{-# LANGUAGE CPP, DataKinds, GADTs, KindSignatures, OverloadedStrings,
             QuasiQuotes, RecordWildCards, RoleAnnotations,
             ScopedTypeVariables, TemplateHaskell, TupleSections,
             TypeApplications, TypeOperators #-}
-- | Code generation of types relevant to Frames use-cases. Generation
-- may be driven by an automated inference process or manual use of
-- the individual helpers.
module Frames.TH where
import Control.Arrow (first, second)
import Data.Char (isAlpha, isAlphaNum, toLower, toUpper)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 804
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Vinyl
import Data.Vinyl.TypeLevel (RIndex)
import Frames.Col ((:->))
import Frames.ColumnTypeable
import Frames.ColumnUniverse
import Frames.CSV
import Frames.Rec(Record)
import qualified GHC.Types as GHC
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import qualified Pipes as P
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
import qualified Pipes.Safe as P

-- | Generate a column type.
recDec :: [Type] -> Type
recDec = AppT (ConT ''Record) . go
  where go [] = PromotedNilT
        go (t:cs) = AppT (AppT PromotedConsT t) (go cs)

-- | Capitalize the first letter of a 'T.Text'.
capitalize1 :: T.Text -> T.Text
capitalize1 = foldMap (onHead toUpper) . T.split (not . isAlphaNum)
  where onHead f = maybe mempty (uncurry T.cons . first f) . T.uncons

-- | Massage a column name from a CSV file into a valid Haskell type
-- identifier.
sanitizeTypeName :: T.Text -> T.Text
sanitizeTypeName = unreserved . fixupStart
                 . T.concat . T.split (not . valid) . capitalize1
  where valid c = isAlphaNum c || c == '\'' || c == '_'
        unreserved t
          | t `elem` ["Type", "Class"] = "Col" <> t
          | otherwise = t
        fixupStart t = case T.uncons t of
                         Nothing -> "Col"
                         Just (c,_) | isAlpha c -> t
                                    | otherwise -> "Col" <> t

-- | Declare a type synonym for a column.
mkColSynDec :: TypeQ -> Name -> DecQ
mkColSynDec colTypeQ colTName = tySynD colTName [] colTypeQ

-- | Declare lenses for working with a column.
mkColLensDec :: Name -> Type -> T.Text -> DecsQ
mkColLensDec colTName colTy colPName = sequenceA [tySig, val, tySig', val']
  where nm = mkName $ T.unpack colPName
        nm' = mkName $ T.unpack colPName <> "'"
        -- tySig = sigD nm [t|Proxy $(conT colTName)|]
        tySig = sigD nm [t|forall f rs.
                           (Functor f,
                            RElem $(conT colTName) rs (RIndex $(conT colTName) rs))
                         => ($(pure colTy) -> f $(pure colTy))
                         -> Record rs
                         -> f (Record rs)
        tySig' = sigD nm' [t|forall f g rs.
                            (Functor f,
                             RElem $(conT colTName) rs (RIndex $(conT colTName) rs))
                          => (g $(conT colTName) -> f (g $(conT colTName)))
                          -> Rec g rs
                          -> f (Rec g rs)
        val = valD (varP nm)
                   (normalB [e|rlens @($(conT colTName)) . rfield |])
        val' = valD (varP nm')
                    (normalB [e|rlens' @($(conT colTName))|])

lowerHead :: T.Text -> Maybe T.Text
lowerHead = fmap aux . T.uncons
  where aux (c,t) = T.cons (toLower c) t

-- | For each column, we declare a type synonym for its type, and a
-- Proxy value of that type.
colDec :: T.Text -> String -> T.Text
       -> (Either (String -> Q [Dec]) Type)
       -> Q (Type, [Dec])
colDec prefix rowName colName colTypeGen = do
  (colTy, extraDecs) <- either colDecsHelper (pure . (,[])) colTypeGen
  let colTypeQ = [t|$(litT . strTyLit $ T.unpack colName) :-> $(return colTy)|]
  syn <- mkColSynDec colTypeQ colTName'
  lenses <- mkColLensDec colTName' colTy colPName
  return (ConT colTName', syn : extraDecs ++ lenses)
  where colTName = sanitizeTypeName (prefix <> capitalize1 colName)
        colPName = fromMaybe "colDec impossible" (lowerHead colTName)
        colTName' = mkName $ T.unpack colTName
        colDecsHelper f =
          let qualName = rowName ++ T.unpack (capitalize1 colName)
          in (ConT (mkName qualName),) <$> f qualName

-- | Splice for manually declaring a column of a given type. For
-- example, @declareColumn "x2" ''Double@ will declare a type synonym
-- @type X2 = "x2" :-> Double@ and a lens @x2@.
declareColumn :: T.Text -> Name -> DecsQ
declareColumn = flip declarePrefixedColumn T.empty

-- | Splice for manually declaring a column of a given type in which
-- the generated type synonym's name has a prefix applied to the
-- column name. For example, @declarePrefixedColumn "x2" "my"
-- ''Double@ will declare a type synonym @type MyX2 = "x2" :-> Double@
-- and a lens @myX2@.
declarePrefixedColumn :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Name -> DecsQ
declarePrefixedColumn colName prefix colTypeName =
  (:) <$> mkColSynDec colTypeQ colTName'
      <*> mkColLensDec colTName' colTy colPName
  where prefix' = capitalize1 prefix
        colTName = sanitizeTypeName (prefix' <> capitalize1 colName)
        colPName = fromMaybe "colDec impossible" (lowerHead colTName)
        colTName' = mkName $ T.unpack colTName
        colTy = ConT colTypeName
        colTypeQ = [t|$(litT . strTyLit $ T.unpack colName) :-> $(return colTy)|]

-- * Default CSV Parsing

-- | Control how row and named column types are generated. The type
-- argument is a type-level list of the possible column types.
data RowGen (a :: [GHC.Type]) =
  RowGen { columnNames    :: [String]
           -- ^ Use these column names. If empty, expect a
           -- header row in the data file to provide
           -- column names.
         , tablePrefix    :: String
           -- ^ A common prefix to use for every generated
           -- declaration.
         , separator      :: Separator
           -- ^ The string that separates the columns on a
           -- row.
         , rowTypeName    :: String
           -- ^ The row type that enumerates all
           -- columns.
         , columnUniverse :: Proxy a
           -- ^ A record field that mentions the phantom type list of
           -- possible column types. Having this field prevents record
           -- update syntax from losing track of the type argument.
         , lineReader :: Separator -> P.Producer [T.Text] (P.SafeT IO) ()
           -- ^ A producer of rows of ’T.Text’ values that were
           -- separated by a 'Separator' value.

-- -- | Shorthand for a 'Proxy' value of 'ColumnUniverse' applied to the
-- -- given type list.
-- colQ :: Name -> Q Exp
-- colQ n = [e| (Proxy :: Proxy (ColumnUniverse $(conT n))) |]

-- | A default 'RowGen'. This instructs the type inference engine to
-- get column names from the data file, use the default column
-- separator (a comma), infer column types from the default 'Columns'
-- set of types, and produce a row type with name @Row@.
rowGen :: FilePath -> RowGen CommonColumns
rowGen = RowGen [] "" defaultSep "Row" Proxy . produceTokens

-- | Like 'rowGen', but will also generate custom data types for
-- 'Categorical' variables with up to 8 distinct variants.
rowGenCat :: FilePath -> RowGen CommonColumnsCat
rowGenCat = RowGen [] "" defaultSep "Row" Proxy . produceTokens

-- -- | Generate a type for each row of a table. This will be something
-- -- like @Record ["x" :-> a, "y" :-> b, "z" :-> c]@.
-- tableType :: String -> FilePath -> DecsQ
-- tableType n fp = tableType' (rowGen fp) { rowTypeName = n }

-- | Like 'tableType', but additionally generates a type synonym for
-- each column, and a proxy value of that type. If the CSV file has
-- column names \"foo\", \"bar\", and \"baz\", then this will declare
-- @type Foo = "foo" :-> Int@, for example, @foo = rlens \@Foo@, and
-- @foo' = rlens' \@Foo@.
tableTypes :: String -> FilePath -> DecsQ
tableTypes n fp = tableTypes' (rowGen fp) { rowTypeName = n }

-- * Customized Data Set Parsing

-- | Inspect no more than this many lines when inferring column types.
prefixSize :: Int
prefixSize = 1000

-- | Generate a type for a row of a table. This will be something like
-- @Record ["x" :-> a, "y" :-> b, "z" :-> c]@.  Column type synonyms
-- are /not/ generated (see 'tableTypes'').
-- tableType' :: forall a. (ColumnTypeable a, Monoid a)
--            => RowGen a -> DecsQ
-- tableType' (RowGen {..}) =
--     pure . TySynD (mkName rowTypeName) [] <$>
--     (runIO (P.runSafeT (readColHeaders opts lineSource)) >>= recDec')
--   where recDec' = recDec . map (second colType) :: [(T.Text, a)] -> Q Type
--         colNames' | null columnNames = Nothing
--                   | otherwise = Just (map T.pack columnNames)
--         opts = ParserOptions colNames' separator (RFC4180Quoting '\"')
--         lineSource = lineReader separator >-> P.take prefixSize

-- | Tokenize the first line of a ’P.Producer’.
colNamesP :: Monad m => P.Producer [T.Text] m () -> m [T.Text]
colNamesP src = either (const []) fst <$> P.next src

-- | Generate a type for a row of a table all of whose columns remain
-- unparsed 'Text' values.
tableTypesText' :: forall a c.
                   (c ~ CoRec ColInfo a, ColumnTypeable c, Monoid c)
                => RowGen a -> DecsQ
tableTypesText' (RowGen {..}) =
  do colNames <- runIO . P.runSafeT $
                 maybe (colNamesP (lineReader separator))
                       (headerOverride opts)
     let headers = zip colNames (repeat (ConT ''T.Text))
     (colTypes, colDecs) <- (second concat . unzip)
                            <$> mapM (uncurry mkColDecs) headers
     let recTy = TySynD (mkName rowTypeName) [] (recDec colTypes)
         optsName = case rowTypeName of
                      [] -> error "Row type name shouldn't be empty"
                      h:t -> mkName $ toLower h : t ++ "Parser"
     optsTy <- sigD optsName [t|ParserOptions|]
     optsDec <- valD (varP optsName) (normalB $ lift opts) []

     return (recTy : optsTy : optsDec : colDecs)
  where colNames' | null columnNames = Nothing
                  | otherwise = Just (map T.pack columnNames)
        opts = ParserOptions colNames' separator (RFC4180Quoting '\"')
        mkColDecs colNm colTy = do
          let safeName = T.unpack (sanitizeTypeName colNm)
          mColNm <- lookupTypeName (tablePrefix ++ safeName)
          case mColNm of
            Just n -> pure (ConT n, [])
            Nothing -> colDec (T.pack tablePrefix) rowTypeName colNm (Right colTy)

-- | Generate a type for a row of a table. This will be something like
-- @Record ["x" :-> a, "y" :-> b, "z" :-> c]@. Additionally generates
-- a type synonym for each column, and a proxy value of that type. If
-- the CSV file has column names \"foo\", \"bar\", and \"baz\", then
-- this will declare @type Foo = "foo" :-> Int@, for example, @foo =
-- rlens \@Foo@, and @foo' = rlens' \@Foo@.
tableTypes' :: forall a c. (c ~ CoRec ColInfo a, ColumnTypeable c, Monoid c)
            => RowGen a -> DecsQ
tableTypes' (RowGen {..}) =
  do headers <- runIO . P.runSafeT
                $ readColHeaders opts lineSource :: Q [(T.Text, c)]
     (colTypes, colDecs) <- (second concat . unzip)
                            <$> mapM (uncurry mkColDecs)
                                     (map (second colType) headers)
     let recTy = TySynD (mkName rowTypeName) [] (recDec colTypes)
         optsName = case rowTypeName of
                      [] -> error "Row type name shouldn't be empty"
                      h:t -> mkName $ toLower h : t ++ "Parser"
     optsTy <- sigD optsName [t|ParserOptions|]
     optsDec <- valD (varP optsName) (normalB $ lift opts) []
     return (recTy : optsTy : optsDec : colDecs)
     -- (:) <$> (tySynD (mkName n) [] (recDec' headers))
     --     <*> (concat <$> mapM (uncurry $ colDec (T.pack prefix)) headers)
  where colNames' | null columnNames = Nothing
                  | otherwise = Just (map T.pack columnNames)
        opts = ParserOptions colNames' separator (RFC4180Quoting '\"')
        lineSource = lineReader separator P.>-> P.take prefixSize
        mkColDecs :: T.Text -> Either (String -> Q [Dec]) Type -> Q (Type, [Dec])
        mkColDecs colNm colTy = do
          let safeName = tablePrefix ++ (T.unpack . sanitizeTypeName $ colNm)
          mColNm <- lookupTypeName safeName
          case mColNm of
            Just n -> pure (ConT n, []) -- Column's type was already defined
            Nothing -> colDec (T.pack tablePrefix) rowTypeName colNm colTy