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HList- Heterogeneous lists

Safe HaskellNone




The HList library

(C) 2004, Oleg Kiselyov, Ralf Laemmel, Keean Schupke

Basic declarations for typeful heterogeneous lists.


Heterogeneous type sequences

There are three sensible ways to define HLists:

data HList (l::[*]) where
    HNil  :: HList '[]
    HCons :: e -> HList l -> HList (e ': l)

This ensures that sequences can only be formed with Nil and Cons. The argument to HList is a promoted lists (kind [*]), which has a more attractive syntax.

Earlier versions of HList used an algebraic data type:

data HCons a b = HCons a b
data HNil = HNil


  • values with types like HCons Int Double to be created, which are nonsense to the functions in HList
  • some recursive functions do not need a class with the GADT. For example:
   hInit :: HListGADT (x ': xs) -> HListGADT (HInit (x ': xs))
   hInit (HCons x xs@(HCons _ _)) = HCons x (hInit xs)
   hInit (HCons _ HNil) = HNil

   type family HInit (xs :: [k]) :: [k]

but without the GADT, hInit is written as in a class, which complicates inferred types


  • lazy pattern matches are allowed, so lazy pattern matching on a value undefined :: HList [a,b,c] can create the spine of the list. hProxies avoids the use of undefined, but a slightly more complicated class context has to be written or inferred.
  • type inference is better if you want to directly pattern match see stackoverflow post here
  • better pattern exhaustiveness checking (as of ghc-7.8)
  • standalone deriving works
  • Data.Coerce.coerce works because the parameters have role representational, not nominal as they are for the GADT and data family. Probably the GADT/type family actually do have a representational role: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24222552/does-this-gadt-actually-have-type-role-representational

The data family version (currently used) gives the same type constructor HList :: [*] -> * as the GADT, while pattern matching behaves like the algebraic data type. Furthermore, nonsense values like HCons 1 2 :: HCons Int Int cannot be written with the data family.

A variation on the data family version is

data instance HList '[] = HNil
newtype instance HList (x ': xs) = HCons1 (x, HList xs)
pattern HCons x xs = HCons1 (x, xs)

This allows HList to have a nominal role, but on the other hand the PatternSynonym is not supported with ghc-7.6 and exhaustiveness checking is not as good (warnings for _ being unmatched)

data family HList (l :: [*]) Source #


(SameLengths * ((:) [*] x ((:) [*] y ((:) [*] xy ([] [*])))), HZipList x y xy) => HZip HList x y xy Source # 


hZip :: HList x -> HList y -> HList xy Source #

(SameLengths * ((:) [*] x ((:) [*] y ((:) [*] xy ([] [*])))), HZipList x y xy) => HUnzip HList x y xy Source # 


hUnzip :: HList xy -> (HList x, HList y) Source #

HMapAux HList f ([] *) ([] *) Source # 


hMapAux :: f -> HList [*] -> HList [*] Source #

(HSpanEqBy t f a as fst snd, HGroupBy t f snd gs) => HGroupBy t f ((:) * a as) ((:) * (HList ((:) * a fst)) gs) Source # 


hGroupBy :: Proxy f ((* ': a) as) -> HList ((* ': HList ((* ': a) fst)) gs) -> HList gs Source #

(ApplyAB f e e', HMapAux HList f l l', SameLength * * l l') => HMapAux HList f ((:) * e l) ((:) * e' l') Source # 


hMapAux :: f -> HList ((* ': e) l) -> HList ((* ': e') l') Source #

HExtend e (HList l) Source # 

Associated Types

type HExtendR e (HList l) :: * Source #


(.*.) :: e -> HList l -> HExtendR e (HList l) Source #

HReverse l l' => HBuild' l (HList l') Source # 


hBuild' :: HList l -> HList l' Source #

HInits1 a b => HInits a ((:) * (HList ([] *)) b) Source # 


hInits :: HList a -> HList ((* ': HList [*]) b) Source #

(Bounded x, Bounded (HList xs)) => Bounded (HList ((:) * x xs)) Source # 


minBound :: HList ((* ': x) xs) #

maxBound :: HList ((* ': x) xs) #

Bounded (HList ([] *)) Source # 


minBound :: HList [*] #

maxBound :: HList [*] #

(Eq x, Eq (HList xs)) => Eq (HList ((:) * x xs)) Source # 


(==) :: HList ((* ': x) xs) -> HList ((* ': x) xs) -> Bool #

(/=) :: HList ((* ': x) xs) -> HList ((* ': x) xs) -> Bool #

Eq (HList ([] *)) Source # 


(==) :: HList [*] -> HList [*] -> Bool #

(/=) :: HList [*] -> HList [*] -> Bool #

(Ord x, Ord (HList xs)) => Ord (HList ((:) * x xs)) Source # 


compare :: HList ((* ': x) xs) -> HList ((* ': x) xs) -> Ordering #

(<) :: HList ((* ': x) xs) -> HList ((* ': x) xs) -> Bool #

(<=) :: HList ((* ': x) xs) -> HList ((* ': x) xs) -> Bool #

(>) :: HList ((* ': x) xs) -> HList ((* ': x) xs) -> Bool #

(>=) :: HList ((* ': x) xs) -> HList ((* ': x) xs) -> Bool #

max :: HList ((* ': x) xs) -> HList ((* ': x) xs) -> HList ((* ': x) xs) #

min :: HList ((* ': x) xs) -> HList ((* ': x) xs) -> HList ((* ': x) xs) #

Ord (HList ([] *)) Source # 


compare :: HList [*] -> HList [*] -> Ordering #

(<) :: HList [*] -> HList [*] -> Bool #

(<=) :: HList [*] -> HList [*] -> Bool #

(>) :: HList [*] -> HList [*] -> Bool #

(>=) :: HList [*] -> HList [*] -> Bool #

max :: HList [*] -> HList [*] -> HList [*] #

min :: HList [*] -> HList [*] -> HList [*] #

(HProxies l, Read e, HSequence ReadP ((:) * (ReadP e) readP_l) ((:) * e l), HMapCxt HList ReadElement (AddProxy [*] l) readP_l) => Read (HList ((:) * e l)) Source # 


readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS (HList ((* ': e) l)) #

readList :: ReadS [HList ((* ': e) l)] #

readPrec :: ReadPrec (HList ((* ': e) l)) #

readListPrec :: ReadPrec [HList ((* ': e) l)] #

Read (HList ([] *)) Source # 
(Show e, Show (HList l)) => Show (HList ((:) * e l)) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> HList ((* ': e) l) -> ShowS #

show :: HList ((* ': e) l) -> String #

showList :: [HList ((* ': e) l)] -> ShowS #

Show (HList ([] *)) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> HList [*] -> ShowS #

show :: HList [*] -> String #

showList :: [HList [*]] -> ShowS #

(Ix x, Ix (HList xs)) => Ix (HList ((:) * x xs)) Source # 


range :: (HList ((* ': x) xs), HList ((* ': x) xs)) -> [HList ((* ': x) xs)] #

index :: (HList ((* ': x) xs), HList ((* ': x) xs)) -> HList ((* ': x) xs) -> Int #

unsafeIndex :: (HList ((* ': x) xs), HList ((* ': x) xs)) -> HList ((* ': x) xs) -> Int

inRange :: (HList ((* ': x) xs), HList ((* ': x) xs)) -> HList ((* ': x) xs) -> Bool #

rangeSize :: (HList ((* ': x) xs), HList ((* ': x) xs)) -> Int #

unsafeRangeSize :: (HList ((* ': x) xs), HList ((* ': x) xs)) -> Int

Ix (HList ([] *)) Source # 


range :: (HList [*], HList [*]) -> [HList [*]] #

index :: (HList [*], HList [*]) -> HList [*] -> Int #

unsafeIndex :: (HList [*], HList [*]) -> HList [*] -> Int

inRange :: (HList [*], HList [*]) -> HList [*] -> Bool #

rangeSize :: (HList [*], HList [*]) -> Int #

unsafeRangeSize :: (HList [*], HList [*]) -> Int

(HZip HList a a aa, HMapCxt HList UncurryMappend aa a) => Semigroup (HList a) Source # 


(<>) :: HList a -> HList a -> HList a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (HList a) -> HList a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> HList a -> HList a #

(HProxies a, HMapCxt HList ConstMempty (AddProxy [*] a) a, HZip HList a a aa, HMapCxt HList UncurryMappend aa a) => Monoid (HList a) Source #

Analogous to the Monoid instance for tuples

>>> import Data.Monoid
>>> mempty :: HList '[(), All, [Int]]
H[(),All {getAll = True},[]]
>>> mappend (hBuild "a") (hBuild "b") :: HList '[String]


mempty :: HList a #

mappend :: HList a -> HList a -> HList a #

mconcat :: [HList a] -> HList a #

(TypeRepsList (HList xs), Typeable * x) => TypeRepsList (HList ((:) * x xs)) Source # 


typeRepsList :: HList ((* ': x) xs) -> [TypeRep] Source #

TypeRepsList (HList ([] *)) Source # 


typeRepsList :: HList [*] -> [TypeRep] Source #

HAppendList l1 l2 => HAppend (HList l1) (HList l2) Source # 


hAppend :: HList l1 -> HList l2 -> HAppendR * (HList l1) (HList l2) Source #

ApplyAB f e e' => ApplyAB (MapCar f) (e, HList l) (HList ((:) * e' l)) Source # 


applyAB :: MapCar f -> (e, HList l) -> HList ((* ': e') l) Source #

HInits1 ([] *) ((:) * (HList ([] *)) ([] *)) Source # 


hInits1 :: HList [*] -> HList ((* ': HList [*]) [*]) Source #

HTails ([] *) ((:) * (HList ([] *)) ([] *)) Source # 


hTails :: HList [*] -> HList ((* ': HList [*]) [*]) Source #

Apply (FHUProj sel ns) (HList l, Proxy HNat (HSucc n)) => Apply (Proxy Bool False, FHUProj sel ns) (HList ((:) * e l), Proxy HNat n) Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplyR (Proxy Bool False, FHUProj sel ns) (HList ((* ': e) l), Proxy HNat n) :: * Source #


apply :: (Proxy Bool False, FHUProj sel ns) -> (HList ((* ': e) l), Proxy HNat n) -> ApplyR (Proxy Bool False, FHUProj sel ns) (HList ((* ': e) l), Proxy HNat n) Source #

Apply (Proxy Bool True, FHUProj sel ns) (HList ((:) * e l), Proxy HNat n) Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplyR (Proxy Bool True, FHUProj sel ns) (HList ((* ': e) l), Proxy HNat n) :: * Source #


apply :: (Proxy Bool True, FHUProj sel ns) -> (HList ((* ': e) l), Proxy HNat n) -> ApplyR (Proxy Bool True, FHUProj sel ns) (HList ((* ': e) l), Proxy HNat n) Source #

((~) * ch (Proxy Bool (HBoolEQ sel (KMember n ns))), Apply (ch, FHUProj sel ns) (HList ((:) * e l), Proxy HNat n)) => Apply (FHUProj sel ns) (HList ((:) * e l), Proxy HNat n) Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplyR (FHUProj sel ns) (HList ((* ': e) l), Proxy HNat n) :: * Source #


apply :: FHUProj sel ns -> (HList ((* ': e) l), Proxy HNat n) -> ApplyR (FHUProj sel ns) (HList ((* ': e) l), Proxy HNat n) Source #

Apply (FHUProj sel ns) (HList ([] *), n) Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplyR (FHUProj sel ns) (HList [*], n) :: * Source #


apply :: FHUProj sel ns -> (HList [*], n) -> ApplyR (FHUProj sel ns) (HList [*], n) Source #

(HConcatFD as bs, HAppendFD a bs cs) => HConcatFD ((:) * (HList a) as) cs Source # 


hConcatFD :: HList ((* ': HList a) as) -> HList cs Source #

(HInits1 xs ys, HMapCxt HList (FHCons2 x) ys ys', (~) [*] (HMapCons x ys) ys', (~) [*] (HMapTail ys') ys) => HInits1 ((:) * x xs) ((:) * (HList ((:) * x ([] *))) ys') Source # 


hInits1 :: HList ((* ': x) xs) -> HList ((* ': HList ((* ': x) [*])) ys') Source #

HTails xs ys => HTails ((:) * x xs) ((:) * (HList ((:) * x xs)) ys) Source # 


hTails :: HList ((* ': x) xs) -> HList ((* ': HList ((* ': x) xs)) ys) Source #

HMapUnboxF xs us => HMapUnboxF ((:) * (HList x) xs) ((:) * (RecordU x) us) Source # 
((~) * (HList ((:) * x y)) z, HZip3 xs ys zs) => HZip3 ((:) * x xs) ((:) * (HList y) ys) ((:) * z zs) Source # 


hZip3 :: HList ((* ': x) xs) -> HList ((* ': HList y) ys) -> HList ((* ': z) zs) Source #

type HExtendR e (HList l) Source # 
type HExtendR e (HList l) = HList ((:) * e l)
type HMapCons x ((:) * (HList a) b) Source # 
type HMapCons x ((:) * (HList a) b) = (:) * (HList ((:) * x a)) (HMapCons x b)
type UnHList (HList a) Source # 
type UnHList (HList a) = a
data HList ([] *) Source # 
data HList ([] *) = HNil
type HAppendR * (HList l1) (HList l2) Source # 
type HAppendR * (HList l1) (HList l2) = HList (HAppendListR * l1 l2)
type ApplyR (Proxy Bool False, FHUProj sel ns) (HList ((:) * e l), Proxy HNat n) Source # 
type ApplyR (Proxy Bool False, FHUProj sel ns) (HList ((:) * e l), Proxy HNat n) = ApplyR (FHUProj sel ns) (HList l, Proxy HNat (HSucc n))
type ApplyR (Proxy Bool True, FHUProj sel ns) (HList ((:) * e l), Proxy HNat n) Source # 
type ApplyR (Proxy Bool True, FHUProj sel ns) (HList ((:) * e l), Proxy HNat n) = HJust (e, (HList l, Proxy HNat (HSucc n)))
type ApplyR (FHUProj sel ns) (HList ([] *), n) Source # 
type ApplyR (FHUProj sel ns) (HList ([] *), n) = HNothing
type ApplyR (FHUProj sel ns) (HList ((:) * e l), Proxy HNat n) Source # 
type ApplyR (FHUProj sel ns) (HList ((:) * e l), Proxy HNat n) = ApplyR (Proxy Bool (HBoolEQ sel (KMember n ns)), FHUProj sel ns) (HList ((:) * e l), Proxy HNat n)
type HMapTail ((:) * (HList ((:) * a as)) bs) Source # 
type HMapTail ((:) * (HList ((:) * a as)) bs) = (:) * (HList as) (HMapTail bs)
data HList ((:) * x xs) Source # 
data HList ((:) * x xs) = x `HCons` (HList xs)

class HProxiesFD (xs :: [*]) pxs | pxs -> xs, xs -> pxs where Source #

creates a HList of Proxies

Minimal complete definition



hProxies :: HList pxs Source #


HProxiesFD ([] *) ([] *) Source # 


hProxies :: HList [*] Source #

HProxiesFD xs pxs => HProxiesFD ((:) * x xs) ((:) * (Proxy * x) pxs) Source # 


hProxies :: HList ((* ': Proxy * x) pxs) Source #

type HProxies xs = HProxiesFD xs (AddProxy xs) Source #

type family AddProxy (xs :: k) :: k Source #

Add Proxy to a type

>>> let x = undefined :: HList (AddProxy [Char,Int])
>>> :t x
x :: HList '[Proxy Char, Proxy Int]


type AddProxy * x Source # 
type AddProxy * x = Proxy * x
type AddProxy [k] ([] k) Source # 
type AddProxy [k] ([] k) = [] k
type AddProxy [a] ((:) a x xs) Source # 
type AddProxy [a] ((:) a x xs) = (:) a (AddProxy a x) (AddProxy [a] xs)

type family DropProxy (xs :: k) :: k Source #

inverse of AddProxy


type DropProxy [k] ([] k) Source # 
type DropProxy [k] ([] k) = [] k
type DropProxy * (Proxy * x) Source # 
type DropProxy * (Proxy * x) = x
type DropProxy [a] ((:) a x xs) Source # 
type DropProxy [a] ((:) a x xs) = (:) a (DropProxy a x) (DropProxy [a] xs)

data ReadElement Source #




((~) * y (ReadP x), Read x) => ApplyAB ReadElement (Proxy * x) y Source # 


applyAB :: ReadElement -> Proxy * x -> y Source #

Basic list functions

hHead :: HList (e ': l) -> e Source #

hTail :: HList (e ': l) -> HList l Source #

hLast :: HRevApp l1 ([] *) ((:) * e l) => HList l1 -> e Source #

class HInit xs where Source #

Minimal complete definition


Associated Types

type HInitR xs :: [*] Source #


hInit :: HList xs -> HList (HInitR xs) Source #


HInit ((:) * b c) => HInit ((:) * a ((:) * b c)) Source # 

Associated Types

type HInitR ((* ': a) ((* ': b) c) :: [*]) :: [*] Source #


hInit :: HList ((* ': a) ((* ': b) c)) -> HList (HInitR ((* ': a) ((* ': b) c))) Source #

HInit ((:) * x ([] *)) Source # 

Associated Types

type HInitR ((* ': x) [*] :: [*]) :: [*] Source #


hInit :: HList ((* ': x) [*]) -> HList (HInitR ((* ': x) [*])) Source #

type family HLength (x :: [k]) :: HNat Source #

Length, but see HLengthEq instead


type HLength k ([] k) Source # 
type HLength k ([] k) = HZero
type HLength k ((:) k x xs) Source # 
type HLength k ((:) k x xs) = HSucc (HLength k xs)

hLength :: HLengthEq l n => HList l -> Proxy n Source #


type family HAppendListR (l1 :: [k]) (l2 :: [k]) :: [k] Source #


type HAppendListR k ([] k) l Source # 
type HAppendListR k ([] k) l = l
type HAppendListR k ((:) k e l) l' Source # 
type HAppendListR k ((:) k e l) l' = (:) k e (HAppendListR k l l')

class HAppendList l1 l2 where Source #

Minimal complete definition



hAppendList :: HList l1 -> HList l2 -> HList (HAppendListR l1 l2) Source #

the same as hAppend


HAppendList ([] *) l2 Source # 


hAppendList :: HList [*] -> HList l2 -> HList (HAppendListR * [*] l2) Source #

HAppendList l l' => HAppendList ((:) * x l) l' Source # 


hAppendList :: HList ((* ': x) l) -> HList l' -> HList (HAppendListR * ((* ': x) l) l') Source #

Alternative append

append' :: [a] -> [a] -> [a] Source #

hAppend' below is implemented using the same idea

hAppend' :: HFoldr FHCons v l r => HList l -> v -> r Source #

Alternative implementation of hAppend. Demonstrates HFoldr

data FHCons Source #




((~) * x (e, HList l), (~) * y (HList ((:) * e l))) => ApplyAB FHCons x y Source # 


applyAB :: FHCons -> x -> y Source #

Historical append

The original HList code is included below. In both cases we had to program the algorithm twice, at the term and the type levels.

The class HAppend
class HAppend l l' l'' | l l' -> l''
  hAppend :: l -> l' -> l''
The instance following the normal append
instance HList l => HAppend HNil l l
  hAppend HNil l = l

instance (HList l, HAppend l l' l'')
      => HAppend (HCons x l) l' (HCons x l'')
  hAppend (HCons x l) l' = HCons x (hAppend l l')

Reversing HLists

type family HRevAppR (l1 :: [k]) (l2 :: [k]) :: [k] Source #


type HRevAppR k ([] k) l Source # 
type HRevAppR k ([] k) l = l
type HRevAppR a ((:) a e l) l' Source # 
type HRevAppR a ((:) a e l) l' = HRevAppR a l ((:) a e l')

class HRevApp l1 l2 l3 | l1 l2 -> l3 where Source #

Minimal complete definition



hRevApp :: HList l1 -> HList l2 -> HList l3 Source #


HRevApp ([] *) l2 l2 Source # 


hRevApp :: HList [*] -> HList l2 -> HList l2 Source #

HRevApp l ((:) * x l') z => HRevApp ((:) * x l) l' z Source # 


hRevApp :: HList ((* ': x) l) -> HList l' -> HList z Source #

class HReverse xs sx | xs -> sx, sx -> xs where Source #

Minimal complete definition



hReverse :: HList xs -> HList sx Source #


(HRevApp xs ([] *) sx, HRevApp sx ([] *) xs) => HReverse xs sx Source # 


hReverse :: HList xs -> HList sx Source #

hReverse_ :: HRevApp l1 ([] *) l3 => HList l1 -> HList l3 Source #

a version of hReverse that does not allow the type information to flow backwards

A nicer notation for lists

hEnd :: HList l -> HList l Source #


x :: HList a
means: forall a. x :: HList a
hEnd x
means: exists a. x :: HList a

List termination

hBuild :: HBuild' '[] r => r Source #

Building lists

class HBuild' l r where Source #

Minimal complete definition



hBuild' :: HList l -> r Source #


HReverse l l' => HBuild' l (HList l') Source # 


hBuild' :: HList l -> HList l' Source #

(HReverse l lRev, HMapTaggedFn lRev l') => HBuild' l (Record l') Source #

This instance allows creating a Record with

hBuild 3 a :: Record '[Tagged "x" Int, Tagged "y" Char]


hBuild' :: HList l -> Record l' Source #

HBuild' ((:) * a l) r => HBuild' l (a -> r) Source # 


hBuild' :: HList l -> a -> r Source #


The classes above allow the third (shortest) way to make a list (containing a,b,c) in this case

list = a `HCons` b `HCons` c `HCons` HNil
list = a .*. b .*. c .*. HNil
list = hEnd $ hBuild a b c
>>> let x = hBuild True in hEnd x
>>> let x = hBuild True 'a' in hEnd x
>>> let x = hBuild True 'a' "ok" in hEnd x

hBuild can also produce a Record, such that

hBuild x y ^. from unlabeled

can also be produced using

hEndR $ hBuild x y


the show instance has since changed, but these uses of 'hBuild'/'hEnd' still work

HList> let x = hBuild True in hEnd x
HCons True HNil
HList> let x = hBuild True 'a' in hEnd x
HCons True (HCons 'a' HNil)
HList> let x = hBuild True 'a' "ok" in hEnd x
HCons True (HCons 'a' (HCons "ok" HNil))
HList> hEnd (hBuild (Key 42) (Name "Angus") Cow (Price 75.5))
HCons (Key 42) (HCons (Name "Angus") (HCons Cow (HCons (Price 75.5) HNil)))
HList> hEnd (hBuild (Key 42) (Name "Angus") Cow (Price 75.5)) == angus



Consume a heterogenous list.

class HFoldr f v (l :: [*]) r where Source #

Minimal complete definition



hFoldr :: f -> v -> HList l -> r Source #


(~) * v v' => HFoldr f v ([] *) v' Source # 


hFoldr :: f -> v -> HList [*] -> v' Source #

(ApplyAB f (e, r) r', HFoldr f v l r) => HFoldr f v ((:) * e l) r' Source #

uses ApplyAB not Apply


hFoldr :: f -> v -> HList ((* ': e) l) -> r' Source #

class HScanr f z ls rs where Source #

Minimal complete definition



hScanr :: f -> z -> HList ls -> HList rs Source #


(~) [*] lz ((:) * z ([] *)) => HScanr f z ([] *) lz Source # 


hScanr :: f -> z -> HList [*] -> HList lz Source #

(ApplyAB f (x, r) s, HScanr f z xs ((:) * r rs), (~) [*] srrs ((:) * s ((:) * r rs))) => HScanr f z ((:) * x xs) srrs Source # 


hScanr :: f -> z -> HList ((* ': x) xs) -> HList srrs Source #

class HFoldr1 f (l :: [*]) r where Source #

Minimal complete definition



hFoldr1 :: f -> HList l -> r Source #


(ApplyAB f (e, r) r', HFoldr1 f ((:) * e' l) r) => HFoldr1 f ((:) * e ((:) * e' l)) r' Source #

uses ApplyAB not Apply


hFoldr1 :: f -> HList ((* ': e) ((* ': e') l)) -> r' Source #

(~) * v v' => HFoldr1 f ((:) * v ([] *)) v' Source # 


hFoldr1 :: f -> HList ((* ': v) [*]) -> v' Source #


class HFoldl f (z :: *) xs (r :: *) where Source #

like foldl

>>> hFoldl (uncurry $ flip (:)) [] (1 `HCons` 2 `HCons` HNil)

Minimal complete definition



hFoldl :: f -> z -> HList xs -> r Source #


(~) * z z' => HFoldl f z ([] *) z' Source # 


hFoldl :: f -> z -> HList [*] -> z' Source #

((~) * zx (z, x), ApplyAB f zx z', HFoldl f z' xs r) => HFoldl f z ((:) * x xs) r Source # 


hFoldl :: f -> z -> HList ((* ': x) xs) -> r Source #



Produce a heterogenous list. Uses the more limited Apply instead of App since that's all that is needed for uses of this function downstream. Those could in principle be re-written.

hUnfold :: (Apply f a, HUnfoldFD f (ApplyR f a) z) => f -> a -> HList z Source #

type HUnfold p s = HUnfoldR p (ApplyR p s) Source #

type family HUnfoldR p res :: [*] Source #


type HUnfoldR p HNothing Source # 
type HUnfoldR p HNothing = [] *
type HUnfoldR p (HJust (e, s)) Source # 
type HUnfoldR p (HJust (e, s)) = (:) * e (HUnfoldR p (ApplyR p s))

type HUnfold' p res = HUnfoldFD p (ApplyR p res) (HUnfold p res) Source #

class HUnfoldFD p res z | p res -> z where Source #

Minimal complete definition



hUnfold' :: p -> res -> HList z Source #


HUnfoldFD p HNothing ([] *) Source # 


hUnfold' :: p -> HNothing -> HList [*] Source #

(Apply p s, HUnfoldFD p (ApplyR p s) z) => HUnfoldFD p (HJust (e, s)) ((:) * e z) Source # 


hUnfold' :: p -> HJust (e, s) -> HList ((* ': e) z) Source #


class HLengthEq es n => HReplicateFD (n :: HNat) e es | n e -> es, es -> n where Source #

Sometimes the result type can fix the type of the first argument:

>>> hReplicate Proxy () :: HList '[ (), (), () ]

However, with HReplicate all elements must have the same type, so it may be easier to use HList2List:

>>> list2HList (repeat 3) :: Maybe (HList [Int, Int, Int])
Just H[3,3,3]

Minimal complete definition



hReplicate :: Proxy n -> e -> HList es Source #


HReplicateFD HZero e ([] *) Source # 


hReplicate :: Proxy HNat HZero -> e -> HList [*] Source #

(HReplicateFD n e es, (~) * e e') => HReplicateFD (HSucc n) e ((:) * e' es) Source # 


hReplicate :: Proxy HNat (HSucc n) -> e -> HList ((* ': e') es) Source #

type family HReplicateR (n :: HNat) (e :: k) :: [k] Source #

would be associated with HReplicate except we want it to work with e of any kind, not just * that you can put into a HList. An "inverse" of HLength


type HReplicateR k HZero e Source # 
type HReplicateR k HZero e = [] k
type HReplicateR k (HSucc n) e Source # 
type HReplicateR k (HSucc n) e = (:) k e (HReplicateR k n e)

class HLengthEq r n => HReplicateF (n :: HNat) f z r | r -> n where Source #

HReplicate produces lists that can be converted to ordinary lists

>>> let two = hSucc (hSucc hZero)
>>> let f = Fun' fromInteger :: Fun' Num Integer
>>> :t applyAB f
applyAB f :: Num b => Integer -> b
>>> hReplicateF two f 3
>>> hReplicateF Proxy f 3 :: HList [Int, Double, Integer]

Minimal complete definition



hReplicateF :: HLengthEq r n => Proxy n -> f -> z -> HList r Source #


HReplicateF HZero f z ([] *) Source # 


hReplicateF :: Proxy HNat HZero -> f -> z -> HList [*] Source #

(ApplyAB f z fz, HReplicateF n f z r') => HReplicateF (HSucc n) f z ((:) * fz r') Source # 


hReplicateF :: Proxy HNat (HSucc n) -> f -> z -> HList ((* ': fz) r') Source #


class HLengthEq r n => HIterate n f z r where Source #

This function behaves like iterate, with an extra argument to help figure out the result length

>>> let three = hSucc (hSucc (hSucc hZero))
>>> let f = Fun Just :: Fun '() Maybe
>>> :t applyAB f
applyAB f :: a -> Maybe a

f is applied to different types:

>>> hIterate three f ()
H[(),Just (),Just (Just ())]

It is also possible to specify the length later on, as done with Prelude.iterate

>>> let take3 x | _ <- hLength x `asTypeOf` three = x
>>> take3 $ hIterate Proxy f ()
H[(),Just (),Just (Just ())]

Minimal complete definition



hIterate :: HLengthEq r n => Proxy n -> f -> z -> HList r Source #


HIterate HZero f z ([] *) Source # 


hIterate :: Proxy HNat HZero -> f -> z -> HList [*] Source #

(ApplyAB f z z', HIterate n f z' r', (~) * z z_) => HIterate (HSucc n) f z ((:) * z_ r') Source # 


hIterate :: Proxy HNat (HSucc n) -> f -> z -> HList ((* ': z_) r') Source #


type HConcat xs = HConcatFD xs (HConcatR xs) Source #

Like concat but for HLists of HLists.

Works in ghci... puzzling as what is different in doctest (it isn't -XExtendedDefaultRules)

>>> let a = hEnd $ hBuild 1 2 3
>>> let b = hEnd $ hBuild 'a' "abc"
>>> hConcat $ hBuild a b

hConcat :: HConcat xs => HList xs -> HList (HConcatR xs) Source #

type family HConcatR (a :: [*]) :: [*] Source #


type HConcatR ([] *) Source # 
type HConcatR ([] *) = [] *
type HConcatR ((:) * x xs) Source # 
type HConcatR ((:) * x xs) = HAppendListR * (UnHList x) (HConcatR xs)

type family UnHList a :: [*] Source #


type UnHList (HList a) Source # 
type UnHList (HList a) = a

class HConcatFD xxs xs | xxs -> xs where Source #

Minimal complete definition



hConcatFD :: HList xxs -> HList xs Source #


HConcatFD ([] *) ([] *) Source # 


hConcatFD :: HList [*] -> HList [*] Source #

(HConcatFD as bs, HAppendFD a bs cs) => HConcatFD ((:) * (HList a) as) cs Source # 


hConcatFD :: HList ((* ': HList a) as) -> HList cs Source #

class HAppendFD a b ab | a b -> ab where Source #

Minimal complete definition



hAppendFD :: HList a -> HList b -> HList ab Source #


HAppendFD ([] *) b b Source # 


hAppendFD :: HList [*] -> HList b -> HList b Source #

HAppendFD as bs cs => HAppendFD ((:) * a as) bs ((:) * a cs) Source # 


hAppendFD :: HList ((* ': a) as) -> HList bs -> HList ((* ': a) cs) Source #

traversing HLists

producing HList


It could be implemented with hFoldr, as we show further below

newtype HMap f Source #

hMap is written such that the length of the result list can be determined from the length of the argument list (and the other way around). Similarly, the type of the elements of the list is propagated in both directions too.

>>> :set -XNoMonomorphismRestriction
>>> let xs = 1 .*. 'c' .*. HNil
>>> :t hMap (HJust ()) xs
hMap (HJust ()) xs :: Num y => HList '[HJust y, HJust Char]

These 4 examples show that the constraint on the length (2 in this case) can be applied before or after the hMap. That inference is independent of the direction that type information is propagated for the individual elements.

>>> let asLen2 xs = xs `asTypeOf` (undefined :: HList '[a,b])
>>> let lr xs = asLen2 (applyAB (HMap HRead) xs)
>>> let ls xs = asLen2 (applyAB (HMap HShow) xs)
>>> let rl xs = applyAB (HMap HRead) (asLen2 xs)
>>> let sl xs = applyAB (HMap HShow) (asLen2 xs)
>>> :t lr
  :: (Read ..., Read ...) => HList '[String, String] -> HList '[..., ...]
>>> :t rl
  :: (Read ..., Read ...) => HList '[String, String] -> HList '[..., ...]
>>> :t ls
  :: (Show ..., Show ...) => HList '[..., ...] -> HList '[String, String]
>>> :t sl
  :: (Show ..., Show ...) => HList '[..., ...] -> HList '[String, String]


HMap f 


(HMapCxt r f a b, (~) * as (r a), (~) * bs (r b)) => ApplyAB (HMap f) as bs Source # 


applyAB :: HMap f -> as -> bs Source #

hMap :: (HMapAux r f a b, SameLength' * * b a, SameLength' * * a b) => f -> r a -> r b Source #

hMapL :: (HMapAux HList f a b, SameLength' * * b a, SameLength' * * a b) => f -> HList a -> HList b Source #

hMap constrained to HList

newtype HMapL f Source #


HMapL f 


(HMapCxt HList f a b, (~) * as (HList a), (~) * bs (HList b)) => ApplyAB (HMapL f) as bs Source # 


applyAB :: HMapL f -> as -> bs Source #

class (SameLength a b, HMapAux r f a b) => HMapCxt r f a b Source #


(SameLength * * a b, HMapAux r f a b) => HMapCxt r f a b Source # 

class HMapAux (r :: [*] -> *) f (x :: [*]) (y :: [*]) where Source #

Minimal complete definition



hMapAux :: SameLength x y => f -> r x -> r y Source #


HMapAux HList (HFmap f) x y => HMapAux Record f x y Source # 


hMapAux :: f -> Record x -> Record y Source #

HMapAux Variant f xs ys => HMapAux TIC f xs ys Source # 


hMapAux :: f -> TIC xs -> TIC ys Source #

(ApplyAB f (GetElemTy x) (GetElemTy y), IArray UArray (GetElemTy y), IArray UArray (GetElemTy x)) => HMapAux RecordU f x y Source # 


hMapAux :: f -> RecordU x -> RecordU y Source #

HMapAux HList f ([] *) ([] *) Source # 


hMapAux :: f -> HList [*] -> HList [*] Source #

(ApplyAB f e e', HMapAux HList f l l', SameLength * * l l') => HMapAux HList f ((:) * e l) ((:) * e' l') Source # 


hMapAux :: f -> HList ((* ': e) l) -> HList ((* ': e') l') Source #

(ApplyAB f te te', HMapCxt Variant f ((:) * l ls) ((:) * l' ls')) => HMapAux Variant f ((:) * te ((:) * l ls)) ((:) * te' ((:) * l' ls')) Source # 


hMapAux :: f -> Variant ((* ': te) ((* ': l) ls)) -> Variant ((* ': te') ((* ': l') ls')) Source #

ApplyAB f te te' => HMapAux Variant f ((:) * te ([] *)) ((:) * te' ([] *)) Source # 


hMapAux :: f -> Variant ((* ': te) [*]) -> Variant ((* ': te') [*]) Source #

alternative implementation

currently broken

newtype MapCar f Source #


MapCar f 


ApplyAB f e e' => ApplyAB (MapCar f) (e, HList l) (HList ((:) * e' l)) Source # 


applyAB :: MapCar f -> (e, HList l) -> HList ((* ': e') l) Source #

hMapMapCar :: HFoldr (MapCar f) (HList '[]) l l' => f -> HList l -> l' Source #

Same as hMap only a different implementation.

appEndo . mconcat . map Endo

hComposeList :: HFoldr Comp (a -> a) l (t -> a) => HList l -> t -> a Source #

>>> let xs = length .*. (+1) .*. (*2) .*. HNil
>>> hComposeList xs "abc"


class (Applicative m, SameLength a b) => HSequence m a b | a -> b, m b -> a where Source #

A heterogeneous version of

sequenceA :: (Applicative m) => [m a] -> m [a]

Only now we operate on heterogeneous lists, where different elements may have different types a. In the argument list of monadic values (m a_i), although a_i may differ, the monad m must be the same for all elements. That's why we needed Data.HList.TypeCastGeneric2 (currently (~)). The typechecker will complain if we attempt to use hSequence on a HList of monadic values with different monads.

The hSequence problem was posed by Matthias Fischmann in his message on the Haskell-Cafe list on Oct 8, 2006



>>> hSequence $ Just (1 :: Integer) `HCons` (Just 'c') `HCons` HNil
Just H[1,'c']
>>> hSequence $  return 1 `HCons` Just  'c' `HCons` HNil
Just H[1,'c']
>>> hSequence $ [1] `HCons` ['c'] `HCons` HNil

Minimal complete definition



hSequence :: HList a -> m (HList b) Source #


Applicative m => HSequence m ([] *) ([] *) Source # 


hSequence :: HList [*] -> m (HList [*]) Source #

((~) (* -> *) m1 m, Applicative m, HSequence m as bs) => HSequence m ((:) * (m1 a) as) ((:) * a bs) Source # 


hSequence :: HList ((* ': m1 a) as) -> m (HList ((* ': a) bs)) Source #

alternative implementation

hSequence2 :: (HFoldr (LiftA2 FHCons) (f (HList ([] *))) l (f a), Applicative f) => HList l -> f a Source #

hSequence2 is not recommended over hSequence since it possibly doesn't allow inferring argument types from the result types. Otherwise this version should do exactly the same thing.

The DataKinds version needs a little help to find the type of the return HNil, unlike the original version, which worked just fine as

hSequence l = hFoldr ConsM (return HNil) l

producing homogenous lists

map (no sequencing)

This one we implement via hFoldr

newtype Mapcar f Source #


Mapcar f 


((~) * l [e'], ApplyAB f e e', (~) * el (e, l)) => ApplyAB (Mapcar f) el l Source # 


applyAB :: Mapcar f -> el -> l Source #

type HMapOut f l e = HFoldr (Mapcar f) [e] l [e] Source #

hMapOut :: forall f e l. HMapOut f l e => f -> HList l -> [e] Source #

compare hMapOut f with hList2List . hMap f


hMapM :: (Monad m, HMapOut f l (m e)) => f -> HList l -> [m e] Source #

mapM :: forall b m a. (Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b]

Likewise for mapM_.

See hSequence if the result list should also be heterogenous.

hMapM_ :: (Monad m, HMapOut f l (m ())) => f -> HList l -> m () Source #

GHC doesn't like its own type.

hMapM_ :: forall m a f e. (Monad m, HMapOut f a (m e)) => f -> a -> m ()

Without explicit type signature, it's Ok. Sigh. Anyway, Hugs does insist on a better type. So we restrict as follows:

Ensure a list to contain HNats only

type family HNats (l :: [*]) :: [HNat] Source #

We do so constructively, converting the HList whose elements are Proxy HNat to [HNat]. The latter kind is unpopulated and is present only at the type level.


type HNats ([] *) Source # 
type HNats ([] *) = [] HNat
type HNats ((:) * (Proxy HNat n) l) Source # 
type HNats ((:) * (Proxy HNat n) l) = (:) HNat n (HNats l)

Membership tests

class HMember (e1 :: k) (l :: [k]) (b :: Bool) | e1 l -> b Source #

Check to see if an HList contains an element with a given type This is a type-level only test


HMember k e1 ([] k) False Source # 
(HEq a e1 e b, HMember' a b e1 l br) => HMember a e1 ((:) a e l) br Source # 

class HMember' (b0 :: Bool) (e1 :: k) (l :: [k]) (b :: Bool) | b0 e1 l -> b Source #


HMember k e1 l br => HMember' k False e1 l br Source # 
HMember' k True e1 l True Source # 

type family HMemberP pred e1 (l :: [*]) :: Bool Source #

The following is a similar type-only membership test It uses the user-supplied curried type equality predicate pred


type HMemberP pred e1 ([] *) Source # 
type HMemberP pred e1 ([] *) = False
type HMemberP pred e1 ((:) * e l) Source # 
type HMemberP pred e1 ((:) * e l) = HMemberP' pred e1 l (ApplyR pred (e1, e))

type family HMemberP' pred e1 (l :: [*]) pb :: Bool Source #


type HMemberP' pred e1 l (Proxy Bool False) Source # 
type HMemberP' pred e1 l (Proxy Bool False) = HMemberP pred e1 l
type HMemberP' pred e1 l (Proxy Bool True) Source # 
type HMemberP' pred e1 l (Proxy Bool True) = True

hMember :: HMember e l b => Proxy e -> Proxy l -> Proxy b Source #

Another type-level membership test

class HMemberM (e1 :: k) (l :: [k]) (r :: Maybe [k]) | e1 l -> r Source #

Check to see if an element e occurs in a list l If not, return 'Nothing If the element does occur, return 'Just l1 where l1 is a type-level list without e


HMemberM k e1 ([] k) (Nothing [k]) Source # 
(HEq a e1 e b, HMemberM1 a b e1 ((:) a e l) res) => HMemberM a e1 ((:) a e l) res Source # 

class HMemberM1 (b :: Bool) (e1 :: k) (l :: [k]) (r :: Maybe [k]) | b e1 l -> r Source #


(HMemberM a e1 l r, HMemberM2 a r e1 ((:) a e l) res) => HMemberM1 a False e1 ((:) a e l) res Source # 
HMemberM1 k True e1 ((:) k e l) (Just [k] l) Source # 

class HMemberM2 (b :: Maybe [k]) (e1 :: k) (l :: [k]) (r :: Maybe [k]) | b e1 l -> r Source #


HMemberM2 k (Nothing [k]) e1 l (Nothing [k]) Source # 
HMemberM2 a (Just [a] l1) e1 ((:) a e l) (Just [a] ((:) a e l1)) Source # 

Staged equality for lists

removed. use Typeable instead

Find an element in a set based on HEq

class HFind1 e l l n => HFind (e :: k) (l :: [k]) (n :: HNat) | e l -> n Source #

It is a pure type-level operation


HFind1 k e l l n => HFind k e l n Source # 

class HFind1 (e :: k) (l :: [k]) (l0 :: [k]) (n :: HNat) | e l -> n Source #


Fail ErrorMessage (FieldNotFound k [k] e1 l0) => HFind1 k e1 ([] k) l0 HZero Source # 
(HEq a e1 e2 b, HFind2 a b e1 l l0 n) => HFind1 a e1 ((:) a e2 l) l0 n Source # 

class HFind2 (b :: Bool) (e :: k) (l :: [k]) (l0 :: [k]) (n :: HNat) | b e l -> n Source #


HFind2 k True e l l0 HZero Source # 
HFind1 k e l l0 n => HFind2 k False e l l0 (HSucc n) Source # 

Membership test based on type equality

class HTMember e (l :: [*]) (b :: Bool) | e l -> b Source #

could be an associated type if HEq had one


HTMember k e ([] *) False Source # 
(HEq * e e' b, HTMember * e l b', (~) Bool (HOr b b') b'') => HTMember * e ((:) * e' l) b'' Source # 

hTMember :: HTMember e l b => e -> HList l -> Proxy b Source #

Intersection based on HTMember

class HTIntersect l1 l2 l3 | l1 l2 -> l3 where Source #

Minimal complete definition



hTIntersect :: HList l1 -> HList l2 -> HList l3 Source #


HTIntersect ([] *) l ([] *) Source # 


hTIntersect :: HList [*] -> HList l -> HList [*] Source #

(HTMember * h l1 b, HTIntersectBool b h t l1 l2) => HTIntersect ((:) * h t) l1 l2 Source # 


hTIntersect :: HList ((* ': h) t) -> HList l1 -> HList l2 Source #

class HTIntersectBool (b :: Bool) h t l1 l2 | b h t l1 -> l2 where Source #

Minimal complete definition



hTIntersectBool :: Proxy b -> h -> HList t -> HList l1 -> HList l2 Source #


HTIntersect t l1 l2 => HTIntersectBool False h t l1 l2 Source # 


hTIntersectBool :: Proxy Bool False -> h -> HList t -> HList l1 -> HList l2 Source #

HTIntersect t l1 l2 => HTIntersectBool True h t l1 ((:) * h l2) Source # 


hTIntersectBool :: Proxy Bool True -> h -> HList t -> HList l1 -> HList ((* ': h) l2) Source #

Convert between heterogeneous lists and homogeneous ones

class HList2List l e | l -> e where Source #

hMapOut id is similar, except this function is restricted to HLists that actually contain a value (so the list produced will be nonempty). This restriction allows adding a functional dependency, which means that less type annotations can be necessary.

Minimal complete definition

hList2List, list2HListSuffix


hList2List :: HList l -> [e] Source #

list2HListSuffix :: [e] -> Maybe (HList l, [e]) Source #


HList2List ((:) * e' l) e => HList2List ((:) * e ((:) * e' l)) e Source # 


hList2List :: HList ((* ': e) ((* ': e') l)) -> [e] Source #

list2HListSuffix :: [e] -> Maybe (HList ((* ': e) ((* ': e') l)), [e]) Source #

HList2List ((:) * e ([] *)) e Source # 


hList2List :: HList ((* ': e) [*]) -> [e] Source #

list2HListSuffix :: [e] -> Maybe (HList ((* ': e) [*]), [e]) Source #

list2HList :: HList2List l e => [e] -> Maybe (HList l) Source #

listAsHList :: (Applicative f, Choice p, HList2List l2 e2, HList2List l1 e1) => p (HList l2) (f (HList l1)) -> p [e2] (f [e1]) Source #

Prism [s] [t] (HList s) (HList t)

listAsHList' :: (HList2List l e, Choice p, Applicative f) => p (HList l) (f (HList l)) -> p [e] (f [e]) Source #

Prism' [a] (HList s)

where s ~ HReplicateR n a

With HMaybe

Turn list in a list of justs

class FromHJustR (ToHJustR l) ~ l => ToHJust l where Source #

the same as map Just

>>> toHJust (2 .*. 'a' .*. HNil)
H[HJust 2,HJust 'a']
>>> toHJust2 (2 .*. 'a' .*. HNil)
H[HJust 2,HJust 'a']

Minimal complete definition


Associated Types

type ToHJustR l :: [*] Source #


toHJust :: HList l -> HList (ToHJustR l) Source #


ToHJust ([] *) Source # 

Associated Types

type ToHJustR ([*] :: [*]) :: [*] Source #


toHJust :: HList [*] -> HList (ToHJustR [*]) Source #

ToHJust l => ToHJust ((:) * e l) Source # 

Associated Types

type ToHJustR ((* ': e) l :: [*]) :: [*] Source #


toHJust :: HList ((* ': e) l) -> HList (ToHJustR ((* ': e) l)) Source #

toHJust2 :: (HMapCxt r (HJust ()) a b, ToHJust a, b ~ ToHJustR a) => r a -> r b Source #

alternative implementation. The Apply instance is in Data.HList.FakePrelude. A longer type could be inferred.

Extract justs from list of maybes

class FromHJustR (ToHJustR l) ~ l => FromHJust l where Source #

Minimal complete definition


Associated Types

type FromHJustR l :: [*] Source #


fromHJust :: HList l -> HList (FromHJustR l) Source #


FromHJust ([] *) Source # 

Associated Types

type FromHJustR ([*] :: [*]) :: [*] Source #


fromHJust :: HList [*] -> HList (FromHJustR [*]) Source #

FromHJust l => FromHJust ((:) * (HJust e) l) Source # 

Associated Types

type FromHJustR ((* ': HJust e) l :: [*]) :: [*] Source #


fromHJust :: HList ((* ': HJust e) l) -> HList (FromHJustR ((* ': HJust e) l)) Source #

FromHJust l => FromHJust ((:) * HNothing l) Source # 

Associated Types

type FromHJustR ((* ': HNothing) l :: [*]) :: [*] Source #


fromHJust :: HList ((* ': HNothing) l) -> HList (FromHJustR ((* ': HNothing) l)) Source #

alternative implementation

fromHJust2 :: HMapCxt r HFromJust a b => r a -> r b Source #

This implementation is shorter.

data HFromJust Source #




(~) * hJustA (HJust a) => ApplyAB HFromJust hJustA a Source # 


applyAB :: HFromJust -> hJustA -> a Source #

Annotated lists

data HAddTag t Source #


HAddTag t 


(~) * et (e, t) => ApplyAB (HAddTag t) e et Source # 


applyAB :: HAddTag t -> e -> et Source #

data HRmTag Source #




(~) * e' e => ApplyAB HRmTag (e, t) e' Source # 


applyAB :: HRmTag -> (e, t) -> e' Source #

hAddTag :: (SameLength' * * a b, SameLength' * * b a, HMapAux r (HAddTag t) a b) => t -> r a -> r b Source #

hRmTag :: (SameLength' * * a b, SameLength' * * b a, HMapAux r HRmTag a b) => r a -> r b Source #

hFlag :: (HMapAux r (HAddTag (Proxy Bool True)) a b, SameLength' * * b a, SameLength' * * a b) => r a -> r b Source #

Annotate list with a type-level Boolean

hFlag :: HMapCxt (HAddTag (Proxy True)) l r => HList l -> HList r

Splitting by HTrue and HFalse

class HSplit l where Source #

Analogus to Data.List.partition snd. See also HPartition

>>> let (.=.) :: p x -> y -> Tagged x y; _ .=. y = Tagged y
>>> hSplit $ hTrue .=. 2 .*. hTrue .=. 3 .*. hFalse .=. 1 .*. HNil

it might make more sense to instead have LVPair Bool e instead of (e, Proxy Bool) since the former has the same runtime representation as e

Minimal complete definition


Associated Types

type HSplitT l :: [*] Source #

type HSplitF l :: [*] Source #


hSplit :: HList l -> (HList (HSplitT l), HList (HSplitF l)) Source #


HSplit ([] *) Source # 

Associated Types

type HSplitT ([*] :: [*]) :: [*] Source #

type HSplitF ([*] :: [*]) :: [*] Source #


hSplit :: HList [*] -> (HList (HSplitT [*]), HList (HSplitF [*])) Source #

HSplit l => HSplit ((:) * (e, Proxy Bool False) l) Source # 

Associated Types

type HSplitT ((* ': (e, Proxy Bool False)) l :: [*]) :: [*] Source #

type HSplitF ((* ': (e, Proxy Bool False)) l :: [*]) :: [*] Source #


hSplit :: HList ((* ': (e, Proxy Bool False)) l) -> (HList (HSplitT ((* ': (e, Proxy Bool False)) l)), HList (HSplitF ((* ': (e, Proxy Bool False)) l))) Source #

HSplit l => HSplit ((:) * (e, Proxy Bool True) l) Source # 

Associated Types

type HSplitT ((* ': (e, Proxy Bool True)) l :: [*]) :: [*] Source #

type HSplitF ((* ': (e, Proxy Bool True)) l :: [*]) :: [*] Source #


hSplit :: HList ((* ': (e, Proxy Bool True)) l) -> (HList (HSplitT ((* ': (e, Proxy Bool True)) l)), HList (HSplitF ((* ': (e, Proxy Bool True)) l))) Source #

HSplit l => HSplit ((:) * (Tagged Bool False e) l) Source # 

Associated Types

type HSplitT ((* ': Tagged Bool False e) l :: [*]) :: [*] Source #

type HSplitF ((* ': Tagged Bool False e) l :: [*]) :: [*] Source #


hSplit :: HList ((* ': Tagged Bool False e) l) -> (HList (HSplitT ((* ': Tagged Bool False e) l)), HList (HSplitF ((* ': Tagged Bool False e) l))) Source #

HSplit l => HSplit ((:) * (Tagged Bool True e) l) Source # 

Associated Types

type HSplitT ((* ': Tagged Bool True e) l :: [*]) :: [*] Source #

type HSplitF ((* ': Tagged Bool True e) l :: [*]) :: [*] Source #


hSplit :: HList ((* ': Tagged Bool True e) l) -> (HList (HSplitT ((* ': Tagged Bool True e) l)), HList (HSplitF ((* ': Tagged Bool True e) l))) Source #

Splitting by Length

class (HLengthEq xs n, HAppendList1 xs ys xsys) => HSplitAt (n :: HNat) xsys xs ys | n xsys -> xs ys, xs ys -> xsys, xs -> n where Source #



>>> let two = hSucc (hSucc hZero)
>>> let xsys = hEnd $ hBuild 1 2 3 4

If a length is explicitly provided, the resulting lists are inferred

>>> hSplitAt two xsys
>>> let sameLength_ :: SameLength a b => r a -> r b -> r a; sameLength_ = const
>>> let len2 x = x `sameLength_` HCons () (HCons () HNil)

If the first chunk of the list (a) has to be a certain length, the type of the Proxy argument can be inferred.

>>> case hSplitAt Proxy xsys of (a,b) -> (len2 a, b)

Minimal complete definition



hSplitAt :: Proxy n -> HList xsys -> (HList xs, HList ys) Source #


(HSplitAt1 ([] *) n xsys xs ys, HAppendList1 * xs ys xsys, HLengthEq xs n) => HSplitAt n xsys xs ys Source # 


hSplitAt :: Proxy HNat n -> HList xsys -> (HList xs, HList ys) Source #

class HSplitAt1 accum (n :: HNat) xsys xs ys | accum n xsys -> xs ys where Source #

helper for HSplitAt

Minimal complete definition



hSplitAt1 :: HList accum -> Proxy n -> HList xsys -> (HList xs, HList ys) Source #


HRevApp accum ([] *) xs => HSplitAt1 accum HZero ys xs ys Source # 


hSplitAt1 :: HList accum -> Proxy HNat HZero -> HList ys -> (HList xs, HList ys) Source #

HSplitAt1 ((:) * b accum) n bs xs ys => HSplitAt1 accum (HSucc n) ((:) * b bs) xs ys Source # 


hSplitAt1 :: HList accum -> Proxy HNat (HSucc n) -> HList ((* ': b) bs) -> (HList xs, HList ys) Source #

class (SameLength' (HReplicateR n ()) xs, HLengthEq1 xs n, HLengthEq2 xs n) => HLengthEq (xs :: [*]) (n :: HNat) | xs -> n Source #

a better way to write HLength xs ~ n because:

  1. it works properly with ghc-7.10 (probably another example of ghc bug #10009)
  2. it works backwards a bit in that if n is known, then xs can be refined:
>>> undefined :: HLengthEq xs HZero => HList xs


(SameLength' * * (HReplicateR * n ()) xs, HLengthEq1 HNat xs n, HLengthEq2 HNat xs n) => HLengthEq xs n Source # 

class HLengthEq1 (xs :: [*]) n Source #


(~) [*] xxs ([] *) => HLengthEq1 HNat xxs HZero Source # 
(HLengthEq xs n, (~) [*] xxs ((:) * x xs)) => HLengthEq1 HNat xxs (HSucc n) Source # 

class HLengthEq2 (xs :: [*]) n | xs -> n Source #


(~) HNat zero HZero => HLengthEq2 HNat ([] *) zero Source # 
(HLengthEq xs n, (~) HNat sn (HSucc n)) => HLengthEq2 HNat ((:) * x xs) sn Source # 

class HLengthGe (xs :: [*]) (n :: HNat) Source #

HLengthGe xs n says that HLength xs >= n.

unlike the expression with a type family HLength, ghc assumes xs ~ (aFresh ': bFresh) when given a constraint HLengthGe xs (HSucc HZero)


HLengthGe xxs HZero Source # 
(HLengthGe xs n, (~) [*] xxs ((:) * x xs)) => HLengthGe xxs (HSucc n) Source # 

class HStripPrefix xs xsys ys => HAppendList1 (xs :: [k]) (ys :: [k]) (xsys :: [k]) | xs ys -> xsys, xs xsys -> ys Source #

HAppendList1 xs ys xsys is the type-level way of saying xs ++ ys == xsys

used by HSplitAt


HAppendList1 k ([] k) ys ys Source # 
HAppendList1 a xs ys zs => HAppendList1 a ((:) a x xs) ys ((:) a x zs) Source # 

class HStripPrefix xs xsys ys | xs xsys -> ys Source #

analog of stripPrefix


HStripPrefix [k1] k2 k2 ([] k1) ys ys Source # 
((~) a x' x, HStripPrefix [a] [a] k xs xsys ys) => HStripPrefix [a] [a] k ((:) a x' xs) ((:) a x xsys) ys Source # 


class HTake (n :: HNat) xs ys | n xs -> ys where Source #

Minimal complete definition



hTake :: (HLengthEq ys n, HLengthGe xs n) => Proxy n -> HList xs -> HList ys Source #


HTake HZero xs ([] *) Source # 


hTake :: Proxy HNat HZero -> HList xs -> HList [*] Source #

(HLengthEq ys n, HLengthGe xs n, HTake n xs ys) => HTake (HSucc n) ((:) * x xs) ((:) * x ys) Source # 


hTake :: Proxy HNat (HSucc n) -> HList ((* ': x) xs) -> HList ((* ': x) ys) Source #


class HDrop (n :: HNat) xs ys | n xs -> ys where Source #

Minimal complete definition



hDrop :: HLengthGe xs n => Proxy n -> HList xs -> HList ys Source #


HDrop HZero xs xs Source # 


hDrop :: Proxy HNat HZero -> HList xs -> HList xs Source #

(HLengthGe xs n, HDrop n xs ys) => HDrop (HSucc n) ((:) * x xs) ys Source # 


hDrop :: Proxy HNat (HSucc n) -> HList ((* ': x) xs) -> HList ys Source #

Conversion to and from tuples

class HTuple v t | v -> t, t -> v where Source #

Minimal complete definition

hToTuple, hFromTuple


hToTuple :: HList v -> t Source #

alternatively: hUncurry (,,,)

hFromTuple :: t -> HList v Source #


HTuple ([] *) () Source # 


hToTuple :: HList [*] -> () Source #

hFromTuple :: () -> HList [*] Source #

HTuple ((:) * a ((:) * b ([] *))) (a, b) Source # 


hToTuple :: HList ((* ': a) ((* ': b) [*])) -> (a, b) Source #

hFromTuple :: (a, b) -> HList ((* ': a) ((* ': b) [*])) Source #

HTuple ((:) * a ((:) * b ((:) * c ([] *)))) (a, b, c) Source # 


hToTuple :: HList ((* ': a) ((* ': b) ((* ': c) [*]))) -> (a, b, c) Source #

hFromTuple :: (a, b, c) -> HList ((* ': a) ((* ': b) ((* ': c) [*]))) Source #

HTuple ((:) * a ((:) * b ((:) * c ((:) * d ([] *))))) (a, b, c, d) Source # 


hToTuple :: HList ((* ': a) ((* ': b) ((* ': c) ((* ': d) [*])))) -> (a, b, c, d) Source #

hFromTuple :: (a, b, c, d) -> HList ((* ': a) ((* ': b) ((* ': c) ((* ': d) [*])))) Source #

HTuple ((:) * a ((:) * b ((:) * c ((:) * d ((:) * e ([] *)))))) (a, b, c, d, e) Source # 


hToTuple :: HList ((* ': a) ((* ': b) ((* ': c) ((* ': d) ((* ': e) [*]))))) -> (a, b, c, d, e) Source #

hFromTuple :: (a, b, c, d, e) -> HList ((* ': a) ((* ': b) ((* ': c) ((* ': d) ((* ': e) [*]))))) Source #

HTuple ((:) * a ((:) * b ((:) * c ((:) * d ((:) * e ((:) * f ([] *))))))) (a, b, c, d, e, f) Source # 


hToTuple :: HList ((* ': a) ((* ': b) ((* ': c) ((* ': d) ((* ': e) ((* ': f) [*])))))) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f) Source #

hFromTuple :: (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> HList ((* ': a) ((* ': b) ((* ': c) ((* ': d) ((* ': e) ((* ': f) [*])))))) Source #

hTuple :: (HTuple v2 t, HTuple v1 a, Functor f, Profunctor p) => p a (f t) -> p (HList v1) (f (HList v2)) Source #

Iso (HList v) (HList v') a b

hTuple' :: (Profunctor p, Functor f, HTuple v a) => p a (f a) -> p (HList v) (f (HList v)) Source #

Iso' (HList v) a

class HTails a b | a -> b, b -> a where Source #

Minimal complete definition



hTails :: HList a -> HList b Source #


HTails ([] *) ((:) * (HList ([] *)) ([] *)) Source # 


hTails :: HList [*] -> HList ((* ': HList [*]) [*]) Source #

HTails xs ys => HTails ((:) * x xs) ((:) * (HList ((:) * x xs)) ys) Source # 


hTails :: HList ((* ': x) xs) -> HList ((* ': HList ((* ': x) xs)) ys) Source #

class HInits a b | a -> b, b -> a where Source #

Minimal complete definition



hInits :: HList a -> HList b Source #


HInits1 a b => HInits a ((:) * (HList ([] *)) b) Source # 


hInits :: HList a -> HList ((* ': HList [*]) b) Source #

class HInits1 a b | a -> b, b -> a where Source #

behaves like tail . inits

Minimal complete definition



hInits1 :: HList a -> HList b Source #


HInits1 ([] *) ((:) * (HList ([] *)) ([] *)) Source # 


hInits1 :: HList [*] -> HList ((* ': HList [*]) [*]) Source #

(HInits1 xs ys, HMapCxt HList (FHCons2 x) ys ys', (~) [*] (HMapCons x ys) ys', (~) [*] (HMapTail ys') ys) => HInits1 ((:) * x xs) ((:) * (HList ((:) * x ([] *))) ys') Source # 


hInits1 :: HList ((* ': x) xs) -> HList ((* ': HList ((* ': x) [*])) ys') Source #

data FHCons2 x Source #

similar to FHCons


FHCons2 x 


((~) * hxs (HList xs), (~) * hxxs (HList ((:) * x xs))) => ApplyAB (FHCons2 x) hxs hxxs Source # 


applyAB :: FHCons2 x -> hxs -> hxxs Source #

type family HMapCons (x :: *) (xxs :: [*]) :: [*] Source #

evidence to satisfy the fundeps in HInits


type HMapCons x ([] *) Source # 
type HMapCons x ([] *) = [] *
type HMapCons x ((:) * (HList a) b) Source # 
type HMapCons x ((:) * (HList a) b) = (:) * (HList ((:) * x a)) (HMapCons x b)

type family HMapTail (xxs :: [*]) :: [*] Source #

evidence to satisfy the fundeps in HInits


type HMapTail ([] *) Source # 
type HMapTail ([] *) = [] *
type HMapTail ((:) * (HList ((:) * a as)) bs) Source # 
type HMapTail ((:) * (HList ((:) * a as)) bs) = (:) * (HList as) (HMapTail bs)


class HPartitionEq f x1 xs xi xo | f x1 xs -> xi xo where Source #

HPartitionEq f x1 xs xi xo is analogous to

(xi,xo) = partition (f x1) xs

where f is a "function" passed in using it's instance of HEqBy

Minimal complete definition



hPartitionEq :: Proxy f -> Proxy x1 -> HList xs -> (HList xi, HList xo) Source #


HPartitionEq k2 k1 f x1 ([] *) ([] *) ([] *) Source # 


hPartitionEq :: Proxy f [*] -> Proxy x1 [*] -> HList [*] -> (HList xi, HList xo) Source #

(HEqBy k * f x1 x b, HPartitionEq1 k * b f x1 x xs xi xo) => HPartitionEq k * f x1 ((:) * x xs) xi xo Source # 


hPartitionEq :: Proxy f ((* ': x) xs) -> Proxy x1 xi -> HList xo -> (HList xi, HList xo) Source #

class HPartitionEq1 (b :: Bool) f x1 x xs xi xo | b f x1 x xs -> xi xo where Source #

Minimal complete definition



hPartitionEq1 :: Proxy b -> Proxy f -> Proxy x1 -> x -> HList xs -> (HList xi, HList xo) Source #


HPartitionEq k2 k1 f x1 xs xi xo => HPartitionEq1 k2 k1 False f x1 x xs xi ((:) * x xo) Source # 


hPartitionEq1 :: Proxy Bool x1 -> Proxy False x -> Proxy f xs -> xi -> HList ((* ': x) xo) -> (HList xi, HList xo) Source #

HPartitionEq k2 k1 f x1 xs xi xo => HPartitionEq1 k2 k1 True f x1 x xs ((:) * x xi) xo Source # 


hPartitionEq1 :: Proxy Bool x1 -> Proxy True x -> Proxy f xs -> (* ': x) xi -> HList xo -> (HList xi, HList xo) Source #


class HGroupBy (f :: t) (as :: [*]) (gs :: [*]) | f as -> gs, gs -> as where Source #

HGroupBy f x y is analogous to y = groupBy f x

given that f is used by HEqBy

Minimal complete definition



hGroupBy :: Proxy f -> HList as -> HList gs Source #


HGroupBy t f ([] *) ([] *) Source # 


hGroupBy :: Proxy f [*] -> HList [*] -> HList gs Source #

(HSpanEqBy t f a as fst snd, HGroupBy t f snd gs) => HGroupBy t f ((:) * a as) ((:) * (HList ((:) * a fst)) gs) Source # 


hGroupBy :: Proxy f ((* ': a) as) -> HList ((* ': HList ((* ': a) fst)) gs) -> HList gs Source #


class HSpanEqBy (f :: t) (x :: *) (y :: [*]) (fst :: [*]) (snd :: [*]) | f x y -> fst snd, fst snd -> y where Source #

HSpanEq x y fst snd is analogous to (fst,snd) = span (== x) y

Minimal complete definition



hSpanEqBy :: Proxy f -> x -> HList y -> (HList fst, HList snd) Source #


(HSpanEqBy1 t f x y fst snd, (~) [*] (HAppendListR * fst snd) y) => HSpanEqBy t f x y fst snd Source # 


hSpanEqBy :: Proxy f x -> y -> HList fst -> (HList snd, HList snd) Source #

class HSpanEqBy1 (f :: t) (x :: *) (y :: [*]) (i :: [*]) (o :: [*]) | f x y -> i o where Source #

Minimal complete definition



hSpanEqBy1 :: Proxy f -> x -> HList y -> (HList i, HList o) Source #


HSpanEqBy1 t f x ([] *) ([] *) ([] *) Source # 


hSpanEqBy1 :: Proxy f x -> [*] -> HList [*] -> (HList [*], HList o) Source #

(HEqBy t * f x y b, HSpanEqBy2 t b f x y ys i o) => HSpanEqBy1 t f x ((:) * y ys) i o Source # 


hSpanEqBy1 :: Proxy f x -> (* ': y) ys -> HList i -> (HList o, HList o) Source #

class HSpanEqBy2 (b :: Bool) (f :: t) (x :: *) (y :: *) (ys :: [*]) (i :: [*]) (o :: [*]) | b f x y ys -> i o where Source #

Minimal complete definition



hSpanEqBy2 :: Proxy b -> Proxy f -> x -> y -> HList ys -> (HList i, HList o) Source #


HSpanEqBy2 t False f x y ys ([] *) ((:) * y ys) Source # 


hSpanEqBy2 :: Proxy Bool f -> Proxy False x -> y -> ys -> HList [*] -> (HList ((* ': y) ys), HList o) Source #

HSpanEqBy1 t f x zs i o => HSpanEqBy2 t True f x y zs ((:) * y i) o Source # 


hSpanEqBy2 :: Proxy Bool f -> Proxy True x -> y -> zs -> HList ((* ': y) i) -> (HList o, HList o) Source #


see alternative implementations in Data.HList.HZip

class HZipList x y l | x y -> l, l -> x y where Source #

Minimal complete definition

hZipList, hUnzipList


hZipList :: HList x -> HList y -> HList l Source #

hUnzipList :: HList l -> (HList x, HList y) Source #


HZipList ([] *) ([] *) ([] *) Source # 


hZipList :: HList [*] -> HList [*] -> HList [*] Source #

hUnzipList :: HList [*] -> (HList [*], HList [*]) Source #

((~) * (x, y) z, HZipList xs ys zs) => HZipList ((:) * x xs) ((:) * y ys) ((:) * z zs) Source # 


hZipList :: HList ((* ': x) xs) -> HList ((* ': y) ys) -> HList ((* ': z) zs) Source #

hUnzipList :: HList ((* ': z) zs) -> (HList ((* ': x) xs), HList ((* ': y) ys)) Source #

Monoid instance

helper functions

data ConstMempty Source #




((~) * x (Proxy * y), Monoid y) => ApplyAB ConstMempty x y Source # 


applyAB :: ConstMempty -> x -> y Source #

data UncurryMappend Source #




((~) * aa (a, a), Monoid a) => ApplyAB UncurryMappend aa a Source # 


applyAB :: UncurryMappend -> aa -> a Source #

data UncurrySappend Source #




((~) * aa (a, a), Semigroup a) => ApplyAB UncurrySappend aa a Source # 


applyAB :: UncurrySappend -> aa -> a Source #