatCase 'True e l 'HZero Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.HList.HTypeIndexed

HType2HNat e l n => HType2HNatCase 'False e l ('HSucc n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.HList.HTypeIndexed

hType2HNat :: HType2HNat e l n => proxy1 e -> proxy l -> Proxy n Source #

hTypes2HNats :: HTypes2HNats es l ns => Proxy (es :: [*]) -> hlist l -> Proxy (ns :: [HNat]) Source #

class HDeleteManyCase (b :: Bool) e1 e l l1 | b e1 e l -> l1 where Source #


hDeleteManyCase :: Proxy b -> Proxy e1 -> e -> HList l -> HList l1 Source #


Instances details
HDeleteMany e (HList l) (HList l1) => HDeleteManyCase 'True (e :: Type) e l l1 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.HList.HTypeIndexed


hDeleteManyCase :: Proxy 'True -> Proxy e -> e -> HList l -> HList l1 Source #

HDeleteMany e1 (HList l) (HList l1) => HDeleteManyCase 'False (e1 :: k) e l (e ': l1) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.HList.HTypeIndexed


hDeleteManyCase :: Proxy 'False -> Proxy e1 -> e -> HList l -> HList (e ': l1) Source #

hDeleteAt :: forall {n :: HNat} {l :: [Type]} {e} {proxy1}. (HDeleteAtHNat n l, HType2HNat e l n) => proxy1 e -> HList l -> HList (HDeleteAtHNatR n l) Source #

hUpdateAt :: forall {n :: HNat} {e} {l :: [Type]}. (HUpdateAtHNat' n e l l, HType2HNat e l n) => e -> HList l -> HList (HUpdateAtHNatR n e l) Source #

hProjectBy :: forall {k} {ns :: [HNat]} {hlist} {l :: k} {z :: [Type]} {es :: [Type]}. (HUnfoldFD (FHUProj 'True ns) (ApplyR (FHUProj 'True ns) (hlist l, Proxy 'HZero)) z, Apply (FHUProj 'True ns) (hlist l, Proxy 'HZero), HTypes2HNats es l ns) => Proxy es -> hlist l -> HList z Source #

hSplitBy :: forall {k} {ns :: [HNat]} {hlist} {l :: k} {z1 :: [Type]} {z2 :: [Type]} {es :: [Type]}. (HUnfoldFD (FHUProj 'True ns) (ApplyR (FHUProj 'True ns) (hlist l, Proxy 'HZero)) z1, HUnfoldFD (FHUProj 'False ns) (ApplyR (FHUProj 'False ns) (hlist l, Proxy 'HZero)) z2, Apply (FHUProj 'True ns) (hlist l, Proxy 'HZero), Apply (FHUProj 'False ns) (hlist l, Proxy 'HZero), HTypes2HNats es l ns) => Proxy es -> hlist l -> (HList z1, HList z2) Source #

Orphan instances

(HDeleteAtHNat n l, HType2HNat e l n, l' ~ HDeleteAtHNatR n l) => HDeleteAtLabel HList (e :: Type) l l' Source #

should this instead delete the first element of that type?

Instance details


hDeleteAtLabel :: Label e -> HList l -> HList l' Source #

(HEq e1 e b, HDeleteManyCase b e1 e l l1) => HDeleteMany (e1 :: Type) (HList (e ': l)) (HList l1) Source # 
Instance details


hDeleteMany :: Proxy e1 -> HList (e ': l) -> HList l1 Source #

HDeleteMany (e :: k) (HList ('[] :: [Type])) (HList ('[] :: [Type])) Source # 
Instance details


hDeleteMany :: Proxy e -> HList '[] -> HList '[] Source #

(HEq e1 e b, HType2HNatCase b e1 l n) => HType2HNat (e1 :: Type) (e ': l :: [Type]) n Source #

Map a type to a natural (index within the collection) This is a purely type-level computation

Instance details

HTypes2HNats ('[] :: [Type]) (l :: [Type]) ('[] :: [HNat]) Source #

And lift to the list of types

Instance details

(HType2HNat e l n, HTypes2HNats es l ns) => HTypes2HNats (e ': es :: [Type]) (l :: [Type]) (n ': ns) Source # 
Instance details