GPipe-Core- Typesafe functional GPU graphics programming
Safe HaskellNone



A texture is a spatially arranged map of pixels that resides on the GPU. A texture can be a 1D, 2D or 3D image, or an array of several same sized 1D or 2D images, or a cube map with six square images. A texture may also have several levels of detail, in decreasing size.

A texture has a strongly typed format and immutable size and number of levels, but its content is mutable. A texture lives in an object space and may be shared between contexts.

The main purpose for a texture is to be sampled in a Shader, by turning it into a sampler object (See Sampler1D and friends). A texture may also be used as a render target into which FragmentStreams are drawn, thus generating the texture on the GPU. To that end, a texture may not only be written from the host (i.e. the normal Haskell world) but also read back.


Texture data types

data Texture1D os a Source #

data Texture2D os a Source #

data Texture3D os a Source #

data TextureCube os a Source #

Creating textures

All of these functions take a format and a texture size in the dimensionality of the specific texture type. It also takes a MaxLevels parameter to limit number of levels to be created. The maximum number of levels created is always constrained by the texture size, so using maxBound will effectively create a texture with maximum possible number of levels.

newTexture1D :: forall ctx w os f c m. (ContextHandler ctx, ColorSampleable c, MonadIO m) => Format c -> Size1 -> MaxLevels -> ContextT ctx os m (Texture1D os (Format c)) Source #

newTexture1DArray :: forall ctx w os f c m. (ContextHandler ctx, ColorSampleable c, MonadIO m) => Format c -> Size2 -> MaxLevels -> ContextT ctx os m (Texture1DArray os (Format c)) Source #

newTexture2D :: forall ctx w os f c m. (ContextHandler ctx, TextureFormat c, MonadIO m) => Format c -> Size2 -> MaxLevels -> ContextT ctx os m (Texture2D os (Format c)) Source #

newTexture2DArray :: forall ctx w os f c m. (ContextHandler ctx, ColorSampleable c, MonadIO m) => Format c -> Size3 -> MaxLevels -> ContextT ctx os m (Texture2DArray os (Format c)) Source #

newTexture3D :: forall ctx w os f c m. (ContextHandler ctx, ColorRenderable c, MonadIO m) => Format c -> Size3 -> MaxLevels -> ContextT ctx os m (Texture3D os (Format c)) Source #

newTextureCube :: forall ctx w os f c m. (ContextHandler ctx, ColorSampleable c, MonadIO m) => Format c -> Size1 -> MaxLevels -> ContextT ctx os m (TextureCube os (Format c)) Source #

Texture properties

The following functions retrieve number of levels a texture has. This number is always smaller or equal to the MaxLevels parameter provided when the texture was created.

The following functions retrieve a list of texture sizes for each level of detail, from the largest to the smallest, where the first has the size as defined by the newTextureX call.

Writing texture data

The following functions write the texture data from the host (i.e. the normal Haskell world), using a compatible HostFormat of the texture's format, see BufferColor.

writeTexture1D :: forall ctx b c h w os f m. (ContextHandler ctx, MonadIO m, BufferFormat b, ColorSampleable c, BufferColor (Color c (ColorElement c)) h ~ b, h ~ HostFormat b) => Texture1D os (Format c) -> Level -> StartPos1 -> Size1 -> [h] -> ContextT ctx os m () Source #

writeTexture1DArray :: forall ctx b c h w os f m. (ContextHandler ctx, MonadIO m, BufferFormat b, ColorSampleable c, BufferColor (Color c (ColorElement c)) h ~ b, h ~ HostFormat b) => Texture1DArray os (Format c) -> Level -> StartPos2 -> Size2 -> [h] -> ContextT ctx os m () Source #

writeTexture2D :: forall ctx b c h w os f m. (ContextHandler ctx, MonadIO m, BufferFormat b, ColorSampleable c, BufferColor (Color c (ColorElement c)) h ~ b, h ~ HostFormat b) => Texture2D os (Format c) -> Level -> StartPos2 -> Size2 -> [h] -> ContextT ctx os m () Source #

writeTexture2DArray :: forall ctx b c h w os f m. (ContextHandler ctx, MonadIO m, BufferFormat b, ColorSampleable c, BufferColor (Color c (ColorElement c)) h ~ b, h ~ HostFormat b) => Texture2DArray os (Format c) -> Level -> StartPos3 -> Size3 -> [h] -> ContextT ctx os m () Source #

writeTexture3D :: forall ctx b c h w os f m. (ContextHandler ctx, MonadIO m, BufferFormat b, ColorSampleable c, BufferColor (Color c (ColorElement c)) h ~ b, h ~ HostFormat b) => Texture3D os (Format c) -> Level -> StartPos3 -> Size3 -> [h] -> ContextT ctx os m () Source #

writeTextureCube :: forall ctx b c h w os f m. (ContextHandler ctx, MonadIO m, BufferFormat b, ColorSampleable c, BufferColor (Color c (ColorElement c)) h ~ b, h ~ HostFormat b) => TextureCube os (Format c) -> Level -> CubeSide -> StartPos2 -> Size2 -> [h] -> ContextT ctx os m () Source #

The following functions write the texture data using values in a Buffer with a format compatible with the texture's format, see BufferColor.

writeTexture1DFromBuffer :: forall ctx b c h w os f m. (ContextHandler ctx, MonadIO m, BufferFormat b, ColorSampleable c, BufferColor (Color c (ColorElement c)) (HostFormat b) ~ b) => Texture1D os (Format c) -> Level -> StartPos1 -> Size1 -> Buffer os b -> BufferStartPos -> ContextT ctx os m () Source #

writeTexture2DFromBuffer :: forall ctx b c h w os f m. (ContextHandler ctx, MonadIO m, BufferFormat b, ColorSampleable c, BufferColor (Color c (ColorElement c)) (HostFormat b) ~ b) => Texture2D os (Format c) -> Level -> StartPos2 -> Size2 -> Buffer os b -> BufferStartPos -> ContextT ctx os m () Source #

writeTexture3DFromBuffer :: forall ctx b c h w os f m. (ContextHandler ctx, MonadIO m, BufferFormat b, ColorSampleable c, BufferColor (Color c (ColorElement c)) (HostFormat b) ~ b) => Texture3D os (Format c) -> Level -> StartPos3 -> Size3 -> Buffer os b -> BufferStartPos -> ContextT ctx os m () Source #

writeTextureCubeFromBuffer :: forall ctx b c h w os f m. (ContextHandler ctx, MonadIO m, BufferFormat b, ColorSampleable c, BufferColor (Color c (ColorElement c)) (HostFormat b) ~ b) => TextureCube os (Format c) -> Level -> CubeSide -> StartPos2 -> Size2 -> Buffer os b -> BufferStartPos -> ContextT ctx os m () Source #

The following functions uses the level of detail 0 to generate all other levels of detail. The common pattern is to call this directly after a call to writeTextureX where parameter Level is 0.

Reading texture data

Read textures to the host (i.e. the normal Haskell world), using a compatible HostFormat of the texture's format, see BufferColor. This works like any fold like function.

readTexture1D :: forall ctx a b c h w os f m. (ContextHandler ctx, MonadAsyncException m, MonadIO m, BufferFormat b, ColorSampleable c, BufferColor (Color c (ColorElement c)) h ~ b, h ~ HostFormat b) => Texture1D os (Format c) -> Level -> StartPos1 -> Size1 -> (a -> h -> ContextT ctx os m a) -> a -> ContextT ctx os m a Source #

readTexture1DArray :: forall ctx a b c h w os f m. (ContextHandler ctx, MonadAsyncException m, MonadIO m, BufferFormat b, ColorSampleable c, BufferColor (Color c (ColorElement c)) h ~ b, h ~ HostFormat b) => Texture1DArray os (Format c) -> Level -> StartPos2 -> Size1 -> (a -> h -> ContextT ctx os m a) -> a -> ContextT ctx os m a Source #

readTexture2D :: forall ctx a b c h w os f m. (ContextHandler ctx, MonadAsyncException m, MonadIO m, BufferFormat b, ColorSampleable c, BufferColor (Color c (ColorElement c)) h ~ b, h ~ HostFormat b) => Texture2D os (Format c) -> Level -> StartPos2 -> Size2 -> (a -> h -> ContextT ctx os m a) -> a -> ContextT ctx os m a Source #

readTexture2DArray :: forall ctx a b c h w os f m. (ContextHandler ctx, MonadAsyncException m, MonadIO m, BufferFormat b, ColorSampleable c, BufferColor (Color c (ColorElement c)) h ~ b, h ~ HostFormat b) => Texture2DArray os (Format c) -> Level -> StartPos3 -> Size2 -> (a -> h -> ContextT ctx os m a) -> a -> ContextT ctx os m a Source #

readTexture3D :: forall ctx a b c h w os f m. (ContextHandler ctx, MonadAsyncException m, MonadIO m, BufferFormat b, ColorSampleable c, BufferColor (Color c (ColorElement c)) h ~ b, h ~ HostFormat b) => Texture3D os (Format c) -> Level -> StartPos3 -> Size2 -> (a -> h -> ContextT ctx os m a) -> a -> ContextT ctx os m a Source #

readTextureCube :: forall ctx a b c h w os f m. (ContextHandler ctx, MonadAsyncException m, MonadIO m, BufferFormat b, ColorSampleable c, BufferColor (Color c (ColorElement c)) h ~ b, h ~ HostFormat b) => TextureCube os (Format c) -> Level -> CubeSide -> StartPos2 -> Size2 -> (a -> h -> ContextT ctx os m a) -> a -> ContextT ctx os m a Source #

The following read textures into a Buffer with a format compatible with the texture's format, see BufferColor.

readTexture1DToBuffer :: forall ctx b c w os f m. (ContextHandler ctx, MonadIO m, BufferFormat b, ColorSampleable c, BufferColor (Color c (ColorElement c)) (HostFormat b) ~ b) => Texture1D os (Format c) -> Level -> StartPos1 -> Size1 -> Buffer os b -> BufferStartPos -> ContextT ctx os m () Source #

readTexture2DToBuffer :: forall ctx b c w os f m. (ContextHandler ctx, MonadIO m, BufferFormat b, ColorSampleable c, BufferColor (Color c (ColorElement c)) (HostFormat b) ~ b) => Texture2D os (Format c) -> Level -> StartPos2 -> Size2 -> Buffer os b -> BufferStartPos -> ContextT ctx os m () Source #

readTexture3DToBuffer :: forall ctx b c w os f m. (ContextHandler ctx, MonadIO m, BufferFormat b, ColorSampleable c, BufferColor (Color c (ColorElement c)) (HostFormat b) ~ b) => Texture3D os (Format c) -> Level -> StartPos3 -> Size2 -> Buffer os b -> BufferStartPos -> ContextT ctx os m () Source #

readTextureCubeToBuffer :: forall ctx b c w os f m. (ContextHandler ctx, MonadIO m, BufferFormat b, ColorSampleable c, BufferColor (Color c (ColorElement c)) (HostFormat b) ~ b) => TextureCube os (Format c) -> Level -> CubeSide -> StartPos2 -> Size2 -> Buffer os b -> BufferStartPos -> ContextT ctx os m () Source #

Type synonyms

type Level = Int Source #

type Size1 = Int Source #