{-# LANGUAGE Arrows               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}

module Graphics.GPipe.Internal.Buffer
    B(..), B2(..), B3(..), B4(..),
    toB22, toB3, toB21, toB12, toB11,
    Uniform(..), Normalized(..), BPacked(),
    bufSize, bufName, bufElementSize, bufferLength, bufBElement, bufTransformFeedback, bufferWriteInternal, makeBuffer, getUniformAlignment, UniformAlignment
) where

import           Graphics.GPipe.Internal.Context   (ContextHandler, ContextT,

import           Foreign.Marshal.Alloc             (alloca)
import           Foreign.Marshal.Utils             (with)
import           Graphics.GL.Core45
import           Graphics.GL.Types                 (GLenum, GLuint)

import           Control.Arrow                     (Arrow (arr, first),
                                                    Kleisli (..), returnA)
import           Control.Category                  (Category (..))
import           Control.Monad                     (void)
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class            (MonadIO (..))
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Class         (lift)
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Reader        (Reader, ask, runReader)
import           Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict  (StateT (runStateT), get,
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict (WriterT (runWriterT), tell)
import           Data.IORef                        (IORef, newIORef, readIORef)
import           Data.Int                          (Int, Int16, Int32, Int8)
import           Data.Word                         (Word, Word16, Word32, Word8)
import           Foreign.Ptr                       (Ptr, castPtr, minusPtr,
                                                    nullPtr, plusPtr)
import           Foreign.Storable                  (Storable (peek, peekElemOff, poke, sizeOf))
import           Linear                            (Quaternion (..), V0 (..),
                                                    V1 (..), V2 (..), V3 (..),
                                                    V4 (..))
import           Linear.Affine                     (Point (..))
import           Linear.Plucker                    (Plucker (..))
import           Prelude                           hiding (id, (.))

-- | The class that constraints which types can live in a buffer.
class BufferFormat f where
    -- | The type a value of this format has when it lives on the host (i.e. normal Haskell world)
    type HostFormat f
    -- | An arrow action that turns a value from it's host representation to it's buffer representation. Use 'toBuffer' from
    --   the GPipe provided instances to operate in this arrow. Also note that this arrow needs to be able to return a value
    --   lazily, so ensure you use
    --   @proc ~pattern -> do ...@
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat f) f
    getGlType :: f -> GLenum
    peekPixel :: f -> Ptr () -> IO (HostFormat f)
    getGlPaddedFormat :: f -> GLenum
    getGlType = [Char] -> f -> GLenum
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]
"This is only defined for BufferColor types"
    peekPixel = [Char] -> f -> Ptr () -> IO (HostFormat f)
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]
"This is only defined for BufferColor types"
    getGlPaddedFormat = [Char] -> f -> GLenum
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]
"This is only defined for BufferColor types"

-- | A @Buffer os b@ lives in the object space @os@ and contains elements of type @b@.
data Buffer os b = Buffer
    {   Buffer os b -> BufferName
bufName              :: BufferName
    ,   Buffer os b -> Int
bufElementSize       :: Int
        -- | Retrieve the number of elements in a buffer.
    ,   Buffer os b -> Int
bufferLength         :: Int
    ,   Buffer os b -> BInput -> b
bufBElement          :: BInput -> b
    ,   Buffer os b -> Ptr () -> HostFormat b -> IO ()
bufWriter            :: Ptr () -> HostFormat b -> IO ()
    ,   Buffer os b -> IORef (Maybe (GLenum, GLenum))
bufTransformFeedback :: IORef (Maybe (GLuint, GLuint))

instance Eq (Buffer os b) where
    Buffer os b
a == :: Buffer os b -> Buffer os b -> Bool
== Buffer os b
b = Buffer os b -> BufferName
forall os b. Buffer os b -> BufferName
bufName Buffer os b
a BufferName -> BufferName -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== Buffer os b -> BufferName
forall os b. Buffer os b -> BufferName
bufName Buffer os b

bufSize :: forall os b. Buffer os b -> Int
bufSize :: Buffer os b -> Int
bufSize Buffer os b
b = Buffer os b -> Int
forall os b. Buffer os b -> Int
bufElementSize Buffer os b
b Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* Buffer os b -> Int
forall os b. Buffer os b -> Int
bufferLength Buffer os b

type BufferName = IORef GLuint
type Offset = Int
type Stride = Int
type BufferStartPos = Int

data BInput = BInput
    {   BInput -> Int
bInSkipElems   :: Int
    ,   BInput -> Int
bInInstanceDiv :: Int

type UniformAlignment = Int

data AlignmentMode = Align4 | AlignUniform | AlignPackedIndices | AlignUnknown deriving (AlignmentMode -> AlignmentMode -> Bool
(AlignmentMode -> AlignmentMode -> Bool)
-> (AlignmentMode -> AlignmentMode -> Bool) -> Eq AlignmentMode
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: AlignmentMode -> AlignmentMode -> Bool
$c/= :: AlignmentMode -> AlignmentMode -> Bool
== :: AlignmentMode -> AlignmentMode -> Bool
$c== :: AlignmentMode -> AlignmentMode -> Bool

-- | The arrow type for 'toBuffer'.
data ToBuffer a b = ToBuffer
    !(Kleisli (StateT Offset (WriterT [Int] (Reader (UniformAlignment, AlignmentMode)))) a b) -- Normal = aligned to 4 bytes
    !(Kleisli (StateT Offset (Reader (BufferName, Stride, BInput))) a b)
    !(Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) a b) -- Normal = aligned to 4 bytes

instance Category ToBuffer where
    {-# INLINE id #-}
    id :: ToBuffer a a
id = Kleisli
  (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))) a a
-> Kleisli (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) a a
-> Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) a a
-> AlignmentMode
-> ToBuffer a a
forall a b.
  (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))) a b
-> Kleisli (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) a b
-> Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) a b
-> AlignmentMode
-> ToBuffer a b
ToBuffer Kleisli
  (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))) a a
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k). Category cat => cat a a
id Kleisli (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) a a
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k). Category cat => cat a a
id Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) a a
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k). Category cat => cat a a
id AlignmentMode
    {-# INLINE (.) #-}
    ToBuffer Kleisli
  (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))) b c
a Kleisli (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) b c
b Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) b c
c AlignmentMode
m1 . :: ToBuffer b c -> ToBuffer a b -> ToBuffer a c
. ToBuffer Kleisli
  (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))) a b
x Kleisli (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) a b
y Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) a b
z AlignmentMode
m2 = Kleisli
  (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))) a c
-> Kleisli (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) a c
-> Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) a c
-> AlignmentMode
-> ToBuffer a c
forall a b.
  (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))) a b
-> Kleisli (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) a b
-> Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) a b
-> AlignmentMode
-> ToBuffer a b
ToBuffer (Kleisli
  (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))) b c
  (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))) b c
-> Kleisli
     (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))) a b
-> Kleisli
     (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))) a c
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
  (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))) a b
x) (Kleisli (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) b c
bKleisli (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) b c
-> Kleisli (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) a b
-> Kleisli (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) a c
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
.Kleisli (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) a b
y) (Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) b c
cKleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) b c
-> Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) a b
-> Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) a c
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
.Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) a b
z) (AlignmentMode -> AlignmentMode -> AlignmentMode
comb AlignmentMode
m1 AlignmentMode
            -- If only one uniform or one PackedIndices, use that, otherwise use Align4
            comb :: AlignmentMode -> AlignmentMode -> AlignmentMode
comb AlignmentMode
AlignUniform AlignmentMode
AlignUnknown       = AlignmentMode
            comb AlignmentMode
AlignUnknown AlignmentMode
AlignUniform       = AlignmentMode
            comb AlignmentMode
AlignUnknown AlignmentMode
AlignPackedIndices = AlignmentMode
            comb AlignmentMode
AlignPackedIndices AlignmentMode
AlignUnknown = AlignmentMode
            comb AlignmentMode
AlignUnknown AlignmentMode
AlignUnknown       = AlignmentMode
            comb AlignmentMode
_ AlignmentMode
_                             = AlignmentMode

instance Arrow ToBuffer where
    {-# INLINE arr #-}
    arr :: (b -> c) -> ToBuffer b c
arr b -> c
f = Kleisli
  (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))) b c
-> Kleisli (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) b c
-> Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) b c
-> AlignmentMode
-> ToBuffer b c
forall a b.
  (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))) a b
-> Kleisli (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) a b
-> Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) a b
-> AlignmentMode
-> ToBuffer a b
ToBuffer ((b -> c)
-> Kleisli
     (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))) b c
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b c. Arrow a => (b -> c) -> a b c
arr b -> c
f) ((b -> c)
-> Kleisli (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) b c
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b c. Arrow a => (b -> c) -> a b c
arr b -> c
f) ((b -> c) -> Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) b c
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b c. Arrow a => (b -> c) -> a b c
arr b -> c
f) AlignmentMode
    {-# INLINE first #-}
    first :: ToBuffer b c -> ToBuffer (b, d) (c, d)
first (ToBuffer Kleisli
  (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))) b c
a Kleisli (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) b c
b Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) b c
c AlignmentMode
m) = Kleisli
  (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))))
  (b, d)
  (c, d)
-> Kleisli
     (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) (b, d) (c, d)
-> Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) (b, d) (c, d)
-> AlignmentMode
-> ToBuffer (b, d) (c, d)
forall a b.
  (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))) a b
-> Kleisli (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) a b
-> Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) a b
-> AlignmentMode
-> ToBuffer a b
ToBuffer (Kleisli
  (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))) b c
-> Kleisli
     (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))))
     (b, d)
     (c, d)
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b c d.
Arrow a =>
a b c -> a (b, d) (c, d)
first Kleisli
  (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))) b c
a) (Kleisli (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) b c
-> Kleisli
     (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) (b, d) (c, d)
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b c d.
Arrow a =>
a b c -> a (b, d) (c, d)
first Kleisli (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) b c
b) (Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) b c
-> Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) (b, d) (c, d)
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b c d.
Arrow a =>
a b c -> a (b, d) (c, d)
first Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) b c
c) AlignmentMode

-- | The atomic buffer value that represents a host value of type 'a'.
data B a = B
    {   B a -> BufferName
bName        :: IORef GLuint
    ,   B a -> Int
bOffset      :: Int
    ,   B a -> Int
bStride      :: Int
    ,   B a -> Int
bSkipElems   :: Int
    ,   B a -> Int
bInstanceDiv :: Int

-- | An atomic buffer value that represents a vector of 2 'a's on the host.
newtype B2 a = B2 { B2 a -> B a
unB2 :: B a } -- Internal
-- | An atomic buffer value that represents a vector of 3 'a's on the host.
newtype B3 a = B3 { B3 a -> B a
unB3 :: B a } -- Internal
-- | An atomic buffer value that represents a vector of 4 'a's on the host. This works similar to '(B a, B a, B a, B a)' but has some performance advantage, especially when used
--   in 'VertexArray's.
newtype B4 a = B4 { B4 a -> B a
unB4 :: B a } -- Internal

-- | Split up a @'B4' a@ into two @'B2' a@s.
toB22 :: forall a. (Storable a, BufferFormat (B2 a)) => B4 a -> (B2 a, B2 a)
-- | Discard the last component of a @'B4' a@ to get a @'B3' a@.
toB3 :: forall a. (Storable a, BufferFormat (B3 a)) => B4 a -> B3 a
-- | Split up a @'B3' a@ into a @'B2' a@ and a @'B1' a@.
toB21 :: forall a. (Storable a, BufferFormat (B a)) => B3 a -> (B2 a, B a)
-- | Split up a @'B3' a@ into a @'B1' a@ and a @'B2' a@.
toB12 :: forall a. (Storable a, BufferFormat (B a)) => B3 a -> (B a, B2 a)
-- | Split up a @'B2' a@ into two @'B1' a@s.
toB11 :: forall a. (Storable a, BufferFormat (B a)) => B2 a -> (B a, B a)

toB22 :: B4 a -> (B2 a, B2 a)
toB22 (B4 B a
b) = (B a -> B2 a
forall a. B a -> B2 a
B2 B a
b, B a -> B2 a
forall a. B a -> B2 a
B2 (B a -> B2 a) -> B a -> B2 a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ B a
b { bOffset :: Int
bOffset = B a -> Int
forall a. B a -> Int
bOffset B a
b Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ Int
2 Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* a -> Int
forall a. Storable a => a -> Int
sizeOf (a
forall a. HasCallStack => a
undefined :: a) })
toB3 :: B4 a -> B3 a
toB3 (B4 B a
b) = B a -> B3 a
forall a. B a -> B3 a
B3 B a
toB21 :: B3 a -> (B2 a, B a)
toB21 (B3 B a
b) = (B a -> B2 a
forall a. B a -> B2 a
B2 B a
b, B a
b { bOffset :: Int
bOffset = B a -> Int
forall a. B a -> Int
bOffset B a
b Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ Int
2Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
*a -> Int
forall a. Storable a => a -> Int
sizeOf (a
forall a. HasCallStack => a
undefined :: a) })
toB12 :: B3 a -> (B a, B2 a)
toB12 (B3 B a
b) = (B a
b, B a -> B2 a
forall a. B a -> B2 a
B2 (B a -> B2 a) -> B a -> B2 a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ B a
b { bOffset :: Int
bOffset = B a -> Int
forall a. B a -> Int
bOffset B a
b Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ a -> Int
forall a. Storable a => a -> Int
sizeOf (a
forall a. HasCallStack => a
undefined :: a) })
toB11 :: B2 a -> (B a, B a)
toB11 (B2 B a
b) = (B a
b, B a
b { bOffset :: Int
bOffset = B a -> Int
forall a. B a -> Int
bOffset B a
b Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ a -> Int
forall a. Storable a => a -> Int
sizeOf (a
forall a. HasCallStack => a
undefined :: a) })

-- | Any buffer value that is going to be used as a uniform needs to be wrapped in this newtype. This will cause is to be aligned
--   properly for uniform usage. It can still be used as input for vertex arrays, but due to the uniform alignment it will probably be
--   padded quite heavily and thus wasteful.
newtype Uniform a = Uniform a

-- | This wrapper is used for integer values to indicate that it should be interpreted as a floating point value, in the range [-1,1] or [0,1] depending on wether it is a
--   signed or unsigned integer (i.e. 'Int' or 'Word').
newtype Normalized a = Normalized a

-- | This works like a 'B a', but has an alignment smaller than 4 bytes that is the limit for vertex buffers, and thus cannot be used for those.
--   Index buffers on the other hand need to be tightly packed, so you need to use this type for index buffers of 'Word8' or 'Word16'.
newtype BPacked a = BPacked (B a)

toBufferBUnaligned :: forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer a (B a)
toBufferBUnaligned :: ToBuffer a (B a)
toBufferBUnaligned = Kleisli
  (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))) a (B a)
-> Kleisli (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) a (B a)
-> Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) a (B a)
-> AlignmentMode
-> ToBuffer a (B a)
forall a b.
  (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))) a b
-> Kleisli (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) a b
-> Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) a b
-> AlignmentMode
-> ToBuffer a b
 -> StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) (B a))
-> Kleisli
     (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))) a (B a)
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. (a -> m b) -> Kleisli m a b
Kleisli ((a
  -> StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) (B a))
 -> Kleisli
      (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))) a (B a))
-> (a
    -> StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) (B a))
-> Kleisli
     (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))) a (B a)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) (B a)
-> a
-> StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) (B a)
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) (B a)
        ((a -> StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput)) (B a))
-> Kleisli (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) a (B a)
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. (a -> m b) -> Kleisli m a b
Kleisli ((a -> StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput)) (B a))
 -> Kleisli (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) a (B a))
-> (a -> StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput)) (B a))
-> Kleisli (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) a (B a)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput)) (B a)
-> a -> StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput)) (B a)
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput)) (B a)
        ((a -> StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO (B a))
-> Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) a (B a)
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. (a -> m b) -> Kleisli m a b
Kleisli a -> StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO (B a)
        size :: Int
size = a -> Int
forall a. Storable a => a -> Int
sizeOf (a
forall a. HasCallStack => a
undefined :: a)
        static :: StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) (B a)
static = do
offset <- StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) Int
forall (m :: * -> *) s. Monad m => StateT s m s
            Int -> StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) ()
forall (m :: * -> *) s. Monad m => s -> StateT s m ()
put (Int
 -> StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) ())
-> Int
-> StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Int
offset Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ Int
            B a
-> StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) (B a)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return B a
forall a. HasCallStack => a
        valueProd :: StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput)) (B a)
valueProd = do
name, Int
stride, BInput
bIn) <- ReaderT
  (BufferName, Int, BInput) Identity (BufferName, Int, BInput)
-> StateT
     Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput)) (BufferName, Int, BInput)
forall (t :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadTrans t, Monad m) =>
m a -> t m a
lift ReaderT
  (BufferName, Int, BInput) Identity (BufferName, Int, BInput)
forall (m :: * -> *) r. Monad m => ReaderT r m r
offset <- StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput)) Int
forall (m :: * -> *) s. Monad m => StateT s m s
            Int -> StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput)) ()
forall (m :: * -> *) s. Monad m => s -> StateT s m ()
put (Int -> StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput)) ())
-> Int -> StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput)) ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Int
offset Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ Int
            B a -> StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput)) (B a)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (B a -> StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput)) (B a))
-> B a -> StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput)) (B a)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ BufferName -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> B a
forall a. BufferName -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> B a
B BufferName
name Int
offset Int
stride (BInput -> Int
bInSkipElems BInput
bIn) (BInput -> Int
bInInstanceDiv BInput
        writer :: a -> StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO (B a)
writer a
a = do
            (Ptr ()
pads) <- StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO (Ptr (), [Int])
forall (m :: * -> *) s. Monad m => StateT s m s
            (Ptr (), [Int]) -> StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) s. Monad m => s -> StateT s m ()
put (Ptr ()
ptr Ptr () -> Int -> Ptr ()
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` Int
size, [Int]
            IO () -> StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO ())
-> IO () -> StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke (Ptr () -> Ptr a
forall a b. Ptr a -> Ptr b
castPtr Ptr ()
ptr) a
            B a -> StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO (B a)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return B a
forall a. HasCallStack => a

toBufferB :: forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer a (B a)
toBufferB :: ToBuffer a (B a)
toBufferB = ToBuffer a (B a)
forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer a (B a)
toBufferBUnaligned -- Will always be 4 aligned, only 4 size types defined for B1

toBufferB2 :: forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer (V2 a) (B2 a)
toBufferB2 :: ToBuffer (V2 a) (B2 a)
toBufferB2 = proc ~(V2 a
a a
b) -> do
    (if a -> Int
forall a. Storable a => a -> Int
sizeOf (a
forall a. HasCallStack => a
undefined :: a) Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
>= Int
4 then [(AlignmentMode, Int)] -> ToBuffer () ()
forall a. [(AlignmentMode, Int)] -> ToBuffer a a
alignWhen [(AlignmentMode
AlignUniform, Int
2 Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* a -> Int
forall a. Storable a => a -> Int
sizeOf (a
forall a. HasCallStack => a
undefined :: a))] else ToBuffer () ()
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k). Category cat => cat a a
id) -< () -- Small optimization if someone puts non-usable types in a uniform
    B a
a' <- ToBuffer a (B a)
forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer a (B a)
toBufferBUnaligned  -< a
    ToBuffer a (B a)
forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer a (B a)
toBufferBUnaligned -< a
    ToBuffer (B2 a) (B2 a)
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b. Arrow a => a b b
returnA -< B a -> B2 a
forall a. B a -> B2 a
B2 B a
a' -- Will always be 4 aligned, only 4 size types defined for B2
toBufferB3 :: forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer (V3 a) (B3 a)
toBufferB3 :: ToBuffer (V3 a) (B3 a)
toBufferB3 = proc ~(V3 a
a a
b a
c) -> do
    (if a -> Int
forall a. Storable a => a -> Int
sizeOf (a
forall a. HasCallStack => a
undefined :: a) Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
>= Int
4 then [(AlignmentMode, Int)] -> ToBuffer () ()
forall a. [(AlignmentMode, Int)] -> ToBuffer a a
alignWhen [(AlignmentMode
AlignUniform, Int
4 Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* a -> Int
forall a. Storable a => a -> Int
sizeOf (a
forall a. HasCallStack => a
undefined :: a))] else ToBuffer () ()
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k). Category cat => cat a a
id) -< () -- Small optimization if someone puts non-usable types in a uniform
    B a
a' <- ToBuffer a (B a)
forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer a (B a)
toBufferBUnaligned -< a
    ToBuffer a (B a)
forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer a (B a)
toBufferBUnaligned -< a
    ToBuffer a (B a)
forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer a (B a)
toBufferBUnaligned -< a
    (if a -> Int
forall a. Storable a => a -> Int
sizeOf (a
forall a. HasCallStack => a
undefined :: a) Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Int
4 then [(AlignmentMode, Int)] -> ToBuffer () ()
forall a. [(AlignmentMode, Int)] -> ToBuffer a a
alignWhen [(AlignmentMode
Align4, Int
4), (AlignmentMode
AlignUniform, Int
4)] else ToBuffer () ()
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k). Category cat => cat a a
id) -< () -- For types smaller than 4 we need to pad
    ToBuffer (B3 a) (B3 a)
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b. Arrow a => a b b
returnA -< B a -> B3 a
forall a. B a -> B3 a
B3 B a
toBufferB4 :: forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer (V4 a) (B4 a)
toBufferB4 :: ToBuffer (V4 a) (B4 a)
toBufferB4 = proc ~(V4 a
a a
b a
c a
d) -> do
    (if a -> Int
forall a. Storable a => a -> Int
sizeOf (a
forall a. HasCallStack => a
undefined :: a) Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
>= Int
4 then [(AlignmentMode, Int)] -> ToBuffer () ()
forall a. [(AlignmentMode, Int)] -> ToBuffer a a
alignWhen [(AlignmentMode
AlignUniform, Int
4 Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* a -> Int
forall a. Storable a => a -> Int
sizeOf (a
forall a. HasCallStack => a
undefined :: a))] else ToBuffer () ()
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k). Category cat => cat a a
id) -< () -- Small optimization if someone puts non-usable types in a uniform
    B a
a' <- ToBuffer a (B a)
forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer a (B a)
toBufferBUnaligned -< a
    ToBuffer a (B a)
forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer a (B a)
toBufferBUnaligned -< a
    ToBuffer a (B a)
forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer a (B a)
toBufferBUnaligned -< a
    ToBuffer a (B a)
forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer a (B a)
toBufferBUnaligned -< a
    ToBuffer (B4 a) (B4 a)
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b. Arrow a => a b b
returnA -< B a -> B4 a
forall a. B a -> B4 a
B4 B a
a' -- Will always be 4 aligned

instance BufferFormat a => BufferFormat (Uniform a) where
    type HostFormat (Uniform a) = HostFormat a
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (Uniform a)) (Uniform a)
toBuffer = (a -> Uniform a) -> ToBuffer a (Uniform a)
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b c. Arrow a => (b -> c) -> a b c
arr a -> Uniform a
forall a. a -> Uniform a
Uniform ToBuffer a (Uniform a)
-> ToBuffer (HostFormat a) a -> ToBuffer (HostFormat a) (Uniform a)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Kleisli
  (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))))
  (HostFormat a)
-> Kleisli
     (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) (HostFormat a) a
-> Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) (HostFormat a) a
-> AlignmentMode
-> ToBuffer (HostFormat a) a
forall a b.
  (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))) a b
-> Kleisli (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) a b
-> Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) a b
-> AlignmentMode
-> ToBuffer a b
        ((HostFormat a
 -> StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) a)
-> Kleisli
     (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))))
     (HostFormat a)
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. (a -> m b) -> Kleisli m a b
Kleisli HostFormat a
-> StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) a
        ((HostFormat a -> StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput)) a)
-> Kleisli
     (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) (HostFormat a) a
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. (a -> m b) -> Kleisli m a b
Kleisli HostFormat a -> StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput)) a
        ((HostFormat a -> StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO a)
-> Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) (HostFormat a) a
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. (a -> m b) -> Kleisli m a b
Kleisli HostFormat a -> StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO a
            ToBuffer (Kleisli HostFormat a
-> StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) a
preStep') (Kleisli HostFormat a -> StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput)) a
elementBuilderA) (Kleisli HostFormat a -> StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO a
writerA') AlignmentMode
_ = ToBuffer (HostFormat a) a
forall f. BufferFormat f => ToBuffer (HostFormat f) f
toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat a) a
            preStep :: HostFormat a
-> StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) a
preStep HostFormat a
a = do
_) <- WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)) (Int, AlignmentMode)
-> StateT
     (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))
     (Int, AlignmentMode)
forall (t :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadTrans t, Monad m) =>
m a -> t m a
lift (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)) (Int, AlignmentMode)
 -> StateT
      (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))
      (Int, AlignmentMode))
-> WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)) (Int, AlignmentMode)
-> StateT
     (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))
     (Int, AlignmentMode)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ReaderT (Int, AlignmentMode) Identity (Int, AlignmentMode)
-> WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)) (Int, AlignmentMode)
forall (t :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadTrans t, Monad m) =>
m a -> t m a
lift ReaderT (Int, AlignmentMode) Identity (Int, AlignmentMode)
forall (m :: * -> *) r. Monad m => ReaderT r m r
a' <- HostFormat a
-> StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) a
preStep' HostFormat a
                [(AlignmentMode, Int)]
-> ()
-> StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) ()
forall b.
[(AlignmentMode, Int)]
-> b -> StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) b
setElemAlignM [(AlignmentMode
AlignUniform, Int
x)] ()
                a -> StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return a
            writerA :: HostFormat a -> StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO a
writerA HostFormat a
a = do
a' <- HostFormat a -> StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO a
writerA' HostFormat a
                () -> StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO ()
forall b a. b -> StateT (Ptr a, [Int]) IO b
setWriterAlignM ()
                a -> StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return a
instance BufferFormat a => BufferFormat (Normalized a) where
    type HostFormat (Normalized a) = HostFormat a
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (Normalized a)) (Normalized a)
toBuffer = (a -> Normalized a) -> ToBuffer a (Normalized a)
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b c. Arrow a => (b -> c) -> a b c
arr a -> Normalized a
forall a. a -> Normalized a
Normalized ToBuffer a (Normalized a)
-> ToBuffer (HostFormat a) a
-> ToBuffer (HostFormat a) (Normalized a)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. ToBuffer (HostFormat a) a
forall f. BufferFormat f => ToBuffer (HostFormat f) f
    getGlType :: Normalized a -> GLenum
getGlType (Normalized a
a) = a -> GLenum
forall f. BufferFormat f => f -> GLenum
getGlType a
    getGlPaddedFormat :: Normalized a -> GLenum
getGlPaddedFormat (Normalized a
a) = case a -> GLenum
forall f. BufferFormat f => f -> GLenum
getGlPaddedFormat a
a of
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
x               -> GLenum

instance BufferFormat a => BufferFormat (V0 a) where
    type HostFormat (V0 a) = V0 (HostFormat a)
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (V0 a)) (V0 a)
toBuffer = (V0 (HostFormat a) -> V0 a) -> ToBuffer (V0 (HostFormat a)) (V0 a)
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b c. Arrow a => (b -> c) -> a b c
arr (V0 a -> V0 (HostFormat a) -> V0 a
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const V0 a
forall a. V0 a
instance BufferFormat a => BufferFormat (V1 a) where
    type HostFormat (V1 a) = V1 (HostFormat a)
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (V1 a)) (V1 a)
toBuffer = proc ~(V1 a) -> do
a' <- ToBuffer (HostFormat a) a
forall f. BufferFormat f => ToBuffer (HostFormat f) f
toBuffer -< HostFormat a
        ToBuffer (V1 a) (V1 a)
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b. Arrow a => a b b
returnA -< a -> V1 a
forall a. a -> V1 a
V1 a
instance BufferFormat a => BufferFormat (V2 a) where
    type HostFormat (V2 a) = V2 (HostFormat a)
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (V2 a)) (V2 a)
toBuffer = proc ~(V2 a b) -> do
a', a
b') <- ToBuffer (HostFormat a, HostFormat a) (a, a)
forall f. BufferFormat f => ToBuffer (HostFormat f) f
toBuffer -< (HostFormat a
a,HostFormat a
        ToBuffer (V2 a) (V2 a)
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b. Arrow a => a b b
returnA -< a -> a -> V2 a
forall a. a -> a -> V2 a
V2 a
a' a
instance BufferFormat a => BufferFormat (V3 a) where
    type HostFormat (V3 a) = V3 (HostFormat a)
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (V3 a)) (V3 a)
toBuffer = proc ~(V3 a b c) -> do
a', a
b', a
c') <- ToBuffer (HostFormat a, HostFormat a, HostFormat a) (a, a, a)
forall f. BufferFormat f => ToBuffer (HostFormat f) f
toBuffer -< (HostFormat a
a, HostFormat a
b, HostFormat a
        ToBuffer (V3 a) (V3 a)
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b. Arrow a => a b b
returnA -< a -> a -> a -> V3 a
forall a. a -> a -> a -> V3 a
V3 a
a' a
b' a
instance BufferFormat a => BufferFormat (V4 a) where
    type HostFormat (V4 a) = V4 (HostFormat a)
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (V4 a)) (V4 a)
toBuffer = proc ~(V4 a b c d) -> do
a', a
b', a
c', a
d') <- ToBuffer
  (HostFormat a, HostFormat a, HostFormat a, HostFormat a)
  (a, a, a, a)
forall f. BufferFormat f => ToBuffer (HostFormat f) f
toBuffer -< (HostFormat a
a, HostFormat a
b, HostFormat a
c, HostFormat a
        ToBuffer (V4 a) (V4 a)
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b. Arrow a => a b b
returnA -< a -> a -> a -> a -> V4 a
forall a. a -> a -> a -> a -> V4 a
V4 a
a' a
b' a
c' a

instance BufferFormat () where
    type HostFormat () = ()
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat ()) ()
toBuffer = (() -> ()) -> ToBuffer () ()
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b c. Arrow a => (b -> c) -> a b c
arr (() -> () -> ()
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const ())
instance (BufferFormat a, BufferFormat b) => BufferFormat (a, b) where
    type HostFormat (a,b) = (HostFormat a, HostFormat b)
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (a, b)) (a, b)
toBuffer = proc ~(a, b) -> do
a' <- ToBuffer (HostFormat a) a
forall f. BufferFormat f => ToBuffer (HostFormat f) f
toBuffer -< HostFormat a
b' <- ToBuffer (HostFormat b) b
forall f. BufferFormat f => ToBuffer (HostFormat f) f
toBuffer -< HostFormat b
        ToBuffer (a, b) (a, b)
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b. Arrow a => a b b
returnA -< (a
a', b
instance (BufferFormat a, BufferFormat b, BufferFormat c) => BufferFormat (a, b, c) where
    type HostFormat (a,b,c) = (HostFormat a, HostFormat b, HostFormat c)
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (a, b, c)) (a, b, c)
toBuffer = proc ~(a, b, c) -> do
a', b
b'), c
c') <- ToBuffer ((HostFormat a, HostFormat b), HostFormat c) ((a, b), c)
forall f. BufferFormat f => ToBuffer (HostFormat f) f
toBuffer -< ((HostFormat a
a, HostFormat b
b), HostFormat c
        ToBuffer (a, b, c) (a, b, c)
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b. Arrow a => a b b
returnA -< (a
a', b
b', c
instance (BufferFormat a, BufferFormat b, BufferFormat c, BufferFormat d) => BufferFormat (a, b, c, d) where
    type HostFormat (a,b,c,d) = (HostFormat a, HostFormat b, HostFormat c, HostFormat d)
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (a, b, c, d)) (a, b, c, d)
toBuffer = proc ~(a, b, c, d) -> do
a', b
b', c
c'), d
d') <- ToBuffer
  ((HostFormat a, HostFormat b, HostFormat c), HostFormat d)
  ((a, b, c), d)
forall f. BufferFormat f => ToBuffer (HostFormat f) f
toBuffer -< ((HostFormat a
a, HostFormat b
b, HostFormat c
c), HostFormat d
        ToBuffer (a, b, c, d) (a, b, c, d)
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b. Arrow a => a b b
returnA -< (a
a', b
b', c
c', d
instance (BufferFormat a, BufferFormat b, BufferFormat c, BufferFormat d, BufferFormat e) => BufferFormat (a, b, c, d, e) where
    type HostFormat (a,b,c,d,e) = (HostFormat a, HostFormat b, HostFormat c, HostFormat d, HostFormat e)
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (a, b, c, d, e)) (a, b, c, d, e)
toBuffer = proc ~(a, b, c, d, e) -> do
a', b
b', c
c', d
d'), e
e') <- ToBuffer
  ((HostFormat a, HostFormat b, HostFormat c, HostFormat d),
   HostFormat e)
  ((a, b, c, d), e)
forall f. BufferFormat f => ToBuffer (HostFormat f) f
toBuffer -< ((HostFormat a
a, HostFormat b
b, HostFormat c
c, HostFormat d
d), HostFormat e
        ToBuffer (a, b, c, d, e) (a, b, c, d, e)
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b. Arrow a => a b b
returnA -< (a
a', b
b', c
c', d
d', e
instance (BufferFormat a, BufferFormat b, BufferFormat c, BufferFormat d, BufferFormat e, BufferFormat f) => BufferFormat (a, b, c, d, e, f) where
    type HostFormat (a,b,c,d,e,f) = (HostFormat a, HostFormat b, HostFormat c, HostFormat d, HostFormat e, HostFormat f)
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (a, b, c, d, e, f)) (a, b, c, d, e, f)
toBuffer = proc ~(a, b, c, d, e, f) -> do
a', b
b', c
c', d
d', e
e'), f
f') <- ToBuffer
  ((HostFormat a, HostFormat b, HostFormat c, HostFormat d,
    HostFormat e),
   HostFormat f)
  ((a, b, c, d, e), f)
forall f. BufferFormat f => ToBuffer (HostFormat f) f
toBuffer -< ((HostFormat a
a, HostFormat b
b, HostFormat c
c, HostFormat d
d, HostFormat e
e), HostFormat f
        ToBuffer (a, b, c, d, e, f) (a, b, c, d, e, f)
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b. Arrow a => a b b
returnA -< (a
a', b
b', c
c', d
d', e
e', f
instance (BufferFormat a, BufferFormat b, BufferFormat c, BufferFormat d, BufferFormat e, BufferFormat f, BufferFormat g) => BufferFormat (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) where
    type HostFormat (a,b,c,d,e,f,g) = (HostFormat a, HostFormat b, HostFormat c, HostFormat d, HostFormat e, HostFormat f, HostFormat g)
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)) (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
toBuffer = proc ~(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> do
a', b
b', c
c', d
d', e
e', f
f'), g
g') <- ToBuffer
  ((HostFormat a, HostFormat b, HostFormat c, HostFormat d,
    HostFormat e, HostFormat f),
   HostFormat g)
  ((a, b, c, d, e, f), g)
forall f. BufferFormat f => ToBuffer (HostFormat f) f
toBuffer -< ((HostFormat a
a, HostFormat b
b, HostFormat c
c, HostFormat d
d, HostFormat e
e, HostFormat f
f), HostFormat g
        ToBuffer (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b. Arrow a => a b b
returnA -< (a
a', b
b', c
c', d
d', e
e', f
f', g

instance BufferFormat a => BufferFormat (Quaternion a) where
    type HostFormat (Quaternion a) = Quaternion (HostFormat a)
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (Quaternion a)) (Quaternion a)
toBuffer = proc ~(Quaternion a v) -> do
a' <- ToBuffer (HostFormat a) a
forall f. BufferFormat f => ToBuffer (HostFormat f) f
toBuffer -< HostFormat a
        V3 a
v' <- ToBuffer (V3 (HostFormat a)) (V3 a)
forall f. BufferFormat f => ToBuffer (HostFormat f) f
toBuffer -< V3 (HostFormat a)
        ToBuffer (Quaternion a) (Quaternion a)
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b. Arrow a => a b b
returnA -< a -> V3 a -> Quaternion a
forall a. a -> V3 a -> Quaternion a
Quaternion a
a' V3 a

instance (BufferFormat (f a), BufferFormat a, HostFormat (f a) ~ f (HostFormat a)) => BufferFormat (Point f a) where
    type HostFormat (Point f a) = Point f (HostFormat a)
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (Point f a)) (Point f a)
toBuffer = proc ~(P a) -> do
        f a
a' <- ToBuffer (f (HostFormat a)) (f a)
forall f. BufferFormat f => ToBuffer (HostFormat f) f
toBuffer -< f (HostFormat a)
        ToBuffer (Point f a) (Point f a)
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b. Arrow a => a b b
returnA -< f a -> Point f a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. f a -> Point f a
P f a

instance BufferFormat a => BufferFormat (Plucker a) where
    type HostFormat (Plucker a) = Plucker (HostFormat a)
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (Plucker a)) (Plucker a)
toBuffer = proc ~(Plucker a b c d e f) -> do
a' <- ToBuffer (HostFormat a) a
forall f. BufferFormat f => ToBuffer (HostFormat f) f
toBuffer -< HostFormat a
b' <- ToBuffer (HostFormat a) a
forall f. BufferFormat f => ToBuffer (HostFormat f) f
toBuffer -< HostFormat a
c' <- ToBuffer (HostFormat a) a
forall f. BufferFormat f => ToBuffer (HostFormat f) f
toBuffer -< HostFormat a
d' <- ToBuffer (HostFormat a) a
forall f. BufferFormat f => ToBuffer (HostFormat f) f
toBuffer -< HostFormat a
e' <- ToBuffer (HostFormat a) a
forall f. BufferFormat f => ToBuffer (HostFormat f) f
toBuffer -< HostFormat a
f' <- ToBuffer (HostFormat a) a
forall f. BufferFormat f => ToBuffer (HostFormat f) f
toBuffer -< HostFormat a
        ToBuffer (Plucker a) (Plucker a)
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b. Arrow a => a b b
returnA -< a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> Plucker a
forall a. a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> Plucker a
Plucker a
a' a
b' a
c' a
d' a
e' a

-- | Create a buffer with a specified number of elements.
newBuffer :: (MonadIO m, BufferFormat b, ContextHandler ctx) => Int -> ContextT ctx os m (Buffer os b)
newBuffer :: Int -> ContextT ctx os m (Buffer os b)
newBuffer Int
    | Int
elementCount Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Int
0 = [Char] -> ContextT ctx os m (Buffer os b)
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]
"newBuffer, length negative"
    | Bool
otherwise = do
    (Buffer os b
buffer, BufferName
nameRef, GLenum
name) <- IO (Buffer os b, BufferName, GLenum)
-> ContextT ctx os m (Buffer os b, BufferName, GLenum)
forall ctx (m :: * -> *) a os.
(ContextHandler ctx, MonadIO m) =>
IO a -> ContextT ctx os m a
liftNonWinContextIO (IO (Buffer os b, BufferName, GLenum)
 -> ContextT ctx os m (Buffer os b, BufferName, GLenum))
-> IO (Buffer os b, BufferName, GLenum)
-> ContextT ctx os m (Buffer os b, BufferName, GLenum)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
name <- (Ptr GLenum -> IO GLenum) -> IO GLenum
forall a b. Storable a => (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
alloca ((Ptr GLenum -> IO GLenum) -> IO GLenum)
-> (Ptr GLenum -> IO GLenum) -> IO GLenum
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Ptr GLenum
ptr -> do
            GLsizei -> Ptr GLenum -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadIO m => GLsizei -> Ptr GLenum -> m ()
glGenBuffers GLsizei
1 Ptr GLenum
            Ptr GLenum -> IO GLenum
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek Ptr GLenum
nameRef <- GLenum -> IO BufferName
forall a. a -> IO (IORef a)
newIORef GLenum
        IORef (Maybe (GLenum, GLenum))
tfRef <- Maybe (GLenum, GLenum) -> IO (IORef (Maybe (GLenum, GLenum)))
forall a. a -> IO (IORef a)
newIORef Maybe (GLenum, GLenum)
forall a. Maybe a
uniAl <- IO Int
        let buffer :: Buffer os b
buffer = BufferName
-> Int -> Int -> IORef (Maybe (GLenum, GLenum)) -> Buffer os b
forall os b.
BufferFormat b =>
-> Int -> Int -> IORef (Maybe (GLenum, GLenum)) -> Buffer os b
makeBuffer' BufferName
nameRef Int
elementCount Int
uniAl IORef (Maybe (GLenum, GLenum))
bname <- BufferName -> IO GLenum
forall a. IORef a -> IO a
readIORef (BufferName -> IO GLenum) -> BufferName -> IO GLenum
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Buffer os b -> BufferName
forall os b. Buffer os b -> BufferName
bufName Buffer os b
        GLenum -> GLenum -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadIO m => GLenum -> GLenum -> m ()
glBindBuffer GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
        GLenum -> GLsizeiptr -> Ptr () -> GLenum -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadIO m =>
GLenum -> GLsizeiptr -> Ptr () -> GLenum -> m ()
glBufferData GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral (Int -> GLsizeiptr) -> Int -> GLsizeiptr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Buffer os b -> Int
forall os b. Buffer os b -> Int
bufSize Buffer os b
buffer) Ptr ()
forall a. Ptr a
nullPtr GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
        (Buffer os b, BufferName, GLenum)
-> IO (Buffer os b, BufferName, GLenum)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Buffer os b
buffer, BufferName
nameRef, GLenum
    BufferName -> IO () -> ContextT ctx os m ()
forall ctx (m :: * -> *) a os.
(ContextHandler ctx, MonadIO m) =>
IORef a -> IO () -> ContextT ctx os m ()
addContextFinalizer BufferName
nameRef (IO () -> ContextT ctx os m ()) -> IO () -> ContextT ctx os m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ GLenum -> (Ptr GLenum -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. Storable a => a -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
with GLenum
name (GLsizei -> Ptr GLenum -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadIO m => GLsizei -> Ptr GLenum -> m ()
glDeleteBuffers GLsizei
    BufferName -> ContextT ctx os m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) ctx os.
MonadIO m =>
BufferName -> ContextT ctx os m ()
addVAOBufferFinalizer BufferName
    Buffer os b -> ContextT ctx os m (Buffer os b)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Buffer os b

bufferWriteInternal :: Buffer os f -> Ptr () -> [HostFormat f] -> IO (Ptr ())
bufferWriteInternal :: Buffer os f -> Ptr () -> [HostFormat f] -> IO (Ptr ())
bufferWriteInternal Buffer os f
b Ptr ()
ptr (HostFormat f
x:[HostFormat f]
xs) = do
    Buffer os f -> Ptr () -> HostFormat f -> IO ()
forall os b. Buffer os b -> Ptr () -> HostFormat b -> IO ()
bufWriter Buffer os f
b Ptr ()
ptr HostFormat f
    Buffer os f -> Ptr () -> [HostFormat f] -> IO (Ptr ())
forall os f. Buffer os f -> Ptr () -> [HostFormat f] -> IO (Ptr ())
bufferWriteInternal Buffer os f
b (Ptr ()
ptr Ptr () -> Int -> Ptr ()
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` Buffer os f -> Int
forall os b. Buffer os b -> Int
bufElementSize Buffer os f
b) [HostFormat f]
bufferWriteInternal Buffer os f
_ Ptr ()
ptr [] = Ptr () -> IO (Ptr ())
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Ptr ()

-- | Write a buffer from the host (i.e. the normal Haskell world).
writeBuffer :: (ContextHandler ctx, MonadIO m) => Buffer os b -> BufferStartPos -> [HostFormat b] -> ContextT ctx os m ()
writeBuffer :: Buffer os b -> Int -> [HostFormat b] -> ContextT ctx os m ()
writeBuffer Buffer os b
buffer Int
offset [HostFormat b]
    | Int
offset Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Int
0 Bool -> Bool -> Bool
|| Int
offset Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
>= Buffer os b -> Int
forall os b. Buffer os b -> Int
bufferLength Buffer os b
buffer = [Char] -> ContextT ctx os m ()
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]
"writeBuffer, offset out of bounds"
    | Bool
otherwise =
        let maxElems :: Int
maxElems = Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> a
max Int
0 (Int -> Int) -> Int -> Int
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Buffer os b -> Int
forall os b. Buffer os b -> Int
bufferLength Buffer os b
buffer Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Int
            elemSize :: Int
elemSize = Buffer os b -> Int
forall os b. Buffer os b -> Int
bufElementSize Buffer os b
            off :: GLsizeiptr
off = Int -> GLsizeiptr
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral (Int -> GLsizeiptr) -> Int -> GLsizeiptr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Int
offset Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* Int

        in IO () -> ContextT ctx os m ()
forall ctx (m :: * -> *) os.
(ContextHandler ctx, MonadIO m) =>
IO () -> ContextT ctx os m ()
liftNonWinContextAsyncIO (IO () -> ContextT ctx os m ()) -> IO () -> ContextT ctx os m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
bname <- BufferName -> IO GLenum
forall a. IORef a -> IO a
readIORef (BufferName -> IO GLenum) -> BufferName -> IO GLenum
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Buffer os b -> BufferName
forall os b. Buffer os b -> BufferName
bufName Buffer os b
            GLenum -> GLenum -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadIO m => GLenum -> GLenum -> m ()
glBindBuffer GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
            Ptr ()
ptr <- GLenum -> GLsizeiptr -> GLsizeiptr -> GLenum -> IO (Ptr ())
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadIO m =>
GLenum -> GLsizeiptr -> GLsizeiptr -> GLenum -> m (Ptr ())
glMapBufferRange GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
off (Int -> GLsizeiptr
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral (Int -> GLsizeiptr) -> Int -> GLsizeiptr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
maxElems Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* Int
elemSize) (GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT GLenum -> GLenum -> GLenum
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
            Ptr ()
end <- Buffer os b -> Ptr () -> [HostFormat b] -> IO (Ptr ())
forall os f. Buffer os f -> Ptr () -> [HostFormat f] -> IO (Ptr ())
bufferWriteInternal Buffer os b
buffer Ptr ()
ptr (Int -> [HostFormat b] -> [HostFormat b]
forall a. Int -> [a] -> [a]
take Int
maxElems [HostFormat b]
            GLenum -> GLsizeiptr -> GLsizeiptr -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadIO m =>
GLenum -> GLsizeiptr -> GLsizeiptr -> m ()
glFlushMappedBufferRange GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
off (Int -> GLsizeiptr
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral (Int -> GLsizeiptr) -> Int -> GLsizeiptr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Ptr ()
end Ptr () -> Ptr () -> Int
forall a b. Ptr a -> Ptr b -> Int
`minusPtr` Ptr ()
            IO GLboolean -> IO ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Functor f => f a -> f ()
void (IO GLboolean -> IO ()) -> IO GLboolean -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ GLenum -> IO GLboolean
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadIO m => GLenum -> m GLboolean
glUnmapBuffer GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a

-- | Copies values from one buffer to another (of the same type).
--   @copyBuffer fromBuffer fromStart toBuffer toStart length@ will copy @length@ elements from position @fromStart@ in @fromBuffer@ to position @toStart@ in @toBuffer@.
copyBuffer :: (ContextHandler ctx, MonadIO m) => Buffer os b -> BufferStartPos -> Buffer os b -> BufferStartPos -> Int -> ContextT ctx os m ()
copyBuffer :: Buffer os b
-> Int -> Buffer os b -> Int -> Int -> ContextT ctx os m ()
copyBuffer Buffer os b
bFrom Int
from Buffer os b
bTo Int
to Int
    | Int
from Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Int
0 Bool -> Bool -> Bool
|| Int
from Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
>= Buffer os b -> Int
forall os b. Buffer os b -> Int
bufferLength Buffer os b
bFrom = [Char] -> ContextT ctx os m ()
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]
"writeBuffer, source offset out of bounds"
    | Int
to Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Int
0 Bool -> Bool -> Bool
|| Int
to Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
>= Buffer os b -> Int
forall os b. Buffer os b -> Int
bufferLength Buffer os b
bTo = [Char] -> ContextT ctx os m ()
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]
"writeBuffer, destination offset out of bounds"
    | Int
len Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Int
0 = [Char] -> ContextT ctx os m ()
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]
"writeBuffer, length negative"
    | Int
len Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ Int
from Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> Buffer os b -> Int
forall os b. Buffer os b -> Int
bufferLength Buffer os b
bFrom = [Char] -> ContextT ctx os m ()
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]
"writeBuffer, source buffer too small"
    | Int
len Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ Int
to Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> Buffer os b -> Int
forall os b. Buffer os b -> Int
bufferLength Buffer os b
bTo = [Char] -> ContextT ctx os m ()
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]
"writeBuffer, destination buffer too small"
    | Bool
otherwise = IO () -> ContextT ctx os m ()
forall ctx (m :: * -> *) os.
(ContextHandler ctx, MonadIO m) =>
IO () -> ContextT ctx os m ()
liftNonWinContextAsyncIO (IO () -> ContextT ctx os m ()) -> IO () -> ContextT ctx os m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
bnamef <- BufferName -> IO GLenum
forall a. IORef a -> IO a
readIORef (BufferName -> IO GLenum) -> BufferName -> IO GLenum
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Buffer os b -> BufferName
forall os b. Buffer os b -> BufferName
bufName Buffer os b
bnamet <- BufferName -> IO GLenum
forall a. IORef a -> IO a
readIORef (BufferName -> IO GLenum) -> BufferName -> IO GLenum
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Buffer os b -> BufferName
forall os b. Buffer os b -> BufferName
bufName Buffer os b
        GLenum -> GLenum -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadIO m => GLenum -> GLenum -> m ()
glBindBuffer GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
        GLenum -> GLenum -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadIO m => GLenum -> GLenum -> m ()
glBindBuffer GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
        let elemSize :: Int
elemSize = Buffer os b -> Int
forall os b. Buffer os b -> Int
bufElementSize Buffer os b
bFrom -- same as for bTo
        GLenum -> GLenum -> GLsizeiptr -> GLsizeiptr -> GLsizeiptr -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadIO m =>
GLenum -> GLenum -> GLsizeiptr -> GLsizeiptr -> GLsizeiptr -> m ()
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
            (Int -> GLsizeiptr
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral (Int -> GLsizeiptr) -> Int -> GLsizeiptr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Int
from Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* Int
            (Int -> GLsizeiptr
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral (Int -> GLsizeiptr) -> Int -> GLsizeiptr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Int
to Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* Int
            (Int -> GLsizeiptr
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral (Int -> GLsizeiptr) -> Int -> GLsizeiptr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Int
len Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* Int


alignWhen :: [(AlignmentMode, Int)] -> ToBuffer a a
alignWhen :: [(AlignmentMode, Int)] -> ToBuffer a a
alignWhen [(AlignmentMode, Int)]
x = Kleisli
  (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))) a a
-> Kleisli (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) a a
-> Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) a a
-> AlignmentMode
-> ToBuffer a a
forall a b.
  (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))) a b
-> Kleisli (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) a b
-> Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) a b
-> AlignmentMode
-> ToBuffer a b
ToBuffer ((a -> StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) a)
-> Kleisli
     (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))) a a
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. (a -> m b) -> Kleisli m a b
Kleisli ((a -> StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) a)
 -> Kleisli
      (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))) a a)
-> (a
    -> StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) a)
-> Kleisli
     (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))) a a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [(AlignmentMode, Int)]
-> a -> StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) a
forall b.
[(AlignmentMode, Int)]
-> b -> StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) b
setElemAlignM [(AlignmentMode, Int)]
x) ((a -> StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput)) a)
-> Kleisli (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) a a
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. (a -> m b) -> Kleisli m a b
Kleisli a -> StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput)) a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return) ((a -> StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO a)
-> Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) a a
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. (a -> m b) -> Kleisli m a b
Kleisli a -> StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO a
forall b a. b -> StateT (Ptr a, [Int]) IO b
setWriterAlignM) AlignmentMode

setElemAlignM :: [(AlignmentMode, Int)] -> b -> StateT Offset (WriterT [Int] (Reader (UniformAlignment, AlignmentMode))) b
setElemAlignM :: [(AlignmentMode, Int)]
-> b -> StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) b
setElemAlignM [(AlignmentMode, Int)]
x b
a = do
m) <- WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)) (Int, AlignmentMode)
-> StateT
     (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))
     (Int, AlignmentMode)
forall (t :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadTrans t, Monad m) =>
m a -> t m a
lift (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)) (Int, AlignmentMode)
 -> StateT
      (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))
      (Int, AlignmentMode))
-> WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)) (Int, AlignmentMode)
-> StateT
     (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))
     (Int, AlignmentMode)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ReaderT (Int, AlignmentMode) Identity (Int, AlignmentMode)
-> WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)) (Int, AlignmentMode)
forall (t :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadTrans t, Monad m) =>
m a -> t m a
lift ReaderT (Int, AlignmentMode) Identity (Int, AlignmentMode)
forall (m :: * -> *) r. Monad m => ReaderT r m r
pad <- case AlignmentMode -> [(AlignmentMode, Int)] -> Maybe Int
forall a b. Eq a => a -> [(a, b)] -> Maybe b
lookup AlignmentMode
m [(AlignmentMode, Int)]
x of
        Maybe Int
Nothing -> Int -> StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) Int
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int
        Just Int
al -> do
offset <- StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) Int
forall (m :: * -> *) s. Monad m => StateT s m s
            let pad :: Int
pad = Int
al Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Int
1 Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- ((Int
offset Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Int
1) Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Integral a => a -> a -> a
`mod` Int
            Int -> StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) ()
forall (m :: * -> *) s. Monad m => s -> StateT s m ()
put (Int
 -> StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) ())
-> Int
-> StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Int
offset Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ Int
            Int -> StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) Int
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int
    WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)) ()
-> StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) ()
forall (t :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadTrans t, Monad m) =>
m a -> t m a
lift (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)) ()
 -> StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) ())
-> WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)) ()
-> StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Int] -> WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)) ()
forall (m :: * -> *) w. Monad m => w -> WriterT w m ()
tell [Int
    b -> StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) b
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return b
setWriterAlignM :: b -> StateT (Ptr a, [Int]) IO b
setWriterAlignM :: b -> StateT (Ptr a, [Int]) IO b
setWriterAlignM b
a = do
    (Ptr a
ptr, Int
pads) <- StateT (Ptr a, [Int]) IO (Ptr a, [Int])
forall (m :: * -> *) s. Monad m => StateT s m s
    (Ptr a, [Int]) -> StateT (Ptr a, [Int]) IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) s. Monad m => s -> StateT s m ()
put (Ptr a
ptr Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr a
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` Int
pad, [Int]
    b -> StateT (Ptr a, [Int]) IO b
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return b

getUniformAlignment :: IO Int
getUniformAlignment :: IO Int
getUniformAlignment = GLsizei -> Int
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral (GLsizei -> Int) -> IO GLsizei -> IO Int
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> (Ptr GLsizei -> IO GLsizei) -> IO GLsizei
forall a b. Storable a => (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
alloca (\ Ptr GLsizei
ptr -> GLenum -> Ptr GLsizei -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadIO m => GLenum -> Ptr GLsizei -> m ()
glGetIntegerv GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
ptr IO () -> IO GLsizei -> IO GLsizei
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> m b -> m b
>> Ptr GLsizei -> IO GLsizei
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek Ptr GLsizei

makeBuffer :: forall os b. BufferFormat b => BufferName -> Int -> UniformAlignment -> Buffer os b
makeBuffer :: BufferName -> Int -> Int -> Buffer os b
makeBuffer BufferName
name Int
elementCount Int
uniformAlignment = BufferName
-> Int -> Int -> IORef (Maybe (GLenum, GLenum)) -> Buffer os b
forall os b.
BufferFormat b =>
-> Int -> Int -> IORef (Maybe (GLenum, GLenum)) -> Buffer os b
makeBuffer' BufferName
name Int
elementCount Int
uniformAlignment ([Char] -> IORef (Maybe (GLenum, GLenum))
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]
"Not meant to be used for transform feedback")

makeBuffer' :: forall os b. BufferFormat b => BufferName -> Int -> UniformAlignment -> IORef (Maybe (GLuint, GLuint)) -> Buffer os b
makeBuffer' :: BufferName
-> Int -> Int -> IORef (Maybe (GLenum, GLenum)) -> Buffer os b
makeBuffer' BufferName
name Int
elementCount Int
uniformAlignment IORef (Maybe (GLenum, GLenum))
tfRef = do
    let ToBuffer Kleisli
  (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))))
  (HostFormat b)
skipIt Kleisli
  (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) (HostFormat b) b
readIt Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) (HostFormat b) b
writeIt AlignmentMode
alignMode = ToBuffer (HostFormat b) b
forall f. BufferFormat f => ToBuffer (HostFormat f) f
toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat b) b
        err :: HostFormat b
err = [Char] -> HostFormat b
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]
"toBuffer is creating values that are dependant on the actual HostFormat values, this is not allowed since it doesn't allow static creation of shaders" :: HostFormat b
pads) = Reader (Int, AlignmentMode) ((b, Int), [Int])
-> (Int, AlignmentMode) -> ((b, Int), [Int])
forall r a. Reader r a -> r -> a
runReader (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)) (b, Int)
-> Reader (Int, AlignmentMode) ((b, Int), [Int])
forall w (m :: * -> *) a. WriterT w m a -> m (a, w)
runWriterT (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) b
-> Int -> WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)) (b, Int)
forall s (m :: * -> *) a. StateT s m a -> s -> m (a, s)
runStateT (Kleisli
  (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))))
  (HostFormat b)
-> HostFormat b
-> StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))) b
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Kleisli m a b -> a -> m b
runKleisli Kleisli
  (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))))
  (HostFormat b)
skipIt HostFormat b
err) Int
0)) (Int
uniformAlignment, AlignmentMode
        elementF :: BInput -> b
elementF BInput
bIn = (b, Int) -> b
forall a b. (a, b) -> a
fst ((b, Int) -> b) -> (b, Int) -> b
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput) (b, Int)
-> (BufferName, Int, BInput) -> (b, Int)
forall r a. Reader r a -> r -> a
runReader (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput)) b
-> Int -> Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput) (b, Int)
forall s (m :: * -> *) a. StateT s m a -> s -> m (a, s)
runStateT (Kleisli
  (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) (HostFormat b) b
-> HostFormat b -> StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput)) b
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Kleisli m a b -> a -> m b
runKleisli Kleisli
  (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) (HostFormat b) b
readIt HostFormat b
err) Int
0) (BufferName
name, Int
elementSize, BInput
        writer :: Ptr () -> HostFormat b -> IO ()
writer Ptr ()
ptr HostFormat b
x = IO (b, (Ptr (), [Int])) -> IO ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Functor f => f a -> f ()
void (IO (b, (Ptr (), [Int])) -> IO ())
-> IO (b, (Ptr (), [Int])) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO b
-> (Ptr (), [Int]) -> IO (b, (Ptr (), [Int]))
forall s (m :: * -> *) a. StateT s m a -> s -> m (a, s)
runStateT (Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) (HostFormat b) b
-> HostFormat b -> StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO b
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Kleisli m a b -> a -> m b
runKleisli Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) (HostFormat b) b
writeIt HostFormat b
x) (Ptr ()
-> Int
-> Int
-> (BInput -> b)
-> (Ptr () -> HostFormat b -> IO ())
-> IORef (Maybe (GLenum, GLenum))
-> Buffer os b
forall os b.
-> Int
-> Int
-> (BInput -> b)
-> (Ptr () -> HostFormat b -> IO ())
-> IORef (Maybe (GLenum, GLenum))
-> Buffer os b
Buffer BufferName
name Int
elementSize Int
elementCount BInput -> b
elementF Ptr () -> HostFormat b -> IO ()
writer IORef (Maybe (GLenum, GLenum))

-- | This type family restricts what host and buffer types a texture format may be converted into.
-- 'BufferColor t h' for a texture representation 't' and a host representation 'h' will evaluate to a buffer type used in the transfer.
-- This family is closed, i.e. you cannot create additional instances to it.
type family BufferColor c h where
    BufferColor Float Int32 = Normalized (B Int32)
    BufferColor Float Word32 = Normalized (B Word32)
    BufferColor Float Float = B Float
    BufferColor Int Int32   = B Int32

    BufferColor Word Word32 = B Word32
    BufferColor Word Word16 = BPacked Word16
    BufferColor Word Word8  = BPacked Word8

    BufferColor (V2 Float) (V2 Int32) = Normalized (B2 Int32)
    BufferColor (V2 Float) (V2 Int16) = Normalized (B2 Int16)
    BufferColor (V2 Float) (V2 Word32) = Normalized (B2 Word32)
    BufferColor (V2 Float) (V2 Word16) = Normalized (B2 Word16)
    BufferColor (V2 Float) (V2 Float) = B2 Float

    BufferColor (V2 Int) (V2 Int32) = B2 Int32
    BufferColor (V2 Int) (V2 Int16) = B2 Int16

    BufferColor (V2 Word) (V2 Word32) = B2 Word32
    BufferColor (V2 Word) (V2 Word16) = B2 Word16

    BufferColor (V3 Float) (V3 Int32) = Normalized (B3 Int32)
    BufferColor (V3 Float) (V3 Int16) = Normalized (B3 Int16)
    BufferColor (V3 Float) (V3 Int8)  = Normalized (B3 Int8)
    BufferColor (V3 Float) (V3 Word32) = Normalized (B3 Word32)
    BufferColor (V3 Float) (V3 Word16) = Normalized (B3 Word16)
    BufferColor (V3 Float) (V3 Word8)  = Normalized (B3 Word8)
    BufferColor (V3 Float) (V3 Float) = B3 Float

    BufferColor (V3 Int) (V3 Int32) = B3 Int32
    BufferColor (V3 Int) (V3 Int16) = B3 Int16
    BufferColor (V3 Int) (V3 Int8)  = B3 Int8

    BufferColor (V3 Word) (V3 Word32) = B3 Word32
    BufferColor (V3 Word) (V3 Word16) = B3 Word16
    BufferColor (V3 Word) (V3 Word8)  = B3 Word8

    BufferColor (V4 Float) (V4 Int32) = Normalized (B4 Int32)
    BufferColor (V4 Float) (V4 Int16) = Normalized (B4 Int16)
    BufferColor (V4 Float) (V4 Int8)  = Normalized (B4 Int8)
    BufferColor (V4 Float) (V4 Word32) = Normalized (B4 Word32)
    BufferColor (V4 Float) (V4 Word16) = Normalized (B4 Word16)
    BufferColor (V4 Float) (V4 Word8)  = Normalized (B4 Word8)
    BufferColor (V4 Float) (V4 Float) = B4 Float

    BufferColor (V4 Int) (V4 Int32) = B4 Int32
    BufferColor (V4 Int) (V4 Int16) = B4 Int16
    BufferColor (V4 Int) (V4 Int8)  = B4 Int8

    BufferColor (V4 Word) (V4 Word32) = B4 Word32
    BufferColor (V4 Word) (V4 Word16) = B4 Word16
    BufferColor (V4 Word) (V4 Word8)  = B4 Word8

peekPixel1 :: Storable a => Ptr x -> IO a
peekPixel1 :: Ptr x -> IO a
peekPixel1 = Ptr a -> IO a
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek (Ptr a -> IO a) -> (Ptr x -> Ptr a) -> Ptr x -> IO a
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Ptr x -> Ptr a
forall a b. Ptr a -> Ptr b
peekPixel2 :: (Storable a) => Ptr x -> IO (V2 a)
peekPixel2 :: Ptr x -> IO (V2 a)
peekPixel2 Ptr x
ptr = do
x <- Ptr a -> IO a
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek (Ptr x -> Ptr a
forall a b. Ptr a -> Ptr b
castPtr Ptr x
y <- Ptr a -> Int -> IO a
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> Int -> IO a
peekElemOff (Ptr x -> Ptr a
forall a b. Ptr a -> Ptr b
castPtr Ptr x
ptr ) Int
    V2 a -> IO (V2 a)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (a -> a -> V2 a
forall a. a -> a -> V2 a
V2 a
x a
peekPixel3 :: (Storable a) => Ptr x -> IO (V3 a)
peekPixel3 :: Ptr x -> IO (V3 a)
peekPixel3 Ptr x
ptr = do
x <- Ptr a -> IO a
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek (Ptr x -> Ptr a
forall a b. Ptr a -> Ptr b
castPtr Ptr x
y <- Ptr a -> Int -> IO a
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> Int -> IO a
peekElemOff (Ptr x -> Ptr a
forall a b. Ptr a -> Ptr b
castPtr Ptr x
ptr ) Int
z <- Ptr a -> Int -> IO a
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> Int -> IO a
peekElemOff (Ptr x -> Ptr a
forall a b. Ptr a -> Ptr b
castPtr Ptr x
ptr ) Int
    V3 a -> IO (V3 a)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (a -> a -> a -> V3 a
forall a. a -> a -> a -> V3 a
V3 a
x a
y a
peekPixel4 :: (Storable a) => Ptr x -> IO (V4 a)
peekPixel4 :: Ptr x -> IO (V4 a)
peekPixel4 Ptr x
ptr = do
    V3 a
x a
y a
z <- Ptr x -> IO (V3 a)
forall a x. Storable a => Ptr x -> IO (V3 a)
peekPixel3 Ptr x
w <- Ptr a -> Int -> IO a
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> Int -> IO a
peekElemOff (Ptr x -> Ptr a
forall a b. Ptr a -> Ptr b
castPtr Ptr x
ptr ) Int
    V4 a -> IO (V4 a)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (a -> a -> a -> a -> V4 a
forall a. a -> a -> a -> a -> V4 a
V4 a
x a
y a
z a

instance BufferFormat (B Int32) where
    type HostFormat (B Int32) = Int32
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (B GLsizei)) (B GLsizei)
toBuffer = ToBuffer (HostFormat (B GLsizei)) (B GLsizei)
forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer a (B a)
    getGlType :: B GLsizei -> GLenum
getGlType B GLsizei
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
    peekPixel :: B GLsizei -> Ptr () -> IO (HostFormat (B GLsizei))
peekPixel = (Ptr () -> IO GLsizei) -> B GLsizei -> Ptr () -> IO GLsizei
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const Ptr () -> IO GLsizei
forall a x. Storable a => Ptr x -> IO a
    getGlPaddedFormat :: B GLsizei -> GLenum
getGlPaddedFormat B GLsizei
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a

instance BufferFormat (B Word32) where
    type HostFormat (B Word32) = Word32
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (B GLenum)) (B GLenum)
toBuffer = ToBuffer (HostFormat (B GLenum)) (B GLenum)
forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer a (B a)
    getGlType :: B GLenum -> GLenum
getGlType B GLenum
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
    peekPixel :: B GLenum -> Ptr () -> IO (HostFormat (B GLenum))
peekPixel = (Ptr () -> IO GLenum) -> B GLenum -> Ptr () -> IO GLenum
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const Ptr () -> IO GLenum
forall a x. Storable a => Ptr x -> IO a
    getGlPaddedFormat :: B GLenum -> GLenum
getGlPaddedFormat B GLenum
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a

instance BufferFormat (BPacked Word16) where
    type HostFormat (BPacked Word16) = Word16
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (BPacked Word16)) (BPacked Word16)
toBuffer = let ToBuffer Kleisli
  (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))))
  (B Word16)
a Kleisli
  (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) Word16 (B Word16)
b Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) Word16 (B Word16)
c AlignmentMode
_ = ToBuffer Word16 (B Word16)
forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer a (B a)
toBufferB :: ToBuffer Word16 (B Word16) in (B Word16 -> BPacked Word16)
-> ToBuffer (B Word16) (BPacked Word16)
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b c. Arrow a => (b -> c) -> a b c
arr B Word16 -> BPacked Word16
forall a. B a -> BPacked a
BPacked ToBuffer (B Word16) (BPacked Word16)
-> ToBuffer Word16 (B Word16) -> ToBuffer Word16 (BPacked Word16)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Kleisli
  (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))))
  (B Word16)
-> Kleisli
     (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) Word16 (B Word16)
-> Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) Word16 (B Word16)
-> AlignmentMode
-> ToBuffer Word16 (B Word16)
forall a b.
  (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))) a b
-> Kleisli (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) a b
-> Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) a b
-> AlignmentMode
-> ToBuffer a b
ToBuffer Kleisli
  (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))))
  (B Word16)
a Kleisli
  (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) Word16 (B Word16)
b Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) Word16 (B Word16)
c AlignmentMode
    getGlType :: BPacked Word16 -> GLenum
getGlType BPacked Word16
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
    peekPixel :: BPacked Word16 -> Ptr () -> IO (HostFormat (BPacked Word16))
peekPixel = (Ptr () -> IO Word16) -> BPacked Word16 -> Ptr () -> IO Word16
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const Ptr () -> IO Word16
forall a x. Storable a => Ptr x -> IO a
    getGlPaddedFormat :: BPacked Word16 -> GLenum
getGlPaddedFormat BPacked Word16
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a

instance BufferFormat (BPacked Word8) where
    type HostFormat (BPacked Word8) = Word8
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (BPacked GLboolean)) (BPacked GLboolean)
toBuffer = let ToBuffer Kleisli
  (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))))
  (B GLboolean)
a Kleisli
  (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput)))
  (B GLboolean)
b Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) GLboolean (B GLboolean)
c AlignmentMode
_ = ToBuffer GLboolean (B GLboolean)
forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer a (B a)
toBufferB :: ToBuffer Word8 (B Word8) in (B GLboolean -> BPacked GLboolean)
-> ToBuffer (B GLboolean) (BPacked GLboolean)
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b c. Arrow a => (b -> c) -> a b c
arr B GLboolean -> BPacked GLboolean
forall a. B a -> BPacked a
BPacked ToBuffer (B GLboolean) (BPacked GLboolean)
-> ToBuffer GLboolean (B GLboolean)
-> ToBuffer GLboolean (BPacked GLboolean)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Kleisli
  (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))))
  (B GLboolean)
-> Kleisli
     (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput)))
     (B GLboolean)
-> Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) GLboolean (B GLboolean)
-> AlignmentMode
-> ToBuffer GLboolean (B GLboolean)
forall a b.
  (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode)))) a b
-> Kleisli (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput))) a b
-> Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) a b
-> AlignmentMode
-> ToBuffer a b
ToBuffer Kleisli
  (StateT Int (WriterT [Int] (Reader (Int, AlignmentMode))))
  (B GLboolean)
a Kleisli
  (StateT Int (Reader (BufferName, Int, BInput)))
  (B GLboolean)
b Kleisli (StateT (Ptr (), [Int]) IO) GLboolean (B GLboolean)
c AlignmentMode
    getGlType :: BPacked GLboolean -> GLenum
getGlType BPacked GLboolean
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
    peekPixel :: BPacked GLboolean -> Ptr () -> IO (HostFormat (BPacked GLboolean))
peekPixel = (Ptr () -> IO GLboolean)
-> BPacked GLboolean -> Ptr () -> IO GLboolean
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const Ptr () -> IO GLboolean
forall a x. Storable a => Ptr x -> IO a
    getGlPaddedFormat :: BPacked GLboolean -> GLenum
getGlPaddedFormat BPacked GLboolean
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a

instance BufferFormat (B Float) where
    type HostFormat (B Float) = Float
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (B Float)) (B Float)
toBuffer = ToBuffer (HostFormat (B Float)) (B Float)
forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer a (B a)
    getGlType :: B Float -> GLenum
getGlType B Float
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
    peekPixel :: B Float -> Ptr () -> IO (HostFormat (B Float))
peekPixel = (Ptr () -> IO Float) -> B Float -> Ptr () -> IO Float
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const Ptr () -> IO Float
forall a x. Storable a => Ptr x -> IO a
    getGlPaddedFormat :: B Float -> GLenum
getGlPaddedFormat B Float
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a

instance BufferFormat (B2 Int32) where
    type HostFormat (B2 Int32) = V2 Int32
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (B2 GLsizei)) (B2 GLsizei)
toBuffer = ToBuffer (HostFormat (B2 GLsizei)) (B2 GLsizei)
forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer (V2 a) (B2 a)
    getGlType :: B2 GLsizei -> GLenum
getGlType B2 GLsizei
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
    peekPixel :: B2 GLsizei -> Ptr () -> IO (HostFormat (B2 GLsizei))
peekPixel = (Ptr () -> IO (V2 GLsizei))
-> B2 GLsizei -> Ptr () -> IO (V2 GLsizei)
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const Ptr () -> IO (V2 GLsizei)
forall a x. Storable a => Ptr x -> IO (V2 a)
    getGlPaddedFormat :: B2 GLsizei -> GLenum
getGlPaddedFormat B2 GLsizei
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a

instance BufferFormat (B2 Int16) where
    type HostFormat (B2 Int16) = V2 Int16
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (B2 Int16)) (B2 Int16)
toBuffer = ToBuffer (HostFormat (B2 Int16)) (B2 Int16)
forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer (V2 a) (B2 a)
    getGlType :: B2 Int16 -> GLenum
getGlType B2 Int16
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
    peekPixel :: B2 Int16 -> Ptr () -> IO (HostFormat (B2 Int16))
peekPixel = (Ptr () -> IO (V2 Int16)) -> B2 Int16 -> Ptr () -> IO (V2 Int16)
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const Ptr () -> IO (V2 Int16)
forall a x. Storable a => Ptr x -> IO (V2 a)
    getGlPaddedFormat :: B2 Int16 -> GLenum
getGlPaddedFormat B2 Int16
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a

instance BufferFormat (B2 Word32) where
    type HostFormat (B2 Word32) = V2 Word32
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (B2 GLenum)) (B2 GLenum)
toBuffer = ToBuffer (HostFormat (B2 GLenum)) (B2 GLenum)
forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer (V2 a) (B2 a)
    getGlType :: B2 GLenum -> GLenum
getGlType B2 GLenum
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
    peekPixel :: B2 GLenum -> Ptr () -> IO (HostFormat (B2 GLenum))
peekPixel = (Ptr () -> IO (V2 GLenum)) -> B2 GLenum -> Ptr () -> IO (V2 GLenum)
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const Ptr () -> IO (V2 GLenum)
forall a x. Storable a => Ptr x -> IO (V2 a)
    getGlPaddedFormat :: B2 GLenum -> GLenum
getGlPaddedFormat B2 GLenum
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a

instance BufferFormat (B2 Word16) where
    type HostFormat (B2 Word16) = V2 Word16
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (B2 Word16)) (B2 Word16)
toBuffer = ToBuffer (HostFormat (B2 Word16)) (B2 Word16)
forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer (V2 a) (B2 a)
    getGlType :: B2 Word16 -> GLenum
getGlType B2 Word16
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
    peekPixel :: B2 Word16 -> Ptr () -> IO (HostFormat (B2 Word16))
peekPixel = (Ptr () -> IO (V2 Word16)) -> B2 Word16 -> Ptr () -> IO (V2 Word16)
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const Ptr () -> IO (V2 Word16)
forall a x. Storable a => Ptr x -> IO (V2 a)
    getGlPaddedFormat :: B2 Word16 -> GLenum
getGlPaddedFormat B2 Word16
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a

instance BufferFormat (B2 Float) where
    type HostFormat (B2 Float) = V2 Float
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (B2 Float)) (B2 Float)
toBuffer = ToBuffer (HostFormat (B2 Float)) (B2 Float)
forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer (V2 a) (B2 a)
    getGlType :: B2 Float -> GLenum
getGlType B2 Float
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
    peekPixel :: B2 Float -> Ptr () -> IO (HostFormat (B2 Float))
peekPixel = (Ptr () -> IO (V2 Float)) -> B2 Float -> Ptr () -> IO (V2 Float)
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const Ptr () -> IO (V2 Float)
forall a x. Storable a => Ptr x -> IO (V2 a)
    getGlPaddedFormat :: B2 Float -> GLenum
getGlPaddedFormat B2 Float
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a

instance BufferFormat (B3 Int32) where
    type HostFormat (B3 Int32) = V3 Int32
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (B3 GLsizei)) (B3 GLsizei)
toBuffer = ToBuffer (HostFormat (B3 GLsizei)) (B3 GLsizei)
forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer (V3 a) (B3 a)
    getGlType :: B3 GLsizei -> GLenum
getGlType B3 GLsizei
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
    peekPixel :: B3 GLsizei -> Ptr () -> IO (HostFormat (B3 GLsizei))
peekPixel = (Ptr () -> IO (V3 GLsizei))
-> B3 GLsizei -> Ptr () -> IO (V3 GLsizei)
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const Ptr () -> IO (V3 GLsizei)
forall a x. Storable a => Ptr x -> IO (V3 a)
    getGlPaddedFormat :: B3 GLsizei -> GLenum
getGlPaddedFormat B3 GLsizei
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a

instance BufferFormat (B3 Int16) where
    type HostFormat (B3 Int16) = V3 Int16
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (B3 Int16)) (B3 Int16)
toBuffer = ToBuffer (HostFormat (B3 Int16)) (B3 Int16)
forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer (V3 a) (B3 a)
    getGlType :: B3 Int16 -> GLenum
getGlType B3 Int16
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
    peekPixel :: B3 Int16 -> Ptr () -> IO (HostFormat (B3 Int16))
peekPixel = (Ptr () -> IO (V3 Int16)) -> B3 Int16 -> Ptr () -> IO (V3 Int16)
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const Ptr () -> IO (V3 Int16)
forall a x. Storable a => Ptr x -> IO (V3 a)
    getGlPaddedFormat :: B3 Int16 -> GLenum
getGlPaddedFormat B3 Int16
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a

instance BufferFormat (B3 Int8) where
    type HostFormat (B3 Int8) = V3 Int8
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (B3 Int8)) (B3 Int8)
toBuffer = ToBuffer (HostFormat (B3 Int8)) (B3 Int8)
forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer (V3 a) (B3 a)
    getGlType :: B3 Int8 -> GLenum
getGlType B3 Int8
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
    peekPixel :: B3 Int8 -> Ptr () -> IO (HostFormat (B3 Int8))
peekPixel = (Ptr () -> IO (V3 Int8)) -> B3 Int8 -> Ptr () -> IO (V3 Int8)
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const Ptr () -> IO (V3 Int8)
forall a x. Storable a => Ptr x -> IO (V3 a)
    getGlPaddedFormat :: B3 Int8 -> GLenum
getGlPaddedFormat B3 Int8
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a

instance BufferFormat (B3 Word32) where
    type HostFormat (B3 Word32) = V3 Word32
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (B3 GLenum)) (B3 GLenum)
toBuffer = ToBuffer (HostFormat (B3 GLenum)) (B3 GLenum)
forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer (V3 a) (B3 a)
    getGlType :: B3 GLenum -> GLenum
getGlType B3 GLenum
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
    peekPixel :: B3 GLenum -> Ptr () -> IO (HostFormat (B3 GLenum))
peekPixel = (Ptr () -> IO (V3 GLenum)) -> B3 GLenum -> Ptr () -> IO (V3 GLenum)
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const Ptr () -> IO (V3 GLenum)
forall a x. Storable a => Ptr x -> IO (V3 a)
    getGlPaddedFormat :: B3 GLenum -> GLenum
getGlPaddedFormat B3 GLenum
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a

instance BufferFormat (B3 Word16) where
    type HostFormat (B3 Word16) = V3 Word16
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (B3 Word16)) (B3 Word16)
toBuffer = ToBuffer (HostFormat (B3 Word16)) (B3 Word16)
forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer (V3 a) (B3 a)
    getGlType :: B3 Word16 -> GLenum
getGlType B3 Word16
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
    peekPixel :: B3 Word16 -> Ptr () -> IO (HostFormat (B3 Word16))
peekPixel = (Ptr () -> IO (V3 Word16)) -> B3 Word16 -> Ptr () -> IO (V3 Word16)
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const Ptr () -> IO (V3 Word16)
forall a x. Storable a => Ptr x -> IO (V3 a)
    getGlPaddedFormat :: B3 Word16 -> GLenum
getGlPaddedFormat B3 Word16
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a

instance BufferFormat (B3 Word8) where
    type HostFormat (B3 Word8) = V3 Word8
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (B3 GLboolean)) (B3 GLboolean)
toBuffer = ToBuffer (HostFormat (B3 GLboolean)) (B3 GLboolean)
forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer (V3 a) (B3 a)
    getGlType :: B3 GLboolean -> GLenum
getGlType B3 GLboolean
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
    peekPixel :: B3 GLboolean -> Ptr () -> IO (HostFormat (B3 GLboolean))
peekPixel = (Ptr () -> IO (V3 GLboolean))
-> B3 GLboolean -> Ptr () -> IO (V3 GLboolean)
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const Ptr () -> IO (V3 GLboolean)
forall a x. Storable a => Ptr x -> IO (V3 a)
    getGlPaddedFormat :: B3 GLboolean -> GLenum
getGlPaddedFormat B3 GLboolean
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a

instance BufferFormat (B3 Float) where
    type HostFormat (B3 Float) = V3 Float
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (B3 Float)) (B3 Float)
toBuffer = ToBuffer (HostFormat (B3 Float)) (B3 Float)
forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer (V3 a) (B3 a)
    getGlType :: B3 Float -> GLenum
getGlType B3 Float
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
    peekPixel :: B3 Float -> Ptr () -> IO (HostFormat (B3 Float))
peekPixel = (Ptr () -> IO (V3 Float)) -> B3 Float -> Ptr () -> IO (V3 Float)
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const Ptr () -> IO (V3 Float)
forall a x. Storable a => Ptr x -> IO (V3 a)
    getGlPaddedFormat :: B3 Float -> GLenum
getGlPaddedFormat B3 Float
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a

instance BufferFormat (B4 Int32) where
    type HostFormat (B4 Int32) = V4 Int32
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (B4 GLsizei)) (B4 GLsizei)
toBuffer = ToBuffer (HostFormat (B4 GLsizei)) (B4 GLsizei)
forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer (V4 a) (B4 a)
    getGlType :: B4 GLsizei -> GLenum
getGlType B4 GLsizei
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
    peekPixel :: B4 GLsizei -> Ptr () -> IO (HostFormat (B4 GLsizei))
peekPixel = (Ptr () -> IO (V4 GLsizei))
-> B4 GLsizei -> Ptr () -> IO (V4 GLsizei)
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const Ptr () -> IO (V4 GLsizei)
forall a x. Storable a => Ptr x -> IO (V4 a)
    getGlPaddedFormat :: B4 GLsizei -> GLenum
getGlPaddedFormat B4 GLsizei
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a

instance BufferFormat (B4 Int16) where
    type HostFormat (B4 Int16) = V4 Int16
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (B4 Int16)) (B4 Int16)
toBuffer = ToBuffer (HostFormat (B4 Int16)) (B4 Int16)
forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer (V4 a) (B4 a)
    getGlType :: B4 Int16 -> GLenum
getGlType B4 Int16
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
    peekPixel :: B4 Int16 -> Ptr () -> IO (HostFormat (B4 Int16))
peekPixel = (Ptr () -> IO (V4 Int16)) -> B4 Int16 -> Ptr () -> IO (V4 Int16)
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const Ptr () -> IO (V4 Int16)
forall a x. Storable a => Ptr x -> IO (V4 a)
    getGlPaddedFormat :: B4 Int16 -> GLenum
getGlPaddedFormat B4 Int16
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a

instance BufferFormat (B4 Int8) where
    type HostFormat (B4 Int8) = V4 Int8
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (B4 Int8)) (B4 Int8)
toBuffer = ToBuffer (HostFormat (B4 Int8)) (B4 Int8)
forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer (V4 a) (B4 a)
    getGlType :: B4 Int8 -> GLenum
getGlType B4 Int8
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
    peekPixel :: B4 Int8 -> Ptr () -> IO (HostFormat (B4 Int8))
peekPixel = (Ptr () -> IO (V4 Int8)) -> B4 Int8 -> Ptr () -> IO (V4 Int8)
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const Ptr () -> IO (V4 Int8)
forall a x. Storable a => Ptr x -> IO (V4 a)
    getGlPaddedFormat :: B4 Int8 -> GLenum
getGlPaddedFormat B4 Int8
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a

instance BufferFormat (B4 Word32) where
    type HostFormat (B4 Word32) = V4 Word32
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (B4 GLenum)) (B4 GLenum)
toBuffer = ToBuffer (HostFormat (B4 GLenum)) (B4 GLenum)
forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer (V4 a) (B4 a)
    getGlType :: B4 GLenum -> GLenum
getGlType B4 GLenum
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
    peekPixel :: B4 GLenum -> Ptr () -> IO (HostFormat (B4 GLenum))
peekPixel = (Ptr () -> IO (V4 GLenum)) -> B4 GLenum -> Ptr () -> IO (V4 GLenum)
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const Ptr () -> IO (V4 GLenum)
forall a x. Storable a => Ptr x -> IO (V4 a)
    getGlPaddedFormat :: B4 GLenum -> GLenum
getGlPaddedFormat B4 GLenum
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a

instance BufferFormat (B4 Word16) where
    type HostFormat (B4 Word16) = V4 Word16
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (B4 Word16)) (B4 Word16)
toBuffer = ToBuffer (HostFormat (B4 Word16)) (B4 Word16)
forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer (V4 a) (B4 a)
    getGlType :: B4 Word16 -> GLenum
getGlType B4 Word16
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
    peekPixel :: B4 Word16 -> Ptr () -> IO (HostFormat (B4 Word16))
peekPixel = (Ptr () -> IO (V4 Word16)) -> B4 Word16 -> Ptr () -> IO (V4 Word16)
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const Ptr () -> IO (V4 Word16)
forall a x. Storable a => Ptr x -> IO (V4 a)
    getGlPaddedFormat :: B4 Word16 -> GLenum
getGlPaddedFormat B4 Word16
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a

instance BufferFormat (B4 Word8) where
    type HostFormat (B4 Word8) = V4 Word8
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (B4 GLboolean)) (B4 GLboolean)
toBuffer = ToBuffer (HostFormat (B4 GLboolean)) (B4 GLboolean)
forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer (V4 a) (B4 a)
    getGlType :: B4 GLboolean -> GLenum
getGlType B4 GLboolean
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
    peekPixel :: B4 GLboolean -> Ptr () -> IO (HostFormat (B4 GLboolean))
peekPixel = (Ptr () -> IO (V4 GLboolean))
-> B4 GLboolean -> Ptr () -> IO (V4 GLboolean)
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const Ptr () -> IO (V4 GLboolean)
forall a x. Storable a => Ptr x -> IO (V4 a)
    getGlPaddedFormat :: B4 GLboolean -> GLenum
getGlPaddedFormat B4 GLboolean
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a

instance BufferFormat (B4 Float) where
    type HostFormat (B4 Float) = V4 Float
    toBuffer :: ToBuffer (HostFormat (B4 Float)) (B4 Float)
toBuffer = ToBuffer (HostFormat (B4 Float)) (B4 Float)
forall a. Storable a => ToBuffer (V4 a) (B4 a)
    getGlType :: B4 Float -> GLenum
getGlType B4 Float
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a
    peekPixel :: B4 Float -> Ptr () -> IO (HostFormat (B4 Float))
peekPixel = (Ptr () -> IO (V4 Float)) -> B4 Float -> Ptr () -> IO (V4 Float)
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const Ptr () -> IO (V4 Float)
forall a x. Storable a => Ptr x -> IO (V4 a)
    getGlPaddedFormat :: B4 Float -> GLenum
getGlPaddedFormat B4 Float
_ = GLenum
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a